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发布时间:2021-07-20 03:18:47

⑴ 人们为什么都喜欢看电影


⑵ 女性喜欢看电影的原因


⑶ 什么样的动机,什么原因使你到电影院去看电影




⑷ 为什么有些男生喜欢把约会地点选为电影院


⑸ 为什么大家都喜欢去电影院而不在家看电影


⑹ 女人为什么大部分都喜欢看电影,是喜欢电影院的气氛还是喜欢电影院的效果


⑺ 急求一篇英语作文!【有的人喜欢去电影院看电影的原因、有的人喜欢在家看电影的原因】

Watching movies is an amazing activity to relax for many people nowadays. After a hard-working day, what can be more satisfying than watching films and concentrating with amusement on the plots? I like seeing films, too. Although I have many film DVDs at home, I still prefer watching films at cinemas.
One of the biggest factors that make me feel like watching films at cinemas is the bigger screen and realer sound I can enjoy there. I have a TV which can play my DVDs, but I do not have enough money to buy a modern and fashioned system of projector and loudspeakers which is sold with an extremely high price at store. Furthermore, even if I could afford it, I still would not feel as satisfied as in a cinema, because I know that cinemas always invest their capital in developing the quality of their films, so the images and sound in cinemas are usually perfect, and I do not think that anyone can easily get such quality in his home.
Besides a higher quality of the films, a second factor that makes me attached to cinemas is that I can take this as an opportunity to go out and get out of the confine of my house. After an exhausting week with a lot of stresses that have strained on me, time for resting is really invaluable for me. So I always wait for weekends to relax, at night, I want go out and breathe the cool breeze of the night, and I often go to the cinema to see a film so that I can effectively use the remaining time of freedom. This is also a chance for me to get out of my house and enjoy a new wider space, interact with people and be more positive.
Additionally, the third reason for my statement is that by going to a cinema, I can watch the film with many people. Actually, I can invite my friends to my house to watch a film with me, but I still do not think it is a great idea, because nowhere can we find as many people watching the same movie as in a cinema. Moreover, when watching film in a cinema, one can laugh, cry and even be scared about the films with people all around him, he can talk freely with others about the film and the characters, which makes the films even more interesting and more attracting than at home.
In my opinion, watching films in cinemas is preferred than watching them at home because of the above reasons. Today, cinemas are trying to improve the standard of their films, many technologies are developed to make the viewers feel as real as possible, and this makes watching films at cinemas an impossible-to-miss chance to get.

⑻ 人们为什么喜欢去电影院看电影





⑼ 人们为何喜欢去电影院看电影






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