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发布时间:2021-07-02 09:44:59

㈠ 动画变形金刚大电影的所有歌曲都叫什么

1.The touch —— 首领之歌,擎天柱战斗的配乐
2.Instruments Of Destruction —— 霸天虎偷袭汽车人飞船时的战斗配乐
3.Death of OptimusPrime —— 擎天柱之死配乐
4.Dare—— 热破和丹尼尔发现霸天虎偷袭的战斗配乐
5.Nothin's Gonna Stand In Our Way — 热破和杯子在地球基地激战时的配乐
6.The Transformers —— 大电影主题曲
7.Escape —— 霸天虎在宇宙中追击汽车人的战斗配乐
8.Hunger —— 热破和杯子在与海龙星的鲨鱼精搏斗时的配乐
9.Autobots Decepticons battle —— 霸天虎进攻汽车人地球基地时的战斗配乐
10.Dare To Be Stupid —— 热破和垃圾星球的人联合后跳舞时的配乐

㈡ 变形金刚音乐

是 LINKPARK 的为变形金刚做的主题曲 New Divide


作品名称:New Divide
演唱歌手:Linkin Park
· Linkin Park为《变形金刚2》创作并献声的主题歌《New Divide》(关于New Divide这个名字的含义,官方说法是暗指威震天的复活)
· 《变形金刚2:卷土重来》将于6月24日全球上映,同时,该片的原声大碟将于6月23日发行。《New Divide》是该电影原声大碟中的主打曲目。
·《New Divide》5月18日全球同步播出
· 在这首Linkin Park专门为电影量身定做的主题曲中,虽然有Chester Bennington的愤怒呼喊声,但却没有Mike Shinoda的Rap,所以那些怀念Mike声音的歌迷们还得再等一段时间。
· 对于这次为电影创作主题曲,Linkin Park主创之一的Mike Shinoda曾经在乐队的MySpace上表示:“我们有机会为本年度最值得期待的一部电影创作主题曲,这实在是太令人兴奋了。拍摄一支与音乐相配的MV是一回事,但为大银幕制作音乐却是一项完全不一样的挑战,但我们乐意接受这个挑战。”
· 电影导演Michael Bay则对乐队的表现相当满意,称道“他们的歌曲绝对带出了电影的精髓。”
· 其实这已经不是Linkin Park第一次为电影《变形金刚》提供音乐支持了。早在07年,《变形金刚》推出第一部电影时,他们的单曲《What I've Done》就已经被导演选入了电影的原声当中,作为主题曲出现在电影中。


㈢ 变形金刚电影版里的一个音乐叫什么

全部歌曲: "What I've Done" Linkin Park Ending Theme #1 (leads into end credits); also played on Bumblebee's radio as Sam drops Mikaela at her home, and ring the theatrical trailer.
2 "Doomsday Clock" Smashing Pumpkins Ending Theme #2; instrumental version played ring Bumblebee vs. Brawl/Devastator fight.
3 "This Moment" Disturbed Ending Theme #3; also played briefly on Bumblebee's radio as he pulls into Bobby's parking lot.
4 "Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme)" Goo Goo Dolls Instrumental version played in scene where Sam and Mikaela drive off with Bumblebee into the night.
5 "Pretty Handsome Awkward" The Used Instrumental version played ring Bumblebee vs. Barricade chase scene.
6 "Passion's Killing Floor" HIM Played very faintly/briefly in one of the scenes prior to Sam's "getaway" on his mother's bike. Near the end of the scene, a "The Misfits Fiend Club" poster can be seen on Sam's wall.
7 "What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?" Taking Back Sunday Not used in film.
8 "Second to None (ft. Mike Shinoda)" Styles of Beyond Played on Bumblebee's radio as Optimus Prime formally introces him.
9 "End of the World" Armor for Sleep Not used in film.
10 "Retina and the Sky" Idiot Pilot Not used in film.
11 "Technical Difficulties" Julien-K Ending Theme #4

12 "Transformers Theme" Mute Math Not used in film.

"All Spark"
"Deciphering the Signal"
"Soccent Attack"
"Sam at the Lake"
"Arrival to Earth"
"Downtown Battle"
"Sector 7"
"Bumblebee Captured"
"You're a Soldier Now"
"Sam on the Roof"
"Optimus vs. Megatron"
"No Sacrifice, No Victory"


㈣ 求电影变形金刚1背景音乐.

Linkin Park Ft. Jay-Z - Numb/Encore

Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're far too kind

Now can I get an encore, do you want more
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
So for one last time I need y'all to roar

Now what the hell are you waitin for
After me, there shall be no more
So for one last time, nigga make some noise

Get em Jay

Who you know fresher than Hov'? Riddle me that
The rest of y'all know where I'm lyrically at
Can't none of y'all mirror me back
Yeah hearin me rap is like hearin G. Rap in his prime
I'm, young H.O., rap's Grateful Dead
Back to take over the globe, now break bread
I'm in, Boeing jets, Global Express
Out the country but the blueberry still connect
On the low but the yacht got a triple deck
But when you Young, what the fuck you expect? Yep, yep
Grand openin, grand closin
God your man Hov' cracked the can open again
Who you gon' find doper than him with no pen
just draw off inspiration
Soon you gon' see you can't replace him
with cheap imitations for DESE GENERATIONS

Now can I get an encore, do you want more
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
So for one last time I need y'all to roar

Now what the hell are you waitin for
After me, there shall be no more
So for one last time, nigga make some noise

What the hell are you waiting for

[sighs] Look what you made me do, look what I made for you
Knew if I paid my es, how will they pay you
When you first come in the game, they try to play you
Then you drop a couple of hits, look how they wave to you
From Marcy to Madison Square
To the only thing that matters in just a matter of years (yea)
As fate would have it, Jay's status appears
to be at an all-time high, perfect time to say goodbye
When I come back like Jordan, wearin the 4-5
It ain't to play games witchu
It's to aim at you, probably maim you
If I owe you I'm blowin you to smithereeens
Cocksucker take one for your team
And I need you to remember one thing (one thing)

㈤ 求电影版[变形金刚]中的一段音乐

汽车人降落时的音乐是《Arrival To Earth》,是电影原声大碟的第12首音乐。

《Arrival To Earth》下载地址:http://pickup.mofile.com/4608149147804187

㈥ 谁知道电影变形金刚的所有背景音乐

01. Linkin Park "What I've Done"
02. Smashing Pumpkins "Doomsday Clock"
03. Disturbed "This Moment"
04. Goo Goo Dolls "Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme)"(这个不错)
05. The Used "Pretty Handsome Awkward"
06. HIM "Passion's Killing Floor"
07. Taking Back Sunday "What It Feels Like To Be A Ghost?"
08. Styles Of Beyond "Second To None"
09. Armor For Sleep "End Of The World"
10. Idiot Pilot "Retina and the Sky"
11. Julien-K "Technical Difficulties"
12. Mutemath "Transformers Theme"
01. Autobots(曲名:博派汽车人,很经典,绝对好听,听着有很正义的感觉)
02. Decepticons(曲名:狂派霸天虎看电影的时候,这曲子绝对有压迫感,可光听音乐,就感觉不出来了)
03. All Spark
04. Deciphering the Signal
05. Frenzy
06. Optimus(很有震撼力的音乐,推荐!!!)
07. Bumblebee
08. Soccent Attack
09. Sam at the Lake(很俏皮的曲子)
10. Skorpinok(央视军事类题材必用音乐,汗一个,不过也相当好听,很振奋)
11. Cybertron
12. Arrival to Earth(我无须多说,当初在电影院看第一部的时候,这个音乐,配上当时的画面,汗毛竖起来了,强烈推荐!!!)
13. Whitwicky
14. Downtown Battle
15. Sector 7
16. Bumblebee Captured
17. You're a Soldier Now(记得最后擎天柱迟到,然后帅帅的飘逸,变形,亮相中国功夫,这个曲子的2分50秒左右就是这段,太好听了!我强烈推荐,大哥归来!!!)
18. Sam on the Roof
19. Optimus vs. Megatron
20. No Sacrifice, No Victory(听悲怆的)

第二部:电影原声带(有人唱的那种)ps:我就听了两首,就是那个new divide 21guns
1. Linkin Park - “New Divide”
2. Green Day - “21 Guns”
3. Cavo - “Let It Go”
4. Taking Back Sunday - “Capital M-E”
5. The Fray - “Never Say Never”
6. Nickelback - “Burn It To The Ground”
7. The Used - “Burning Down The House”
8. Theory Of A Deadman - “Not Meant To Be”
9. The All-American Rejects - “Real World”
10. Hoobastank - “Don’t Think I Love You”
11. Staind - “This Is It”
12. Avenged Sevenfold - “Almost Easy”
13. Cheap Trick - “Transformers The Fallen Remix”

01. Prime(也是推荐,很悲怆,有种英雄的使命在里面)
02. Einstein's Wrong
03. Nest (feat. Linkin Park)(记得铁皮第一次登场的变形亮相吗?这个交响乐版的new divide很有气势,汗毛有竖起来了,推荐!)
04. The Shard
05. The Fallen(狂派反攻音乐,就是原生态降落地球那段)
06. Infinite White
07. Heed Our Warning
08. The Fallen's Arrival(狂派反攻音乐,就是原生态降落地球那段)
09. Tomb of the Primes
10. Forest Battle(我无须多说,推荐!!)
11. Precious Cargo
12. Matrix Of Leadership
13. I Claim Your Sun
14. I Rise, You Fall

㈦ 变形金刚里出现的所有音乐


㈧ 变形金刚电影1,2所有背景音乐

1、《Autobots》是一首由Steve Jablonsky谱曲,Steve Jablonsky编曲,Steve Jablonsky演奏的纯音乐歌曲。


2、《Decepticons》是一首由Steve Jablonsky谱曲,Steve Jablonsky编曲,Steve Jablonsky演奏的纯音乐歌曲。


3、《The All Spark》是一首由Steve Jablonsky谱曲,Steve Jablonsky编曲,Steve Jablonsky演奏的纯音乐歌曲。


4、《New Divide》是一首由Linkin Park谱曲,Linkin Park填词,Linkin Park演唱的歌曲。

该歌曲收录在专辑《Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (电影变形金刚2歌曲专辑)》中,由Reprise Records公司发行于2009-06-23。

5、《21 Guns》是一首由Green Day谱曲,Green Day填词,Green Day演唱的歌曲。

该歌曲收录在专辑《Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (电影变形金刚2歌曲专辑)》中,由Reprise Records公司发行于2009-06-23。

6、《Let It Go》是一首由Cavo谱曲,Cavo填词,Cavo演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (电影变形金刚2歌曲专辑)》中。由Reprise Records公司发行于2009-06-23。

㈨ 电影变形金刚2里面所有歌曲名


New Divide——Linkin Park

21 Guns——Green Day

Let It Go——Cavo

Capital M-E——Taking Back Sunday

Never Say Never——The Fray

Burn It To The Ground ——Nickelback

Burning Down The House——The Used

Not Meant To Be——Theory Of A Deadman

Real World——The All-American Rejects

Don’t Think I Love You——Hoobastank

This Is It——Staind

Almost Easy——Avenged Sevenfold

Transformers The Fallen Remix——Cheap Trick













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