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发布时间:2023-05-30 10:47:19

❶ 求《生死时速1》片尾曲SPEED

Billy idol 的Speed这个才是那个摇滚的。

❷ 生死时速电影片尾曲叫什么,摇滚的那首


❸ 生死时速2里面的音乐

1,Tikhi Tikhi

2,Wanna Wanna


4,Loving you

❹ 生死时速2 海上争锋 插曲 影片播放至: 12'25的时候在船顶上放的歌.. 啊拉木拉大.. 那样的...黑人唱的..

01 Tell Me Is It True
02 My Dream
03 Make Tonight Beautiful
04 Crazy
05 Speed TK Re-Mix
06 A Namorada
07 The Tide Is High
08 I Feel The Earth Move
09 Never Give Up
10 You Can Get It If You Really Wan..
11 Some People
12 Every Breath You Take


❺ 生死时速2中的歌曲

歌曲名称:Make Tonight Beautiful
歌手: Tamia
作词: 作曲:

From "Speed 2喋血巡洋"

I've been waiting to taste your kiss
Touch you in the dark, hold you to my heart
I've been hoping for that moment we'd be making love
Now the time has come, come with me, tonight
Share my dreams change my life

Make tonight beautiful (beautiful)
Make tonight something more
Than any night I've ever known (yeah)
In my life before
Make it beautiful baby (make tonight beautiful)
Hold me close and don't let go
Lay with me and stay with me, tonight
Make tonight a beautiful night, ooh

Turn the lights down tonight
There's a world of love waiting there for us
Let me take you yeah, to that place you've never been before
Open up the door to a dream, come true
Take my hand
And show me how to make

Make tonight beautiful
Make tonight something more
Than any night I've ever known, in my life before
Make it beautiful baby(make tonight beautiful)
Hold me close and don't let go
Lay with me and stay with me tonight
Make tonight a beautiful night, ooh

Come show me all the magic the night can bring
You see you're my door to heaven, you're all I need
I've waited all my life, to look into your eyes
So stay with me, make love to me,

Make tonight beautiful (make it beautiful)
Make tonight something more (baby make it something more)
Than any night I've ever known, in my life before
Make it beautiful(make it beautiful)
Hold me close and don't let go
Lay with me and stay with me tonight
Make tonight a beautiful night, ooh


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❼ 跪求印度电影【生死时速】全部插曲~


❽ 找一首歌`` 电影(生死时速2)里面的一首歌

Make Tonight Beautiful
I've been waiting, to taste your kiss,
touch you in the dark, hold you to my heart.
I've been waiting, for that moment, we'll be making love,
now the time has come, come with me tonight
share my dreams, change my life...

Make tonight beautiful, make tonight something more,
than any night I've ever known, in my life before
Make tonight beatiful, hold me close and don't let go
Lay with me and stay with me tonight
Make tonight a beautiful night

Turn the lights down tonight
There's a world of love, waiting there for us
Let me take you yeh, to a place you've never been before
Open up the door, to a dream come true
Take my hand and show me how (and make)
And show me all the magic, the night can bring
You see you're my darling heaven
You're all I need
I've waited all my life, to look into your eyes
So stay with me, make love to me tonight(make it beautiful)

❾ 电影 生死时速2里 在船上一个女黑人唱的一首很深情的英文歌叫什么名字是谁的歌

分享Patti LaBelle的单弯蠢首埋数曲《Make Tonight Beautiful》: http://music.163.com/song/3231593/ (来自@网易云音档唯乐)

❿ 电影生死时速(SPEED)中的音乐(很紧张很快那首)





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