㈠ 求一个美国经典爱情电影,其中一个片段是讲一个男孩用卡片向女孩传达爱意的,电影由几个故事组成
㈡ 寻一个欧美爱情电影,有个片段是,一个男人喜欢自己朋友的女朋友,
真爱至上 Love Actually(2003)
又名: 爱是您,爱是我(台) / 真的恋爱了(港) / 真情角落 / 真爱
IMDb链接: tt0314331
两个孩子的母亲面对了婚姻危机。丈夫感情出轨,把项链送给了别的女人,给她的,则仅是一张她热爱的女歌手的CD。她找了借口仓皇躲入卧室,在歌声中隐忍啜泣。转个身,又夸张地大笑着,迎向娇女爱子欢喜的面容。 丈夫最终幡然醒悟。
㈢ 急求经典欧美电影(爱情类)三人对白
Vicky:Right,Who exactly are you?
Juan antonio:I am Juan Antonio. And you are ..Vicky, and you are Cristina. Right? or is it the other way around?
Vicky:It could be the other way around ...because either of us will do to keep the bed warm. I get it.
Juan antonio:Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.
Vicky:Yeah, thank you, but we do not fly off to make love ...with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.
Juan antonio:Does she always analyze every inspiration ... until each grain of charm is ..squeezed out of it?
Cristina:I guess I have to say that ...en, what you say, my eyes are green, actually.
Vicky:look, I wouldn't call our reluctance ...to leap at your sexual offer being over-analytical.
If you would care to join us for some ...recognized form of social interaction like a drink, we'd be fine ...but otherwise, I think you should try offering to some other table.
Juan antonio:What offended you about the offer? Surely not, that I find you both beautiful and desirable.
Vicky:Offended me? No, it's very amusing...galling, to be honest, but ...is it my imagination or is it getting a little late?
Cristina:I would love to go to Oviedo.
Vicky: what? Are you kidding? Or?
Cristina:I think it would be so much fun. I think we should go. I'd love to go.
Vicky: Cristina, Can we discuss this some other time?
Juan antonio:When I saw you across the room at the art gallery ... ...I noticed you have ... ...beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual.
Cristina:Thank you.
Vicky:Okay,Okay, I'm s- ,you know ,if you want to go .
Cristina:I can't guarantee the lovemaking--because I happen to be very moody.
Juan antonio:Let's not negotiate like a contract. I came over here with no subterfuge, and presented my best offer. I hope you will disscuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo.I have the good fortune to borrow my friend's plane. It's just big enough for the three of us and I'm a very good pilot.
Vicky:It sounds very safe.
Juan antonio:Think it over.
Vicky:I hope you're joking about going.
Cristina:Oh, my god,This guy is so interesting.
Vicky:Interesting? Are you kidding? What's so interesting? He wants to get us both into bed. But he'll settle for either. In this case, you.
Cristina:Vicky, I'm a big girl, okay? If I want to sleep with him, I will. If not, I won't.Vicky:Cristina, he's a total stranger. This is impulsive, even for you ... And if I heard right, he was violent with his wife.
Cristina:At least he's not one of those factory-made zombies.you know?I mean, This is a great way to get to know him.
Vicky: no, it's not. I'm not going to Oviedo ... ...with this charmingly candid wife beater. You find his aggressiveness attractive, but I don't. And he's certainly not handsome.
Cristina:I think he's very handsome. He has a great look. I mean, he's really sexy.
Vicky:Well, you would, because you know, you're a neurotic.
Cristina: you have to admire his no-bullshit approach.
Vicky: What are you talking about?it’s all bullshit.I am not going to Oviedo. First off, I never heard of Oviedo. ...I don’t find hin winning, Third ,even if I wasn’t engaged …and was free to have some kind of dalliance with a Spaniard, I wouldn't pick this one.
[talking on her cellphone to Doug]
Vicky: hello, Oh, hi. I can't talk right now. I'm trying to save Cristina from making a potentially fatal mistake. what? No, the usual. I'll call you back. I love you, too.
Cristina: If we go back to the House now, we can just throw some things in a bag and we'll meet him there.look,I took an instant liking to this guy. I mean,He's not one of these cookie-cutter molds. You know, He's creative and artistic.
Vicky: Cookie-cutter mold? Is that what you think of Doug?
Cristina: Doug? Who said anything about Doug?
Vicky: It's ridiculous. You like the way it sounds to pick up and fly off in an airplane.
Cristina: I know. I don't know why I'm so scared, unless I'm scared of myself.
Vicky: It's a mistake, Cristina.
㈣ 欧美爱情电影名场面是什么
㈤ 盘点欧美经典爱情电影中的经典台词
《超市夜未眠》电影最后的一段话很有感觉“很久以前我想知道爱是什么,若你愿意,它就近在咫尺。你只需看见,它为美所包围。隐藏在你生命的浮光掠影之中。如果你不停留片刻,也许你与你擦肩而过。”《返老还童》女主:当我皮肤变得又老又松弛时,你还会爱我吗? 男主:当我满脸粉刺时,你还会爱我吗? 变得胆小怕事的时候?当我尿床的时候?珍惜~经典。《分手信》“别了”因为那不单单是对她的伤害,还有你。爱他就因该给她一次又一次的机会哪怕你受到伤害。因为有“爱”。最近看的几部电影
㈥ 盘点欧美爱情电影中的唯美台词
㈦ 欧美一部爱情电影
约翰(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)和简(安吉丽娜•朱莉 Angelina Jolie 饰)已经结婚了7年多,生活就像淡水般无味。婚姻就像坟墓,让他们过着死水一潭的生活。然而这仅仅是表象。背后他们各有刺激惊险的职业——约翰和简分属两个不同的秘密杀手机构,但彼此却不知道对方的职业身份。直到他们同时接到一个任务,刺杀目标竟是同一人。身份的真相才开始慢慢揭开。
㈧ 有哪些出现“我爱你”台词的电影片段
㈨ 美国最感人的爱情电影