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发布时间:2024-08-19 03:28:02

A. 电影《辛得勒的名单》的主题曲是什么

这部电影成了电影里的经典,电影中扣人心弦的音乐同样成了音乐里的经典。长达3小时15分的电影有14段、总长为六十多分钟的配乐,便构成了这张音碟。配乐的作曲为约翰.威廉姆斯(John Williams ),一位曾获得过五次奥斯卡奖、十八次格莱美奖、三次金球奖的作曲家,《侏罗纪公园》《星球大战》《拯救大兵瑞恩》等影片的配乐便出自他手。在《辛德勒的名单》中,约翰·威廉姆斯采用了与以往不同的创作手法,不再以景,而是以情入乐,采取浪漫乐派的传统写法,用柔和简练的旋律将影片所要表达的一个民族复杂而沉重的内心世界表现的淋漓尽致。在加上画面、情节的配合,套句俗话说——很煽情。 配乐中有着许多小提琴独奏的乐段,演奏者是举世闻名的小提琴大师——伊扎克·帕尔曼(Itzhak Perlman),一名犹太人,由他来演绎这样一部电影的配乐自是最合适不过。钢琴部分则由作曲家亲自上阵,同时还有合唱团的声音。 还值得一提的是这张唱片的封面,一只有力的成人的大手紧紧地拽住了小红袖子里伸出来的孩子的小手,拯救的主题就这样简单而又震撼的表现出来了。袖子的红色是整个画面中唯一的彩色,特别显眼,我想这或许象征着生命与希望。 画面的背景则是“老式打字机透过一条仿佛浸染过鲜血的色带打出的名单...........”——辛德勒的名单。 总而言之,这是一张悲伤但又不只是悲伤的音乐,若能配合电影,可以让你感受到更多。 专辑曲目 01. Theme From 'Schindler's List' - Itzhak Perlman 02. Jewish Town (Krakow Ghetto - Winter '41) - Itzhak Perlman 03. Immolation (With Our Lives, We Give Life) - John Williams 04. Remembrances - John Williams 05. Schindler's Workforce - John Williams 06. Oyf'n Pripetshok/Nacht Aktion - The Li-ron Herzeliya Children's Choir 07. I Could Have Done More - Itzhak Perlman 08. Auschwitz-Birkenau - Itzhak Perlman 09. Stolen Memories - John Williams 10. Making The List - Itzhak Perlman 11. Give Me Your Names - John Williams 12. Yeroushalaim Chel Zahav (Jerusalem Of Gold) - The Ramat Gan Chamber Choir/Hana Tzur, Cond. 13. Remembrances (With Itzhak Perlman) - Itzhak Perlman 14. Theme From Schindler's List (Reprise) - John Williams

B. 急需《嫌疑犯x的献身》电影版的英文介绍

(Text / Imari) Institute of Physics 13th Royal Park University, the Research Office of Science Associate Professor Yukawa (Masaharu Fukuyama decorated), IQ extraordinary handsome appearance, there is a "Galileo" nickname. He often by the North Department, Interpol, Kaizuka Utsumi Kaoru (Shibasaki Hang ornaments) of the trust, to apply scientific theories to solve the mystery of a variety of seemingly paranormal phenomena. One day, shell mounds found in the North under the jurisdiction of the Department of a male body, this is a murder case, the victim's time of death was presumed to be at 18 o'clock on the December 2 to 10 between the points. Search classes inland, and inland predecessors Yuge Shiro (Commodities Chuanyou ornaments), and Metropolitan Police Department's Caoti Junping (North Village, Hui decoration), the three together to investigate this case. The victim naked, not carrying any identification, fingerprints are destroyed, suffered blunt force and disfigured face. After a series of investigations, the police quickly confirmed the identity of the deceased - Fu Jian Shen 2 (Nagatsuka Keishi decoration), 39-year-old, dereliction of ty in Kawasaki City, Saiwai Ward lived without the economic ability to afford even the rent is a month ago Start slowly move more than simple hotel. Before death, Fu Jian in the fan housing Kamata hotel accommodations, and soon disappeared with a room key. Police in the hotel room, collected hair DNA, and the body found not far from the scene on a bicycle stolen to collect fingerprints, these two things have been identified belonging to the victim Fu Jian Shinji. Cause of death was suffocation death oppressed the neck, according to the traces left in the neck of view, weapon most likely heating wire table. Fu Jian compartment in the investigation of the process of personal files, police found he had a wife, called spent Gangjing child (Song-Snow Yasuko ornaments), inland and Caoti visited her home immediately. Fu Jian Jing and gave birth to son with the daughter of Mei-li (Kanazawa Miho decorative) lived in a apartment in Koto Ward. The United States in the current junior high school in Reading, Yasuko has Kinshichō do Peijiunvlang, but now the bridge Bang-cho in Japan opened a lunch shop. The face of the police, Yasuko said the victims had no idea what her ex-husband, while she and her daughter are the victims died that day alibi. At this time, lived next door at the Hanaoka Tetsuya Ishigami (Shinichi Tsutsumi Jewelry) happens to go out, they called and came face to face with the inland sea. Utsumi immediately stepped forward to show him pictures of Fu Jian, and asked whether the evening of December 2 to hear the family next door Hanaoka and abnormal movement. God answered the stone side, while out mail in the mail. Inland to see the email on the clearly marked "Imperial Capital University" the words, can we say that the stone gods and Yukawa, Caoti like them, are all graates of the University Royal Park. So once again rise from the sea and Caoti visited the Royal Park University's "Galileo", hope to get the Yukawa help. However, Yukawa that "this case has nothing to do with scientific theory," but refused to participate, but later learned that one of the suspected case is a big beauty Yasuko after the start Yukawa became interested in this case. After listening to the Inland Sea and Caoti Yasuko alibi statement, the Yukawa said with a smile, "You come across very powerful in this powerful enemy," and so "to refuel Oh!" Royal Park including the University of the sea they were leaving when Caoti played with Tom Chuanti Yasuko neighbors - Tetsuya Ishigami things Yukawa face drastic change immediately, "As far as I know, the stone God is real in this world 'genius '. " A few days later, found a stone Yukawa God, this is the genius of the two Royal Park University, meet again after 17 years. Two sat in the apartment Ishigami drinking whiskey, talking about why the Stone God willing in a regular high school math teacher, and university two times with what happened after climbing so. A few days, with Yukawa borrowed from the Department of Mathematics, the latest report also came to rock god, he wants God to verify the stone, "the report's inference is correct," answered Stone God "may take some time," performed immediately forget them lying on the table, sitting beside Yukawa looked hard at the stone in the mathematical formula God, fell asleep. The next morning, next door closed when Yasuko sound to work, so that Yukawa woke up from sleep. Ishigami spent watching the direction of Yasuko room. "Still do calculus?" Yukawa said such a stone God turned, began to discuss their reasoning. Yukawa was staring at this genius, revealing "It's a relief," the look. At this time, had come to office hours Ishigami, Yukawa decided to go along with the stone god school, and then their own home. Together to stop the process, Yukawa God heard from Stone Yasuko mother and daughter about something, "usually run into a hit in advance. Every morning I would go to her shop to buy lunch lunch to work, largely it was only then will meet, "Stone God quietly describe his relationship with the neighbors. "What a pity ah, she was a big beauty ah, you say it?" In the face of this problem Yukawa, stone silence of God. However, the two were about to, when God suddenly emerge a stone: "We envy you, ah, now or so to look younger." In the Yukawa impression, stone God is a matter of mathematics has no interest other than the guy, why he would suddenly care about their appearance since then, Yukawa seemed to sense something. On the other hand, the police will spend Gang Jing Fu Jian cases of child as the first suspects to carry out comprehensive searches, but they Yasuko perfect alibi, always can not find any doubt, Fu Jian searches case an impasse ... ... At this point, take the initiative to contact Yukawa Utsumi, propose to the scene to look at the requirements. In addition, Yukawa Utsumi also wanted to tell them, the police are being transferred prisoners will bear a large circle, all of these cases, after all controlled by the prisoners, but prisoners Why do this, do not sort out Yukawa clue. Yasuko face perfect alibi Yukawa can not find out the truth, just as he refused to give up when an accident happening, the whole mystery there possibility. However, the closer the truth Yukawa, the more is the feeling of pain. Utsumi previous Yukawa help solve the case different is that the sea inwards Yukawa want to hide the core of the case, so he was in deep distress in. Who is the real prisoners? This case and the only recognized genius Yukawa God has a lot to rock it? When reasoning Yukawa picture of the entire case, he took what action?

(文/伊万里)帝都大学理工学院物理学专业第十三研究室的准教授汤川学(福山雅治 饰),智商过人外表英俊,还有个“伽利略”的外号。他常受贝冢北署的刑警内海薰(柴崎幸 饰)之托,运用科学理论解决各种看似超自然现象的疑案。 某天,贝冢北署管辖范围内发现一具男尸,这是一起杀人案件,被害者死亡时间被推定为12月2日下午6点到10点之间。搜查课的内海,以及内海的前辈弓削志郎(品川佑 饰),还有警视厅总署的草剃俊平(北村一辉 饰),三人一起负责调查这起案件。 被害者全身赤裸,未携带任何身份证明,指纹被烧毁,脸部遭受钝器打击而毁容。 经过一系列调查,警方很快确认了死者的身份——富樫慎二(长冢圭史 饰),39岁,失职中,家住川崎市幸区,无经济能力,连房租都支付不起,一个月前开始辗转于多家简易旅馆。死亡前,富樫在蒲田的扇屋旅馆投宿,不久就带着房间钥匙失踪了。警方在旅馆的房间中,采集到头发的DNA,并在尸体发现现场不远处一辆被盗的自行车上收集到指纹,这两样东西已被确认属于被害者富樫慎二。死者的死亡原因是颈部受压迫窒息身亡,根据留在颈部的痕迹来看,凶器极有可能是取暖桌的电线。 在调查富樫隔个人档案的过程中,警方发现他有一个前妻,名叫花冈靖子(松雪泰子 饰),内海与草剃立即上门拜访了她。靖子带着与富樫生下的女儿美里(金泽美穗 饰)一起住在江东区的一家公寓中。美里目前初中在读,靖子曾在锦糸町做陪酒女郎,但现在在日本桥浜町开了一家便当店。面对警察,靖子称完全不知前夫被害的事,同时她与女儿还有被害者死亡当天的不在场证明。这时,住在花冈隔壁的石神哲哉(堤真一 饰)恰巧出门,与内海他们打了个照面。内海立即上前向他出示富樫的照片,并询问12月2日晚是否听到隔壁花冈家中有异常的动静。石神一边回答着,一边取出信箱中的邮件。内海看到那封邮件上清楚地印有“帝都大学”字样,难道说这个石神与汤川、草剃他们一样,都是帝都大学的毕业生。 于是,内海与草剃再度走访了帝都大学的“伽利略”,希望能得到汤川的帮助。但是,汤川以“这个案件与科学理论没有任何关系”而拒绝参与,不过,后来听说案件的嫌疑人之一靖子是个大美人之后,汤川开始对这个案子产生了兴趣。在听完内海与草剃对靖子不在场证明的陈述后,汤川笑着说“你们这次遇上相当厉害的强敌了”,所以“要加油哦”! 在内海他们即将离开帝都大学的时候,草剃跟汤川提起了靖子的邻居——石神哲哉的事,汤川的脸色立刻大变,“据我所知,石神是这个世界上真正的‘天才’”。 几天后,汤川找到了石神,这是两位帝都大学的天才时隔17年后再次相见。 二人坐在石神的公寓里喝着威士忌,谈论着为何石神甘愿在一所普通高中做数学老师,以及大学时代的两人一起登山后发生的事等等。又过了几天,汤川带着从大学数学系借来的最新报告又来找石神,他希望石神能验证“报告中的推论是否是正确的”,石神回答“可能会花点时间”,便立即趴在桌子上演算了起来,坐在一旁的汤川看着埋头于数学公式的石神,不知不觉地睡着了。 第二天早上,隔壁靖子上班时的关门声,令汤川从睡梦中醒了过来。石神呆看着靖子房间的方向。“还在演算吗?”汤川说了这样一句,石神转过头来,开始论述自己的推论。汤川看着眼前的这个天才,露出“这我就放心”了的神情。这时,已经到了石神上班的时间,汤川决定与石神一起走到学校,再自行回家。 一同走向车站的过程中,汤川从石神那里听说了一些关于靖子母女俩的事,“平时碰上了就打个招呼。每天早上我都会去她工作的便当店买便当,大体上也就只有那个时候才会见面”,石神静静地形容他与邻居之间的关系。“真可惜啊,她可是个大美人啊,你说对吧?”面对汤川的这个问题,石神沉默不语。但是,俩人即将分别的时候,石神突然冒出一句:“真是羡慕你啊,现在看起来还是这么地年轻”。在汤川的印象中,石神是一个对数学以外的事没有任何兴趣的家伙,他为何会突然在意起自己的外表呢,汤川似乎感觉到了什么。 另一方面,警方将花冈靖子作为富樫案件的第一嫌疑人展开全面搜查,但是,他们在靖子完美的不在场证明中,始终找不出任何疑点,富樫案件的搜查工作陷入了僵局……就在这时,汤川主动联系内海,提出去案发现场看一下的要求。另外,汤川还小声告诉内海他们,警方目前正被犯人兜着转大圈,案件发生后所有的这一切都在犯人的掌控之中,但是,犯人为什么要这样做,汤川还没有理出头绪。 面对靖子完美的不在场证明,汤川无法找出真相,就在他死心的时候,一件意外事情的发生,令整个谜团出现了解决的可能性。然而,汤川越是接近真相,就越是感觉痛苦。与以往汤川协助内海破案不同的是,汤川很想向内海隐瞒案件的核心,因此他陷入了深深的苦恼中。 真正的犯人究竟是谁? 这个案件与汤川唯一承认的天才石神有着很大关系吗? 当汤川推理出整个案件的全貌时,他采取了怎样的行动呢?

C. 美国(电影,音乐)问题

I know who killed me---------我知道谁杀了我 或 双面凝杀 2007年7月27日
Georgia Rule-----------乔治娅家规 2007年5月11日(美国)
Chapter 27-------------第27章 2007年(具体时间未定)
Bobby---------------------鲍比 2006年9月5日
JUST MY LUCK-----------倒霉爱神 2006年5月12日
A Prairie Home Companion --草原一家亲 2006年6月9号
Herbie Fully Loaded---《疯狂金龟车》或《金龟车贺比》6月22日公映
Mean Girls---《贱女孩》或《坏女孩》 2004年4月19日
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen---《青春舞会皇后》或《高校天后》 2004年02月17日
Freaky Friday---《辣妈辣妹》 2003年8月6日
Get a Clue---《小记者大侦探》 2002年06月28日
Abbie Girl Spy(网上找不到翻译,大家根据字面意思将就着看吧~!)
Life Size---《娃娃看天下》
The Parent Trap---《天生一对》 1998
在完成迪斯尼的三部电影合约后,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 又回到荧屏,出演电视电影“Life Size”(2000) 和《小记者大侦探》(Get a Clue,2002)。她还在短命喜剧电视剧《贝蒂》(Bette,2000) 的试播集中扮演了角色Rose。2001年6月,林赛·罗韩 (Lindsay Lohan) 暂时离开了表演。一年后,她开始了新的音乐事业,于2004年12月发布了首张唱片专辑“Speak”,畅销货架。

1987 My Little Girl
1993 Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7
1995 My Family/Mi Familia
Money Train
1996 Jack
1997 Blood and Wine
U Turn
1998 Out of Sight
2000 The Cell
2001 The Wedding Planner
Angel Eyes
2002 Enough
Maid in Manhattan
2003 Gigli
2004 Jersey Girl
Shall We Dance?
2005 Monster-in-Law
An Unfinished Life
2007 Border Town
El Cantante
Feel the Noise Herself (Cameo)
2008 The Governess
Austin Powers 4
2009 Love and Other Impossible Pursuits
1999 On the 6
2001 J. Lo
2002 J to tha L-O! The Remixes
2002 This Is Me... Then
2005 Rebirth
2007 Como Ama Una Mujer
2007 Brave
Let's Get Loud(演唱会)
The Reel Me(CD+DVD)
Feelin' So Good
Como Ama Una Mujer

作为演员的电影作品(数量:76) Factor X ------- (2008)
钢铁人 Iron Man ------- (2008)
Luke Cage ------- (2008)
Perfect Christmas ------- (2007)
Awake ------- (2007)
The Crusaders ------- (2007)
纽约那条黑街/勇敢的人 The Brave One ------- (2007)
Live from the Red Carpet: The 2007 Grammy Awards ------- (2007)
泳池骄龙 Pride ------- (2007)
八月迷情/八月冲刺 August Rush ------- (2007)
Spring Break in Bosnia ------- (2007)
"Independent Lens" Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life ------- (2007)
12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards ------- (2006)
"Independent Lens" Almost Home ------- (2006)
爱德怀特 Idlewild ------- (2006)
The 11th Annual Critics' Choice Awards ------- (2006)
37th NAACP Image Awards ------- (2006)
"Independent Lens" Race to Execution ------- (2006)
An Evening of Stars: Tribute to Stevie Wonder ------- (2006)
The 48th Annual Grammy Awards ------- (2006)
黑金 "Independent Lens" Black Gold ------- (2006)
第78届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 78th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2006)
OutKast Goes to Idlewild: The Rebirth of Cool ------- (2006)
The World According to Sesame Street ------- (2006)
"Independent Lens" Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes ------- (2006)
Premio Donostia a Matt Dillon ------- (2006)
A Portrait of an Artist: The Making of 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' ------- (2006)
川流熙攘 Hustle & Flow ------- (2005)
The Black Movie Awards ------- (2005)
要钱不要命/饿死胆大,撑死胆小 Get Rich or Die Tryin' ------- (2005)
IFP Gotham Awards 2005 ------- (2005)
BET Awards 2005 ------- (2005)
Animal ------- (2005)
"Independent Lens" A Touch of Greatness ------- (2005)
凝望上帝 Their Eyes Were Watching God ------- (2005)
"Independent Lens" Fishbowl ------- (2005)
Awake ------- (2005)
Stolen ------- (2005)
四兄弟 Four Brothers ------- (2005)
拉克万纳布鲁斯 Lackawanna Blues ------- (2005)
沙龙 The Salon ------- (2005)
撞车/冲撞/冲撞效应 Crash ------- (2004)
雷/灵魂歌王 Ray ------- (2004)
"Tavis Smiley" ------- (2004)
"Independent Lens" The New Americans ------- (2004)
Love Chronicles ------- (2003)
"Jimmy Kimmel Live" ------- (2003)
"Independent Lens" Be Good, Smile Pretty ------- (2003)
狂飙少年/蛇行太保 Biker Boyz ------- (2003)
"Independent Lens" American Made ------- (2003)
哈特之战 Hart's War ------- (2002)
"Street Time" ------- (2002)
天使之眼 Angel Eyes ------- (2001)
星光闪闪 Glitter ------- (2001)
性爱调查 Investigating Sex ------- (2001)
Boycott ------- (2001)
"Soul Food" ------- (2000)
卧底肥妈 Big Momma's House ------- (2000)
Love Beat the Hell Outta Me ------- (2000)
King of the World ------- (2000)
Valerie Flake ------- (1999)
各怀鬼胎 Best Laid Plans ------- (1999)
伴郎哈珀 The Best Man ------- (1999)
饶舌追杀令 Butter ------- (1998)
Mama Flora's Family ------- (1998)
玩家俱乐部 The Players Club ------- (1998)
亡命女特务 Double Tap ------- (1997)
Johns ------- (1996)
夕阳公园 Sunset Park ------- (1996)
Lotto Land ------- (1995)
Shadow-Ops ------- (1995)
霍兰先生的乐章 Mr. Holland's Opus ------- (1995)
The O.J. Simpson Story ------- (1995)
为钱卖命 Dead Presidents ------- (1995)
Who's the Man? ------- (1993)
The Jacksons: An American Dream ------- (1992)
作为编剧的电影作品(数量:10) "Independent Lens" Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life ------- (2007)
"Independent Lens" Race to Execution ------- (2006)
"Independent Lens" Almost Home ------- (2006)
"Independent Lens" Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes ------- (2006)
Stolen ------- (2005)
"Independent Lens" Fishbowl ------- (2005)
"Independent Lens" A Touch of Greatness ------- (2005)
"Independent Lens" The New Americans ------- (2004)
"Independent Lens" Be Good, Smile Pretty ------- (2003)
"Independent Lens" American Made ------- (2003)
作为制片人的电影作品(数量:3) Factor X ------- (2008)
泳池骄龙 Pride ------- (2007)
Love Beat the Hell Outta Me ------- (2000)
shine through it (album 2008)
曲目:1. love makes you beautiful
2. Shine Through It
3. Mr. Johnson’s Lawn
4. Sanctuary
5. No.1 Fan
6. Spanish Love Affair
7. Plenty
8. I Remember When
9. It’s All Game
10. She Was Mine
11. War
原声大碟 -《川流熙攘》(Hustle & Flow)2004

演员作品 非常女婿2 Meet the Fockers (2004)
潮浪王子 Prince of Tides, The (1991)
我要求审判 Nuts (1987)
杨朵 Yentl (1983)
风骚俏佳人 All Night Long (1981)
夺标妙女郎 The Main Event (1979)
一个明星的诞生 Star Is Born, A (1976)
俏佳人 Funny Lady (1975)
往日情怀 The Way We Were (1973)
爱的大追踪 What's Up Doc (1972)
俏冤家 Owl and the Pussycat, The (1970)
你好,多莉! Hello, Dolly! (1969)
妙女郎 Funny Girl (1968)
Timeless: Live in Concert (2001)
双面镜 Mirror Has Two Faces, The (1998)
潮浪王子 Prince of Tides, The (1991)
杨朵 Yentl (1983)
Timeless: Live in Concert (2001)

《少女妙探(Nancy Drew)》(2007)中古怪精灵的神探南茜 (女主角)
《野孩子(Wild Child)》(2008)里任性叛逆的Poppy(女主角)
《狗狗旅馆(Hotel For Dogs)》(2009)中充满爱心的Andi(女主角)
《Unfabulous and More》(2005)

D. 电影----鬼妈妈 鬼债 怪物 深牢鬼冤都讲什么的



尼尔·盖曼(Neil Caiman)是一名移居美国的英国作家。
相貌英俊的他也以称得上是一位当代奇才,其创作的领域横跨了幻想小说、科幻小说、恐怖小说、儿童小说、漫画以及歌词。他的作品不但部部畅销,更是获奖无数。恐怖小部大师作家斯蒂芬·金称赞他是一个“装满了故事的宝库”。他还被《文学传词词典》列为当今世界的十大后现代作家。他与多位画家合作的漫画系列《睡魔》(Sandman),以独特的黑色幽默风格风靡世界,是许多欧美漫画迷的最爱。他的小说《星尘》(Starst)获创神奖、《美国众神》(American Gods)更是获得过星云奖、雨果奖等多项荣誉。

彭顺 Oxide Pang Chun / Pisut Praesangeam

Pimsiree Pimsee
Pramote Seangsorn

类型:恐怖 / 悬疑
片长:UK:130 min / Spain:124 min (DVD edition)
上映日期:2003年7月16日 菲律宾


本片由三段故事组成,第一段《旧鼓藏灵》由泰国导演Pisut Praesangeam执导,通过一个神秘的鼓,连接了前世与今生的故事。前世的故事讲的是一个歌舞戏班的女孩,因为恋情使得自己的人生发生了翻天覆地的变化,结局令人惋惜。今生的故事讲的是女孩阿芝以买卖古董为生,一天收到一个来历不明的古董鼓后,从此奇怪的事发生了,每晚她都做同一个恶梦,一个女人的声音经常把她从梦中惊醒,她隐约感觉到自己的房间似乎与以前不同了。第二段《尸油》也是由Pisut Praesangeam执导,讲的是一个25岁的单身女子偶然得到一瓶神秘的香油,据说涂上了可以吸引任何一个她看上的男人,她不知道香油是怎么做出来的,也不知道香油原来会有副作用,真相渐渐浮出水面。第三段《复仇》由彭顺导演,警察亚陆因为不相信自己所办的案子中的死者是死于自杀,于是他决定自己单独调查这个案子,在这个过程中,他发现了很多不为人知的线索,最终他把“凶手”逐一绳之于法。亚陆以为案子已经完结,但他发现原来真相还在后面。


日文名 モンスター

监督 小岛正幸

制作·发行 Madhouse Studios

出品年份 2005

官方网站 http://www.ntv.co.jp/monster/index.html
总共集数 74



天马贤三被称为天才医生,在西德留学研习医术。因为他卓越的医术而被爱斯勒医院院长和同事赏识,更是被院长千金爱娃所爱慕。就在他春风得意之际,因为一次违抗院长的命令救了一名生命垂危的小男孩约翰,之后他的生活完全发生了变化。他牺牲了自己的一切拯救了那位男孩,却没想到自己亲手复活了杀人怪物— 『MONSTER』……

角色 - 声优表

天马贤三 木内秀信

爱玛 小山茉美

院长 池田胜

安娜·李贝特 能登麻美子

约翰·利贝尔德 佐佐木望

贝克医生 原康义

外科部长 福田信昭

鲁凯警官 天田益男



原作: 浦泽直树

企画: 大泽雅彦 大岛满 久保雅一

总作画监督: 腾田しげる

角色原案: 高坂希太郎

系列构成: 浦田达彦

美术监督: 池田佑二

音乐: 蓜岛邦明

音乐监督: 本田保则

监督: 小岛正幸

Directed by
Andrew Adamson
Vicky Jenson

Writing credits
William Steig (book)
Ted Elliott (written by)
Genre: Animation / Adventure / Comedy / Family / Fantasy / Romance (more)

Tagline: The greatest fairy tale never told. (more)

Plot Outline: A reclusive ogre and a chatterbox donkey go on a quest to rescue a princess for a tyrannical midget lord. (more) (view trailer)

User Comments: A new Green Giant for a new millenium (more)

User Rating: 8.0/10 (72,225 votes)
Trivia: In the intro, Shrek brushes his teeth and looks at himself in the mirror, which then breaks. The same thing happens in Mike Myers' Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999). (more)

Goofs: Continuity: Shrek and Donkey could not have made jokes about Lord Farquaad's height since they never saw him anywhere before except on a balcony. Shrek has never heard of him before, so cannot have known. (The procers acknowledge this oversight in the DVD commentary.) (more)

[first lines]
[Shrek is reading a book in the outside toilet]
Shrek: Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess. But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by love's first kiss. She was locked away in a castle guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but none prevailed. She waited in the dragon's keep, in the highest room of the tallest tower, for her true love, and true love's first kiss.
[tears out a page and laughs]

Finding Nemo (2003)
Directed by
Andrew Stanton
Lee Unkrich (co-director)

Writing credits
Andrew Stanton (story)
Andrew Stanton (screenplay)
Genre: Animation / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Family (more)

Tagline: Grab shell de! (more)

Plot Outline: A father-son underwater adventure featuring Nemo, a boy clownfish, stolen from his coral reef home. His timid father must then search the ocean to find him


E. 黑帮暴徒 开头的音乐叫什么名字

Title: Tsotsi OST 《黑帮暴徒》
Label: Milan Records
Released: February 14, 2006
Rating: ★★★★★


1. Mdlwembe - Zola
2. Bhambatha - Zola
3. Zingu 7 - Zola
4. Matofotofo - Pitch Black Afro feat. Bravo
5. Sgubhu Sam - Unathi
6. Munt'Omnyama - Mafikizolo feat. Stoan & Jahseed from Bongo Maffin
7. Palesa - Zola
8. Seven - Zola
9. Ehlala - Zola
10. C.R.A.Z.Y - Ishmael feat. Bongz
11. It1s Your Life - Zola
12. Woof Woof - Zola
13. Stolen Legs - Mark Kilian and Paul Hepker
14. On The Tracks - Mark Kilian and Paul Hepker
15. Silang Mabele - Vusi Mahlasela
16. Bye Bye Baby - Mark Kilian and Paul Hepker
17. Baby Handover - Mark Kilian and Paul Hepker
18. E Sale Noka - Mark Kilian and Paul Hepker
19. Ghetto Scandalous - Zola


《黑帮暴徒》(Tsotsi)这部荣获78届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,还入选第63届金球奖最佳外语片提名,多伦多电影节“人民选择奖”的歌颂人性的电影无疑为这个本是商业化的环境开辟了一个另类而真挚的道路。一部获奥斯卡最佳外语片的作品原声自然也不会马虎,Tsotsi 在南非俚语中就是恶棍(Thug)的意思,影片生动描绘了莱索托城镇犹太区的生活状况,所以请来了最能代表本地音乐的音乐人参与其中,歌曲带有奔放的舞蹈旋律、强劲的鼓点和粗糙(再说一遍:不是贬义词)原始的choruses,这就是南非的最纯粹的HIP-HOP形式——kwaito!专辑主要制作人Zola就是这个流派杰出的代表人物,(他也在这部片中参与了演出),这位少小离家把音乐当成一生职业的真正音乐人赌嬴他这人生最大的赌博。在这张属于他的“精选集”中,不光有劲力的"Mdlwembe",还有的狂野的"It's Your Life",富有感染力的"Ehlala",还有片尾被称为Zola轰炸的"Ghetto Scandalous"。除了Zola的作品外,还有Pitch Black Afro的 "Matofotofo" 采用的流行舞曲的元素;专辑难得一见的抒缓作品Silang Mabele的"Vusi Mahlasela" 也给人留下深刻的印像。总之这是一张载满醇香的作品,也是kwaito音乐的标尺,不仅仅是因为他们是明星,而是在于他们的真心。我为现在才听到这张美妙的专辑而感到羞怯,做的只有尽力的推荐给大家。



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