this is best flim!
『贰』 这是一部励志电影 英文怎么说
an inspiring movie
『叁』 我知道最近有一部很好看的电影上映用英语怎么说
I know there's a good movie coming out recently.
『肆』 这是一部多么激动人心的电影啊! 用英语怎么翻译
What an exciting movie it is!
『伍』 “这是一部在全世界很著名的卡通电影”用英语怎么说
This is a cartoon movie which is famous all around the world.
『陆』 最近我看了一部电影用英语怎么说
Recently I have seen a film called Avatar.It tells us that we should protect the environment.It is a film that is worth seeing.
『柒』 “这是一部让人笑中带泪的电影” 英语怎么说,
A movie that makes you laugh with tears
『捌』 这真是一部有趣的电影用英语怎么说
it is an really interesting movie
『玖』 这个电影讲述了用英语怎么说
The film tells the story of
『拾』 “这是一部迪士尼经典电影”用英语怎么说
This is a classical Disney movie