导航:首页 > 音乐图片 > 这是关于音乐的电影英语翻译


发布时间:2022-12-31 05:52:50

1. 《音乐之声》英语介绍+翻译

《音乐之声》的英语介绍和翻译:"The Sound of Music" is an impressive musical that stands above other films of the genre because of interesting characters, top-notch direction, and a truly inspired screenplay. Julie Andrews (Oscar-nominated) stars as the young nun who leaves the convent to become the governess to a large family. She is instantly at odds with the children's father (Christopher Plummer), but they soon fall in love and get married. However, evil forces lurk overhead as the Nazis invade their homeland of Austria. Somewhat based on a true story, "The Sound of Music" is one of those rare musicals that works because there is a sense of fear and drama in the film's final act. This makes the film believable and none of the musical numbers take away from the story or the film's direction.


The story in the film is an adaptation of the real life story of Maria and the rest of the Van Trapp Family, who became a quite popular singing group in the '40s and '50s. Their tale of meeting and marrying, of facing Nazi aggression ring the Anschluss or annexation of Austria by Hitler's Third Reich, was first published as an autobiography, then adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein for a successful Broadway musical, and ultimately turned into the feature film. In the beginning Maria was applying to become a nun, but her irrepressible nature and predilection to burst into song at a moments notice made her Mother Abess decide perhaps she should try being a governess, and find out more about herself first. She is placed in charge of the seven Von Trapp children, whose mother has died and are being kept under some military boot camp existence by their father, who is a retired naval officer. The joyful Maria quickly changes things and brings music into the house and hearts of the children, and bringing life and love into the home. This is all under the umbrella of impending Nazi occupation, which is vocally and publicly opposed by Captain Von Trapp, played by Christopher Plummer.


2. 这里面有英语电影、英语歌曲、英语故事等的英语翻译的英语翻译,谢谢

There are English films, English songs and English stories,etc here.

3. 哪位好心的大大,帮忙翻译成英文的吧《八月迷情》观后感 这是一篇关于音乐的电影,讲述的是一个白人小孩被

This is one about music movie, what narrated is a Caucasian child is abandoned by the family member, hugs must certainly seek the proficient person's faith, has been drifting about destitute life. The small and weak form follows music to pass through a street, only longed for that is found. He not obliterates by the hunger and the difficult position his goodness and the purity. Only then resounds in music, on the immature face will only then present the naive smile.<dnt> a </dnt> parents' name did not know the child, is inquired about by the human wants to change any name time, “is found” blurted out, this is found the hope, the simple rigid desire, lets my inexplicable move, sad.
his mother similarly is also having in the world the greatest maternal love, when is seriously ill the father informs she the child also lives when the world, her excited mood, speaks incoherently the spoken language, weeps bitterly

4. 这部电影的音乐 (用英语怎么说)

the music of this film

5. 英文翻译这部电影他给予了我对生活的渴望和对音乐的热爱以及对自己梦想追逐的


The film he gave my desire for life and love of music and to chase their dreams .

6. 英语翻译 昨天我看了一部电影名叫音乐之声(用定语从句)

Yesterday I saw a film (which was )called the sound of music.

7. 影视音乐欣赏的英语怎么说

the appreciation of music in film and telivision

8. 音乐之声电影英文版的简介




Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead because he touched a guitar.

Every year on the festival of the dead, families who have passed away return to the world to be reunited with their relatives, but no one has ever been to the world of the dead. Mig was shocked by the colorful world of the dead, and even more surprising was that he met his lost mother and grandparents, and the family tried to bring Mig back to earth.

9. 我认为这部电影的音乐不过如此.的翻译

I think the music of this film
I think the music of this film
I think the music of this film
I think the music of this film

10. 我最喜欢的电影是音乐之声英语怎么说




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