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发布时间:2025-02-10 11:26:03

『壹』 适合初中生看的英文电影

《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)这部英文电影就适合初中生看。










『贰』 电影《歌舞青春》英语简介,导演演员,思想内容。全英文简介,急急急急!谢谢啊

1 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party. They became friends, and expected not to see each other again. But then, Gabriella's mother's company transferred her to another home in Alburquerqe, New Mexico, where Troy lives. Then, Troy and Gabriella end up at the same school after winter break. They decide to audition for their school's musical, and after they audition and get a call back along with Sharpay and Ryan Evans, the two actors who've been in every school musical, the whole school makes the biggest deal out of it. Then, Troy and Gabriella's call back was amazing, and Troy and Gabriella got the leading parts in the musical, and Ryan and Sharpay were the understudies.
2 At the winter, in a new years party. Troy and Gabriella, two strangers, sing together at a karaoke bar. Gabriella's mom soon transferred to New Mexico, so then Gabriella ended up in the same school with Troy. They both audition for a musical and performs the song "Breaking Free". Troy and Gabriella supposedly won.
3 The movie start out on New Years Eve when Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are at a Ski Resort During Winter break. Troy is a popular basketball player and Gabriella is a girl Einstein. They are forced to sing karaoke and afterwords exchange numbers. After winter break, Troy returns to his school in Albequerque New Mexico, where he is surprised to discover Gabriella is a new student. They become friends quickly and decide to audition for the Winter Musical in pairs. They get callbacks, and have upset Drama Queen Sharpay Evans and her brother Ryan. Troys friend Chad becomes upset because he is afraid that Troy will become distracted from the basketball championship. Gabriellas friend Taylor wants her on the Decathelon team and is willing to do anything to get her on the team. Chad and Taylor decide to film Troy saying how Gabriella isn't important after Chad tricks him into saying it. Taylor shows the video to Gabriella. Gabriella then refuses to do the call backs with Troy. Confused, Troy convinces Gabriella that he didn't mean it by climbing up into her balcony and singing to her. Meanwhile, Sharpay and Ryan manipulate the Callbacks to the same time when The Championship game is, and the Decathalon is. The two manage to get to the tryouts, and they're events and win the Callbacks, getting parts as the lead pair in the Winter Musical, Twinkle Town : ) The Movie ends with a big finale with the entire cast singing "Were All in This Together".
4 Two high school students who are worlds apart -- the school's hoops star and the president of the science club -- secretly decide to audition for their school's musical, a decision that turns both their world and their school upside down.
5 Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are two totally different teenagers who meet at a party while singing karaoke on New Years Eve. One week later Troy goes back to his high school, East High, in New Mexico to find that Gabriella is a new student there. They quickly become close, really good friends and accidentally audition for the school musical. After getting a callback, drama queen, Sharpay Evans and her sidekick brother, Ryan are furious. Then Chad, Troy's best friend and basketball teammate, and Taylor, Gabriella's new friend on the decathlon team must find out a way to make Gabriella hate Troy. After seeing that Troy and Gabriella sad about not talking, they soon support their choices and let them "break free".
1 The Wildcats are back. They start off getting out of school, where Shar Pay makes sure Troy has job at her country club. Troy then in returns gets everyone else a job at the country club too. Gabrielle is the new lifeguard, while Troy, Chad, and the others work in the kitchen. At the country club there is a talent show, which Sharpay and Ryan win every year. Kelsie had written a song for Troy and Gabrielle to sing at the talent show, which later on Sharpay takes (at a faster tempo) for her and Troy to sing at the talent show. Sharpay plots to take Troy away from Gabrielle,by getting him a better job than the rest of the Wildcats. Troy starts changing, all for a "scholarship", starting to act like a jerk, which results in Gabrielle breaking up with Troy, saying she doesn't belong there. After Troy loses all his friends, because he began acting like a jerk and had found out that Sharpay had made it where no Junior Staffers can perform in the talent show, he decides to do something about it, and asks for his old job back with the rest of his friends and quits the talent show leaving Sharpay with nothing, since she had ditched her brother to perform with Troy. She then goes back to Ryan, who had been working with the Junior Staffers on an act, who then leaves her saying she always wanted the spotlight, now she has it. Troy ends up doing the talent show, thinking that he would be performing with Sharpay. He learns a new song within a matter of minutes.
2 Troy is offered a job at Ryan & Sharpay's country club and ends up landing jobs for Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Kelsi, Jason, Martha and Zeke. He is then introced to Sharpay's parents and realizes that Sharpay can land him many opportunities and even a basketball scholarship. Meanwhile, while Zac starts hanging out with the rich folk, Chad is worried that Zac will forget his friends. Gabriella feels as though she is losing Troy to Sharpay. In the end, Troy will have to learn how to think about his scholarship without losing his friends.
3 Good-bye, classroom! Hello, summer! But for Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor, this vacation is no day at the beach. That's because they're all working at a country club founded by Ryan and Sharpay's family! And with the club's annual talent show right around the corner, Sharpay's competitive instincts are sizzling. She mps Ryan as her singing partner and starts wooing Troy to join her onstage instead. Gabriella is less than thrilled that Troy has agreed to sing with Sharpay. How could he do that to her? Things are heating up on the lawns of high society. Will Troy and Gabriella realize that they're meant to be? Or is it already too late for them to sing one last song together?

『叁』 初中生必看的20部经典英文电影,寒假不容错过!

一.《美丽人生》(Life is Beautiful)


二.《幸福终点站》(The Terminal)


三.《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)


四.《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)


五.《放牛班的春天》(Les Choristes)


六.《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900)


七.《心灵捕手》(Good Will Hunting)


八.《死亡诗社》Dead Poets Society


九.《大鱼》(Big Fish)


十.《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)


十一.《魔法师的学徒》The Sorcerer's Apprentice


十二.《三个白痴》 3 Idiots


十三.《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music)


十四.《天使爱美丽》(Amelie from Montmartre)




十六.《纳尼亚传奇》(The Chronicles of Narnia)


十七.《艾尔文与花栗鼠》 (Alvin And The Chipmunks)


十八.《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)


十九.《新基督山伯爵》(The Count Monte Cristo)


二十.《公主日记》The Princess Diaries


『肆』 《歌舞青春3》英文简介

【英文名】High School Musical 3 : Senior Year
【译名】歌舞青春3 :毕业季——大陆译名
【分级】美国 G级 (合适所有年龄段)
【导演】 Director;Kenny Ortega
【编剧】 Writer;Peter Barsocchini [编辑本段]【演员】Zac Efron ...... Troy Bolton
Vanessa Hudgens ..... Gabriella Montez
Ashley Tisdale ..... Sharpay Evans
Lucas Grabeel ..... Ryan Evans
Corbin Bleu ..... Chad Danforth
Monique Coleman ...... Taylor
Olesya Rulin ...... Kelsi
Bart Johnson .....Coach Jack Bolton
Leslie Wing .....Lucille Bolton
Alyson Reed .....Ms. Darbus [编辑本段]【制作公司】Salty Pictures Inc. [美国]
华特·迪士尼影片公司 Walt Disney Pictures [美国]
华特·迪士尼影片公司 Walt Disney Pictures [美国] ..... (2008) (USA) (theatrical) [编辑本段]【剧情介绍】转眼间,高中生特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆)和盖比瑞拉(瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯)面临毕业,由于要去不同的大学学习,两人不得不面对艰难的选择。于是他们决定和其他同伴们一起举办一场音乐剧,以此来怀念那些高中的美好时光,并憧憬美好的未来……

『伍』 初中生英文电影排行榜前十名

一、《歌舞青春》(High School Musical)

阿富汗富家少爷阿米尔(Zekeria Ebrahim饰演)与仆人哈桑(Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada饰演)情同手足。在阿米尔受别人欺负的时候总是哈桑站出来保护他,尽管哈桑比他还要瘦弱。

在一次盛大的风筝大会上,阿米尔和哈桑一路过关斩将取得了第一名的好成绩。两个少年都十分开心。 哈桑也兴奋地朝最后一个“战利品”追去。




阿米尔意识到过去的从来都未曾过去。他始终无法摆脱对哈桑的歉疚。为了赎罪,为了哈桑,他再次踏上睽违二十多年的故 土。希望能为不幸的好友尽最后一点心力。然而此行却让他发现了一个惊天的谎言......

『陆』 推荐几个五到十分钟的适合配音的经典英文电影片段







『柒』 美国电影,歌舞青春1、2、3集的名字是什么




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