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发布时间:2024-11-01 21:22:09

⑴ 鬼妈妈动画片中文


⑵ <鬼妈妈>中英文简介!!


英文:Caroline is a only a little girl teenage big as the other kids at this age, like Caroline everything around them is full of playful element in general curiosity. For various reasons, her parents decided to move his family to another town to live, to move for alts is a rather tedious and tiring work, but little Caroline is quite an interesting experience. Similarly, this new arrival in town for the alts is quite gloomy and bizarre, but all in Caroline's eyes are kind of interesting, whether for training of a mouse circus grandfather, or the whole days of the weird sisters quarrel became her to explore objects. But the most amazing thing is not that these Caroline found in this building, old house there is a shaking of the big secret! Previously she had been home a few doors, the digital remain in this most inauspicious of 13 figures. The magic was, no one in the living room there is one found in the door. This is the back door leading to where? Caroline is definitely a faction of action, and she fully aware of the "Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth," this sentence is correct. So she walked into the door ... ...
Originally in the back of the door is a real-world exactly the same as the "mirror world." The world though a bit weird, but it is very interesting, but more importantly, in this world there could be a "Mom." This "Mom" to Caroline is also very good, but she has a pair of button eyes. Of course, we all know that the sky will fall a good mother, sister Lin will not fall, it looked very kindly mother was not a good species. She not only kidnapped the real parents of Caroline, she tried to sew on the eyes of Caroline her will always remain in this world. But Caroline will not be so easy lying down, just like Dorothy with the lion, scarecrow and tin to help people like Caroline's "friends group" quickly emerged, but this is a proud black cat and the 3 ghost, so people have to start a war magic ... ...



⑷ 求《鬼妈妈》这部电影。




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