Minions is a 2015 3D computer-animated family comedy film, and a prequel/spin-off to the Despicable Me franchise. Proced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures, it was directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, written by Brian Lynch, and proced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. The film stars Coffin (as the Minions), Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, and Steve Coogan, and is narrated by Geoffrey Rush. It was first foreshadowed in the end credits of Despicable Me 2, where Stuart, Kevin, and Bob, three of the Minions, are seen auditioning for the film.
『贰』 电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(2010年版)简介英文翻译
The film tells the story of 20-year-old Alice and her mother attending a party, only to find that she will be proposed in front of many arrogant people.
影片讲述了已经20 岁的爱丽丝和母亲参加一个宴会,却发现自己将在众多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。
So she followed a white rabbit into a cave and went into fairyland. Alice came here 13 years ago, but now she doesn't remember at all.
Here, Alice and those lovely old friends meet again: bluff dormouse, beautiful white queen and her detestable sister, Queen of hearts, twin brothers, caterpillar, white rabbit, crazy hat and so on. In a wonderland adventure.
Alice realized that her great mission was to lead the residents of the underground world to end the evil rule of the queen of hearts and restore the former fairyland.
『叁』 10部英文电影 要主要内容
1 变形金刚2 地球上的战争虽然结束,但变形金刚之间的战争并未告终。红蜘蛛飞回塞博坦星球,打算带着军队再回到地球一决死战。汽车人发现威震天的尸体不见了,原来已被萨克巨人偷走,威震天随后被复活,决心要开始复仇。与此同时,红蜘蛛也正率领塞博坦的援军赶来,汽车人在这时增强了自己的战斗力,一场大战在所难免,山姆因为掌握了有关变形金刚的起源以及在古老时期到访地球的线索而遭到霸天虎的追击。霸天虎为了获取这些信息,妄图生擒山姆。汽车人、美军和其它多国部队联合起来抵抗霸天虎的袭击。
2 先知 在1958年,为庆祝一所新成立小学的奠基仪式,一群学生将自己的绘画作品封藏在时间胶囊里并深埋入基石之下。但其中的一名神秘的女学生,似乎听到了耳边的各种私语声,她将整张绘纸填写上了数排无规则的数字。50年后的现在:一批新时代的学生从地下挖出并开启时间胶囊,来查看里面的内容。那位女学生留下的神秘数字信息被其中一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是,Caleb的父亲教授Ted Myles揭秘了一个惊人的发现,这些编码信息毫厘不差地预言了过去50年里每个重大灾难所发生的日期、死亡人数和其它匹配数字。当Ted更进一步地揭开了这个莫名档案的神秘面纱之时,他发现这之中还预示了未来的三件重大要事,最后一件暗示了一场全球规模的大毁灭……
3 天使与魔鬼 故事主要讲述了罗伯特教授运用他在破译密码方面的知识,粉碎了一起企图在教皇会议期间炸毁梵蒂冈城的阴谋。
4 博物馆奇妙夜2 纽约自然历史博物馆的夜班保安拉里在赶跑了妄图监守自盗的三个疯狂老同事,拯救了一到晚上就撒欢吵闹的博物馆藏品之后,总算过上了两天不用操心的舒服日子,不光儿子把他视为英雄,爱情翩翩降临,工作也升级为解说员。可是好景不长,博物馆关门整修,藏品给挪到了华盛顿的史密森博物馆继续展出。拉里知道,虽然有老成持重的西奥多·罗斯福总统压阵,但他的一干能量过剩的藏品老友,在新家里也不会改掉爱胡闹的本性,于是他也跟着来到了华盛顿,不让他们胡作非为。但他没有想到的是,邪恶的法老王用咒语唤醒了史密森博物馆里的藏品,新来的和坐地户之间为地盘,为荣誉,也可能什么也不为,就想打人,爆发了一场大战。拉里虽然得到了第一个驾机飞越大西洋的女豪杰艾米莉娅·埃尔哈特的帮助,甚至就连林肯雕像都放下身段,力促双方和解,可无奈史密森博物馆里都是狠角色,不光是巨大的恐龙化石,猛犸象,甚至上世纪二三十年代的黑帮大亨阿尔·卡邦,星球大战中的黑武士也来横插一脚。而拉里越帮越忙,陷入了自身难保的悲惨境地。
5 天使之城 塞斯是一各充满好奇的天使,他被上帝派驻在洛杉矶,专门护送垂死的病人上天堂。而在当地医院中从事心脏科手术的医生玛姬却成日在手术台上帮助病人与死神交战。因为职业的冲突,天使注意到了这个美丽、自信的女医生。有一天她在进行手术时,一名病人突然暴毙于她手中,当塞斯前来护送病人上路时,却发现了玛姬的脆弱和自。玛姬无法释怀如此打击,顿时对一切失去信心,天使情不自禁的想要伸出援手,帮助这个令他心动的女人。于是,塞斯冒着极大的危险,毅然在玛姬面前现身。他从一名天使,变成陌客,一尝他向往已久却只能袖手旁观的凡人生活。当他们相遇后,玛姬也喜欢上温柔体贴的塞斯,可是她对这名没有过去的男人感到十分怀疑,但却又无法抵抗他的魅力,玛姬因此感到困惑、害怕。而这时候的赛斯却对自己无法真正融入现实生活,体会凡人的触摸、感官而无奈沮丧。但他深爱着玛姬,渴望分享她生活的点滴,于是他对上帝提出要求,那就放弃天使的身份,成为一个真实的凡人,会饥饿、会疼痛、会流泪。为了爱情,他宁愿用在天堂里亿万年的永生,换取人间短暂却甜蜜的生活。
『肆』 用英语介绍一下电影《心灵捕手》
Good Will Hunting is an 1997 American drama film directed by Gus Van Sant and starring Robin Williams,Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver and Stellan Skarsgård. Written by Affleck and Damon, and with Damon in the title role, the film follows 20-year-old South Boston laborer Will Hunting, an unrecognized genius who, as part of a deferred prosecution agreement after assaulting a police officer, becomes a patient of a therapist (Williams) and studies advanced mathematics with a renowned professor (Skarsgård). Through his therapy sessions, Will re-evaluates his relationships with his best friend (Affleck), his girlfriend (Driver) and himself, facing the significant task of thinking about his future.
Good Will Hunting received universal critical acclaim and was a financial success. It grossed over US$225 million ring its theatrical run with only a modest $10 million budget. It was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture, and won two: Best Supporting Actor for Williams andBest Original Screenplay for Affleck and Damon.
In 2014 it was ranked at number 53 in The Hollywood Reporter's 100 Favorite Films list.[1]
Twenty-year-old Will Hunting (Damon) of South Boston is a self-taught, genius-level intellect with an eidetic memory, though he works simply as a janitor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and spends his free time drinking with his friends Chuckie (Affleck), Billy (Cole Hauser) and Morgan (Casey Affleck). When Professor Gerald Lambeau (Skarsgård) posts a difficult problem taken from algebraic graph theory as a challenge for his graate students, Will solves the problem anonymously, stunning both the graate students and Lambeau himself. As a challenge to the unknown genius, Lambeau posts an even more difficult problem and chances upon Will solving it. Fearing he will lose his sole means of (a meager) income, Will flees and skips going into work the next day. That night, Will meets Skylar (Driver), a British orphan about to graate from Harvard, who plans on attending medical school at Stanford.
Assaulting both a man who bullied him as a child and a police officer who attempts to break up the fight, Will faces incarceration, but Lambeau arranges for him to forgo jail time if he agrees to study mathematics under Lambeau's supervision while simultaneously seeking psychotherapy. Will tentatively agrees but treats his first few therapists with contempt; his refusal to open up is met with staunch defiance by the bourgeois mentality of the therapists, who each refuse to treat Will further. In desperation, Lambeau calls on Dr. Sean Maguire (Williams), his estranged—and much more grounded—college roommate, who now teaches psychology at Bunker Hill Community College. Unlike the other therapists, Sean actually challenges Will's weak defense mechanisms, and after a few unproctive sessions Will begins to open up.
Will is particularly struck by Sean's story of how he met his wife by giving up his ticket to the historic sixth game of the 1975 World Series after falling in love at first sight. Sean neither regrets his decision, nor does he regret the final years of his marriage when his wife was dying of cancer. This encourages Will to build a relationship with Skylar, though he lies to her about his past and is reluctant to introce her to his friends or show her his rundown neighborhood. Will also challenges Sean to take an objective look at his own life, since Sean has been unable to move on from his wife's death.
Chafing under Lambeau's high expectations, Will makes a mockery of job interviews that Lambeau arranges for him. When Skylar asks Will to move to California with her, he panics and pushes her away, revealing that he is an orphan and that his foster father physically abused him. Skylar tells Will that she loves him, but he denies loving her and then leaves. He next storms out on Lambeau, dismissing the mathematical research he has been doing. Sean points out that Will is so adept at anticipating future failure in his interpersonal relationships that he deliberately sabotages them in order to avoid emotional pain. When Will refuses to give an honest reply about what he wants to do with his life, Sean shows him the door. Will tells Chuckie he wants to be a laborer for the rest of his life; Chuckie responds that it would be an insult to his friends for Will to waste his potential and that his fondest wish is that Will should leave to pursue something greater.
Will walks in on a heated argument between Sean and Lambeau over his future. Sean and Will share that they were both victims of child abuse. Sean helps Will to see that he is a victim of his own inner demons and to accept that it is not his fault. Will decides to accept one of the job offers arranged by Lambeau. Having helped Will overcome his problems, Sean reconciles with Lambeau and decides to take a sabbatical to travel the world. When Will's friends present him with a rebuilt Chevrolet Nova for his twenty-first birthday, he decides to pass on his job offers and drive to California to reunite with Skylar. Sometime later, Chuckie goes to Will's house to pick him up, only to find that he is not there. Sean comes out of his house and finds a letter from Will in his mailbox, which tells him he is going to see Skylar, much to his pleasure. In the final scene, Will drives away into the sunset.
『伍』 急求《盗梦空间》电影英文简介,可以说到2分钟左右就行,尽量简单易懂的,不要太多生僻的词。拜托啦~~~~~
Inception is a 2010 science fiction action film written, co-proced, and directed by Christopher Nolan. The film features an international ensemble cast starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Dileep Rao, Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine.
DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, a specialized corporate spy and thief. His work consists of secretly extracting valuable commercial information from the unconscious minds of his targets while they are asleep and dreaming. Wanted for murder and unable to visit his children, Cobb is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the planting of an idea into a target's subconscious.
迪卡普里奥扮演的Dom Cobb,在片中是一个专业的商业间谍和小偷。他的工作是进入目标者的梦境,秘密萃取具有商业价值的信息。面临被杀和无法与孩子相聚的困境下,Cobb接受了一个交易机会。他将回到自己从前的生活中去完成一项被认为不可能完成的任务——“Inception”,它需要通过对目标者植入潜意识来实现的。
『陆』 十大英文励志电影是什么
『柒』 电影《傲慢与偏见》英文简介
Elizabeth Bennet (Keira Knightley) and her sister Jane Bennet (Rosamand Parker), sister Mary Bennet (Dalula Lely), Katie Bennet (Kerry Mulligan) and Lydia Bennet (Gina Malone) are all sisters from small landlord families. Mrs. Bennet's greatest goal in life is to find the right man for all five of her daughters. Unfortunately, the second daughter, Elizabeth, can always find out 100 reasons for refusing to marry her mother.
When Mrs. Bennet heard that the neighbouring manor was rented by a wealthy bachelor and would come to spend the summer with his distinguished friends, she excitedly decided that it was a blessing for her daughters. The suitor was on the verge of coming, and things were going as she had expected.
The monotonous and slightly quiet life of the five sisters was accompanied by the arrival of wealthy single Handacy (Matthew McFadden) and his friend Gray, two young men. A beautiful love story full of pride and Prejudice unfolded after the healthy and upward Gray and the wealthy Darcy met the five golden flowers of the Bennet family in the town.
Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) is the most diligent of the five sisters. She is also a talented college student. She never considered marriage before graation. But when she met the handsome, cynical Gray and the wise businessman Darcy (Matthew McFadden), her judgment began to be tested. Because the wealthy son Darcy soon fell deeply in love with the beautiful Elizabeth after a brief exchange.
Moreover, Darcy bravely proposed to her regardless of the family and wealth gap, but because of Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice against him, he was relentlessly refused. The reason why Elizabeth misunderstood and prejudiced him was that Darcy, a wealthy man, often showed immortal arrogance, which made the honest and kind Elizabeth disgusted. Because Darcy's arrogance is actually a reflection of status differences, so long as there is such arrogance, there can be no common thoughts and feelings between him and Elizabeth, nor can there be an ideal marriage.
But after a period of time, graally, Elizabeth found and witnessed a qualitative change in Darcy's way of dealing with people and a series of actions. Especially his past proud and conceited manner disappeared completely, so Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice towards him graally disappeared, and a happy marriage finally achieved. Her sisters also got the sweet life they wanted.
《傲慢与偏见》温暖人心、令人愉悦、浪漫,美国影评界对这部名著改编作品丝毫不吝惜溢美之辞。凯拉·奈特利的表演光芒四射(《亚特兰大宪报》 评论)。
该片最大限度地保留了原著的精华,在传承经典的同时又巧妙地融合了许多现代元素,好看且耐人回味,是一部难得的改编力作。(台海网 评论)。