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发布时间:2022-12-28 11:43:50

㈠ 求 被解救的姜戈 中的那首音乐I got name 的歌词 或者是这首带歌词的歌


I got a nameJim Croce

Like the pine trees lining the winding road 象是挺立于蜿蜒公路边的松树
I've got a name; I've got a name我拥有了名姓我拥有了名姓

Like the singing bird and the croaking toad象是歌唱的鸟儿和呱呱直叫的蟾蜍

I've got a name; I've got a name我拥有了名姓我拥有了名姓

And I carry it with me like my daddy did我会象父亲一样永远以此为荣

But I'm living the dream that he kept hid虽然此刻只我一人在追逐他曾经深埋心底的梦想

Movin' me down the highway载我前行吧

Rollin' me down the highway在人生路上驰骋

Movin' ahead so life won't pass me by不要错别生命的任何风景

Like the north wind whistlin' down the sky如同北风在空中呼啸而过

I've got a song; I've got a song我学会了歌唱我学会了歌唱

Like the whippoorwill and the baby's cry如同夜鹰的鸣叫和婴儿的哭啼

I've got a song; I've got a song我学会了歌唱我学会了歌唱

And I carry it with me and I sing it loud这歌声将永远伴我左右

If it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud无论身在何方亦或老无所依它依然是我的骄傲

Movin' me down the highway伴我前行吧

Rollin' me down the highway在人生路上驰骋

Movin' ahead so life won't pass me by不要错别生命的任何风景

And I'm gonna go there free永远自由自我

Like the fool I am and I'll always be永远虚心若愚

I've got a dream; I've got a dream我拥有了梦想我拥有了梦想

They can change their minds but they can't change me梦想将永远指引我的方向决不动摇

I've got a dream; I've got a dream因此我拥有梦想因为我拥有梦想

Oh, I know I could share it if you want me to这梦想我会毫不吝惜与别人分享

If you're going my way, I'll go with you如果同道那就同行吧

Movin' me down the highway偕手同行吧

Rollin' me down the highway在人生路上驰骋

Movin' ahead so life won't pass me by不要错别生命的任何风景

㈡ 求《被解救的姜戈》歌曲《freedom》Anthony Hamilton

《被解救的姜戈》歌曲《freedom》Anthony Hamilton歌曲链接:

歌手: Anthony Hamilton
所属专辑: 《Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained Original Motion Picture Soundtrack》
Felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders 感觉像是全世界的重量压在我肩上,

pressure to break or retreat at every turn 被压垮还是就这么知难而退?

Facing the fear that the truth, I discovered 面对恐惧我发现了真理,

No telling how, all these will work out 没人告诉你路在何方,

But I've come to far to go back now. 但我已走的太远不能回头。


I am looking for freedom, looking for freedom 我在追寻自由,追寻自由。

And to find it cost me everything I have 我付出一切去追寻它。

Well I am looking for freedom, looking for freedom 好吧,我在追寻自由,追寻自由。

And to find it, may take everything I have 去追寻它会让我付出一切。

I know all too well it don't come easy 我完全知道这一切并不容易,

the chains of the world they seem to movin tight 这世界给你的枷锁看起来越绷越紧,

I try to walk around if the stumbling is so familiar 我试着向前走,但是一次次跌倒,

tryin to get up but the doubt is so strong 试着站起来,但心中却满是疑虑,

there's gotta be a wind in my bones 我感觉寒风刺骨。


I'm looking for freedom, looking for freedom 我在追寻自由,追寻自由。

and to find it, cost me everything I have 我付出一切去追寻它。

Well I'm looking for freedom, I'm looking for freedom 好吧,我在追寻自由,追寻自由。

And to find it, may take everything I have 去追寻它会让我付出一切。

Oh not giving up there's always been hard, so hard 哦,别放弃,自由总是来之不易,来之不易,

but if I do the thanks lase the way I won't get far. 随遇而安只是在画地为牢。

Mhm, life hasn't been very kind to me lately, (well) 嗯,命运近来对我不怎么客气,(好吧)

but I suppose it's a push for moving on (oh yeah) 但我姑且当作那是在催我前行,(oh yeah)

in time the sun's gonna shine on me nicely (one day yeah ) 也许有一天,阳光会温柔的照在我身上 (有一天,yeah)

shinning tells me good things are coming. 这光芒告诉我追寻的一切就在眼前,

and I ain't gonna not believe 我几乎无法相信这一刻就这样到来。


I'm looking for freedom, looking for freedom 我在追寻自由,追寻自由。

and to find it, cost me everything I have 我付出一切去追寻它。

Well I'm looking for freedom, I'm looking for freedom 好吧,我在追寻自由,追寻自由。

And to find it, may take everything I have 去追寻它会让我付出一切。

㈢ 被解救的姜戈 中33分钟时候放的音乐是什么,知道的大虾说下哦

Django Unchained-anthony hamilton freedom 被解救的姜戈(歌曲) 就是33分钟姜戈回忆的时候的插曲,也是电影的主题曲

㈣ 被解放的姜戈所有插曲歌名及歌手

1、James Russo - Winged

《Winged》是电影《被解救的姜戈》中的歌曲v,是由制作人James Russo 演唱的。

2、Luis Bacalov - Django


3、Ennio Morricone - The Braying Mule

《TheBrayingMule》演唱者Ennio Morricone,所属专辑《Django Unchained (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)》

4、Christoph Waltz - "In the Case Django, After You..."

所属专辑《Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained Original Motion Picture Soundtrack》,发行公司是环球唱片。

5、Luis Bacalov - Lo Chiamavano King (His Name Is King)

“His Name Is King”是昆汀与意大利西部片《Lo chiamavano King》(1971)的互文,该片英文译名为“His Name Was King”,与此曲“His Name Is King”仅有be动词(词句中意为“是”)时态上的不同,前者“was”为过去时,而后者“Is”为一般现在时;然而,歌词里面均为过去时,即动词用“was”,文题时态存在细微差异,也是微妙所在。

6、Anthony Hamilton - Freedom

7、Don Johnson - Five-Thousand-Dollar Nigga's and Gummy Mouth Bitches [Explicit]

8、Luis Bacalov - La Corsa (2nd Version)

9、Don Straud - Sneaky Schultz and the Demise of Sharp

10、Jim Croce - I Got a Name

11、Riziero Ortolani - I Giorni Dell'ira

12、Rick Ross - 100 Black Coffins [Explicit]

13、Jerry Goldsmith - Nicaragua

14、Samuel L. Jackson - Hildi's Hot Box [Explicit]

15、Ennio Morricone - Sister Sara's Theme

16、Elisa Toffoli - Ancora Qui

17、James Brown - Unchained (The Payback/Untouchable) [Explicit]

18、John Legend - Who Did That to You?

19、Brother Dege (aka Dege Legg) - Too Old to Die Young

20、Samuel L. Jackson - Stephen the Poker Player [Explicit]

21、Ennio Morricone - Un Monumento

22、Samuel L. Jackson - Six Shots Two Guns [Explicit]

23、Annibale e i Cantori Moderni - Trinity (Titoli)


原声碟总共23首曲目,刨开对白8段(这其中3段又来自片中大反派Samuel L. Jackson),其余15首曲目,除了5首原创,其他10首都是来自于援引的音乐。


主题曲原声碟第二首Django,来自于那部1966年由意大利导演,“另外一个塞吉奥”,塞吉奥·考布西Sergio Corbucci的原作《姜戈》,是阿根廷配乐名家 Luis Bacalov的作品(他还为我们奉献过得奖音乐《邮差》)。

㈤ 被解救的姜戈片尾曲好像在哪里听过,谁知道

Annibale e i Cantori Moderni – Trinity (Titoli)你要的片尾曲
DJANGO theme song
the braying mule
rito finale
main titles theme song-lo chiamayano king
norme con ironie
town of silence(2nd version)
town of silence
la corsa(2nd version)
i got a name
i giorm dell ira
the big risk
minacciosamente lotano
100 black coffins
trackers chant
ancora qui
sister sara's theme
blue dark waltz
fue elise
unchained (the payback/untouchable)
ain't no grave
too old to die young
who did that to you
un monumento
dopo la congiura
trinity :titoli
ode to DJANGO

㈥ 电影《被解放的迪亚戈》又名《被解救的姜戈》 片头曲是什么


㈦ 被解救的姜戈的音乐原声

歌曲名 歌手 歌曲名 歌手 Winged James Russo Django Luis Bacalov The Braying Mule Ennio Morricone In the Case Django, After You Christoph Waltz Lo Chiamavano King(His Name Is King) Luis Bacalov Freedom Anthony Hamilton Five-Thousand-Dollar Nigga's and Gummy Mouth Bitches (Explicit) Don Johnson La Corsa (2nd Version) Luis Bacalov Sneaky Schultz and the Demise of Sharp Don Straud I Got a Name Jim Croce I Giorni Dell'ira Riziero Ortolani 100 Black Coffins (Explicit) Rick Ross Nicaragua Jerry Goldsmith Hildi's Hot Box (Explicit) Samuel L. Jackson Sister Sara's Theme Ennio Morricone Ancora Qui Elisa Toffoli Unchained (The Payback/Untouchable)(Explicit) James Brown Who Did That to You? John Legend Too Old to Die Young Brother Dege (aka Dege Legg) Stephen the Poker Player (Explicit) Samuel L. Jackson Un Monumento Ennio Morricone Six Shots Two Guns (Explicit) Samuel L. Jackson Trinity (Titoli) Annibale e i Cantori Moderni

㈧ 求 被解救的姜戈 所有的片头 片尾 背景音乐

01. James Russo - Winged (0:09)
02. Luis Bacalov - Django (2:54)
03. Ennio Morricone - The Braying Mule (2:33)
04. Christoph Waltz - "In the Case Django, After You..." (0:39)
05. Luis Bacalov - Lo Chiamavano King (His Name Is King) (1:59)
06. Anthony Hamilton - Freedom (3:57)
07. Don Johnson - Five-Thousand-Dollar Nigga's and Gummy Mouth Bitches [Explicit] (0:56)
08. Luis Bacalov - La Corsa (2nd Version) (2:19)
09. Don Straud - Sneaky Schultz and the Demise of Sharp (0:34)
10. Jim Croce - I Got a Name (3:15)
11. Riziero Ortolani - I Giorni Dell'ira (3:06)
12. Rick Ross - 100 Black Coffins [Explicit] (3:44)
13. Jerry Goldsmith - Nicaragua (3:29)
14. Samuel L. Jackson - Hildi's Hot Box [Explicit] (1:16)
15. Ennio Morricone - Sister Sara's Theme (1:27)
16. Elisa Toffoli - Ancora Qui (5:08)
17. James Brown - Unchained (The Payback/Untouchable) [Explicit] (2:52)
18. John Legend - Who Did That to You? (3:49)
19. Brother Dege (aka Dege Legg) - Too Old to Die Young (3:43)
20. Samuel L. Jackson - Stephen the Poker Player [Explicit] (1:02)
21. Ennio Morricone - Un Monumento (2:31)
22. Samuel L. Jackson - Six Shots Two Guns [Explicit] (0:05)
23. Annibale e i Cantori Moderni - Trinity (Titoli) (3:04)


㈨ 被解救的姜戈2小时13分钟的插曲叫什么名字

插曲是《Unchained (The Payback / Untouchable)》

插曲出自专辑《Django Unchained》,是由两首歌曲混编而成,分别是James Brown 的《The Payback》和 Tupac的《Untouchable》,并在电影的最后一场枪战中播放。


Am I wrong 'cause I want to get it on 'til I die?(我有什么错,让我带着它直到死?)

Am I wrong 'cause I want to get it on 'til I die?(我有什么错,让我带着它直到死?)

Get it on 'til I die, get it on 'til I die(带着它,直到死)

Yup y'all remember me(你们,你们都认识我)

Yup y'all remember me(你们,你们都认识我)

Sold me out, taking change(把我卖了换钱)

Told me your name, we had all the lanes(告诉我你们的名字,我有所有的道路)

Held me down(放了我)

Last chance fancy pants(最后的机会了,伪君子们)

Oh, very well(很好)

Got get ready, for the big payback(准备好,我要好好报答你们了)

The payback! Hey, hey(报答,嘿嘿)


《The Payback》出自James Brown的第40张录音室专辑。该专辑于1973年12月由Polydor Records发行。它以复仇的情绪为主题,获得R&B专辑排行榜排名第一。它成为许多R&B唱片制作人参考的编曲范例。这首歌曲也收录进最新游戏《侠盗猎车: 圣安地列斯》官方原声带。

《Untouchable》是2Pac乐队在去世后推出的单曲,由专辑Pac's Life中的Krayzie Bone演唱。它是由Swizz Beatz重新混音的街头单曲。歌曲带有典型的G-Funk元素,包括时髦的低音线和对讲机的使用,这有助于创造黑手党的氛围,使得歌曲与许多黑帮电影的情节十分匹配。

导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(Quentin Tarantino)擅长使用过去和现在的音乐来为他的电影鼓噪气氛。为了致敬奴隶制的主题,他和音乐总监玛丽拉莫斯(Mary Ramos)汇编了各种特别古怪、力道强劲及令人回味的曲调用在这部电影中。






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