Ⅰ 历史类的都有什么好看的电影
1.《乱世佳人》(Gone with the Wind):描述美国南北战争时期一个女人的传奇故事,经典流传至橘卜今。
3. 《美丽人生》(La vita è bella):讲述一位犹太人在二战期间营救自己儿子的感人故事。
4. 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia): 讲述英国工程师劳伦斯在第一次世界大战期间在沙漠和阿拉伯人一起抗击土耳其士兵的故事,荣获多个奥斯卡奖项。
5. 《英国病人》(The English Patient):描述一位锋拦被火灾严重烧伤的英国飞行员在第二次世界大战期间与一位护士之间的感情故事。
"Dog story" the film was in Japan caused a sensation, the prototype of the film Akita Inuyako in 1924 by its ownerUeno Xiumiro to tokyo. Every morning, eight mr.s are at home watching Ueno Xiumiro go to work, and then in the evening went to the vicinity of the Shibuya train station to meet him back home. One night, Ueno Xiumiro and not as usual as home, he had a stroke in the University, rescue invalid died, and never returned to the train station, butHachi still faithfully waiting for him.
"When happiness to knock" out of a successful interpretation on the verge of bankruptcy, wife leaveabjection salesman instriousness and stamina, howgood as single responsibility, to make progress as stock traders, and eventually become famous financial invester
Ⅲ 请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“某某片子在中国很有名。基本没有人不知道,剧情也很感。。。”
I don't know if you heard that this movieyou后加have that改为of
. I strong recommend this movie strong recommend改为recommen this movie strongly
Actually sometimes I reject to watch this kind movie kind后加of
Heard it is highly estimated 句首加个主语I
Among the four movie you watched today movie加s
which one left the great impression on you great后加est,应用最高级
I like to download blu-ray movies and watched at home watch不用ed
the environments similar as cinema as改为to
about watching movie movie加s
Ⅳ 中外电影史及经典作品用英文怎么翻译呢
Chinese and foreign film history and classical works
Chinese and foreign movie history and classical works
Ⅳ “这是一部值得一看的,非常经典的电影”这句话怎么翻译
It's a classical film which is well worth watching
Ⅵ 一部由历史改编而成的电影英语怎么说
A movie adapted from history
Ⅶ 经典作品用英语怎么说
问题一:经典用英语怎么说? 肯定是classic,没错!!!
问题二:经典用英文怎么说 佛经,经典:sutra 典型 经典:classics
问题三:“个人作品集”用英文怎么翻译 persona厂 works
personal portfolio.
或:a collection of one's own works (如果是说我的:可以用: A Collection of My( Own ) Works)
问题四:中国经典文学作品中,主要有哪些翻译成英文并比较出名的? 元末明实施耐庵所着《水浒传》:英译本为《发生在河边的 故事》,另有一些英文版译为《在沼泽地里》。译得最好的是 1938年诺贝尔文学 奖获得者、在中国长大的美国女作家布克夫人(中文名字赛珠珍)的译本,书名 《四海之内皆兄弟》,
罗贯中所着《三国演义》:美国有位翻译家节译《三国演义》中关羽故事,书名《战 神》。
清代曹雪芹所著《红楼梦》:道光 22年( 1842年),英国人汤姆将它的几个章节译成英文,书名《红楼梦幻》;英国汉学家 戴维・霍克斯等翻译成五卷英译本,书名《石头记》。
问题五:经典名曲用英语怎么说 classic 即可
classic music也可
问题六:经典阅读用英语怎么说 经典阅读
Classic reading
问题七:中外电影史及经典作品用英文怎么翻译呢 中外电影史及经典作品
Chinese and foreign film history and classical works
Chinese and foreign movie history and classical works
问题八:请问“经典电影推荐”用英文怎么说 请问“经典电影推荐”用英文怎么说
Classic movies remendation
Classic films remendation
问题九:“经典歌曲”用英文怎么写 圣诞歌用英语写
问题十:经典片段的英文怎么说? 你是指揣活中的片段还是电影中的片段或是记忆片段?
电影经典片段,额,还是用Classic Scenes~~谢谢,楼上回答也不错。