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发布时间:2022-12-08 13:14:04

A. 韩国电影分级制度是怎样的分多少个级别

每部电影的等级由民间组成的"影像物等级委员会"进行评级。 [1]

只适合15岁以上年龄观看 (青少年观览可)
只适合18岁以上年龄观看 (成年观览可)
另外,对于网上的色情信息,年龄限制提高至19岁或以下不能观览。这种分类只出现于不能在戏院上映,而只能以录影带或影碟发行的电影 [2]

B. 跪求国语高清电影在线观看,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源


捷德奥特曼: 链接:https://pan..com/s/101XbOctu9GdJoIrTz3tuXA

?pwd=35qf 提取码:35qf




C. 电影,乔杉办丧礼假装他爸死了,让别人来送礼是什么电影


D. 五月花号 电影在线观看或者下载!

英文介绍:From their self-imposed exile in Holland and perilous Atlantic crossing in the Mayflower to unimaginable hardships encountered in their new land, this is the definitive story of the Pilgrims and how they came to live--and ultimately prosper--in the harsh climate of an unfamiliar world.

This History Channel presentation of the pilgrims is two and a half hours of a well-known and very important part of our American history, although you may not realize how little you actually do know of these separatists and of the times they lived. In fact, it certainly is more movie than documentary and, although interspersed throughout are historians filling in the gaps, this docu-drama is as engulfing and riveting as any full-length period movie I have seen. The lives and times of these early European settlers are authentically portrayed by use of English Shakespearian actors, and the quality shows. Never have I seen any other film put flesh on the bones of the pilgrims to the extent this one does. A social history extravaganza!
The clothing, lighting, effects (especially while on the Mayflower), and, at times, even some of the speech patterns are reflected fairly accurately. I did not see the typical revisionist history so often reflected in many of today's historical depictions. They were very religious folk bent on keeping their practices, even if they had to cross the ocean to do it, and this movie shows that in no uncertain terms.
The Indian dramatization was done very well for the most part, although I would have preferred to have their speech in their original (or close to their original) language and include the use of sub-titles.
Oh well, can't have everything.
As an extra added bonus, by the way, there are a couple of short (too short!) extra's - one features the making of this extraordinary documentary, and the other has outtakes and bloopers.
For teachers and lovers of history I recommend this docu-drama very highly. A wonderful way to learn about our early American history.
Most Americans know the story of the Pilgrims and Mayflower...or do they? The History Channel has done a great job here, showing us that there is more to the story than we'd been taught. For example, who knew that many of the Pilgrims had actually moved to the Netherlands for an extended period (12 years or so) before deciding to try their luck in the New World? Or that there were actually two ships (the other being called The Speedwell), but the 2nd one was left behind because it was deemed un-seaworthy? Or that the Pilgrims landed first, not at Plymouth, but on Cape Cod, only to be driven off by the Native Americans there? These facts and many others are revealed in this interesting film.
It will be worth the dvd coming out the end of January. Shown now as Thanksgiving day fare. It is really an untold story. That is, the story of the struggles of the Separatist (Pilgims) in the 13 years before the Mayflower ever sailed. That was 1607, the year the first sucessful permanent colony was established in Virginia, named after King James. England was Protestant & The Anglican Church of England was the only lawful religion. James seemed to be quite pious in that regard. Not to the Separatist, who were loyal to the king in every way except religious. They printed tracts & even accused the King of popishness. This angered him & he harassed them until they left England for Holland. There they were tolerated but somewhat isolated & empoverished. This could not be a permanent solution & they decided that America might be option to consider. They needed a charter from King James who was basically angry with them but readily agree. He did not like them in Holland & in America they would be far away & out of his hair. Obtaining a ship, crew & provisions for the long trip was not cheap. Eventually they had to take non-believers with them who had money & for various reasons also wanted to leave. They had several fitful starts & even had to turn back several times. Finally they left England in late summer of 1620, a bad time to leave & even worse to land for it got them to America with winter bearing down & no chance to plant crops. They never got to Virginia. Instead they landed in Massachuetts Bay, outside of the area of their charter from the king. The weather prevented them from sailing out & around Cape Cod & south to Viginia. So there they stayed. Technically, they were no longer ruled by English law & the non-believers aboard knew this. They were not going to be governed by the rules that the separatist proposed once they landed. Both groups were of about equal size & what came about was the first great document in our history, The Mayflower Compact. Essentially a consensus document setting up a government with laws that all groups could live with. Quite remarkable. This document saved their lives. If they had split they surely would have perished. As it was, half the people died that winter. They pulled together & made it. These events were recorded for posterity by one of the original Pilgrims, William Bradford, who was there & later would become Govenor of the colony until shortly before his death in 1657. The reenactments for this documentary were quite well done. They choose a permenant site but not before fleeing & fighting some Native American tribes for stealing their seed corn & making friends with another tribe. A claim that there were over 50,000,000 people in North America at this time is hard to believe. But if true the number that died from disease & at the hands of Europeans over the next 250 years is truly a disaster eclipsing other examples of mass extinctions in history. By fall 1621 there was enough bounty to have a festival. According to this telling, the natives just dropped in bringing wild turkeys & both groups partied together for three days & nights. They ate all of the Pilgrims food. Later, they brought in supplies of venision, a high prestige gift of respect. The Pilgims were expected to do the same, that is drop in any time uninvited to eat & stay overnight. This version did not mention a story I had heard. The Pligims landed where they did because they were in a hurry to set up a brewery, having run through the ship's supply of beer. One thing that is important to point out is the Pilgrims did not come to America to practice religious freedom. They came to America for the freedom to practice their religion.

E. 光伏升压站土地招拍挂周期

升压站等永久性建筑用地部分 根据《土地管理法》的相关规定,对于永久性建筑用地应依法按建设用地办理手续,由当地政府征地后进行招拍挂,出让给项目公司;涉及农用
2. 光伏阵列部分 光伏阵列部分是光伏项目的主要用地部分

F. 请高手为我介绍一下欧美电影的分级制度


“The Motion Picture Association of America ”
总部设在加利福利(Encino,California )
这个组织成立于1922年,最初是作为电影工业的一个交易组织而出现的 它的委员会的主要成员由也是MPAA的会员的美国最大的七家电影和电视传媒巨头的主席和总裁共同担任。他们是:

.迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney Company;)

.索尼声像(Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc.;)

.Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.;

.派拉蒙公司(Paramount Pictures Corporation;)

.21世纪福克斯公司(Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.);

.环球影像(Universal Studios, Inc)

.华纳兄弟(Warner Bros. )


·G级: (GENERAL AUDIENCES All ages admitted.)大众级,所有年龄均可观看大众级,适合所有年龄段的人观看——该级别的电影内容可以被父母接受,影片没有裸体、性爱场面,吸毒和暴力场面非常少。对话也是日常生活中可以经常接触到的;

·PG级:( PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED Some material may not be suitable for children.)普通级, 建议在父母的陪伴下观看,有些镜头可能让而用产生不适感.辅导级,一些内容可能不适合儿童观看——该级别的电影基本没有性爱、吸毒和裸体场面,即使有时间也很短,此外,恐怖和暴力场面不会超出适度的范围;

·PG-13级:(PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. )普通级,但不适于13岁以下儿童.特别辅导级,13岁以下儿童尤其要有父母陪同观看,一些内容对儿童很不适宜——该级别的电影没有粗野的持续暴力镜头,一般没有裸体镜头,有时回游吸毒镜头和脏话;

·R级:(RESTRICTED Under 17 requires accompanying parent or alt guardian.) 限制级,17岁以下必须由父母或者监护陪伴才能观看.限制级,17岁以下观众要求有父母或承认陪同观看——该级别的影片包含成人内容,里面有较多的性爱、暴力、吸毒等场面和脏话;

·NC-17级: (NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED )17岁或者以下不可观看 17岁以下观众禁止观看——该级别的影片被定为成人影片,未成年人坚决被禁止观看。影片中有清楚的性爱场面,大量的吸毒或暴力镜头以及脏话等。


· NR OR U:NR是属于未经定级的电影,而U是针对1968年以前的电影定的级。

· M,X OR P:这一级中的电影基本上不适合在大院线里公映,都属于限制类的。



· “U”级:普通级——适合所有观众。在此级节目中只能偶尔使用“damn”(该死)、“hell”(见鬼、混蛋)这类轻微的咒骂语言,极少使用其他温和的咒骂语言;

· “Uc”级:特别适合儿童观看;

· “PG”级:家长指导级;

· “12”级:适合12岁以上是成人观看;

· “15”级:适合15岁以上是成人观看;

· “18”级:适合18岁以上是成人观看。




“家长指导”级(Parental Guidance)——容许所有年龄人士观看,但主题及内容不一定适合所有儿童,宜在家长指导下观看。


“十四·陪看”级(14 Accompaniment)——任何十四岁以下的观众必须在成人陪伴下才能观看;并向家长提出警示:映片可能包含暴力、粗俗语言或性爱相关内容。

“十八·陪看”级(18 Accompaniment)——任何十八岁以下的观众必须在成人陪伴下才能观看;并向家长强烈提出警示:映片可能包含显而易见的暴力、频密的粗俗语言、性爱行为或可怖内容。






G. 请问有哪些有关社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度或是有关社会主义初级阶段的分配制度的电影


H. 韩国电影分级制度是怎样的

韩国于1998年建立电影分级制度。 规定电影分为5个等级:全民、12岁以上、15岁以上、18岁以上可以观看和限制放映。



宪法裁判所的违宪判决带来了巨大社会效应。电影审查机构“公演伦理委员会”先后更名为“韩国公演艺术振兴协议会”(Korea Performing Art Promotion Commission)和“映像物等级委员会”(Korea Media Rating Board)。据此,通过行政力对于个人创作物的删除措施取消了,转化为根据年龄观片的分级。1998,金大中总统正式推行电影分级制度。

I. 韩国电影分级制度



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