1. 类似恐怖相亲的电影有哪些
类似:(动)大致相像,找出犯错误的原因,避免再犯的错误。近义词:相似、雷同、好像、肖似、相仿、相同、相像、形似、近似、好似、犹如、似乎、仿佛。例句:类似错误不要再犯。(作定语),大致相像,类似事件,类似错误。《东观汉记明帝纪》:臣望颜色仪容,类似先帝。北魏 郦道元 《水经注河水三》:山石之上,自然有文,尽若战马之状,粲然成著,类似图焉,故亦谓之 画石山 也。 巴金 《寒夜》十九:他这种类似审问的问话使她心烦。用法:类似你这样的人有很多。类似这样的游戏很多。类似这样的音乐有很多。
2. 我要很多部电影
个人比较喜欢恐怖片,介绍点给你`希望喜欢吧``〈寄生灵〉〈猫,看见死亡的双眼〉〈致命弯道4〉〈人体蜈蚣2〉〈恐怖相亲〉〈死人〉〈梦游3D〉〈恐怖秀〉〈新活死人黎明〉〈野蛮女人〉〈床下有人〉〈死囚区〉〈新万圣节2〉〈僵尸启示录~救赎〉〈逃犯〉 都是比较新的
3. 最近有什么恐怖电影上映
日本:毛骨悚然撞鬼经2011、恐怖女孩月子 、2ch的诅咒 电影版
美国:人体蜈蚣2、恶夜勒赎、恐怖相亲、灵动:鬼影实录3 、11-11-11、诅咒的离婚、决不饶恕 、死人、致命弯道4、猛鬼追魂:启示 、逃出冰魔岛、尸地余生、人群中的脸、梦宅、安息2、血异形、致命抉择、红色之州、女人等
4. 求欧美恐怖电影!!!(给高分)
死神来了系列 电锯惊魂 系列 猛鬼街 鬼影实录 月光光心慌慌 恐怖油轮
2008年 Fast Track: No Limits [极速漂移 ](2008) Zombie Strippers![僵尸脱[]衣舞娘] (2008) Vipers [毒蛇 ](2008) Vacancy 2 The First Cut[针孔旅社2:前传] (2008) Trick or Treat [魔界舞男](2008) Time Of Darkness (Pora mroku)黑暗时刻(波兰) (2008) The Vanguard [末日先锋](2008) The Red Cell [红细胞](2008) The Mutant Chronicles[变异编年史] (2008) The Objective [血战沙漠](2008) The Morgue[停尸间] (2008) The Midnight Meat Train[午夜食人列车] (2008) The Andromeda Strain[天外来菌] (2008) The Legend of Bloody Mary[血腥玛丽的传说 ] (2008) The Haunting of Molly Hartley[如影随形] (2008) The Happening [灭顶之灾](2008) The Devil's Curse (恶灵诅咒) (2008) The Children [孩子](2008) The Burrowers[神秘的地洞] (2008) Terror Train (恐怖列车) (2008) Solstice[极端行为] (2008) Shark in Venice[威尼斯之鲨] (2008) Scarce[人肉收割] (2008) Repo! The Genetic Opera[遗传学歌剧 ] (2008) Red Mist[红色迷雾] (Freakdog) (2008) Pulse 3[惹鬼回路3] (2008) Semum [孤儿院](2008) Saw 5[电锯惊魂5] (2008) Stargate Continuum[星际之门:时空连续] (2008) Starship Troopers 3: Marauder[星河战队3:掠夺者] (2008) Pulse 2: Afterlife[惹鬼回路2:轮回再侵] (2008) Mirrors [鬼镜](2008) Midnight Movie [午夜电影] (2008) Mum and Dad [恐怖的爸妈] (2008) Lost Boys 2 The Tribe[捉鬼小精灵2] (2008) Martyrs[ 殉难者] (2008) Sauna (Filth)[桑拿] (2008) Let the Right One In (生人勿进) (2008) Insanitarium [疗养院 ](2008) Kill Switch[杀戮时刻] (2008) Help [救命](2008) Passengers[乘客] (2008) Reeker 2 No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker[雾人前传] (2008) Last of the Living[最后的生机 ] (2008) Killer Pad[杀手便笺] (2008) Eden Lake[伊甸湖] (2008) Rest Stop 2 Don't Look Back[恐怖休息站2:别回头] (2008) Dying Breed[死亡繁殖] (2008) Dimples[酒窝] (2008) Dead and Gone[死亡经历 ] (2008) Feast 2 Sloppy Seconds[兽餐2 ] (2008) Dante 01 [但丁一号 ](2008) House[鬼屋] (2008) Dark Floors[黑暗楼层] (2008) Splinter[异形魔种] (2008) Dark Reel [黑暗卷轴](2008) Scourge[异虫咒 ] (2008) From Within[由内而外] (2008) Dance of the Dead[死亡之舞] (2008) Coming Soon (Bproh Graem Naa Win Yaan Aa Kaa)[马上就来] (2008) Cold Prey 2[雪山惊魂2] (Fritt vilt 2) (2008) Chronicles Of An Exorcism[驱魔历代记] (2008) Embodiment of Evil (恶魔化身) (2008) Chemical Wedding[化学婚姻] (2008) Carver[雕刻师] (2008) Return to Sleepaway Camp[血腥死亡营] (2008) Rovdyr[荒野恶林] (2008) Parasomnia[异常睡眠] (2008) Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence[阳光约翰尼] (2008) Farmhouse[农舍] (2008) Boston Strangler: The Untold Story[波士顿杀人王] (2008) Book of Blood[血书] (2008) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde[化身博士] (2008) Boogeyman 3[恶灵空间3] (2008) Bad Biology[恐怖相亲] (2008) Babysitter Wanted[诚聘保姆] Autopsy[尸体解剖] (2008) Otis[奥提斯] (2008) Eskalofrío (Shiver)[碎片] (2008) April Fool's Day [恐怖愚人节 ](2008) Alone In The Dark 2 [鬼屋魔影2](2008) Amusement[残虐你,娱乐我] (2008) Anaconda 3: The Offspring [狂蟒之灾3](2008) The Alphabet Killer[字母杀手] The broken[破坏欲] Intrusos(en Manasés)[上帝遗忘的城市] 2009年 Butterfly Effect Revelation 3[蝴蝶效应3](2009) Four Horsemen of theApocalypse[天启四骑士](2009) Growth [生长](2009) Wrong Turn 3 Left for Dead [致命弯道3 ](2009) Walled In [致命围困](2009) The Unborn[婴灵恶泣] (2009) The Tribe[部落] (2009) The Thaw[解冻] (2009) The Horsemen[骑士] (2009) The Hills Run Red[红色之山] (2009) The Grudge 3[美版咒怨3 ] (2009) Lesbian Vampire Killers [女同志吸血鬼杀手](2009) Laid to Rest [安息](2009) Slaughter[屠杀] (2009) Perkins 14[珀金斯14亡魂] (2009) Saw 6[电锯惊魂6] (2009) Kill Theory[杀人理论] (2009) Skeleton Crew [被诅咒的手](2009) Dead Snow (死亡之雪) (2009) Hallettsville [恶灵屋](2009) Feast 3 The Happy Finish[兽餐3] (2009) Drag Me to Hell[堕入地狱] (2009) Messengers 2: The Scarecrow[信使2] (2009) Jennifer's Body[詹妮弗的肉体] (2009) Final Destination 4 [死神来了4 ](The Final Destination) (2009) Doghouse[狗舍] (2009) Pandorum [深空失忆](2009) Friday the 13th 12[13号星期五12] (2009) Carriers [末日病毒](2009) Orphan [孤儿](2009) Grace [格蕾丝](2009) My Bloody Valentine[我的血腥情人节] (2009) The unborn[婴灵恶泣] Against the Dark[对抗黑暗](2009) Antichrist[反基督者] (2009) Haunting Of Winchester House [凶宅恶灵](2009) The Fourth Kind[第四类接触] The Descent: Part 2[黑暗侵袭2] The box[杀人宝盒] Cirque Freak: The Vampire's Assistant[吸血鬼助手] Ghosts of Girlfriends Past[前女友的幽灵们] Zombieland[僵尸之地] Halloween II[万圣节10] A Perfect Getaway[一次完美的逃亡] Tormented[折磨] The Haunting in Connecticut[太平间闹鬼事件] The Last House on the Left[魔屋] The uninvited[不请自来] Underworld: Rise of the Lycans[黑夜传说前传:狼族再起] Ne te retourne pas[不要回头] 2010年 Splice / Hybrid [人兽杂交/颤栗异种/人兽变种 ] The wolf man[狼人] Legion[基督再临] Daybreakers[嗜血破晓] A Nightmare on Elm Street[新猛鬼街] Buried[活埋] The Graves [格拉芙姐妹] Dread[恐惧] Frozen[冷冻] The Wolf Man[狼人] Shutter Island[禁闭岛] The Crazies [杀出狂人镇] A Nightmare on Elm Street[新猛鬼街] The Final[终极囚禁] The Human Centipede[人体蜈蚣] The New Daughter[新女儿] Dibbuk Box[恶灵入侵] Thy Kingdom Come[王国来临] I, Lucifer[撒旦外传] Psych 9[灵异医院] Alice[爱丽丝] The Wolfman[狼人] My Soul to Take[猛鬼生日宴] Splice / Hybrid [人兽杂交] I Spit on Your Grave[我唾弃你的坟墓翻拍] Demonic Toys: Personal Demons[恶魔玩具2]
5. 最近有什么好看的电影
6. 有没有超恐怖的电影
电锯惊魂1---7 相当的给力 只需要你用勇气坚持的看下去 呵呵 哥可是锯迷哟 强烈推荐
7. 恐怖相亲高清完整版电影
8. 最血腥的恐怖电影有哪些
Scanners 2 The New Order [夺命凶灵2](1991) ScanChild's Play 3 [鬼娃回魂3](1991) A Nightmare on Elm Street 6 The Final Nightmare [猛鬼街6:终极噩梦](1991) 1992年 Krvavý román[恐怖故事](1992) The Resurrected [ 死而复生](1992) The Burning Moon[炎月] (1992) Demonic Toys[恶魔玩具] (1992) Evil Dead 3 Army of Darkness[鬼玩人3:魔界英豪] (1992) Children of the Corn 2: The Final Sacrifice [镰刀梦魇2](1992) Candyman [糖人](1992) Dr. Giggles [吉格斯医生](1992) Sleepwalkers [行尸走肉](1992) Pet Sematary 2 [宠物墓地2](1992) Hellraiser 3 Hell on Earth[养鬼吃人3] (1992) Dolly Dearest[灵异杀星] (1992) Bram Stoker's Dracula[惊情四百年] (1992) Bone Sickness[恶之入骨] (2004) Decoys[诱捕] (2004) 2005年 Wolf Creek [狼溪 ](2005) White Noise[鬼讯号] (2005) The Skeleton Key[万能钥匙] (2005) The Exorcism of Emily Rose[驱魔] (2005) The Devil's Rejects [千尸屋2 ](2005) The Descent[黑暗侵袭] (2005) The Call of Cthulhu (2005) The Amityville Horror [鬼哭神嚎](2005) Saw 2 [电锯惊魂2](2005) Santa's Slay [干掉圣诞老人](2005) Dark Water [鬼水怪谈](2005) Reeker [雾人] (2005) Naboer (Next Door) [邻居](2005) House of Wax[恐怖蜡像馆] (2005) Hostel [人皮客栈] (2005) Boy Eats Girl [男孩啃女孩](2005) Boogeyman [恶灵空间](2005) Scared (Rap nawng sayawng khwan)[夺命枪火](2005) Land of the Dead[活死人之地] (2005) Hellraiser 7 Deader[养鬼吃人7死魂灵] (2005) Feast [兽餐](2005) Snuff Movie[谋杀电影院] (2005) Boo[万圣夜惊魂] (2005) Dark Remains[午夜幽魂] (2005) Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis [活死人归来4:墓地](2005) Hellraiser 8 Hellworld[养鬼吃人8:地狱世界] (2005) Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave to the Grave[活死人归来5:墓穴咆哮] (2005) An American Haunting[美国怪谈] (2005) Severed: Forest of the Dead[血腥森林] (2005) Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist[驱魔人前传](2005) 2006年 Dabbe[恶魔蔓延](2006) Wicked Little Things[邪恶幼灵] (2006) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning[德州电锯杀人狂前传] (2006) The Hills Have Eyes [隔山有眼](2006) The Hamiltons[汉密尔顿一家] (2006) The Grudge 2[美国版咒怨2 ] (2006) The Gravedancers [坟墓舞者](2006) The Devil's Chair[恶魔之椅] (2006) The Abandoned[堕落] (2006) Silent Hill [寂静岭](2006) Severance [断头气](2006) See No Evil[非礼勿视] (2006) Like Minds[心智相投] (2006) Saw 3 [电锯惊魂3](2006) Hatchet [短斧](2006) I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer [我一直知道你去年夏天干了什么](2006) Day Watch (Dnevnoy dozor) [守日人](2006) Dark Ride [死亡之旅](2006) Cold Prey (Fritt vilt) [雪山惊魂](2006) Cinderella [灰姑娘](2006) Stay Alive [生存游戏](2006) Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead[恶夜活死鸡] (2006) Bug [千疮百孔](2006) Rest Stop[旅舍] (2006) Black Sheep[疯羊] (2006) Final Destination 3 [死神来了3](2006) Black Christmas[黑色圣诞节] (2006) Kilometro 31 (KM 31)[鬼蜮失魂地] (2006) Ils (Them)[他们] (2006) Dark Corners[黑暗角落] (2006) Automaton Transfusion[血肉狂魔] (2006) Slither[撕裂人] (2006) Pulse[惹鬼回路] (2006) Sheitan (Satan) [撒旦](2006) 2007年 Wrong Turn 2 Dead End [致命弯道2](2007) Wind Chill[阴风鬼影 ] (2007) White Noise 2: The Light [鬼讯号2白光](2007) Vacancy[针孔旅馆] (2007) The Wizard Of Gore [血之魔术师](2007) The Suicide Song (Densen uta) (2007) The Substitute (代课老师不是人) (2007) The Strangers [陌生人](2007) The Signal [信号](2007) The Rage [疯狂病毒](2007) The Mist [迷雾](2007) The Hitcher[魔鬼搭车人] (2007) The Hills Have Eyes 2[隔山有眼2] (2007) Seed [恶种](2007) Planet Terror [恐怖星球](2007) Rogue[逃亡鳄鱼岛] (2007) Saw 4 [电锯惊魂4](2007) Inside (à l'intérieur) [身在其中](2007) Mother of Tears[第三个妈妈] (La Terza madre) (2007) Hell's Ground (地狱领土) (2007) Room 205[205房间] (Kollegiet) (2007) Diary of the Dead[死亡日记] (2007) Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane[死亡航班] (2007) Death of a Ghost Hunter[幽灵猎人之死] (2007) Dead of Winter (冬之死) (2007) Days of Darkness[黑暗岁月 ] (2007) Cthulhu (2007) Rec[死亡录像] (2007) End of the Line[地铁四重奏] (2007) Dead Silence[死寂] (2007) Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer [杰克·布鲁克斯之怪兽杀手](2007) Buried Alive[生人活埋] (2007) Perfect Creature[完美生物] (2007) Nympha [异教徒](2007) Resident Evil 3: Extinction[生化危机3:灭绝] (2007) Funny Games[趣味游戏] (2007) P2 (2007) Halloween[万圣节] (2007) Brotherhood of Blood[嗜血兄弟] (2007) Botched - Voll verkackt![办砸了] (2007) Storm Warning[风暴来临] (2007) Borderland[边陲] (2007) Hostel 2[人皮客栈2 ] (2007) Boogeyman 2[恶灵空间2 ] (2007) Frontiers (血眼) (2007) Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon [面具之后](2007) Barricade[路障](2007) 2008年 Zombie Strippers![僵尸脱[]衣舞娘] (2008) Vipers [毒蛇 ](2008) Vacancy 2 The First Cut[针孔旅社2:前传] (2008) Trick or Treat [魔界舞男](2008) Time Of Darkness (Pora mroku)黑暗时刻(波兰) (2008) The Vanguard [末日先锋](2008) The Red Cell [红细胞](2008) The Mutant Chronicles[变异编年史] (2008) The Objective [血战沙漠](2008) The Morgue[停尸间] (2008) The Midnight Meat Train[午夜食人列车] (2008) The Legend of Bloody Mary[血腥玛丽的传说 ] (2008) The Haunting of Molly Hartley[如影随形] (2008) The Happening [灭顶之灾](2008) The Devil's Curse (恶灵诅咒) (2008) The Children [孩子](2008) The Burrowers[神秘的地洞] (2008) Terror Train (恐怖列车) (2008) Solstice[极端行为] (2008) Shark in Venice[威尼斯之鲨] (2008) Scarce[人肉收割] (2008) Repo! The Genetic Opera[遗传学歌剧 ] (2008) Red Mist[红色迷雾] (Freakdog) (2008) Pulse 3[惹鬼回路3] (2008) Semum [孤儿院](2008) Saw 5[电锯惊魂5] (2008) Stargate Continuum[星际之门:时空连续] (2008) Starship Troopers 3: Marauder[星河战队3:掠夺者] (2008) Pulse 2: Afterlife[惹鬼回路2:轮回再侵] (2008) Mirrors [鬼镜](2008) Midnight Movie[午夜电影] (2008) Lost Boys 2 The Tribe[捉鬼小精灵2] (2008) Martyrs[ 殉难者] (2008) Sauna (Filth)[桑拿] (2008) Let the Right One In (生人勿进) (2008) Insanitarium [疗养院 ](2008) Kill Switch[杀戮时刻] (2008) Help [救命](2008) Passengers[乘客] (2008) Reeker 2 No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker[雾人前传] (2008) Last of the Living[最后的生机 ] (2008) Killer Pad[杀手便笺] (2008) Eden Lake[伊甸湖] (2008) Rest Stop 2 Don't Look Back[恐怖休息站2:别回头] (2008) Dying Breed[死亡繁殖] (2008) Dimples[酒窝] (2008) Dead and Gone[死亡经历 ] (2008) Feast 2 Sloppy Seconds[兽餐2 ] (2008) Dante 01 [但丁一号 ](2008) House[鬼屋] (2008) Dark Floors[黑暗楼层] (2008) Splinter[异形魔种] (2008) Dark Reel [黑暗卷轴](2008) Scourge[异虫咒 ] (2008) From Within[由内而外] (2008) Dance of the Dead[死亡之舞] (2008) Coming Soon (Bproh Graem Naa Win Yaan Aa Kaa)[马上就来] (2008) Cold Prey 2[雪山惊魂2] (Fritt vilt 2) (2008) Chronicles Of An Exorcism[驱魔历代记] (2008) Embodiment of Evil (恶魔化身) (2008) Chemical Wedding[化学婚姻] (2008) Carver[雕刻师] (2008) Return to Sleepaway Camp[血腥死亡营] (2008) Rovdyr[荒野恶林] (2008) Parasomnia[异常睡眠] (2008) Johnny Sunshine Maximum Violence[阳光约翰尼] (2008) Farmhouse[农舍] (2008) Boston Strangler: The Untold Story[波士顿杀人王] (2008) Book of Blood[血书] (2008) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde[化身博士] (2008) Boogeyman 3[恶灵空间3] (2008) Bad Biology[恐怖相亲] (2008) Babysitter Wanted[诚聘保姆] Autopsy[尸体解剖] (2008) Otis[奥提斯] (2008) Eskalofrío (Shiver)[碎片] (2008) April Fool's Day [恐怖愚人节 ](2008) Alone In The Dark 2 [鬼屋魔影2](2008) Amusement[残虐你,娱乐我] (2008) Anaconda 3: The Offspring [狂蟒之灾3](2008) The Alphabet Killer[字母杀手] The broken[破坏欲] Intrusos(en Manasés)[上帝遗忘的城市] 2009年 Wrong Turn 3 Left for Dead [致命弯道3 ](2009) Walled In [致命围困](2009) The Unborn[婴灵恶泣] (2009) The Tribe[部落] (2009) The Thaw[解冻] (2009) The Horsemen[骑士] (2009) The Hills Run Red[红色之山] (2009) The Grudge 3[美版咒怨3 ] (2009) Lesbian Vampire Killers [女同志吸血鬼杀手](2009) Laid to Rest [安息](2009) Slaughter[屠杀] (2009) Perkins 14[珀金斯14亡魂] (2009) Saw 6[电锯惊魂6] (2009) Kill Theory[杀人理论] (2009) Skeleton Crew [被诅咒的手](2009) Dead Snow (死亡之雪) (2009) Hallettsville [恶灵屋](2009) Feast 3 The Happy Finish[兽餐3] (2009) Drag Me to Hell[堕入地狱] (2009) Messengers 2: The Scarecrow[信使2] (2009) Jennifer's Body[詹妮弗的肉体] (2009) Final Destination 4 [死神来了4 ](The Final Destination) (2009) Doghouse[狗舍] (2009) Pandorum [深空失忆](2009) Friday the 13th 12[13号星期五12] (2009) Carriers [末日病毒](2009) Orphan [孤儿](2009) Grace [格蕾丝](2009) My Bloody Valentine[我的血腥情人节] (2009) The unborn[婴灵恶泣] Against the Dark[对抗黑暗](2009) Antichrist[反基督者] (2009) Haunting Of Winchester House [凶宅恶灵](2009) The Fourth Kind[第四类接触] The Descent: Part 2【黑暗侵袭2】 The box[杀人宝盒] Cirque Freak: The Vampire's Assistant[吸血鬼助手] Ghosts of Girlfriends Past[前女友的幽灵们] Zombieland[僵尸之地] Halloween II[万圣节10] A Perfect Getaway[一次完美的逃亡] Tormented[折磨] The Haunting in Connecticut[太平间闹鬼事件] The Last House on the Left[魔屋] The uninvited[不请自来] Underworld: Rise of the Lycans[黑夜传说前传:狼族再起] Ne te retourne pas[不要回头] 2010年 The wolf man[狼人] Legion[基督再临] Daybreakers[嗜血破晓] A Nightmare on Elm Street[新猛鬼街] Buried[活埋] The Graves [格拉芙姐妹] Dread[恐惧] Frozen[冷冻] The Wolf Man[狼人] Shutter Island[禁闭岛] The Crazies [杀出狂人镇] A Nightmare on Elm Street[新猛鬼街] The Final[终极囚禁] The Human Centipede[人体蜈蚣] The New Daughter[新女儿]