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发布时间:2021-06-30 11:17:57

1. 急求三部英文电影的经典语句,中英文对照。有说的时候的图片更好(另加分)。每部至少十句。

Emily: Really Charles, people will think...

Charles Foster Kane: What I tell them to think.



Thompson: No, I don't think so; no. Mr. Kane was a man who goteverything he wanted and then lost it. Maybe Rosebud was something hecouldn't get, or something he lost. Anyway, it wouldn't have explainedanything... I don't think any word can explain a man's life. No, I guessRosebud is just a... piece in a jigsaw puzzle... a missing piece.


1.Behind the great wealth, are hidden evil.

2.Let your friends underestimate the advantages of the enemy overestimate your weaknesses.

3.Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.

4.To be close to your friend, but closer to your enemy.

5.Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.

6.I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life — I don’t apologize — to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those big shots. I don’t apologize — that’s my life — but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn’t enough time, Michael. It wasn’t enough time.
我从来没有想过要带给你这些。我工作了一辈子,来养家糊口,我没有道过歉,我不愿意当个傻瓜,可我总是在大人物所牵的绳子上跳舞。我不会道歉的,这就是我的本色,不过我也想到过那一点,我想那时候是你的天下,你就是牵绳子的那个人。科利翁尼参议员,科利翁尼州长。好了,时间不多了,迈克尔。时间不多了! (这是电影中,迈克接位后在花园里他的父亲老教父维多的话,这也是整个电影里我觉得教父唯一的一次吐露自己真实内心的话。其中“大人物”指美国的一些政客,维多清楚的知道他们帮助自己是为了利用他获得政治利益,同时维多也利用他们为自己的“生意”做庇护。显然维多是不会甘愿做木偶的,这也成了后来电影和《教父归来》一书的线索——迈克努力的让所有生意合法,却越陷越深。“既然无论是政治人物,还是黑手党教父都免不了被人利用,为什么还要这两者间费力的转化?”这个问题迈克的回答是:“这个世界,每一个人都免不了被利用!” )

2.Life was like a box of chocolate ,you never know what you're gonna get.
3.There is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.Where they're going. Where they've been.
4.You are no different than anybody else is.
5.Stupid is as stupid does.
6.We were like peas and carrots.
7.There must be someing can be done.

2. 好看的英文 图 就是电影里外国人拿羽毛笔写出来的,很好看的字迹








3. 以图文并茂的形式介绍一部英语电影的观影指南

我认为第二幅不适合 篆书 《大众电影》面向的是广大群众,篆书笔画复杂、晦涩难懂、不易识别,与大众生活脱离,不适合作为大众化杂志的标题字体.

4. 求英文电影《Cloud Atlas》(云图)


5. 看图片,英文名,电影

阿凡达 avatar

6. 有什么好看的英文电影吗



7. 30部必看经典英文电影,看完口语、听力大幅提升!你到底看过哪些



《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)取自斯蒂芬·金《不同的季节》中收录的《丽塔·海华丝及萧山克监狱的救赎》而改编成的《肖申克的救赎》剧本,并由弗兰克·达拉邦特执导,蒂姆·罗宾斯、摩根·弗里曼等主演。


《百万宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby)是一部励志剧情电影。影片由克林特·伊斯特伍德执导,克林特·伊斯特伍德、希拉里·斯万克、摩根·弗里曼等主演。




小说涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间。故事的主线围绕主人公获释罪犯冉阿让(Jean Valjean)试图赎罪的历程,融进了法国的历史、建筑、政治、道德哲学、法律、正义、宗教信仰。1958年法国导演让.保罗·李塞诺拍摄过同名电影,2006年日本出品了根据原著改编的动画片《悲惨世界少女珂塞特》。



























8. 一部经典电影的PPT,英文的,要有图,英语课上要作展示


9. 英文电影




In 2012, Jackson brang his own son and daughter to the yellow stone park, but he found out that the lake with his good memories already disappeared by drying out. He felt strange and went into the dried out part, and met Charlie. Charlie told him that human are using too many sorces on earth, so the balence was broken, human will have a huge problem, but some countries are already making huge boats to escape. Jackson thought he was a random crazy guy, then he laughed and went away.

In the second day, it did really happened. Flood and fire came and ruined the whole planet, Jackson and his family ran for live. He remembered the crazy guy and the map that guy held, then he went foward the crazy guy's live place.

During the way to that boat, Jackson's family passed through death and life, finally to the boat. But people in the boat is limited, they have to choose people with good gene to live. But at last, they choose to let human be fare, people crowded in that boat and had the chance to reproce again....





There are some special chemical on the planet pandora that human need it to change our energy factor. But Pandora is not a place for human, its air will cause damage to humans, creatures in this planet will attack humans, and had some living on pandora's human like creature, the Na'vi s. Na'vis unlike human on this planet, so did the creatures.

Jack's brother was a DNA donater to the cloning na'vi, that he can control the cloned na'vi. After his brother's death, the company tried to find Jack because Jack and his brother has the same genes, he could also control the Na'vi ( cloning Na'vis are expensive )But Jack was happy, since he could walk again...

In the pandora, Jack was lost and met a wolf. The Na'vi princess saved him and taught jack a lot about this planet. Jack was in loved by this princess, and finally found his own reason to fight. People wanted to have more profit, so they wanted to destroy the goding tree, where the Na'vis lived..Jack tried to tell them not, but they didn't care.

At last, Jack told the Na'vi to fight, they called the whole creature group in pandora, and they successfully won the company, Jack became the leader of Na'vis...

3.The island (逃出克隆岛)


Linchon 6E and Jordan 2D lived in a building that does not really touch the wourld, with about hundreds of people living there. In this building, every thing was caught by the camera, people in there has regular dealings and exercises for having a health body. They knew that after earth had a ecological disaster,every living things other than people in this building was dead. They wanted to be free, the only hope is to be chosen to "the island"-- the only place with fresh air.

But linchon had a strange dream, he dreamed that people chosen to "the island" will be caught down to the water and killed. Then he started to think, started to doubt everything in this building. The curious of linchon made him knew more things. He found out that "The island" does not really exsist. Every one in this building including Jordan and himself will die. They are just the "standby" of the oringinal person, they are cloning peoples..Once the oringinal person had some problem, the healthy organ will be sent from the cloning person to the original one, and the excuse to sent them do death, is to choose him/her to "the island".Linchon knew this, and ran away with Jordan, ran for live. The building company found out and chased them. At last they lived happily forever (..many sacrifiser in this movie......)


One trip to the wild became a death trip, these people on the boat knew nothing about this....they steped into the lake with many crocodiles.Peter, a US novelist, was also on this boat. The guide of this boat named Kathy had been peddle the idea of to have a adventure to a place she never had-- the mystery triangle by the others on the boat. They found a lake that was strange, and was attacked by a mystery thing under the water, the boat started to drown. When it was hard to move—to stay on the boat or not, Kathy made the boat forward a little island beside. If the night comes, water will flood and drown them. Then they found out that the thing attacked them was a super crocodile, they can now only escape with themselves. They tried a lot of ways, and it finally worked, but only Kathy was caught. Peter wanted to save Kathy, then he went back that dangerous place to fight with the crocodile. The crocodile ran forward to Peter, and peter raised up a stick that made crocodile’s throut though. The two had been all saved, and loved.

5.Super hero 最后来个好笑的...

Rick wat bitten by a gene changed drangonfly, and found that he had some strange super power, like strong power and hard skin that can stick. Same with all the good super heros, Rick wanted to do things good and have a nice, different future. Then, he designed a set of clothings for himself, and hidden his own face, named “The dragonfly”. Of course, if you wanted to save the world, you will always have some difficults harder than you imagine. Stand the opposite side of rick, was Landers. Because of a experiment accident, Landers had a power to steal others’ energy, he was bad at fisrt and now worse because of the strong power, he started to want to have forever life, and became sand glass man. Same as all other stories, of corse the good side win!

10. 英文电影介绍手抄报英文版图片带中文介绍图片


A big problem ", hand written film express"


By 1, and the invention of the movie projector bet

如今,电影作为一种大众娱乐方式,已经融入我们的生活当中。但是,你是否知道当初电影的发明是为了裁判一次打赌?也许,我们要感谢那次打赌,感谢它给我们带来的电影。 1872年的一天,在美国加利福尼亚州一个酒店里,斯坦福与科恩发生了激烈的争执:马奔跑时蹄子是否都着地?斯坦福认为奔跑的马在跃起的瞬间四蹄是腾空的;科恩却认为,马奔跑时始终有一蹄着地。争执的结果谁也说服不了谁,于是就采取了美国人惯用的方式打赌来解决。他们请来一位驯马好手来做裁决,然而,这位裁判员也难以断定谁是谁非。这很正常,因为单凭人的眼睛确实难以看清快速奔跑的马蹄是如何运动的。 裁判的好友———英国摄影师麦布里奇知道了这件事后,表示可由他来试一试。他在跑道的一边安置了24架照相机,排成一行,相机镜头都对准跑道;在跑道的另一边,他打了24个木桩,每根木桩上都系上一根细绳,这些细绳横穿跑道,分别系到对面每架照相机的快门上。

Now, as a form of mass entertainment, film has been integrated into our lives. But, did you know that the invention of the film is to judge a bet? Perhaps, we want to thank the bet, thank you for the movie we brought. One day 1872. In California, a hotel, Stanford and Cohen happened a heated argument: hoof is a horse running? Stanford says running horse in the leap moment hooves is vacated; Cohen thinks, horse running always have a hoof. The outcome of the dispute can not convince anyone, so he took a bet on the way Americans used to settle. They hired a horse players to make a decision, however, the referee also cannot decide which is right and which is wrong. This is normal, because the person's eyes do not see the fast running of the horseshoe is how to exercise. The friends -- British photographer Mai Buri knew about the matter, said by him to try. He placed the on the side of the runway 24 camera, in a row, the camera lens are aligned with the runway. On the other side of the runway, he played 24 wood piles, each timber are tie a piece of string, the string across the track, respectively, the Department of to the opposite each camera shutter.

一切准备就绪后,麦布里奇牵来了一匹漂亮的骏马,让它从跑道一端飞奔到另一端。当跑马经过这一区域时,依次把24根引线绊断,24架照相机的快门也就依次被拉动而拍下了24张照片。麦布里奇把这些照片按先后顺序剪接起来。每相邻的两张照片动作差别很小,它们组成了一条连贯的照片带。裁判根据这组照片,终于看出马在奔跑时总有一蹄着地,不会四蹄腾空,从而判定科恩赢了。 按理说,故事到此就应结束了,但这场打赌及其判定的奇特方法却引起了人们很大的兴趣。麦布里奇一次又一次地向人们出示那条录有奔马形象的照片带。一次,有人无意识地快速牵动那条照片带,结果眼前出现了一幕奇异的景象:各张照片中那些静止的马叠成一匹运动的马,它竟然“活”起来了!

After everything is ready, Mai Buri brought a beautiful horse, let it run from one end to the other end of the runway. When the horse racing through this area, in turn, the 24 lead to break down, the 24 camera shutter is pulled and took 24 photos. Bridge put the photos in sequence. Each of these two images is very small, and they form a coherent picture of each. Referee according to this group of photos, finally see the horse in the run there is always a hoof on the ground, not Siti vacant to determine Cohen won. Could said story here may be over, but the bet and the judgement of the strange way has caused people's great interest. Mai Buri once again to show people that recorded horse photo image. Once, someone unconscious quickly affect the photo belt appeared in front of the a singular sight: the picture in the stationary horse folded into a sport horse horse, it unexpectedly "live" up!


Biologist Marlay get inspiration from here. He tried to use pictures to study the animal's movement. Of course, first of all have to solve the problem of continuous photography, because the way Bridge's photography is too cumbersome, not practical. Malai is a wise man, after several years of unremitting efforts, finally in 1888 to proce a light "fixed film for the camera", which is the ancestor of modern cameras. From then on, many inventors are looking at the development of the movie camera. On December 28, 1895, French Lumiere brothers in Paris "Coffee Museum" for the first time with his invention of the projection photography al-purpose machine show the "train" in the movie, the film marks the formally birth.


, of course, the birth of film in the end of the 19th century fundamentally said is the comprehensive result of the combination of science and technology and art, before the birth of the film, many inventors have the birth of the film made a contribution of hard work and basic. In addition to the above mentioned scientific inventor, there are many, such as the United States of America's great inventor, Edison, et al. And Stanford and Cohen's gambling events as make the blend of scientific technology in along with the change of catalyst, quickly led to film and proce, movie the great art of knocking the door of the 20th century.



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