导航:首页 > 音乐图片 > 欧美公路电影背景音乐


发布时间:2024-07-02 13:50:52

㈠ 璇烽棶锛氬湪銆婄嫾婧2銆嬭繖閮ㄧ數褰遍噷鍏朵腑鍦ㄩ珮閫熷叕璺涓婂氨鏄涓よ溅浜掔浉杩介愭梺杈瑰張鏈夎嬮紶缁忚繃鐨勫満鏅鏃惰儗鏅闊充箰鏄浠涔

姝屾洸鍚嶏細The Lion Sleeps Tonight 鐙鐜嬪畨鐫′簡 婕斿敱锛 Lebo M 锛堝崡闈為粦浜烘瓕鎵嬶級
杩欐槸杩澹灏煎姩鐢汇婄嫯瀛愮帇2銆嬬數褰卞師澹板甫閲岀殑姝岋紝灏忕殑鏃跺欏氨鍚杩囷紝鍘熷敱Lebo M 鐨勫0闊虫洿鏄杩蜂汉锛
鍘熷0甯﹂噷鐨勫彟涓棣朒e Lives in You鍚屾牱濂藉惉锛佽櫨绫抽煶涔愮綉閲屾湁杩欏紶涓撹緫!

㈡ 公路美人电影开头的英文歌曲

Redshy -LoseMyself(feat.ChristinaO'Connor)

女声是Christina O'Connor, 曲是Redshy,主混音的歌曲,很带感,我也挺喜欢。

试听地址 虾米网

另外我上传了官方MV,在音悦台找Lose Myself就找到了


㈢ 甯哥湅娆х編鐢靛奖 寮鐫璺戣溅 鍦ㄥ叕璺涓婂厹椋庣殑閭d釜姝屾洸鏄浠涔堥煶涔

涔℃潙闊充箰 鎴栬呰交鎽囨粴

㈣ 电影《史密斯夫妇》中两夫妻在公路上逃亡时车子上放的歌曲的名字什么


Mondo Bongo Lyrics

Artist(Band):Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros

There's something there

I was patrolling a Pachinko
Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone
Hanging out with insects under cting
The C.I.A was on the phone
Well, such is life

Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair, oh

Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair

Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair

For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters
Of all the curtain and lace

Down at the bauxite mine
You get your own uniform
Have lunchtimes off
Take a monorail to your home

Checkmate, baby
God bless us and our home
Where ever we roam
Now take us home, flaquito

Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
The flower looks good in your hair
Latino caribo, mondo bongo
Nobody said it was fair



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