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㈠ 谁能提供彻夜狂欢(Sleepover)的台词——十万火急

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Sleepover Script

I can't believe you're moving.
Where is Vancouver, anyway?

Do you know what happens to girls who
start high school with no best friend,

no guy, and low social standing?

Nothing ever happens to them.

But look at it this way... you have
the whole summer to revise your image.

I never truly had an image, did I?

Start now.


See you, guys!

Julie, Hannah, hold on.
Take this. Here. There you go.

What's this? I thought we were
done with junior high.

It's the summer reading list.

You read all these books?

Yeah, many times.

Really, Mr. Corrado,
you need to get out more.

Okay, that's not funny!

You two, slow down!

Julie, party problem.

Great. Staci's gonna go
to Liz's sleepover.

Speak of the devils.

Hey, Yancy,
my father's a lawyer.

He could help you sue the diet pill
company for nonperformance.

Do you want to come
to my sleepover?

Me? Yeah, sure.

- It's tonight. Seven-ish.
- Cool.

Last chance to see
a picture of me in a coma.

I've got tubes in nasty places.

You were barely in a coma.

Three hours.

Hey, hey, what's this?
Someone having a par-tay tonight?

Par-tay, Jules!

Keep it up, SpongeBob. You'll have
two pictures of yourself in a coma.

Jules, I can't make your overnighter.
I'm doing the dance.

The dance?

The high school dance?

Oh, right. Have fun.

"Have fun"!

How did Staci get so popular, anyways?

We used to be best friends.

That was elementary school.


So, I think I have a solution.

I'll just move with you.

You have to stay put, kiddo,
hold up the tent........

㈡ 哪儿能找到美国电影《彻夜不眠》(sleepover)中的插曲



㈢ 美国电影《彻夜不眠》(sleepover)中的插曲是什么


㈣ 憨豆版蜘蛛侠

Sara Paxton 萨拉·帕克斯顿 9p 中文名: 萨拉·帕克斯顿
英文名: Sara Paxton
性 别: 女
生 日: 1988-04-25

Sara于88年出生于美国的洛杉矶,父亲是个商人,母亲是个墨西哥裔的牙科医生(据说Sara会说一点西班牙语,很期待她的西语作品啊 ^_^)。少年时期,Sara就一直参加学校的各项表演,出色的表现也为日后成为明星打下了伏笔。
Sara的处女秀是97年由Jim Carrey指导的喜剧《Liar Liar》,剧中饰演一个小配角。接着随后几年Sara便开始出现在一些影片和电视剧中,出演一些小角色。一直到04年,她的第一部主角身份出演的电影《Sleepover》。之后又出演了Discovery Kids的一个电视剧《Darcy's wild life》,并第一次献声,为该剧演绎了两首歌曲。


之前说过她的第一次献声,这里送上这首歌——《Take a walk》。这首也是她所有歌曲中我最喜欢的一首。

接下来这首歌呢是选自《Aquamarine OST》的,名字叫《Connected》。女声唱摇滚感觉就是不一样 ^_^

第三首,相信大家一定会很熟悉!当年的《Lion King》可谓红极一时啊,也使Elton John的那首《Can u feel the love tonight》成为经典。今时今朝,Sara为你送上这首的摇滚版,相信这首也会被您封为经典的!

最后一首啦,也是Sara第一首也是唯一的一首个人单曲,名为《Here we go again》。同样是流行摇滚的曲风,一起来欣赏吧!


作为演员 Sara Paxton的作品 (数量:15)
大话王/王牌大骗 Liar Liar
乐自芳邻来 Music From Another Room
兵人 Soldier
超时空寻宝 Durango Kids
彻夜狂欢 Sleepover
Mr. Ed
"Darcy's Wild Life"
Haunted Lighthouse
"Greetings from Tucson"
The Ruby Princess Runs Away
Perfect Game
美人鱼 Aquamarine

㈤ 彻夜狂欢完整版电影


㈥ 电影《海扁王》音乐

QQ音乐盒一搜就有 还有这个专辑 我都下过

㈦ 有《彻夜狂欢》这部电影的人发给我

http://movies.xunlei.com/movies/16/15345.html 彻夜狂欢 http://movies.xunlei.com/movies/33/32128.html 总统千金欧游记 自己下吧

㈧ 简短概述电影"Sleepover"-~一小段就好.参考

Sleepover (2004)

In the summer before their freshman year in high school, Julie has a slumber party with her best friends: Hannah, Nancy and Farrah. As a trio, they end up having the adventure of their lives. In an attempt to cast off their 'less-than-cool' reputations once and for all, Julie and her friends enter into an all-night scavenger hunt against their popular girl rivals. Hijacking dad's car, sneaking into clubs, evading Julie's mother, and even a first kiss--anything is possible at Julie's sleepover.

㈨ 电影(彻夜狂欢),最后他们参加舞会时跳舞的歌和献给那个胖女孩的歌是什么名字谢谢

Hope 7 的 I want everything


I wanna believe what I believe
That someday the future holds for me
Something special, yet something unique
Somewhere over the rainbow

I wanna be that girl who has everything
They'll do that show on E sayin' it's good to be me
I'm gonna fly like a bird and spread my wings
Come on, come on
I want everything

(Come on, come on, come on...)
Come on, come on
Give me everything

I deserve all I can get, you aint seen no-nothing yet
I'm gonna grab the brassy golden ring
Come on, come on
I want everything

I know it's gonna happen...
Come on, come on...
It's a glorious fashion
You'll know when I'm dancin'
Come on, come on...
In my mansion
(I want everything)

I deserve all I can get you aint seen no-nothing yet
I'm gonna grab the brassy golden ring
Come on, come on
I want everything

I wanna be that girl who has everything
I wanna reach that bell, I'm gonna make it ring
I'm gonna fly like a bird and spread my wings
Come on, come on, come on
Give me everything
I deserve all i can get, you ain't seen no-nothing yet
I'm gonna grab the brassy golden ring
Come on, come on
I want everything

Don't need to dream cuz it's all comin' true
Don't give me a choice cuz there's nothin' to choose
I'm on a mission, I'm not gonna lose
So don't bet against me

I know it's gonna happen
It's a glorious fashion
I'll know when I'm dancin'
In my mansion

Chorus 1x
(I want everything)

Don't try cuz if you try
They'll try to take it from you
Don't try cuz if you try
They'll try to take it from you

㈩ 有部叫"sleep over"的电影,中文名字叫什么

彻夜狂欢 Sleepover (2004)

导演:Joe Nussbaum
编剧:Elisa Bell (written by)

影片评分: 7.6 分 (7票) 我要评分
上映日期:2004年7月9日 美国 (更多...)
宣传语:The rules are set. The game is on.


而这晚却发生了一件令人意想不到的事件,一个名为 “流行女孩”的小团体向茱莉和她的朋友发起了进行整晚寻宝活动的挑战,最终的奖品就是在学校再一次开学时的秋天,可以在最著名的午餐桌上就餐的权利。茱莉要在不被老妈发现的前提下逃离房子;破坏一个老海军商店;以智谋战胜一个保安(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔饰),而且还偶遇了学校女生心目中的白马王子……




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