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发布时间:2022-12-25 16:31:00

1. i see your monster是什么电影的主题曲

《I See Your Monsters》是电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》的主题曲。

《I See Your Monsters》歌曲原唱是Katie Sky,收录发行于2014年5月11日的专辑《Monsters》中。



I see your monsters

I see your pain

Tell me your problems

I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse

I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

In the dark we we

We stand apart we we

Never see that the things

That we need are staring right at us

You just want to hide hide hide

Hide never show your smile smile

Stand alone when you need someone it's the hardest thing of all

That you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time and you'll find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I could see the sky sky

Sky beautiful tonight night

When you breathe why can't you see

The clouds are in your head

I would stay there there

There's no need to fear fear

And when you need to talk it out

With someone you can trust

What you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time

And you'll find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I'll chase them all away

You've got the chance to see the light

Even in the darkest night

And I'll be here like you were for me

So just let me in

'Cause I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

以上内容参考QQ音乐-I See Your Monsters

2. 好莱坞漫威电影插曲

Casablanca卡萨布兰卡 电影《北非谍影》
I just call to say I love you电话诉衷肠 电影《红衣女郎》
moon river 月亮河《蒂凡尼的早餐》
say you,say me说你,说我《白夜》
raindrops keep falling on my head雨点不停落在我头上《神枪手与智多星》
pretty woman漂亮女人《风月俏佳人》
Scarborough fire斯卡保罗集市《毕业生》&sound of silence寂静之声
don't cry for me argentina阿根廷别为我哭泣《庇隆夫人》& you must love me你一定要爱我
a time for us总有一天《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
when I fall in love当我坠入爱河《西雅图夜未眠》
take my breath away带走我的呼吸《壮志凌云》
my own true love我的真爱《飘》
I believe I can fly我相信我能飞翔《空中大灌篮》
may it be也许《魔戒》
do-re-mi &edelweiss雪绒花《音乐之声》
nothing's gonna change my love for you此情永不移《廊桥遗梦》
over the rainbow跨越彩虹 音乐剧《绿野仙踪》
Am I that easy to forget难以忘怀《罗马假日》
I have nothing我一无所有《保镖》& I will always love you我将永远爱你
everything I do ,I do it for you一切为你《罗宾汉》
smoke gets in your eyes烟雾迷着你的眼《罗贝塔》
speak softly love柔声倾诉《教父》
golden eye黄金眼

3. 漫威噔噔噔是什么歌曲


4. 漫威电影开头曲名是什么就是每次标致出现的时候

开头曲是这首[Marvel Studios Fanfare]


漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)是美国与DC漫画公司(DetectiveComics)齐名的漫画巨头,它创建于1939年,于1961年正式定名为Marvel,旧译为“惊奇漫画”,曾用名“时代漫画”(Timely Comics)、亚特拉斯漫画(Atlas Comics)。

5. 复仇者联盟主题曲有哪些

复仇者联盟主题曲有“The Avengers”。

《The Avengers》为贯穿整个复仇者系列的主题曲,由美国配乐家Alan Silvestri操刀。


《复仇者联盟》(Marvel's The Avengers)是漫威影业出品的科幻动作片,取材自漫威漫画,是漫威电影宇宙的第六部电影,同时也是第一阶段的收官作品。



6. 漫威电影开场音乐是什么呢

开头曲是《Marvel Studios Fanfare》

专辑:Thor: The Dark World (《雷神2:黑暗世界》)

作者:Brian Tyler




《Marvel Studios Fanfare》的作者Brian Tyler


"Six-String Samurai" (1998), "The 4th Floor" (1999), "Frailty" (2001),艾美奖提名作品 "Last Call" (2002), "The Hunted" (2003), "Darkness Falls" (2003), 电视系列短剧 "Children of Dune" (2003), Paparazzi(2004)

而他代替状态不佳的Jerry Goldsmith为Richard Donner的 "Timeline"谱写配乐这一事件,也再次说明了人们对其无限潜力的看好。除此之外,Tyler也是索尼音乐公司的一位成功的签约歌曲作者,他的作品含汲现代摇滚,流行,电子以及说唱乐。

而他在2001年谱写的电影插曲"The Fast and the Furious"在那年夏天也大获追捧。

7. 漫威超级英雄电影主题曲有哪些

我只记得spider man~spider man~ 太有魔性了自动唱了出来!

8. 漫威电影开场音乐是什么呢

开头曲是Marvel Studios Fanfare





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