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发布时间:2024-09-09 04:38:58

A. 关于电影<西西里岛的美丽传说>中音乐的问题

主角在家独自翩翩起舞,并促使小男孩买来在自家里听的那首歌 那首歌叫

Ma l'Amore No



Malena这部影片给我印象最深的就是Monica Bellucci扮演的Malena深情地抱着丈夫的照片在房间里伴随着音乐起舞的一段。每个看过这一段的人都会为Malena的美丽而忧伤的舞步动容,尤其配上Lina Termini演唱的Ma L'amore No的背景音乐,更是心为花容碎。爱慕的少年因此攒钱买到这张黑胶唱片。继续着他甜美而忧伤的梦境。

Ma L'amore No是三十年代流行于意大利的探戈乐曲,当时红极一时,舒缓的音乐只有在黑胶唱机上遇到唱针那尖锐的滑翔才能流露出动人的华彩。如今的再先进的电子播放器也无法替代黑胶和空气接触的那种真实感了。

Ma l'amore no

Lina Termini

l'amore mio non puo'
disperdersi nel vento con le rose
tanto e' forte che non cedera' non sfiorera'
io lo vegliero', io lo difendero'
da tutte quelle insidie velenose
che vorrebbero strapparlo al cuor
povero amor
forse te ne andrai
da altre donne le carezze cercherai aime'
e se tornerai
gia' sfiorita ogni bellezza troverai in me
ma l'amore no
l'amore mio non puo'
dissolversi con l'oro dei capelli
finch'io viva sara' vivo in me
solo per te.


01.Inchini Ipocriti e Disperazione [2:04]
02. Malena [2:37]
03. Passeggiata in Paese [3:17]
04. Visioni [2:36]
05. Nella Casa..... [2:16]
06. Malena (End Titles) [4:25]
07. Linciaggio [2:46]
08. Orgia [1:13]
09. Il Ritorno [1:47]
10. Bisbigli Della Gente [2:42]
11. Ma l'Amore No [1:52]
12. Casino-Bolero [2:10]
13. Altro Casino [2:17]
14. Visioni (Fantasie d'Amore) [2:15]
15. Cinema d'Altri Tempi [3:40]
16. Ipocrisie [2:01]
17. Pensieri di Sesso [2:29]
18. Momenti Difficili [4:19]

B. 请问美国电影《毕业生》的主题曲叫什么名字,谁唱的

THE SOUND OF SILENCE 寂静之声THE SOUND OF SILENCE 寂静之声(《毕业生》主题曲)在1967年作为美国电影《毕业生》的主题歌,非常受欢迎。本来是3年前,莎尔蒙和卡尔方灌制的曲子,迪夫-古鲁吉把这首曲子巧妙地电影音乐化了。作为1968年奥斯卡特级经典电影,影帝达斯汀·霍夫曼主演的《毕业生》,是60、70年代美国年轻人最喜爱看的电影之一。对于中国的80年代到90年代间的大学生说,这部电影几乎是他们接触西方文明和青年生活的窗口。自然这部电影优美而质朴的音乐也是令他们着迷的原因之一。
《毕业生》电影原声专辑是由美国著名的民谣组合保罗·西蒙与加芬克尔负责制作的。这张专辑也使保罗·西蒙与加芬克尔成为了大牌明星。《寂静之声》旋律飘缓低迷,歌词充满了一种幻觉般的意境。细细听来,仿佛在诉说着年轻无助的一种宣泄。眼前似乎看到一个懵懂无知的女孩,独自一人行走在铺着鹅卵石的狭窄、清冷的小巷里,喧嚣的人群在她身后渐渐远去,前面是没有尽头的黑夜……歌曲如果说是属于民谣的话似乎太深邃,如果说随着强劲的乐曲而震荡的节奏是摇滚的话,却太细腻,音乐上它造就了类的中和体,这应该是它成功的最大原因。这首歌创作于一九六O年代,60年代对美国而言是个多事之秋,历经了一连串的动荡与不安。对内,反种族歧视民权意识高涨;对外背负著“越战”沉重的包袱。内忧外患之际,美国人的精神领袖约翰肯尼迪(John F.Kennedy)总统于1963年11月22日在德州的达拉斯遇刺身亡,举世震惊,全国悲恸。由黑人人权领袖马丁路德金博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)所领导的反暴力反种族歧视正如火如荼的展开,国内反越战的声音也日益壮大。美国人民的梦在肯尼迪总统倒下的一刻,也跟著粉碎了!就在这样的时空背景下,美国的民谣歌手保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)创作了这首家喻户晓、发人深省的歌曲:寂静之声(The Sound Of Silence),献给了动荡的60年代。只可惜这样一首针砭时弊的好歌,于1964年发行时,却得不到青睐,人们依旧是听而不闻(hearing without listening)。若非一位DJ特别钟爱这首歌,增加这首歌在电台播放的频率,哥伦比亚唱片公司也不会考虑将这首歌重新编曲,以单曲发行。然而冥冥中似乎注定,才华洋溢如保罗·西蒙是不该被时代埋没的。于是史上最优美的二重唱西蒙与加丰科(Simon & Garfunkel)便在这首重新编曲的“寂静之声”中浴火重生。
且让我们详细探讨这首发人省醒的“抗议歌曲(song of protest)”吧。在探讨这首歌时,你也许会有个疑问,到底这首歌是The sound of silence?Sounds of silence ?The sounds of silence?如果是西蒙一个人唱,就是The sound of silence,如果是两人一起唱就是 The sounds of silence。有没有定冠词The?第二张专辑的曲目为 Sounds of silence,并没有The。所以这要看你买的是哪张专辑,不过大部分的音乐书刊都印为The sound ofsilence。正确的曲名应是如此。
这首歌共分为五段,段与段之间环环相扣,一气呵成。首段叙述主述者(The speaker)又来找黑暗这位老朋友谈天,把黑暗当作老朋友来倾吐心事,可见他向来孤独,而他在黑暗中独语或沉思已经不是第一次了。而此次要向黑暗老友说的是一个在脑海中挥之不去的幻影(vision)。把vision译成幻影是因为它时常在主述者的梦中出现,虽是那么虚幻却又那么真实。
次段道出了幻影的实境。在梦中主述者总是忐忑不安,独自一人走在鹅卵石铺设的街道上,由’Neath thehalo of a street lamp,与 I turned my collar to the coldand damp这两句来看,那一定是个又湿又冷的夜。就在这样孤寂湿冷的夜,他被突如其来的霓红灯光芒刺醒了,而体验到真正的“寂静”。“light”原带有文明、希望、启蒙(enlightenment)等正面的意义,在此,保罗西蒙逆转了这个形象。
第三段进入了幻影中的高潮。naked意为赤裸的,naked women为没穿衣服的女人,naked sight为肉眼,而naked light则是没有灯罩所发出来的光,因为直接所以很强烈。在如此强烈的灯光下,他看见了成千上万的人。这些人在谈话,但是谈话的内容空洞,言之无物,所以是 talking without speaking;受话的一方则是左耳听右耳出,心不在焉,所以是 hearing without listening。能把 talk、speak、 hear、listen 这么常用简单的字汇作巧妙的并列而达到艺术效果,真不愧是民谣界的高手。这些人除了言谈空洞、心不在焉,更有人写歌来唱时,却唱得言不由衷,把歌唱得毫无情感可言,They do’nt mean the words they’re singing.写歌是一回事,唱的又是另一回事。 people的歌声(voices),无法与自己写的歌(songs)产生共鸣(share)。虽然如此,但是却没有人敢正视这个问题,胆敢惊扰这样的沉默。因此,主述者心急如焚,气愤的告诫他们“寂静”的可怕,因为寂静就像癌症会不断的蔓延扩散,直到把每个人都吞噬掉。他要每个人用心听听他的话,他才能拉他们一把,然而,却无人理会他。他的话就像无声的雨滴落在沉默的井底,激不起一丝涟漪。就这样人人依然故我,对著自己塑造的霓虹神(Neon God)膜拜、祈祷。这里的霓虹神与第二段的霓虹灯光互为关联,标志(sign)的意义呼之欲出。直到此段第五行的subway walls 与第六行的tenement halls,真正的意思终于显现。地铁(subway walls)常是流浪汉(hobo)的归宿,而廉价出租公寓(tenement)顶多是比贫民窟(ghetto)好些。霓虹灯与之对照,形成强烈的对比,它代表资本主义的文明也代表其糜烂的物质享受。在第二段时,保罗西蒙就用了一个隐喻(metaphor)来逆转light所代表的正面意义,使之变为眩惑人心的渊薮,因为霓虹灯光刺得(stabbing)让人看不清楚方向,也因为人们贪恋物质享受而忽略了周遭该关心的事物,因此,霓虹神乃拜金主义之标志。就在主述者力图拨乱反正却徒劳无功时,霓虹标语闪出了警讯,标语写著:“先知的话写在地铁的墙上与公寓的厅堂”。先知(prophets)并不是宗教里所提的能预知未来的人物,而是那些流浪汉与贫民。他们常把心里的怨言与不满,写在地铁的墙上与公寓的厅堂,然而这些心声就在这物欲横流的社会中淹没了。
行文至此,我们可发现这首歌基本上含盖了两个主题,一为抨击资本主义的拜金主义,二为人际之间的疏离(alienation)与冷漠(apathy)造成了人类丧失了沟通的能力,其实这两个主题是互为因果的。自从“寂静的大众”这个名词出现以来“寂静”几乎与“冷漠”划下了等号,下一段话摘录自加丰科(Art Garfunkel)为西蒙第一张专所写的注解,从对“寂静之声”这首歌的注解,我们可以略窥一二:
寂静之声是首主要的作品(major work)。当时我们正在寻找一首主题涵盖范围广的歌,而我们谁也没想到,这首歌的主题境是有过之而无不及。十一月时,保罗已经有了这首歌的主题与旋律,但是这首歌的诞生仍然需要历经三个月的努力,努力的过程中有时常令人沮丧。1964年2月19日,这首歌就这样不催自生了(write itself)。它的主题是人与人之间无法沟通(man’s inability to communicate withman),作者看见了人沟通的范围仅止於表面与商业交易的层面(其中霓虹标志可为代表)。因为没有慎重其事的沟通(serious communication),所以也就没有慎重其事的了解(serious understanding)---“人人言不及义(people talking without speaking),听而不闻(hearing without listening)”,谁也不敢冒险伸手出去。
歌词:Hello darkness, my old friend 你好 黑暗 我的老朋友
I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈
Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正悄悄地向我袭来
Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子
And the vision that was planted in my brain 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽
Still remains 缠绕着我
Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音
In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走
Narrow streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道
'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下
I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起衣领 抵御严寒和潮湿
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛
That split the night 它划破夜空
And touched the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音
And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下
Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人
People talking without speaking 人们说话却不互相交谈
People hearing without listening 人们能听却不去倾听
People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来
And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音
"Fools" said I, "You do not know Silence like a cancer grows” 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道寂静如同顽疾滋长
”Hear my words that I might teach you 听我对你说的有益的话
Take my arms that I might reach you 拉住我伸向你的手
But my words like silent raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴般飘落
And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响
And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. 人们向自己创造的霓虹之神 鞠躬 祈祷
And the sign flashed out its warning 神光中闪射出告诫的祷言
And the words that it was forming 在字里行间指明
And the sign said: 它告诉人们
"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上
and tenement halls 和房屋的大厅里
And whispered in the sound of silence." 在寂静的声音里低语

C. 《可可西里的美丽传说》 一部外国影片那个男孩去音乐光盘店买的那首歌光盘 名字叫什么

《可可西里的美丽传说》 男孩去音乐光盘店买的那首歌光盘名字叫《MAl'amoreno》。






Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away


Now it looks as though they're here to stay


Oh, I believe in yesterday


Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be


There's a shadow hanging over me.


Oh, yesterday came suddenly


Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say


I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday


Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play


Now I need a place to hide away


Oh, I believe in yesterday


Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say


I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday


Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play


Now I need a place to hide away


Oh, I believe in yesterday


Mm mm mm mm mm




1966年3月15日,该曲在第8届格莱美奖中获得年度制作、年度单曲等六项提名 。1984年,该曲被电影《美国往事》选作插曲。1997年,该曲选入格莱美名人堂 。1999年,美国广播音乐协会统计出“20世纪电台和电视播放量最多的歌曲”,该曲以逾700万次的播放量排名第三。


D. 《西西里的美丽传说》里的音乐

01、Inchini Ipocriti E Disperazione


03、Passeggiata In Paese


05、Nella Casa

06、Malena [End Titles]



09、Il Ritorno

10、Bisbigli DellaGente

11、Ma L'Amore No

12、Casino Bolero

13、Altro Casino

14、Visioni (Fantasie D'Amore)

15、Cinema D'Altri Tempi


17、Pensieri Di Sesso

18、Momenti Diffic






E. 美国动画片芭比系列主题曲,要全一点的


  1. 《芭比与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅》(Barbie in the Nutcracker)2001年: 这一部共有七首音乐,都是柴可夫斯基的胡桃夹子舞曲。

2.《芭比之长发公主》(Barbie as Rapunzel) 2002年:

Rapunzel Theme(片头曲,插曲,主题音乐)

Constant as the Stars Above(片尾曲)

Wish Upon a Star(片尾曲)

3.《芭比之天鹅湖》 (Barbie of Swan Lake) 2003年 :

Enchanted Lake(主题音乐)


Dance of the Swans Part 1(音乐)

Hungarian Dance(音乐)

Spanish Dance(音乐)

Neapolitan Dance(音乐)

Pas de Deux(音乐)

Dance of the Little Swans(音乐)


4.《真假公主芭比》 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)2004年:


How Can I Refuse(歌曲)

Written In Your Heart (Prologue)(歌曲)

I Am a Girl Like You(歌曲)

To Be a Princess(歌曲)

The Cat's Meow(歌曲)

If You Love Me for Me(歌曲)

To Be a Princess (Reprise)(歌曲)

How Can I Refuse (Reprise)(歌曲)Written In Your Heart(歌曲)

I’m On My Way(片尾曲)

5.《芭比与魔幻飞马之旅》 (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)2005年:

Symphony #6 "Pastorale"(音乐,片头曲)

Hope Has Wings(片尾曲)

6.《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》(BarbieIn the 12 Dancing princesses)2006年:

Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses Theme(又叫Princess Destiny,片头曲,插 曲,主题音乐)

Derek's Tune(音乐)

Birthday Song(歌曲)

Theme from Symphony No.4, Op.90, 'Italian'(音乐)

Sacerdotes Domini(音乐)


7.《芭比之森林公主》(Barbie as the Island princess)2007年:

Here On My Island(歌曲)

Right Here In My Arms(歌曲)

A Brand New Shore(歌曲)

I Need To Know(歌曲)

Love Is for Peasants(歌曲)

Right Here In My Arms – Greenhouse(歌曲)

At The Ball(歌曲)

The Rat Song(歌曲)

Always More(歌曲)

Right Here In My Arms – Reunion(歌曲)

When We Have Love(歌曲)

I Need To Know (Pop Version)(片尾曲)

8.《芭比之钻石城堡》(Barbie& The Diamond Castle )2008年:

Two Voices, One Song(片头曲,插曲)

Connected (Meet Melody Version)(歌曲)

Three Voices, One Song(歌曲)

Wonderful Me(歌曲)


We’re Gonna Find It(歌曲)

Double Vision(歌曲)

Believe (Reprise)(歌曲)

Believe (Trio Version)(歌曲)

Connected (Celebration Version)(歌曲)

Connected (End Title)(片尾曲)

另外,这是几首在此电影中没出现但是有关系的歌曲Two Voices, One Song (Pop Version)ConnectedWe’re Gonna Find It (Pop Version)

9.《芭比公主三剑客》(Barbie and the three musketeers)2009年:

Making My Way(歌曲)

All For One(歌曲)

二、 仙子系列

1.《芭比之彩虹仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia) 2005年:

Barbie Fairytopia Theme(片头曲,片尾曲,主题音乐)

2.《芭比梦幻仙境之人鱼公主》(Barbie FairyTopia--Mermaidia)2006年:

Barbie Fairytopia Mermaidia Theme(片头曲,片尾曲,主题音乐)

3.《芭比彩虹仙子之魔法彩虹》 (Barbie FairyTopia --Magic of the Rainbow) 2007年: Barbie Fairytopia Magic of the Rainbow Theme(片头曲,片尾曲,主题音乐)

4.《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(Barbie Mariposa) 2008年:

Mariposa Theme(片头曲,片尾曲,主题音乐)

三、 现代系列

1.《芭比之奇幻日记》 (Barbie the diaries) 2006年:

This Is Me(片头曲)


I Don't Wanna Sleep(歌曲)

Where You Belong(歌曲)

Real Life(插曲,片尾曲)

Girl Most Likely To(歌曲)

Feels Like Love(歌曲)

Note to Self(歌曲)

Fate finds A Way(歌曲)

2.《芭比之花仙子》(Barbie Thumbelina)《芭比拇指姑娘后现代版》2009年 Thumbelina Theme(片头曲,片尾曲,主题音乐)

F. 电影《音乐之声》的英文介绍(150字内)

This film is a triumph in all departments. Every aspect, from the cinematography to the acting, the sets to the costumes, the music, choreography, script, is top notch. While the film is family friendly and has a sweet story, it is constantly amazing the way people attack it as saccharine and sugary. This can certainly be said of the stage show, but the movie version has been carefully proced to provide a more well-rounded vision. Ernest Lehman worked wonders with the underdeveloped and unremarkable dialogue of the play. He inserted so many moments of wit, humor, romance and poignancy that are nowhere in sight in the original. the art directors purposefully chose muted settings and colors. Each of the actors bent over backwards to provide a brilliant performance. Andrews is already down in history for the performance of a lifetime (and a voice to match), but Plummer is not to be forgotten. Not only is he regal and handsome, but his decision to play the Captain as a complex, sophisticated man with a sly dose of sarcasm was wonderful. His steely, stern persona is eventually melted down by the irrepressible Andrews to great effect. Every supporting performance is also delivered with the right amount of appeal, humor or menace as called for in the script. However, the one that takes the cake....that amazes each time, is the slinky, catty, toweringly glamorous Parker as Baroness Schraeder. Wisely, her songs were cut, further separating her from all the glee around her, so that she could whip out such zingers as "Why didn't you tell me....to bring along my harmonica?" or when she's told that Andrews may not make a great nun, "If you need anything, I'd be happy to help you." The character is given a much more polished and integral position in the film versus the stage and virtually every line of her dialogue (unlike in the play) is a howler. Though Wood was lovely in her role as the Mother Abbess, it was Parker who should have gotten an Oscar nod....and WON! Every expression, every syllable, every glance belies the decades of experience Parker gained as a leading lady ring the 40's and 50's. Her clothes by Dorothy Jeakins are awe-inspiring. This type of film-making is GONE. The location photography, the simplicity of story and design, the sheer good-spiritedness of it all...they just can't do this anymore. Thankfully, there's this flawless gem to turn to when one just want to feel good. But saccharine? No..... Compare this to other beloved musicals with their garish colors and sugary story lines ("Seven Brides...", "Singin' in the Rain", "...Molly Brown", "The Music Man", to name just a few...) They are all highly enjoyable, but are hardly less sweet than this! Just one word.....Nazis!! Though virtually everyone knows the outcome, there is still genuine suspense at the climax of "The Sound of Music". The film has it all.

G. 美国电影《毕业生》里面那个特经典的插曲叫什么

美国电影《毕业生》里面那个特经典的插曲叫:The Sound Of Silence

歌手:Sharleen Spiteri

所属专辑:The Movie Song Book

Hello darkness, my old friend,


I've come to talk with you again,


Because a vision softly creeping,


Left its seeds while I was sleeping,


And the vision that was planted in my brain


Still remains


Within the sound of silence.


In restless dreams I walked alone


Narrow streets of cobblestone,


'Neath the halo of a street lamp,


I turned my collar to the cold and damp


When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light


That split the night


And touched the sound of silence.


And in the naked light I saw


Ten thousand people, maybe more.


People talking without speaking,


People hearing without listening,


People writing songs that voices never share


And no one dare


Disturb the sound of silence.


'Fools' said I, 'You do not know


Silence like a cancer grows.


Hear my words that I might teach you,


Take my arms that I might reach you.'


But my words like silent raindrops fell,


And echoed


In the wells of silence


And the people bowed and prayed


To the neon god they made.


And the sign flashed out its warning,


In the words that it was forming.


And the sign said, 'The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls


And tenement halls.'


And whisper'd in the sounds of silence




1964年,Paul Simon移居欧洲后,开始在巴黎和英国伦敦各种民间俱尔部中演出。返回纽约后,他与CBS的唱片公司签约,制作人为Tom Wilson,并且重新与他的老搭档Garfunkel合作。

他们在1964年录制的专辑《Wednesday Morning》,其中包括歌曲《The Sound Of Silence》的销量不是很好,使得Simon返回伦敦。

1967年,Paul Simon和Garfunkel有一个重要的计划是为电影《毕业生》担任音乐制作,在1968年哥伦比亚唱片公司发行的电影原声唱片中,人们听到了《寂静之声》 。

H. 电影《毕业生》开场音乐叫什么

the sound of silence
Hello darkness my old friend. 嘿,黑夜啊。我的老友。

I've come to talk with you again. 我又来找你聊天了。

Because a vision softly creeping. 因为有个幻影轻轻爬进来。

Left its seeds while I was sleeping. 趁我熟睡时暗暗播下了种子。

And the vision that was planted in my brain. 使这个幻影深植入我脑海中。

Still remains. 萦绕盘旋不去。

Within the sound of silence ! 在寂静无声的此刻!

In restless dreams I walk alone. 在无数不平静的梦中我茕茕独行。

Narrow streets of cobble stone. 行走在鹅卵石铺成狭窄街道上。

Neath the halo of a street lamp. 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩。

I turned my collar to the cold and damp. 我竖起衣领以抗御这湿冷的夜。

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light. 当我的眼睛为刺眼的霓虹灯闪烁所迷时。

That split the night. 霓虹灯的闪烁也划破了夜空。

And touched the sound of silence. 打破了黑夜的沉静。

And in the naked light I saw. 在无遮灯照耀下我看到

Ten thousand people maybe more. 人头攒动

People talking without speaking. 有的人在说着无聊的话语。

People hearing without listening. 有的人在漫不经心的听着别人说。

People writing songs that voices never share. 有的人在写着那些从不会被传唱的歌。

And no one dare. 但没有人敢于去

Disturb the sound of silence. 打破这份静默。

"Fools" said I, "You do not know. 我说道:愚蠢的人啊,你们不知道

Silence like a cancer grows. 静默会像癌细胞那样扩散。

Hear my words that I might teach you. 听我的话,我才能教导你。

Take my arms that I might reach you. 抓紧我的手,我才能救你。

But my words like silent rain-drops fell. 但是我的话却如寂静无声的雨点落下。

And echoed in the wells of silence. 徒然回响在沉静的井里。

And the people bow and prayed. 人们仍然顶礼膜拜着。

To the neon God they made. 自己塑造的霓虹灯神(文明)。

And the sign flash out its warning. 霓虹灯(文明)以它闪烁的文字显出其预兆。

In the words that it was forming. (文明)警告的话语渐渐成型。

And the sign said "The words of the prophets. 预兆显示:先知的话语

Are written on the subway walls and tenement halls. 已被写在地铁的墙上以及出租公寓的走廊上。

And whispered in the sounds of silence. 也在无声的静默中被轻声传送。



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