音乐叫《Stadium Rave》,我添加了附件,你可以听听看欢迎光临网络海绵宝宝吧^^
㈡ 跪求海绵宝宝背景音乐!!
㈢ 海绵宝宝最经典的那个背景音乐叫什么
㈣ 求海绵宝宝插曲
1. Spongebob Squarepants Theme Song 2. Sweet Victory 3. Ripped Pants 4. Doing The Sponge 5. He's Flying 6. Gary's Song 7. Sweater Song 8. Hey All You People 9. Bubble Beat Box 10. Underwater Sun 11. Bossy Boots Song 12. When Worlds Collide 13. Jelly Fish Jam 14. Campfire Song Song 15. Hey Mean Mr. Bossman 16. Stadium Rave 17. All You Need Is Friends 18. Nick's B. Danube 19. That's What Friends Do 20. You're Old 这些呢是插曲的歌名,但是没有找到全部能下的网站,不过大部分分网络或搜狗上有,呵呵,不好意思啊 海绵宝宝全部的歌曲名单如下: 1. Spongebob Squarepants Theme Song 2. Sweet Victory 3. Ripped Pants 4. Doing The Sponge 5. He's Flying 6. Gary's Song 7. Sweater Song 8. Hey All You People 9. Bubble Beat Box 10. Underwater Sun 1 1. Bossy Boots Song 1 2. When Worlds Collide 1 3. Jelly Fish Jam 1 4. Campfire Song Song 1 5. Hey Mean Mr. Bossman 1 6. Stadium Rave 1 7. All You Need Is Friends 1 8. Nick's B. Danube 1 9. That's What Friends Do 20. You're Old
㈤ 海绵宝宝大电影1海绵宝宝被献祭给汉堡包之前那段女声哼的bgm
我不知道你说的是哪一首(指两首歌之间的一首),第一季OP;Colors of the Heart,第二季OP:Papermoon
㈥ 海绵宝宝历险记2的片尾曲叫啥有句HERE WE GO NOW的那个
歌曲名:Squeeze Me