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发布时间:2021-07-08 08:09:29

1. 一部很老的爱情电影 !!!!!!!



在这部浪漫喜剧中,约翰库萨克与凯特贝琴萨在百货公司同时看上一双手套,两人不打不 相识,遂一起到一家餐厅吃冰淇淋、聊天,经过短短120分钟的相处, 彼此都深有好感,但在互留电话时,却被风吹走了字条,于是笃信缘份的凯特要求对方在钞票上留下电话,自己也在一本书上写下姓名与电话,若是两样物品辗转回到对方手上,将可再相遇。

推荐 诺丁山 逃跑的新娘 风月俏佳人 情归亚拉巴玛 曼哈顿灰姑娘 我最好朋友的婚礼 真爱至上

2. 美国经典老电影爱情黑白



3. 爱情老电影有哪些

甜蜜蜜电影版 美人草 很经典的!

4. 老电影 爱情电影

是这一部电视电影:《雨中泪》Tears in the Rain (1988) (TV)

5. 求一个美国老电影 爱情的

曼哈顿女佣 Maid in Manhattan (2002)

导演: 王颖

编剧: 凯文·韦德

主演: 詹妮弗·洛佩兹 / 拉尔夫·费因斯 / 泰勒·珀西 / 娜塔莎·理查德森 / 斯坦利·图齐 / 鲍勃·霍斯金斯

类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语 / 法语 / 西班牙语

上映日期: 2002-12-13(美国)

片长: 105 分钟

又名: 曼哈顿灰姑娘 / 女佣变凤凰 / 五星级恋人

6. 经典爱情老片

The Philadelphia Story 费城故事
Any Cary Grant romanticcomedy is a winner, but this one is especially charming and fun – italso stars James Stewart and Katharine Hepburn. A Philadelphia heiress (Hepburn) has thrown out her first husband (Grant), and two years later is planning to marry a tabloid-type reporter. Grant and some friends try to intervene and, needless to say, plenty of sophisticated comedy ensues。
Cary Grant的任何浪漫喜剧片都相当不错,但这一部特别有趣又有爱——同时还成就了James Stewart和Katharine Hepburn的巨星地位。剧情简介:一位费城的富家女甩掉了她的第一任丈夫,两年后,她打算嫁给一个小报记者。她的前夫于是和一群朋友策划组织,许多笑料就接二连三地发生了……

Ghost 人鬼情未了
Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze play acouple in love who move to the big city and okay, so PatrickSwayze is dead for most of the movie. But he refuses to let a littlething like mortality get in his way. In fact, Swayze"s sudden demise only seems to make their love stronger, as he returns from the grave toright a few wrongs and say goodbye to Moore. Who says true love can"tlast forever?
Demi Moore和PatrickSwayze在剧中扮演一对情侣,他们搬到大城市居住……好吧,然后男主角就挂了,而且在影片的大部分时间里他都是死人。不过明显他不想让死亡这种小事阻止他和爱人的感情,相反的,他们之间的爱在男主角死后似乎更加强烈,他从坟墓归来、纠正了一些错误的事情,最后和爱人道别。是谁说真爱不能长久的!

Prelude to a Kiss 神魂颠倒第六感
This quirky comedy stars Alec Baldwin and Meg Ryan as a couple who meet, fall inlove, get married, and then Well, there"s this old guy who comesto their wedding, and he and Ryan accidentally switch bodies so thatshe has his life and he has hers. This sweet movie asks how well youknow the person you love. And is the person you married a differentperson from the one you fell in love with?
这一部离奇的爱情喜剧描写了由Alec Baldwin和MegRyan扮演的男女主角相识相恋、并走向结婚礼堂……然后,bang!一个怪老头来到他们的婚礼、突然和女主角交换了身体。所以新娘看起来还是新娘,却有一颗怪老头的心……这部甜蜜的影片拷问了我们“到底有多了解自己的爱人”,以及,你结婚的对象、是不是当初你爱上的同一个人?

Moonstruck 月色撩人
This operatic comedy is about love as destiny. Loretta"s mother tries to convince her not to marry for love because "When you love them, they drive you crazy, because they know they can." But that doesn"t stop Loretta from falling for her fiancé"s brother. This movie features Cher and Nicholas Cage at the height of their acting powers, as well as a great supporting cast。

Don Juan DeMarco 唐璜
Another off beat comedy, this film stars Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando. Depp plays DonJuan, the legendary lover – or at least someone who thinks he is.Marlon Brando is the psychiatrist who tries to "cure" him. Along the way, the Don (that"s Juan, notCorleone) teaches Marlon Brando and his wife (Faye Dunaway) about lifeand the importance of love。

Like Water for Chocolate 浓情朱古力
A feast for thesenses! This Mexican movie is not just about romantic love; it"s alsoabout love for food, family, and tradition. Pedro and Tita can"t getmarried because Tita"s mother wants her oldest daughter to be marriedfirst – to Pedro. And she wants Tita to stay home and take care of her.Tita acquiesces, but finds that her cooking has unusual powers。

Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡
Where would a top ten list be without this stylish classic? Humphrey Bogart plays Rick Blaine, an expatriate American and former freedom fighter who runs a nightclub in Casablancaring World War II. Ingrid Bergman is his former love, Ilsa, who"s intown with her husband, a resistance leader. Bogart and Bergman are suave, the setting is cosmopolitan, and the politics are intriguing。

Titanic 泰坦尼克号
James "King of the World" Cameron"s magnumopus charmed billions (literally) of moviegoers around the world. Ithas something for everyone – most especially a love story that transcends class, circumstance, and even life – not to mention one really big boat.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 朱门巧妇
Paul Newman andElizabeth Taylor sizzle in the movie version of this Tennessee Williamsplay. Newman and Taylor play Brick and Maggie "the cat," a couple whosemarriage has hit a particularly rocky point. But "Big Daddy" (Burl Ivesas Newman"s rich southern dad) wants grandkids. And Maggie will doanything to hang onto her marriage. Great acting all around in thisclassic。

Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非
This Kenneth Branaghversion of Shakespeare"s comedy is all light and wit. It"s set in sunnysouthern Italy at a beautiful estate filled with nobility,as well as witty dialogue, foiled plots, and lighthearted love. Branaghand Emma Thompson play Benedick and Beatrice, who fall in love despitethemselves. Denzel Washington, Kate Beckinsdale, and Keanu Reeves roundout the cast。

7. 一部老电影爱情鬼片

【导演】 黎应就
【语言】粤语 / 国语
英文】 Heavenly Fate
舞女金大班(郑裕玲 饰)疼爱弟弟吉仔(张学友 饰)。但吉仔生性懦弱,常夹在姐姐与女友珍妮(夏文汐 饰)之间当出气包。大班为了讨好有权有势的大姐头,提议为大姐头死去的女儿小玉(张曼玉 饰)寻找夫婿,不料弄巧成拙,自己的弟弟成为了最佳人选。珍妮要求吉仔一起私奔,中途却发生意外,吉仔幸运得到二十年前死去的小玉救回。吉仔就此爱上了小玉,大班得知情况后便与珍妮联合起来拆散这对人鬼恋。大班与珍妮极力说服小玉离开吉仔,并计划让小玉再度投胎,面对与吉仔间的朗情妾意,小玉不知如何是好。

8. 一部老电影 讲爱情的


9. 老爱情电影

意大利电影 小男孩暗恋美丽的失去丈夫的玛琳娜的故事,可以去网络搜一下



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