1. 求大神分享下载[2012美国最新著名电玩真人微电影][光晕4_航向黎明号][DVD][英语中字]]种子的网址感激不尽
2. 光晕4航向黎明号电影中的军歌英文歌词
The UNSC Marine Cadence
One early morning 'bout zero-five 每天清早,大概5点
Ground will rumble With lightning in the sky 大地颤抖 闪电劈空
Helljumper,Helljumper, where you been? 地狱伞兵,地狱伞兵,你们去了哪里
Feet first into hell and back again 地狱里走一遭又回来
Don't cry for me,don't shed no tears 别为我哭泣,别为我流泪
Helljumper, Helljumper,where you been? 地狱伞兵,地狱伞兵,你们去了哪里
Been out on a drop, we'll jump again 做好准备,再赴地狱
One, two, three, four 一、二、三、四
3. 谁知道带英文字幕的中文版欧美动画电影!十万火急!!!!!!
I Lion
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