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发布时间:2025-01-14 11:50:08

① 《极地特快》电影观后感英文50词

Undoubtedly one of the strangest animated features in recent times, The Polar Express is a throwback to another world, specifically post-WWII America. Its message, one of insularity and looking after number one, is decidedly contemporary however, and fits in with the Neo Conservative attitude that clearly dominates America in the light of Bush's recent re-election. The film's makers, who have reportedly stumped up over $150m dollars for its budget, have tried to make an animation as Fran k Capra might have approached the genre, but even for him, and for most modern audiences, both the rather unusual animation and the overly saccharine flavour of the film may seem a little too much.

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③ 最适合练英语听力的电影

1、 The Graate 毕业生
2、 The Lion King 狮子王
3、 Sound of music 音乐之声
4、 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡
5、 Finding Nemo 海底总动员
6、 The Shark Tale 鲨鱼黑帮
7、 Forrest Gump 阿甘正传
8、 Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图未眠夜
9、 Pretty woman 漂亮女人(风月俏佳人)
10、Shrek 怪物史莱克
11、 My best friend's wedding 我最好朋友的婚礼
12、 27 Dresses 二十七套礼服
13、 Liar liar 谎言大师(大话王)
14、 You've got mail 网上情缘
15、 Notting Hill 诺丁山
16、 True lie 真实谎言
17、 When Harry met Sally 当哈丽遇到赛丽
18、 Four weddings and a funeral 四个婚礼一个葬礼
19、 Philadelphia 费城
20、 Legally Blonde律政俏佳人
21、 Pride and Predice 傲慢与偏见
22、 Ice Age冰河世纪
23、 Fifty First Dates 初恋50次
24、 American Beauty 美国丽人
25、 Runaway Bride 落跑新娘
26、 Professional 这个杀手不太冷
27、 The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎
28、 The City of Angel 天使之城
29、 Polar Express 极地特快
30、 Bruce Almighty 冒牌天神
另外强烈推荐《老友记》!是一部电视剧。Friends(老友记)是经典中的经典,对于英语初级水平的朋友来说,是突破发音和对话交流最好的美剧。整个剧都是人物间谈话,而且都很简短,没有长句,词汇非常简单,基本是plain English的典范。

④ 电影英文影评


Rarely does a movie let you forget who you are and become the main character. This is one of those rare movies.

The movie starts out with a story that every Santa believer experienced. On Christmas eve a boy in Grand Rapids Michigan has reached the age where the statistical impossibility in the Santa story ( the size and speed of Santa's sleigh, the north pole being a barren wasteland) are causing him to doubt the big mans existence. Not knowing for sure the boy drifts into a deep sleep. At 11:55 PM the boy is awakened by the arrival of the Polar Express literally outside his front door. Going to investigate what is going on the boy meets the witty conctor of the Christmas eve train. (Tom Hanks)who informs him that the train is headed to the north pole so the kids can meet Santa Clause. Not totally sure that the train is going to the north pole but to curious to let it go the boy climbs on board. The adventure puts the boy in contact with a girl who is a natural born leader and who's belief in the Christmas magic couldn't be stronger. Other characters include a know it all socially awkward boy, a young underprivileged loner who has never experienced the magic of Christmas and a cast of other more mysterious characters such a a hobo ghost. Through the adventure the combination of great music, flawless animation and fantastic dialog really make you believe you are there and let you relive those days when you thought Santa Clause just might exist. The story ends on Christmas day with a line (narrated by Tom Hanks) about belief that brings back those kid on Christmas eve chills all over again. The themes of belief and friendship are a strong theme in the movie and part of the magic that brings you back to a time when you did believe.Its a great movie for children and alts alike and rekindles the Christmas magic that us alts lost many years ago.

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