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发布时间:2024-05-31 22:56:21

Ⅰ 求大量电影中的经典对白













Ⅱ 瀵绘ⅵ鐜娓歌扮粡鍏稿彴璇

🌟 娆㈣繋澶у舵潵鍒版垜鐨勬帹鑽愶紒浠婂ぉ鎴戣佸拰澶у跺垎浜鐨勬槸涓閮ㄦ繁鍙楄備紬鍠滅埍鐨勭數褰扁斺斻婂绘ⅵ鐜娓歌般嬩腑鐨勭粡鍏稿彴璇嶏紒杩欓儴鐢靛奖浠ョ嫭鐗圭殑澧ㄨタ鍝ユ枃鍖栦负鑳屾櫙锛岃茶堪浜嗕竴涓灏忕敺瀛╃殑鎴愰暱鍘嗙▼鍜屼粬涓庡舵棌鐨勬劅浜烘晠浜嬨傝繖浜涚粡鍏稿彴璇嶄笉浠呮劅浜鸿嚦娣憋紝鑰屼笖钑村惈鐫娣卞埢鐨勬濇兂锛屽煎緱鎴戜滑姣忎釜浜哄幓鎬濊冨拰鍝佸懗銆

🌵 绗涓涓缁忓吀鍙拌瘝鏉ヨ嚜浜庣數褰变腑鐨勪富瑙掔背鏍硷紝浠栬达細鈥滄垜浠璁板緱浠栦滑锛屾槸鍥犱负浠栦滑鐖辨垜浠銆傗濊繖鍙ヨ瘽鏄瀵圭栧厛鐨勭邯蹇靛拰鑷存暚锛屼篃鏄瀵瑰跺涵閲嶈佹х殑鍐嶆″己璋冦傜數褰变腑鐨勫舵棌鏄涓涓闈炲父閲嶈佺殑涓婚橈紝姣忎釜浜洪兘鏈夌潃鑷宸辩嫭鐗圭殑鏁呬簨鍜屽巻鍙层傝繖鍙ヨ瘽鍛婅瘔鎴戜滑锛屾垜浠搴旇ョ弽鎯滃跺涵锛岀埍瀹朵汉锛屽洜涓轰粬浠鏄鎴戜滑浜虹敓涓鏈閲嶈佺殑浜恒

🌺 绗浜屼釜缁忓吀鍙拌瘝鏉ヨ嚜浜庣背鏍肩殑鏇剧栫埗锛屼粬璇达細鈥滄垜浠涓嶆槸鍦ㄦ诲幓锛岃屾槸鍦ㄨ浜洪仐蹇樸傗濊繖鍙ヨ瘽鍛婅瘔鎴戜滑锛屽彧鏈夊綋鎴戜滑琚浜轰滑璁颁綇鏃讹紝鎴戜滑鎵嶇湡姝f椿鐫銆傚湪杩欎釜鍏呮弧绔炰簤鍜屽彉鍖栫殑涓栫晫閲岋紝鎴戜滑搴旇ヨ╄嚜宸辩殑鐢熷懡鏈夋剰涔夛紝璁╄嚜宸辩殑瀛樺湪琚浜轰滑閾璁般

🎸 绗涓変釜缁忓吀鍙拌瘝鏉ヨ嚜浜庣數褰变腑鐨勯煶涔愬舵捣闂ㄥ氾紝浠栬达細鈥滈煶涔愭槸涓栫晫涓婃渶缇庡ソ鐨勪簨鐗╀箣涓銆傗濊繖鍙ヨ瘽鍛婅瘔鎴戜滑锛岄煶涔愭槸涓绉嶈兘澶熸墦鐮磋瑷鍜屾枃鍖栫晫闄愮殑鍔涢噺锛屽畠鑳藉熻╂垜浠鎰熷彈鍒颁汉绫诲叡鍚岀殑鎯呮劅鍜屼环鍊艰傘傞煶涔愯兘澶熻╂垜浠鎰熷埌蹇涔愩佹劅鍔ㄣ佹縺鍔ㄥ拰鎰熸偀锛岃╂垜浠鏇村姞鐑鐖辩敓鍛藉拰涓栫晫銆

🌄 浠ヤ笂灏辨槸鎴戜负澶у舵帹鑽愮殑銆婂绘ⅵ鐜娓歌般嬩腑鐨勭粡鍏稿彴璇嶃傝繖浜涘彴璇嶄笉浠呬粎鏄涓鍙ュ彞绠鍗曠殑璇濊锛屾洿鏄浜虹敓鍝茬悊鍜屾劅鎮熴傚畠浠鍛婅瘔鎴戜滑濡備綍鐝嶆儨鐢熷懡銆佺埍瀹朵汉銆侀摥璁板巻鍙诧紝浠ュ強鎰熷彈闊充箰甯︽潵鐨勫姏閲忋傚笇鏈涘ぇ瀹惰兘澶熷枩娆㈣繖浜涘彴璇嶏紝骞朵粠涓姹插彇鍒颁竴浜涚伒鎰熷拰鍚绀恒傝阿璋㈠ぇ瀹剁殑瑙傜湅锛

Ⅲ 有哪些欧美电影的经典台词惊艳到了你

要么忙着活,要么忙着死 。

Ⅳ ET(电影)的图片和经典台词或对白


Elliot: He's a man from outer space and we're taking him to his spaceship.
Greg: Well, can't he just beam up?
Elliot: This is REALITY, Greg.

E.T.: E.T. phone home.

Elliot: How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?

Michael: Maybe it was an iguana.
Elliot: It was NO iguana.
Michael: You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers?
Gertie: Alligators in the sewers.
Mary: All we're trying to say is, maybe you just probably imagined it.
Elliot: I couldn't have imagined it!
Michael: Maybe it was a pervert or a deformed kid or something.
Gertie: A deformed kid.
Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun?
Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis-breath!

Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun.
Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath!

Mary: If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don't catch it, just call me and we'll call somebody and have them take it away.
Gertie: Like the dogcatcher?
Elliot: But they'll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it or something.

Michael: Maybe he's some animal that wasn't supposed to live. Could be a monkey or an orangutan.
Elliot: A bald monkey?
Gertie: Is he a pig? He sure eats like one.

Elliot: You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T.

Keys: Elliot, that machine, what does it do?
Elliot: The communicator? Is it still working?
Keys: It's doing *something*. What?
Elliot: I really shouldn't tell. He came to me, he came to me.
Keys: Elliot, he came to me too. I've been wishing for this since I was 10 years old, I don't want him to die. What can we do that we're not already doing?
Elliot: He needs to go home, he's calling his people, and I don't know where they are, and he needs to go home.
Keys: Elliot, I don't think he was left here intentionally, but his being here is a miracle, Elliot. It's a miracle and you did the best that anybody could do. I'm glad he met you first.

Michael: [Michael imitating Elliot] I found him, he belongs to me!

Elliot: You must be dead, because I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything anymore.

Steve: Did your goblin come back?
Michael: Shut up.
Greg: Well, did he?
Elliot: Yeah, he came back. But he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman.
Tyler: Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where's he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus?
Greg: He doesn't get it Ty.
Tyler: Get it? Your anus?
Greg: He doesn't get it.
Elliot: You're so immature!
Greg: And you're such a sinus supremus.
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: Sinus supremus!
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: Sinus supremus!
Elliot: Shut up Greg!
Pretty Young Girl: Hi Elliott.
Greg: Sinus supremus!
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: You wimp!

Tyler: Douche bag.

Mary: A pizza? Who said you guys could order a pizza?

Tyler: We made it! Oh shit!

Michael: [as Yoda] "You have absolute power! Eerrp!"

Elliot: What do I do?
Michael: I don't know. You have absolute power, remember?

Elliot: Oh, God!
E.T.: Elliot.
Elliot: What?
E.T.: Elliot! Elliot!
Gertie: I taught him how to talk. He can talk now.
Elliot: Wait. Can you say 'E.T.'? E.T.?
E.T.: E.T.
Elliot: Aha!
E.T.: E.T.! E.T.! E.T.!

Michael: We're all going to die and they're never going to give me my license!

Michael: Where's the playground?
Elliot: It's near the preschool!
Michael: Where's that?
Elliot: I don't know streets! Mom always drives me!
Michael: Son of a bitch.

Elliott: I'm keeping him.

[Mary hits E.T. with the refrigerator door]
Gertie: Here he is.
Mary: [absently] Who?
Gertie: The man from the moon. But I think you've killed him already.

[after E.T. learns how to talk]
Mary: Gertie, I've gotta go pick up Elliot from school.
Gertie: Mama, he can talk!
Mary: [thinking she meant Elliot] Of course he can talk.

Elliot: I'll believe in you all my life.

[last lines]
E.T.: Come...
Elliot: Stay...
E.T.: Ouch.
Elliot: Ouch.
E.T.: I'll... be... right... here.
Elliot: ...bye.

E.T.: Be good.

E.T.: [touching heart, about to leave Elliott forever] Ouuuuch!

[first lines]
Steve: [reading dice] Five.
Michael: Oh, great.
Steve: So you got an arrow right in your chest.

E.T.: [steps on a bathroom scale, it reads 35 lbs]
Elliot: 35 pounds? You're fat!

Elliot: [upon encountering ET, running excitedly into the house] Mom, mom! There's something out at me!
Elliot: [starts chattering noisily to the other boys] What?
Elliot: Quiet!
[they obey, he speaks in a hushed tone]
Elliot: *Nobody* go out there!
Greg: [the boys all spring up excitedly] Ha! Ha! Ha!
[they grab knives]
Mary: Stop you guys, stay right here!
Greg: You stay here, Mom, we'll check it out!
Mary: And put those knives back!
[Elliot grabs her hands and pulls her outside as well]
Mary: Okay, Elliott!

[the boys are telling Elliot to order the pizza]
Tyler: Everything but the little fishies!

E.T.: [saying good-bye to Gertie] Beeeeeee. Gooood.
Gertie: [tearfully] Yes.

[repeated line]
Greg: Something is definitely happening...
Tyler: Shut up, Greg.

Mary: Michael, please do the dishes
Michael: I set and cleared
Elliot: *I* set and cleared
Michael: [quickly] I did breakfast
Gertie: I did breakfast
Mary: [Mary slams a pot down on the sideboard]

Elliot: But, look, you can't tell. Not even mom.
Gertie: Why not?
Elliot: Because grownups can't see him. Only little kids can see him.
Gertie: Give me a break!


Ⅳ 肖申克的救赎中经典台词有哪些

1、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.


2、Takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.


3、I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.


4、Things that make you sad, one day, you will laugh out and say it.


5、Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone.There's something inside that they can't get yo that they can't touch.That's yours.


Ⅵ 外国电影中的经典台词有哪些

1、I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, or who I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up——《泰坦尼克号》。


2、Nothing destroys like poverty——《泰坦尼克号》


3、“I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze”——《阿甘正传》


4、It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was a million sparkles on the river——《阿甘正传》


5、Nothing just happens,it's all part of a plan——《阿甘正传》




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