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Ⅰ 用英语介绍一部电影(高一)

如果可以请采纳 谢谢 也可以翻译i想要的电影 英文在下面 中英对照 很辛苦 尽量采纳 出品公司 片名:嫁个有钱人
Hong Kong
2002年2月7日 [编辑本段]演职员表 导演 Director
谷德昭 Vincent Kok
演员 Actor
郑秀文 Sammi Cheng .....Mi
任贤齐 Richie Ren .....Christmas Yan
林海峰 Jan Lamb .....Wilson
胡枫 Fung Woo .....Uncle D (as Fung Wu) [编辑本段]剧情介绍 一颗流星在天空划过,阿me(郑秀文)许愿:“我想嫁个有钱人”,但见流星从远处坠落,地上出现一本名叫《玻璃鞋》的工具书。阿me拾起书,书的内容是以大家耳熟能详的“灰姑娘”故事作为引子。阿me被书中精辟独到的见解所打动,于是一个浪漫喜剧由此开始。
其实,阿诞的不辞而别其实有不可告人的原因,其实阿诞心中万分想念阿me,究竟阿me的“灰姑娘”故事能否延续?童话中的公主能否得到她的幸福玻璃鞋…… [编辑本段]影评评价 谷德昭的《嫁个有钱人》与刘镇伟的《天下无双》、杜琪峰的《呖咕呖咕新年财》并列,成为当年三部强档贺岁影片,并且赢得了不错的票房成绩。灰姑娘的故事一直以来都是爱情电影的经典素材,而此次也是郑秀文和任贤齐继《夏日麽麽茶》后的第二次合作,不过这次显然不如上一次那样和谐,演员各自的实力也不如上一部。而且这部电影的故事过于简单,套路也没有什么新鲜的,喜剧部分不够好笑,爱情部分不够温情。作为一部现代爱情童话,这部电影的一切都着实平平。 Proction company
Release date
Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong
February 7, 2002
February 7, 2002
[Edit this paragraph] speech staff of the table
Director Director
Vincent Kok Vincent Kok
Actor Actor
Sammi Cheng Sammi Cheng ..... Mi
Richie Ren Richie Ren ..... Christmas Yan
Jan Lamb Jan Lamb ..... Wilson
Hu Feng Fung Woo ..... Uncle D (as Fung Wu)
[Edit this paragraph] Plot Introction
A meteor across the sky, Ah me (Sammi Cheng) make a wish: "I want to Marry a Rich Man", but see meteors falling from a distance, the ground is there one called "Boli Xie," the tool. A me pick up the book, the contents of the book is familiar to everyone, "Cinderella" story as a prelude. A me was the book touched by incisive insights, so a romantic comedy to begin.
Open the "Boli Xie" That book, A book referred to me in accordance with the steps to prepare for visitors to learn: learning voice, eye contact, facial expressions, conversation, body language, etiquette, for future joined the rank the higher classes.
A me start looking for the rich journey, traveling first-class travel to Europe, because first-class cabin is certainly rich gathering place. Sure enough, the A me A case of a birth (Richie Jen). The two men spent a romantic holiday in Europe, and perhaps made a lifetime commitment. A legend of me on the road found in the crystal Boli Xie, but are costly, A birth promised in any case would be sent to A Boli Xie and well-being of me hands.
Just A me basking in the moment among the fairy tale, A Festival actually walked out and disappeared without a trace. A me apart from the loss of spiritual experience, but also bear the economic losses.
A me back to Hong Kong, was the "High Fidelity" has deeply affected, becoming low self-esteem. But all they took a dramatic turn, Ah me know the city well-known diamond bachelor, more unusual is that he marry me to Afghanistan.
In fact, the A's walked birth has a hidden agenda because, in fact, gave birth to the hearts of extremely A miss A me, A me what the "Cinderella" story can continue? Fairy tale princess in her well-being of the availability of Boli Xie ... ...
[Edit this paragraph] Critics Evaluation
Vincent Kok's "Marry a Rich Man" and Jeffrey Lau's "Chinese Odyssey", Johnnie To's "Fat cushions cracking mutter New Year money" side by side, becoming the 3 thing as the Lunar New Year film, and won a good box office. Cinderella's story has always been a love of classic movie material, but this is Sammi Cheng and Richie Ren Ji "Summer Holiday" after the second round of cooperation, but this apparently is not as good as last time, as a harmonious, actors of their respective strength is not above 1. And the film's story is too simple, routine has nothing fresh, funny comedy part is not enough, love is not enough some warmth. As a modern fairy tale of love, the film's all really flat.

Ⅱ 求英语手抄报介绍英语电影的

提供一部英语电影 忠犬八公的故事 Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) 资料压缩包,见附件。



Ⅲ 最适合学英语的10部电影,你都看过了吗



答案是创造母语学习环境 ,“看英语原版电影和书籍”,是创造英语学习环境最简单有效的手段,因为这些电影情节往往最靠近我们的生活场景而书籍又是将我们带入另一个语言世界最好的通道。

1、Love Actually《真爱至上》

圣诞节必备佳片,一部充满了惊喜时刻的感人电影。由十个发生在圣诞节前夕的独立小故事串联而成,讲述了“爱无处不在”。 而且故事的情节简单,对话内容生活化,适合英语小白入门学习。

2、Dead Poets Society 《死亡诗社》

一个不同寻常的老师基汀带学生们在校史楼内聆听死亡的声音,反思生的意义 ;让男生们在绿茵场上宣读自己的理想;鼓励学生站在课桌上,用新的视角俯瞰世界。老师自由发散式的哲学思维让学生内心产生强烈的共鸣,他们渐渐学会自己思考与求索,勇敢的追问人生的路途,甚至违反门禁,成立死亡诗社,在山洞里击节而歌! 

影片中运用了许多的经典文学诗句 ,同学们加以背诵利用可以很有效的丰富自己的写作素材。


非常非常棒的一部电影,女主也凭借这部电影夺得奥斯卡最佳女主。电影讲述的是女主被当做性奴,被囚禁了7年,这期间生下了儿子小杰克,而杰克从未离开过这个铁皮房间,对整个世界的认知就是这个房间。最后母子被解救之后, 在重新融入社会中时,小杰克承担起了安抚妈妈的角色,帮助妈妈走出阴影。

电影最感人的片段,就是最后杰克再一次回到这个铁皮小屋,看到自己“儿时的伙伴”——马桶,盆栽,洗手盆.... 小杰克一一和小伙伴告别的时候,真的眼泪止不住往下掉,因为这个大人们所恐惧的房间,却是杰克的整个童年, 电影对白也非常简单易学,毕竟男主只是个5岁小孩啊,单词量也不多,哈哈。

4、The Big Short《大空头》

这部电影讲述的是2008年华尔街金融危机时,在大家都在亏钱的时候,有一群人却提前看到了危机,赚得盆满钵满。这部电影也入围了奥斯卡,高晓松在晓松奇谈里也力荐这部电影。 也非常推崇有一定英语基础的同学学这部电影 ,毕竟,现在金融和我们每个人息息相关。


5、Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》

这是一部大家都很熟悉的童话故事改编的电影, 对白很简单,单词也不难,电影中所说的是英式英语 , 很好听 。大家可以两部一起学习,可以更好的掌握里面的单词和句子。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》是一部很经典的童话故事,改编的这部电影也很适合小白学英语,建议大家看完电影可以再去读一读英文原版书,对自己的英语也会有很大的提高。

6、Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》




7、Big Fish《大鱼》




8、 Wonder 《奇迹男孩》




9、 Pride & Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》


10、 The Intern 《实习生》


Ⅳ 大学英语:::战争电影的英文PPT

穿条纹睡衣的男孩 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas in the United States) is a 2008 British film based on the novel of the same name by Irish writer John Boyne. Directed by Mark Herman and proced by David Heyman, it stars Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, David Thewlis, and Vera Farmiga.

A Holocaust drama, the film explores the horror of a World War II extermination camp through the eyes of two eight-year-old boys, one the son of the camp's Nazi commandant, the other a Jewish inmate.

SS officer Ralf (David Thewlis) and his wife Elsa (Vera Farmiga) move from Berlin to the countryside with their children, twelve-year-old Gretel (Amber Beattie) and eight-year-old Bruno (Asa Butterfield), after Ralf is promoted to commandant of a Nazi concentration camp, of which Bruno refers to as "Out-With", although later in the movie his sister keeps protesting that his pronounciation is incorrect, which brings us to the conclusion that the camp is probably Auschwitz.

Confined to the grounds of the family's new home, without friends, Bruno craves companionship and adventure. He eventually escapes through the window of an outhouse, treks through the woods, and emerges at an isolated, unguarded corner of the concentration camp, which he initially believes to be a farm. There, he befriends Shmuel (Jack Scanlon), a boy of the same age. Bruno returns frequently thereafter, bringing Shmuel food and playing games with him through the barbed wire fence. Shmuel graally disabuses Bruno of the idea that the people in the camp are farmers; he tells Bruno that he and his family have been imprisoned, and forced to wear the "striped pajamas," because they are Jews.

Bruno and Gretel's tutor, Herr Liszt (Jim Norton) feeds the children a diet of antisemitic bigotry and nationalist propaganda under the guise of teaching them history. In response, Gretel becomes increasingly fanatical in her support for the Third Reich. She covers her bedroom wall with Nazi propaganda posters, and flirts with Lieutenant Kurt Kotler (Rupert Friend), a mean and nasty Nazi unlike Ralf, as her budding sexuality becomes fixated on the ideal of the German soldier. In contrast, Bruno is skeptical of Liszt's teachings. The Jews Bruno knows, Shmuel and the family's kindly servant Pavel (David Hayman), do not resemble the tutor's antisemitic stereotypes. He also witnesses savage, senseless acts of Nazi brutality that conflict with the propaganda ideal of military heroism. One night, when Pavel accidentally overturns Kotler's wine glass at the table, the furious officer drags Pavel out of the room. Through the ajar door to the kitchen, we see Kotler's jackboot delivering vicious kicks, and are led to presume that the elderly man dies from the brutal beating.

After Pavel's death, Shmuel is sent to the commandant's home in the role of a houseboy. When Bruno comes across the hungry boy cleaning glasses in the house, he gives him some cake. When Kotler sees crumbs on Shmuel's lips, and accuses him of stealing, Shmuel tells the officer the truth: Bruno is his friend, and Bruno gave him the cake. Terrified, Bruno betrays Shmuel, saying that he has never seen the boy before and that Shmuel stole the cake. Some days later, a remorseful Bruno finds Shmuel at the fence, with his eye badly beaten. Shmuel forgives Bruno, and the boys shake hands through the fence.

From a comment of Kotler's about the stench from the crematoriums, Elsa learns that Ralf presides over an extermination camp, not a labor camp as she has been led to believe. Thereafter, the couple argue repeatedly about Ralf's role at the camp and the children's proximity to it. Eventually, they decide that Elsa will take the children to their Aunt Lotte's in Heidelberg. But the day before Bruno is e to leave, Shmuel reveals that his father has gone missing in the camp. Seeing an ideal opportunity for a final adventure, Bruno digs a hole beneath the barbed wire the following morning, changes into prison clothing that Shmuel has stolen for him, and enters the camp to help Shmuel find his father. Inside, Bruno is horrified by the dehumanization, starvation, and sickness; the camp is the very antithesis of the Theresienstadt-esque propaganda film that had shaped his prior impressions.

As the boys search fruitlessly for Shmuel's father, they become intertwined with a group of prisoners who are being herded toward the gas chambers. Inside, everyone is instructed to undress for a "shower." A soldier wearing a gas mask pours Zyklon B granules into the chamber. Bruno and Shmuel grasp each other's hands tightly as the lights go out.

Back at the house, Elsa discovers that Bruno is missing, and raises the alarm. Using tracking dogs, Ralf and other soldiers follow the boy's trail through the woods. When they discover his discarded clothing at the camp's perimeter, and see the hole g beneath the fence, Ralf races inside, searching desperately for his son. Seeing the gas chamber doors locked, Ralf realizes what has happened and cries out in anguish; hearing him, Elsa and Gretel fall to their knees sobbing over Bruno's clothes. The family is left to face the tragic irony that Bruno has become a victim of the Nazi death camp run by his own father.



Ⅳ 星球大战英文介绍

附 : 电影概要作参考

Star Wars (1977) plot summary

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away . . .

Palpatine, an evil Sith Lord, has overthrown the galactic Republic and become emperor of the new Empire. The Jedi Knights, an ancient peacekeeping order empowered and guided by the Force, have been eradicated.

Princess Leia Organa is a member of the Rebel Alliance, a group fighting to defeat the Empire and restore the Republic. She’s on a mission to bring Obi Wan Kenobi, an exiled Jedi living on Tatooine, to Alderan. The mission fails when her spaceship falls under attack by an Imperial star cruiser. Leia hides stolen schematics of the Empire’s Death Star, a powerful new space station, inside R2D2, a small droid, R2 and another android, C3P0 stow away in an escape pod and jettison to Tatooine.

The two droids are found by Jawas and sold to farmer Owen Lars. Owen’s young nephew and farmhand, Luke Skywalker dreams of leaving Tatooine and becoming a pilot like his late father. While cleaning the small droid, Luke stumbles across a partial holographic message for Obi Wan Kenobi. Intrigued by the beautiful young woman in the holograph, he thinks the message may be for Ben Kenobi, a hermit living on the outskirts.

When Luke discovers R2 missing the next morning, he and C3P0 search for him in Luke’s land speeder. They locate him, but encounter the hostile sand people. Ben Kenobi rescues them, and Luke learns Ben is actually Obi Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight. They watch the holograph in which Princess Leia implores Obi Wan to deliver the Death Star technical plans to her father. It’s hoped a weakness in its defenses can be found. Obi Wan tells Luke that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was also a Jedi, and he was betrayed and murdered by Darth Vader, Obi Wan’s former apprentice. Vader was seced by the dark side of the Force and now serves the emperor. Obi Wan tells Luke he must learn the ways of the Force and go with him to Alderan. An increlous Luke refuses, but agrees to take Ben to nearby Mos Eisley to find transportation. Realizing R2 and C3P0 could be traced to his family, Luke rushes home only to find his aunt and uncle murdered by Imperial storm troopers searching for the droids.

Luke now wants to become a Jedi and goes with Obi Wan. In Mos Eisley they meet Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon, and Chewbacca, a wookie and Han’s first mate. Han, a smuggler with a bounty on his head, agrees to fly the passengers to Alderan for a hefty fee. Just as they’re about to depart, storm troopers swarm the hanger, and the Falcon barely escapes.

Meanwhile, Princess Leia is captive aboard the unfinished Death Star. Darth Vader demands the location of the rebel base camp, but Leia resists. Death Star Commander, Grand Moff Tarkin plots a course for Alderan, and threatens to destroy Leia’s home world if she refuses to reveal where the rebels are hidden. Unable to sacrifice Alderan, she provides coordinates, but Tarkin blasts the planet to demonstrate the Death Star’s full power. The information Leia gave Vader is false, and he scheles her execution.

The Millennium Falcon arrives in the Alderan system, only to encounter the planet’s shattered remains. Han spots an Imperial fighter near a small moon, but Obi Wan realizes too late that it’s actually a massive space station. As they attempt to retreat, the ship is caught by a tractor beam and pulled towards the Death Star. There is no escape, but Han has a plan.

Ⅵ 80句经典英文电影台词,英语作文最佳素材










Ⅶ 请推荐我六部英语电影





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