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发布时间:2021-07-06 23:42:41

① 小仲马《茶花女》的电影版本


② 电影<<茶花女>>(1936年)的英语对白

茶花女 Camille (1936)

[Marguerite & Armand flirt by way of long glances]
Marguerite: His eyes have made love to me all evening.
Olympe: If you don't stop being so easy-going with your money, you'll land in the gutter before you're through or back on that farm where you came from, milking cows and cleaning out hen houses.
Marguerite: Cows and chickens make better friends than I've ever met in Paris.
Armand: Yes, you, well you did smile at me a moment ago, didn't you?
Marguerite: Well, you tell me first whether you smiled at me or my friend.
Armand: What friend?
Marguerite: You didn't even see her?
Armand: No.
Olympe: She's not easy to get along with, I can tell you, ask anybody... and she has the reputation of being one of the most extravagant girls in Paris as well as one of the most insincere... She's the kind who says one thing and thinks another.
Marguerite: Now what shall I give you to remember me by?
Baron de Varville: You can't give me anything I'd like.
Marguerite: What's that?
Baron de Varville: A tear. You're not sorry enough I'm going.
Marguerite: Oh, but I *am* sorry.
Nichette: Marguerite, it's ideal to love, and to marry the one you love.
Marguerite: I have no faith in ideals.
Armand: I know I don't mean anything to you. I don't count. But someone ought to look after you. And I could if you'd let me.
Marguerite: Too much wine has made you sentimental.
Marguerite: The sort of company you're in tonight doesn't suit you at all.
Armand: Nor you.
Marguerite: No. These are the only friends I have and I'm no better than they are.
Armand: Don't you believe in love, Marguerite?
Marguerite: I don't think I know what it is.
Armand: Oh, thank you.
Marguerite: For what?
Armand: For never having been in love.
Marguerite: When one may not have long to live, why shouldn't one have fancies?
Marguerite: It's hard to believe that there's such happiness in this world.
Armand: Marguerite. Now you've put tears on my hand. Why?
Marguerite: You will never love me thirty years. No one will.
Armand: I'll love you all my life. I know that now. All my life.
[They kiss]
Baron de Varville: Here's the forty thousand francs you need. And this is my last act of consideration. If ever we meet again, it will be on a different basis. I never make the same mistake twice.
Marguerite): Let me love you. Let me live for you. But don't let me ask any more from Heaven than that - God might get angry.
Marguerite): I shall love Armand always. And I believe he shall love me always too.
Monsieur Duval: Please, give him up.
Marguerite: What should I do?
Monsieur Duval: Talk to him. Tell him he must leave you.
Marguerite: I have talked.
Monsieur Duval: Leave him.
Marguerite: He'd follow me.
Monsieur Duval: Tell him you don't love him.
Marguerite: He wouldn't believe me.
Armand: ...I warn you, lucky in love, unlucky at cards.
Baron de Varville: That also means lucky at cards, unlucky in love.
Armand: We shall see.
Armand: Then you do love him. Dare to tell me that you love him. You're free of me forever.
Marguerite: [Armand grabs her] I love him.
Armand: I accepted her favors because I thought she loved me. I had her make sacrifices for me when there were others who had more to give. But bear witness, I owe her nothing. Take it, come on, take it! Buy camellias, buy diamonds, horses and carriages, buy moonlight, buy a grave!
Marguerite: It's you. It's not a dream.
Armand: No, it's not a dream. I'm here with you in my arms, at last.
Marguerite: At last.
Armand: You're weak.
Marguerite: No, no. Strong. It's my heart. It's not used to being happy.


③ 哪个版本的电影茶花女好看


④ 电影《茶花女》哪个版本好看

电影茶花女(1936年版)葛丽泰嘉宝 主演的,黑白片,在众多茶花女电影中目前为止最出名。 嘉宝的容貌和气质很好,可惜长得太壮,身材挺高。伊莎贝尔于佩尔主演的80年法国版法国电影是拍的最大胆的,经常会有畸恋方面的伦理戏,还经常有上身或全身裸露的戏,法国片基本都有这样的特点,反而是美国电影相对保守一点电影茶花女(1995年版) 安娜·拉德旺波兰版的《茶花女》,各方面都拍得不错,女主人公有种东西方结合的美,有点忧郁的气质2005年意大利版的主演:朗切斯卡·内里、琳达·巴蒂斯塔、塞尔吉奥·穆尼兹电影茶花女(2007版)英国 主 演 西耶娜·米勒

⑤ 求茶花女电影 1995



⑥ 电影茶花女,其中女主角是谁

除了葛丽泰.嘉宝之外,还有:安娜·拉德旺、伊莎佩尔·于佩尔和Teresa Stratas


⑦ 茶花女高清完整版电影


⑧ 茶花女的电影版有几部











由Ray C. Smallwood执导,鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺、艾拉·娜兹莫娃等主演。







⑨ 电影茶花女 哪个版本比较经典





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