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发布时间:2024-09-23 19:28:55

① 这部电影非常感人,我看了好几遍 英语翻译

The movie was quite touching,and I have seen it for several times.
I was touched by a film, which I have seen for several times.
I was so touched by this movie that I have seen it for several times.

注意:感人的表达方式有很多,常用:touch,move的变形,看电影的表达是:see a movie/film

② 这是我看过的最好看的电影。用英语怎么说

It is the best movie I have ever seen

③ 这部电影很好看的英语

the film is great

④ 求一篇英语作文,A good film,一部好的电影,不要网上的,自己的,最好用上过去式,过去进行

finished watching the old film Titantic----the love story between Rose and Jack. It is a really good movie, and I can not help spending three hours watching it although I am so tired and sleepy.
What is love, and how can we express our love?
I became ill recently and my nose bled this evening. I felt scared as I stay home alone. I wrote this in my QQ status, and to my great surprise, S found it and asked me at once "Are u ok?"----I was stunned! I did not know whether I should reply or not. I told him, "It is ok," but the truth was that I felt quite uncomfortable~ I am not a suitable friend for him, so I do not want him worrying about me~ It is better that I overcome all the difficulties by myself, and I will!

Some of your tenses and grammar is wrong, yet, impressive!

⑤ 英语作文:观看一部英文电影,写观后感。要求高中水平,字词一定要120以上!

I watched a moive named Peter Pan last night.

It is about a boy who doesn't want to grow up. His name is Peter. He is very handsome, helpful and friendly to his friends. He meets Wendy someday, and they go to an island, its name is Neverland. They beat Hooker, who is a bad person.

I learn from this movie that everyone needs a friend, a good friend. Friendship is very important to people. A friend in need is a friend indeed. We should find a friend who has something in common with us, and we should also treasure our friendship.

If you have time, please watch this movie, I'm sure you'll like it.

⑥ 《我最喜欢看的电影》英语作文 钢铁侠

My favorite movie is Iron Man.To be honest,I like the Iron Man suit of Tony Stark to death.Sometimes, I even dream that one day,I also can wear that special suit to protect the folks from bad guys.I guess a lot of guys have such similar dreams.Nowdays,the technology is more and more advanced.And more and more bad guys have emerged.When people are in danger,if some person can show up and step forward like Iron Man,the world would be much safer.The movie just cater to people's thinking like this.I guess that's why so many people like this film.Of course,I don't doubt the function of exciting fighting movements inside this film.And as also,the romantic love story between Tony and Pepper indeed drew a lot of female audience.I am really looking forward to new episodes of Iron Man.
我最喜欢的电影要数钢铁侠。说实话,我 爱死托尼.斯塔克那身铠甲了。甚至我梦想有一天我也能穿着那身奇特的铠甲保护人们不受坏蛋的伤害。我猜很多人都过类似的梦。在现代,科技越发进步。出现了越来越多的坏家伙。当人们处于危险时,如果有人像钢铁侠一样出现,挺身而出,世界将会更加安全。这部电影正迎合了群众的这种想法。我猜这也是为什么那么多人喜欢这部电影。当然我不怀疑电影里激烈打斗动作的作用。并且托尼和派泼的浪漫爱情故事也却是吸引了很多女性观众。我真的很期待钢铁侠续集。

⑦ 如何用英语写一篇观后感

一、I've seen the movie "crazy animal city" twice and I like it very much. Everything in this movie is exquisite. Animal city is so advanced that I really want to build one. And all the animals have good voices.


I like the rabbit Judy best, because she is the protagonist. After watching this movie, I feel that as long as I work hard, my dream will come true. This movie also let me know how friendship is formed.


This kind of friendship is very precious and permanent.


Anyway, this kind of friendship will not be broken. Judy rabbit treats his friends as well as his relatives. I like this feeling very much.


二、Today, my parents and I went to see "crazy animal city". I like the rabbit officer Judy very much. She is very kind, smart, and loves to help people. She has her own dream.


In order to realize her dream, no matter what others say, she is willing to try and work hard, so I like her very much. I also like the slow lightning, he is very cute, encounter things are not anxious, not flurried《 Crazy animal city is really good.


I want to see it for the second time.


三、Today, my father accompanied me to see "crazy animal city". It was a good movie, which made alts and children laugh happily; I think people with good appearance don't necessarily have good heart.


People with bad appearance don't necessarily have bad heart. We can't judge people by their appearance in life; We should be as persistent as Judy rabbit and respect our friends.


四、This movie makes me understand that everything in the world can't be beautiful, and beauty can only appear through hard work; We should dare to try, try to turn 1% possibility into 99% possibility, and try to draw a perfect end to it;


Just like Judy the rabbit, she has changed her prejudice against foxes, changed her view of the world, and her world has become more beautiful.


五、Crazy animal city is a very good movie, which has a magnificent animal City, in this city, big and small animals live in harmony, have their own beautiful home.The protagonist Judy rabbit is a dream rabbit.


She wanted to be a policeman from childhood. But in the eyes of other animals, it's just wishful thinking. Even her parents think it's impossible. What ferocious large animals should police be.


But Judy rabbit has always insisted on his dream and worked hard for it. Through her persistence and hard work, Judy became a great policeman.


Everyone has his own dream, but you must persist in your dream and work hard for it. You are not afraid of failure and attack. Only in this way can your dream come true.




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