A. 关于电影《消防员》(Fireproof)的背景音乐
1 otherside
2 brighter days
3 this is who I am
4 help me love
5 slow fade
6 while I'm waiting
7 you belong to me
8 love is not a fight
希望对你有帮助~Good Luck!
B. 电影fireproof中的经典对白!!!!!速求!!!!!!!!!
That's why you stay with your partner. You never leave your partner especially in a fire.
The treadmill is not broken, if you don't know how to run it, it doesn't work for you.
Woman is like a rose. If you treat her right, she blooms; if you don't, she wilts.
For better or worse, for rich or poor, for sickness and healthy, they will be together.
Our words always reflect the condition of our heart.
Love is not based on feeling.
When a man is trying to win a heart of the woman, he studies her. But after he wins her heart, and marries her, he often stops learning about it. The amount he studied her before marry is equal to a high school degree, if he continue to learn about her, and then is the college degree or master degree, and ultimately a doctor degree.
His standard is so hard, he considers hatred to be murder, and lust to be betrayal.
How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over who constantly rejected me.
You can't love her, because you can't give her what you don't have.
God loves you even you don't deserve.
Marry takes work.
If I haven't told you that I love you, I do.
C. 关于电影《消防员》
Catherine: What day are you on?
Catherine:But there are only 40 days...
Caleb:That doesn't mean I have to stop.
Michael:Fireproof doesn't mean that a fire will never come, but that when it comes you will be able to withstand it。
Michael:A woman's like a rose。If you treat her right, she'll bloom。 If you don't, she'll wilt。
Michael:Don't just follow your heart,man,because your heart can be deceived。
Caleb:I am sorry,I have trampled on you with my words and my actions。
D. 一部讲述消防员的外国电影 是讲一个消防员和女明星的爱情片2014年以前的电影
救火爱神 Rescuing Madison (2014)
E. 求一部有关婚姻的电影的名字
F. 基督教电影推荐
1、《烈火战车》 Chariots of Fire
2、《面对巨人》 Facing the Giants
3、《奇异的恩典》 Amazing Grace
4、《十诫》 The Ten Commandments
5、《埃及王子 》The Prince of Egypt
6、《与王一夜 》One Night with the King
7、《宾虚》 Ben-Hur
8、《马丁·路德》 Luther
9、《像土豆一样的信仰》 Faith Like Potatoes
10、《矛尾》 End of the Spear
11、《勇气》 Courageous
12、《爱之蔓延时》 Love Comes Softly
13、《纳尼亚传奇》 The Chronicles of Narnia
14、《魔戒》 The Lord of the Rings
15、《消防员》 Fireproof
16、《阿米什人的恩典》Amish Grace
17、《灵魂冲浪》 Soul Surfer