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发布时间:2025-01-04 01:37:14

① 谁知道史密斯夫妇里的插曲叫什么名字

Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros Mondo Bongo
《Mondo Bongo》是电影《史密斯夫妇》(Mr. & Mrs. Smith)中的插曲。电影中,男女主角两人在哥伦比亚初识,在夜色下随音乐节拍轻轻摇摆,华美浪漫到极致。

这首《Mondo Bongo》曲子曾在多部名影片中出现,而在看完《史密斯夫妇》后,就更感觉其冷静中所透出的那种华丽感觉,看过电影的人应该记得这首曲子是在什么时候响起的,配合安吉丽娜·朱莉的性感,近乎完美。

Mondo Bongo(巨大的紫羚羊花——引申为野性难驯或者狂放不羁,也是女主角的代名词,这就比较浪漫了)

something that(有情况)

I was patrolling a Pachinko(我正在敲击着柏青哥—日本一种赌博游戏)

Nude noodle model parlor in the Nefarious zone(像傻瓜一样赤裸裸的暴露在这危险的区域)

Hanging out with insects under cting(被卑鄙的人出卖(算计)—下水道里的虫子引申为卑鄙的人)

The C.I.A was on the phone( C.I.A窃听着电话)

Well, such is life (哎,这就是生活)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair (你头上的花儿看起来好美,引申为带着花的你明艳动人)。

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair, oh (却没人注意过它,噢。注:女主角是一个优秀的杀手,大家只知道它冷血的一面,却不知道她有美丽动人的一面。“却没人注意过它”实际引申的是一种美,脱离了杀手生活加勒比女人的美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair (却没人注意过它)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair (却没人注意过它)

For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters )Of all the curtain and lace (为了萨帕塔主义理想,我能够抢夺我的姐妹仅有的窗帘和蕾斯花边引申为六亲不认)——Zapatistas 墨西哥南部的恰帕斯州,一些反政府武装者的名称。

Down at the bauxite mine (深入矿坑,引申为探寻真相)注:影片一直描写主教们探寻真相的过程

You get your own uniform (穿上你自己的制服,引申为你将获得新生)

Have lunchtimes off(午饭时间时间已经过去,引申为没有时间了或者迫在眉睫,就差一步等意思)

Take a monorail to your home(建造一条单轨铁路回家,引申为杀出一条血路)

Checkmate, baby(拼了,宝贝儿)

God bless us and our home (愿上帝保佑我们和家园)

Where ever we roam(不管我们流落到何方)

Now take us home, flaquito(让我们回家吧,基多)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair (却没人注意过它)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo(拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

The flower looks good in your hair(你头上的花儿看起来好美)

Latino caribo, mondo bongo (拉丁美人、加勒比人,巨大的紫羚羊花)

Nobody said it was fair (却没人注意过它)

由朋克代表班霸乐队TheClath的创作核心JoeStrummer带来的这首歌,曲调简单却婉转,加上歌手庸懒的嗓音,连同几分滑稽、桀骜不羁的歌词,总给人很放松的感觉。看过布拉德·皮特如《燃情岁月》、《大地雄心》等系列电影的人可能都还记得,他总是扮演那种很酷、让女人折服,然而又玩世不恭到让女人心碎的角色。想想一部影片中,两个人在这首背景音乐里忘情的舞蹈,各自怀揣着心事,内心相互猜疑,却面带笑容,深情的对视,享受着冲突前的温柔。平静自然的场景,在松弛的背景音乐的衬托下,却有着说不出的浪漫…… 是不是很有趣?——总觉得这样的场面很熟悉,两个人面对面相视而笑,私下却隐藏着各自的想法,看似融洽的气氛,却缺乏着对于对方的信任。人与人之间总在时刻保持着警惕,充斥着流言与猜疑。或许他们自己都没有意识到彼此举手投足间的默契,以及那份沉淀在心底的情愫。


Mondo Bongo是西班牙语,据说Mondo是巨大的意思,而Bongo本意是羚羊的一种(也有人说是邦戈鼓,拉丁的一种小手鼓),合起来是“大鼓”的意思。Mondo Bongo其实是哥伦比亚古老的原住民音乐(西班牙语是哥伦比亚的语言),它真实的意思是“奔放与狂野”,引申自当地居民娱乐喜庆时演奏用的大鼓。

1981年,当时著名的爱尔兰摇滚乐队Boomtown Rats有一部Mondo Bongo的音乐专辑,就是取材自哥伦比亚奔放和狂野的音乐的,也以Mondo Bongo来命名。该乐队于1985年解散。本曲由已逝去的The Clash的创作核心Joe Strummer演唱。

Joe Strummer生于政治世家,很多歌曲以政治为题材,有浓烈的左派思想,上世纪70年代末期到80年代可谓是叱咤英伦乐坛,掀起朋克浪潮,1982年成功打入美国市场,乐队于1989年解散。

② 当幸福来敲门英文PPT相关素材




The Pursuit of Happyness" is a simple inspirational movie.It is not pretty actors,no fancy pictures,no touching music,but can also attract you read on law-abiding,because it has good enough story,plain but not mediocre!

Two of the film places the novel,though intentionally set,but that is not offensive,not far-fetched,pregnant with meaning.

First:When Chris (Will Smith plays) to see graffiti in the "happyness" spelling error,he said these words:There is no y in happiness,There is i.(y or Why).This line is extremely clever setting,it also aims to express through the entire film.Yes,there is no happiness in the why,the only others only their own happiness.Why blame others than their own happiness is meaningless,only rely on their own can be happy.

Second:when the movie started,Chris was in the crowd jammed the streets to push forward,in the smiling faces in only his bewildered,stood helpless with.And towards the end of the film,Chris was in the same place,look left to meet the emotional tears and applause for his rallying.In the calendar through suffering,sorrow,abandonment,abjection,helplessness,despair,after Chris with patience,hard work and attitude of never giving up in exchange for part of his life,the good old days.So in the moment through the probationary period,Chris is happy.


In preparation for writing this comment, which I am compelled to write for reasons which will become clear, I read a fair few of the major critics to see, if on this occasion, they had seen and felt what I had.

James Bernadelli suggests this film should be known as the "Pursuit of Richness"; another column I have read suggests that the money-will-solve-your-problems resolution is depressing and not the message Hollywood (or art in general) should be trying to put across.

I ask myself when the last occasion might have been that any of these critics genuinely had to :spoiler: run, under painful, embarrassing ress, from a cab - because they didn't have the money; or when the forces of life seemed to conspire against them so unfairly that they broke down in tears. Spoiler: when your wealthy boss, who you CANNOT disappoint, asks you to borrow the last five dollars in your wallet, and you know that that money is all you have in the world - to feed your family, to pay your gas.

You go through times in life when you feel that things couldn't possibly get worse - and then they do - and then they do again. Sometimes, (like Chris and son at the beach towards the end of the film) you just want to get away from it all, other times you cry. Sometimes, and this is rare, you laugh - because if you don't you'll cry. You know that if you let it all become too much, you will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Chris Gardner (not the real one perhaps, but the one in this movie) is my personal hero; my shining example; my inspiration - the guy that never allows himself to sink - even when he can feel his shoelaces trailing on the seabed.

I realised as I was watching this film that I was watching another me, so I never once stopped rooting for Chris. When he :spoiler: fixes the scanner in the shelter, I felt like I had fixed it.

I'm still working on getting the job that earns me enough to have a less painful life - when Chris finally achieves it, I want it for him so badly that I feel it in the very fibre of my being.

I suppose that it doesn't matter that much that Chris wants to succeed as much for his son as for himself. In a way, the fact that Chris has a son makes this movie emotionally frightening and if (and only if) our basest fears are being toyed with by the director, it is only in exactly the same way that we sometimes look up in to the sky and say - like Jim Carrey in "Bruce Almighty" - is there anything else you could possibly do to me today? In my life, God doesn't appear and explain why he keeps toying with me. The truest belief is in oneself and one must never lose it.

I adore this movie and I couldn't be more grateful for its existence. It comes at a time when I need it most. Its message: Keep going - never, ever give up.

And so I come back to those reviewers. Money certainly doesn't mean happiness in this existence, but no money, in this cruel capitalist world, can cost you your life. Do not be judgmental of those who want more, it might just be enough to pay for their son to eat, to keep a roof over his head, to keep their dignity. This film is not about rags-to-riches as some reviewers have said. It's not about the American dream either. It is about dignity and integrity and how money (or lack thereof) could easily strip you of both.

Chris Gardner never loses either and for this, he is an inspiration to us all.



Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can't do something,not even me.You got a dream,you gotta protect it.People can’t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can’t do it.If you want something,go get it.


I'm the type of person,if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer,I'm gonna to tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.

3. 有天,一个人在水里快要淹死了,这时一只船过来问他“需要帮忙吗?”




One day, a man was drowning in the water. And a boat came by and said, "Do you need any help?"

He said, "No, thank you. God will save me." Then another boat came by. Said, "Do you need any help?"

And he said, "No, thank you. God will save me." Then he drowned, and he went to heaven.

And he said, "God, why didn't you save me?" And God said, "I sent you two big boats, you mmy."

4. 上帝,别让险峻离开,赐予我翻越攀登之力。请别挪开我脚下的绊脚石,指引我前进的方向。

重担虽负于肩,痛苦难以忍受, 但是我不会也不曾放弃,只因我们之间的承诺。

Lord, don't move that mountain. Give me strength to climb it. Please don't move that stumbling block. But lead me around it. My burdens, they get so heavy seems hard to bear,but I won't give up, Because you promised me.


克里斯加纳(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)用尽全部积蓄买下了高科技治疗仪,到处向医院推销,可是价格高昂,接受的人不多。就算他多努力都无法提供一个良好的生活环境给妻儿,妻子(桑迪·牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)最终选择离开家。从此他带着儿子克里斯托夫(贾登·史密斯 Jaden Smith 饰)相依为命。克里斯好不容易争取回来一个股票投资公司实习的机会,就算没有报酬,成功机会只有百分之五,他仍努力奋斗,儿子是他的力量。他看尽白眼,与儿子躲在地铁站里的公共厕所里,住在教堂的收容所里…… 他坚信,幸福明天就会来临。



当幸福来敲门 The pursuit of happiness

Nowadays, it seems to be that all we fight for are a grand house, a luxury car and a decent job.

But have you ever ask yourself, when you are alone in the deep night, are these exactly what you long for from the bottom of your heart?

Happiness is not a matter of materials.

It is about the pursuit of dream, love and joyment.

Please listen to your heart as well as not be lost in the chaotic society.

That‘s how we pursue happiness.







1 Are you feel happy now? ( 你现在觉得幸福吗?)Why or why not?

2 What does happiness mean to you?

In other words, what is happiness in your opinion?

3 Why do you think people pursue happiness?

4 How to pursue happiness?

5 Anything related to the pursuit of happiness you would like to share with us.


Everyone has his own distinctive interpretation of happiness. As far as I am concerned, happiness is what motivates and encourages me to the bright future when I am in adversary as well as what makes me live the life to the full when in the culmination of my life. Unfortunately, happiness seems to be much far away from us as we feel extremely stressed in such a chaotic society. Swift pace of life, competitive working atmosphere and disinterested interpersonal relationships not only depress us but also impede our pursuit of happiness. More often, what we fight for is the requirement of the others, or namely, the whole society rather than our own interpretation of happiness. The only suggestion here is that listen to your heart or you will never encounter your own happiness.


I am pretty happy now. However, just two months ago, I was in low spirits. People around me could easily find negative energy on me. I kept complaining about my job, salary and life; although all my colleagues and friends thought that I had owned almost everything in such a young age.

After reading the Bible by chance, I suddenly found the answer for my predicament. The story that happened in the Garden of Eden told me that I should cherish the things I already have instead of complaining about those that I can’t get. What is more, one’s circles will influence his or her attitude towards this world. Normally, a person with a group of complaining friends will complain about everything around. And his or her complaint will increase the negative energy in this group. That is a vicious circle. Therefore, finding a group of people with positive energy will enhance your sense of happiness.




③ 谁能告诉我这个电影的名字!谢谢

好像就叫邮差 我看过两遍 很不错的片子
有些国外的信息你看一下 确实是部不可多得的好片子 我很喜欢

The Postman (1997)
The movie is set in the year 2013, after a war has devastated America. Kevin plays the title character, who becomes the reluctant leader of the fight against the forces of destruction.

Directed by
Kevin Costner

Writing credits (WGA)
David Brin (novel)

Eric Roth (screenplay) and
Brian Helgeland (screenplay)

Cast (in credits order)verified as complete
Kevin Costner .... The Postman
Will Patton .... General Bethlehem
Larenz Tate .... Ford Lincoln Mercury
Olivia Williams .... Abby
James Russo .... Idaho
Daniel von Bargen .... Pineview Sheriff Briscoe
Tom Petty .... Bridge City Mayor
Scott Bairstow .... Luke
Giovanni Ribisi .... Bandit 20
Roberta Maxwell .... Irene March
Joe Santos .... Colonel Getty
Ron McLarty .... Old George
Peggy Lipton .... Ellen March
Brian Anthony Wilson .... Woody
Todd Allen .... Gibbs
Rex Linn .... Mercer
Shawn Hatosy .... Billy
Ryan Hurst .... Eddie March
Charles Esten .... Michael, Abby's Husband
Annie Costner .... Ponytail (as Anne Costner)
Ty O'Neal .... Drew
Kirk Fox .... Gangly Recruit
Ken Linhart .... Disappointed Recruit
Korey Scott Pollard .... Thin Recruit
Kayla Lambert .... Shakespeare Girl
Austin Howard Early .... Shakespeare Boy
Ellen Geer .... Pineview Woman
Randle Mell .... Villiage Mayor
Cooper Taylor .... Tony
Dylan Haggerty .... Slow Recruit
Michael Milgrom .... Holnist Projectionist
Keith C. Howell .... Holnist Scout
H.P. Evetts .... Holnist Soldier
Jeff Johnson .... Rope Bridge Soldier
Jeff McGrail .... Rope Bridge Soldier
Lily Costner .... Lily March
Gregory Avellone .... Pineview Man
Susan Brightbill .... Pineview Woman
Elisa Daniel .... Pineview Woman
Jenny Buchanan .... Pineview Woman
Ann Manning .... Pineview Woman
Andy Garrison .... Pineview Sentry
Rusty Hendrickson .... Pineview Minister
Marvin Winton .... Pineview Old Man
Jono Manson .... Pineview Band
John J. Coinman .... Pineview Band
Vernon T. Williams .... Pineview Band
Mark Clark .... Pineview Band
Blair Forward .... Pineview Band
Robyn Pruitt-Hamm .... Pineview Band
Michelle Ramminger .... Pineview Band
Tom Novak .... Benning Gatekeeper
Richard Joel .... Benning Gatekeeper
George Wyner .... Benning Mayor
Brooke Becker .... Benning Woman
Eva Gayle Six .... Benning Woman
Todd Lewis .... Benning Man
Joe Costner .... Letter Boy
Kathi Sheehan .... Letter Boy's Mother
Amy Weinstein .... Elvis Woman
Betty Moyer .... Elvis Woman
Joseph McKenna .... Holnist Captain
Neal Preston Coon .... Bridge City Boy
Rick Wadkins .... Bridge City Man
Shiree Porter .... Bridge City Woman
Anthony Guidera .... Bridge City Guard
Judy Herrera .... Carrier (as Jade Herrera)
Greg Serano .... California Carrier
Derk Cheetwood .... Carrier 12
Mark Thomason .... Alt Letter Boy
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Stanton Barrett .... California Career (uncredited)
Lester Berman .... Cook (uncredited)
Tom Bower .... Larry (uncredited)
Gordon Frye .... Holnist Cavalry Captain (uncredited)
Nancy Frye .... Town Cavalry (uncredited)
Patric Johnstone .... Holnist Cavalryman (uncredited)
James Marks .... Holnist First Sergeant (uncredited)
Mary Stuart Masterson .... Hope, Postman's Daughter (uncredited)
Chris Orf .... Conscript (uncredited)
Tarah Paige .... Gas Station Attendant (uncredited)
Brandon Tyler .... Postal Recruit (uncredited)

Proced by
Lester Berman .... line procer
Kevin Costner .... procer
Steve Tisch .... procer
Jim Wilson .... procer

Original Music by
James Newton Howard

Non-Original Music by
John Sebastian (song "You Didn't Have to Be So Nice")

Cinematography by
Stephen F. Windon (as Stephen Windon)

Film Editing by
Peter Boyle
Regina Prosi-Bassman

Casting by
Mindy Marin

Proction Design by
Ida Random

Art Direction by
Derek R. Hill
Scott Ritenour

Set Decoration by
Ronald R. Reiss (as Ron Reiss)

Costume Design by
John Bloomfield

Makeup Department
Elle Elliott .... hair stylist: Mr. Costner
Steve LaPorte .... makeup artist
JoJo Myers Proud .... makeup artist
Francisco X. Pérez .... makeup supervisor
Loretta James-Demasi .... additional makeup artist (uncredited)

Proction Management
Lester Berman .... proction manager
Donna E. Bloom .... proction manager: second unit (as Donna Bloom)
Debbi Bossi .... post-proction supervisor
Todd Lewis .... proction supervisor

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Michael H. Anderson .... first assistant director: second unit (as Michael Anderson)
Kevin Duncan .... second assistant director
Eric Fox Hays .... second assistant director: second unit
Joe Lotito .... second second assistant director
Dennis Maguire .... first assistant director
Jayson Merrill .... second assistant director
Nick Satriano .... second second assistant director
Charles Simmers .... additional second assistant director (as Chuck Simmers)
Alexander Witt .... second unit director

Art Department
Kirsten Anderson .... construction accountant
Adam Austin .... set dresser
Richard Baum .... assistant property master
Richard Baum .... property master: second unit
Thomas Betts .... set designer
Robert A. Blackburn .... construction coordinator
Lloyd A. Buswell .... construction foreman
Charisse Cardenas .... set designer
Robert DeSue .... carpenter
Ken Erck .... set painter
Sean Haworth .... set designer
Derek R. Hill .... supervising art director
Jeff Khachadoorian .... prop shop
Todd McKibben .... construction foreman
Greg McMickle .... property master: second unit
'Butch' Montgomery .... set carpenter
James J. Murakami .... set designer
John M. Oswald .... prop builder
Kristen Spinning .... painter
Kristen Spinning .... stand-by painter
Mike Stassi .... set designer
Bill Taliaferro .... set designer
Jana Treadwell .... set dresser
Tom Ward .... propmaker
Darrell L. Wight .... set designer (as Darrell Wight)
Dylan Martens .... art department assistant (uncredited)

Sound Department
Paul Aulicino .... assistant sound editor
Lance Brown .... sound designer
David E. Campbell .... sound re-recording mixer (as David Campbell)
Kevin E. Carpenter .... sound re-recording mixer
Bradley Clouse .... sound assistant
Kay Colvin .... utility sound
Zack Davis .... adr editor
Marc Deschaine .... adr assistant
Michael Dressel .... supervising foley editor
Kirk Francis .... sound mixer
Dana LeBlanc Frankley .... assistant sound editor (as Dana LeBlanc)
Jeffrey J. Haboush .... sound re-recording mixer
Kimberly Lowe Voigt .... dialogue editor
Anthony Milch .... sound editor
Shawn Murphy .... score mixer
Steve Nelson .... sound effects editor
Jay Nierenberg .... sound editor
David Novack .... sound re-recording mixer
David Olson .... music editor
Troy Porter .... adr mixer
John T. Reitz .... sound re-recording mixer (as John Reitz)
Gregg Rudloff .... sound re-recording mixer
Mychal Smith .... boom operator
Bruce Stambler .... supervising sound editor
Becky Sullivan .... supervising adr editor
Robert Troy .... dialogue editor
Jim Weidman .... supervising music editor
Bernard Weiser .... sound editor
Marshall Winn .... sound editor
Mark Johnston .... sound recordist (uncredited)
Carolyn Tapp .... foley recordist (uncredited)

Special Effects by
Clifton Dance .... special effects assistant (uncredited)

Visual Effects by
Alfredo R. Barcia .... film recording technician: SPI
Max Bruce .... digital artist
Tim T. Cunningham .... proction assistant: Cinesite
Charles Darby .... digital matte supervisor
Scott Dougherty .... visual effects procer: Cinesite
Sheena Duggal .... co-visual effects supervisor: SPI
Thomas F. Ford IV .... high speed compositing technical coordinator
Anthony Harris .... timing coordinator
Petra Holtorf .... visual effects coordinator
Sho Igarashi .... technical designer
Chris Johnson .... second assistant camera: visual effects unit
David Jones .... CG supervisor: SPI
Karen Klein .... roto supervisor
Martin A. Kline .... visual effects art director
Apryl Knobbe .... texture/matte painter
John Charles Kohn .... compositor: cineon
John Charles Kohn .... digital compositor
Vincent Lavares .... technical assistant supervisor: Cinesite Hollywood
Jennifer Law-Stump .... digital effects artist: Pacific Title Digital
Gregory D. Liegey .... composite supervisor
Craig Mathieson .... digital compositor
L. Patrick McCormack .... visual effects coordinator
Valerie McMahon .... digital artist
Hal Miles .... digital artist
Elizabeth Moore .... digital compositor
Sean O'Connor .... digital compositor
Corinne Pooler .... digital artist
David Rey .... digital compositor
Jay Riddle .... visual effects supervisor
Dylan Robinson .... digital artist
Stephen Rosenbaum .... visual effects supervisor
Candice Scott .... digital effects compositor
Craig A. Simms .... digital compositor
Aaron Smith .... digital artist
Thomas J. Smith .... visual effects plate supervisor: Cinesite
Tiffany Smith .... visual effects proction assistant: Cinesite
Paul Taglianetti .... visual effects procer
Tracy Takahashi .... visual effects associate procer: Cinesite
Daniel E. Teaze .... first assistant camera: visual effects unit
Philipp Timme .... cinematographer: VFX
Amy Tompkins .... visual effects editor
Robert Winter .... senior technical assistant
Ted Andre .... digital compositor (uncredited)
Tim Gibbons .... digital rotoscope artist (uncredited)
Bernice Kenton .... visual effects vendor procer (uncredited)
Tim Ketzer .... computer graphics animator: Cinesite (uncredited)
Roger Kupelian .... matte painter (uncredited)
Paul McGhee .... film scanning and recording (uncredited)
Lance Powell .... technical coordinator (uncredited)

Julie Adair .... stunts
Stanton Barrett .... stunts
Sandy Berumen .... stunts
Steve Bland .... stunts
Jodi Branco .... stunts
Chris Branham .... stunts
Troy Brenna .... stunts
Joe Bucaro III .... stunts (as Joey Bucaro III)
Richard Bucher .... stunts
William H. Burton Jr. .... stunts
Shay Calinawan .... stunts
John Campbell .... stunts
Chase Casson .... stunts
Steven Chambers .... stunts (as Steve Chambers)
Jeffrey J. Dashnaw .... stunts (as Jeff Dashnaw)
Sean Day .... stunts
Gil Dean .... stunts
Rick Dennis .... stunts
Kip Farnsworth .... stunts
J.R. Flournoy .... stunts
Lance Gilbert .... stunts
Kanin J. Howell .... stunts
Norman Howell .... stunt coordinator
Shawn Howell .... stunts
Lane Leavitt .... stunts
Juddson Keith Linn .... stunts
Billy D. Lucas .... stunts (as Billy Lucas)
Benny Manning .... stunts (as Benny J. Manning)
Dave Powledge .... stunts
Darrin Prescott .... stunts
Tyler Quigley .... stunts
Scott Rogers .... stunts (as Scott Rodgers)
Rod Rondeaux .... stunts
Erik Rondell .... stunts
Charlie Sammut .... stunts
Charles O. Sampson .... stunts
Brooke Sandahl .... stunts
George Smith .... stunts
Monty Stuart .... stunts
Matthew Taylor .... stunts
Ashlyn Terry .... stunts
Jesse Thomason .... stunts
Jordan Thomason .... stunts
Ryan Weiss .... stunts

Other crew
Geneviere Anderson .... proction assistant
Javier Arrieta .... costumer
Michael Baird .... video assistant
Laura Baker .... specialty costumer
Chris Bangma .... spacecam assistant
Bonnie Belknap .... food stylist
Shawn Blakeman .... lighting technician
Linda Booher-Ciarimboli .... specialty crafts supervisor
Kristie Breslin .... proction assistant
Mark Brooks .... wild animal trainer
Francie Brown .... dialect coach: Olivia Williams
Judith M. Brown .... studio teacher
Travon Brumfield .... post-proction proction assistant
Eric Budlong .... grip
David J. Buswell .... welding foreman
Mauni P. Caves .... assistant location manager
Joseph Cigliano .... specialty costumes
Iris Cole-Hayworth .... proction assistant
David Crone .... camera operator
David Crone .... steadicam operator
Tim T. Cunningham .... proction assistant: Cinesite
Sandy DeCrescent .... orchestra contractor
Brad Dechter .... orchestrator
Shawn Duchscherer .... lighting technician
Jeff Duffy .... lighting technician
Doug Ednie .... lighting technician
Julianne Eggold .... proction assistant
Jeff Enneking .... lighting technician
Audrey Evans .... first assistant film editor
Christian Feldhaus .... second assistant accountant
Cathie Filian .... key costumer
Michael Fine .... construction medic
Ken Fisher .... camera operator: second unit
Riley Flynn .... re-enactor coordinator
Megan Forste .... additional second assistant
Karen M. Fuchs .... assistant paymaster
Blanca Garcia .... set costumer
James J. Gilson .... chief lighting technician
Karen Golden .... script supervisor
Ron Goodman .... camera operator: SpaceCam
Nancy Haecker .... assistant location manager
Shannon Hamed .... assistant coordinator
Marty Heinz .... lighting technician
Mason Hersey .... first assistant camera
Lora Hingst .... casting assistant
James Newton Howard .... orchestrator
Timalee Hustin .... proction assistant
Chris Hutchins .... extras casting
David Israel .... location manager
Sally Jackson .... location casting
Joel Jaspan .... grip
Artie Kane .... conctor
Samantha C. Kirkeby .... script supervisor: second unit
David R. Kohn .... lighting technician
Al Lewis .... proction secretary
Jonathan Lucas .... associate editor
Kal Manning .... rigging gaffer
John Martens .... best boy rigging electric
Emily McGovern .... proction assistant
Meaghan F. McLaughlin .... proction assistant
Brian McMillan .... animal trainer
Tim Merrill .... dolly grip: second unit
Randy Miller .... lion trainer
Stephan Miller .... lion trainer
Jalene Murphy .... set costumer: second unit
Rick Olmos .... extras casting coordinator
Staci R. Pontins .... assistant editor
Dave Potter .... lighting technician
David Presley .... camera loader
Norbert F. Quiban .... lamp operator
Norbert F. Quiban .... rigging electrician
Damien Quinn .... costumer
Mike Revell .... proction accountant
Rebeka L. Roberts .... costume ager/dyer
Rick Roesch .... payroll accountant
Margo Romano .... assistant accountant
Leonard Romie .... lighting technician
Jonathan A. Rosenfeld .... transportation coordinator
Brooke Smiler .... proction associate
Scott Stravitz .... set medic
Kacy Treadway .... specialty costumes
Jaimie Trueblood .... still photographer
Lance Jay Velazco .... second video assist operator
Jeff Verdick .... picture car coordinator
P.W. Ward .... wrangler
Kelly Way .... lighting technician
Jennifer Webb .... proction secretary
Steven J. Winslow .... assistant camera: Wescam camera
Steven J. Winslow .... camera technician
Lisbeth Wynn-Owen .... proction coordinator
Elizabeth A. Bergman .... assistant accountant (uncredited)
Jesse Blanco .... proction assistant (uncredited)
Jennifer-Noel Dennis .... post-proction assistant (uncredited)
Ben Glass .... still photographer (uncredited)
Danny Hernandez .... electrician (uncredited)

④ 求助:一部英文电影名。。开头是黑夜中的公路。。一个人在哼友谊地久天长

[edit] Use in films
It has been used in a number of films, with its first use in the 1937 Shirley Temple film "Wee Willie Winkie". Shirley sings the song to a Scottish soldier on his death bed.
It was also used in the 1942 re-release of the Charlie Chaplin film The Gold Rush with added sound, the song is sung at a New Year's Eve party. It is not certain if the same song was sung when the original silent film was released in 1925.
The song has been used in the film Waterloo Bridge – under the name of The Farewell Waltz – (1940), starring Vivien Leigh and Robert Taylor.
It was also used in the Triad Trilogy Infernal Affairs uses the tune in the second film when a triad has finished killing a gang boss.
The song is sung in many of the films proced by Frank Capra, including It's a Wonderful Life, Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
The song is sung in the comedy Elf by Buddy's (Will Ferrell)'s girlfriend Jovie as Buddy opens gifts with his father and stepmother on Christmas day.
The W.S. Van Dyke film, I Take This Woman (1940), starring Spencer Tracy and Hedy Lamarr uses the song at the film's finale, with the patients and staff of a clinic singing it a cappella; the finale of It's a Wonderful Life is a direct echo of this presentation.
In the Samuel Fuller film The Steel Helmet, the film's main character, Sgt. Zack, requests that the song be played by "Fat Paul" on a portable organ. The group of American soldiers is shocked to find out, after a South Korean boy who has accompanied them recognizes and sings Korean lyrics to the tune, that the melody also serves as the South Korean national anthem.
In the 1972 Ronald Neame/Irwin Allen film The Poseidon Adventure, the song is sung by the ship's passengers at midnight on New Year's Eve, moments before the ship is struck by a tidal wave and capsized.
In The Quiet Earth Zac and Joanne sing it the ring an evening celebration after meeting Api, the third person left on Earth.
More recently, towards the end of Ghostbusters II, the people of New York City sing "Auld Lang Syne", which weakens the evil Vigo the Carpathian's power enough to be defeated.
The song was played in When Harry Met Sally, the New Year's party in which Harry states he never fully understood what the song meant and says "I mean, 'Should old acquaintance be forgot'? Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?".
Sofie Fatale's cell phone ringtone is Auld Lang Syne in the film Kill Bill Volume 1.
In the 2008 film Sex and the City, a recording by Scottish singer Mairi Campbell is used ring a montage depicting the characters' actions at New Years. The recording is notable for its use of the original melody as opposed to the commonly performed melody sung today. It is also in contrast to the joyous and jubilant arrangements commonly heard on celebratory occasions, as it consists merely of an acoustic guitar and strings accompanying Campbell's vocals.
The American PBS television series Great Performances program titled "Garrison Keillor’s New Year’s Eve Special" had the audience sing an adaptation of the lyrics with a humorous last verse: "I think of all the great, high hearts I had when I was young / And now who are these sad old farts I find myself among?"
The music has also been used in game shows, most notably when the sign changed every year on the CBS Match Game and ring the credits on the final episode of the original Concentration in 1973.
Friz Freleng's 1942 cartoon The Wabbit Who Came to Supper has Bugs Bunny suddenly claim that it is New Year's Day to stop Elmer Fudd from chasing him. Bugs starts singing Auld Lang Syne, only to have Elmer look at a calendar and realize that it is actually July.
In the 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci film The Last Emperor, a small Chinese orchestra plays the song on traditional Chinese instruments as the emperor's tutor, Reginald Johnston, boards a ship to leave China and return to England.
From Forrest's New Years celebration with Lt. Dan in NYC, the drunk collective singing Auld Lang Syne to welcome in the new year.
Sex & The City, New Years, Sarah Jessica Parker

⑤ 加菲猫电影演员

彼德·海维特 Peter Hewitt
布瑞金·梅耶 Breckin Meyer ...... Jon
詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特/詹妮弗·拉芙·荷薇特 Jen ...... Liz
斯蒂芬·托波罗斯基 Stephen Tobolow ...... Happy Chapman
比尔·莫瑞 Bill Murray ...... Garfield (voice)
Evan Arnold ...... Wendell
Mark Christopher Lawrenc ...... Christopher Mello
Vanessa Christelle ...... Miss Ace Hardware
Daamen J. Krall ...... Announcer (as Daamen Kral
Rufus Gifford ...... Dog Owner #1
Randee Reicher ...... Dog Owner #2
Ryan McKasson ...... Dog Owner #3
Susan Moore ...... Dog Owner #4
Eve Brent ...... Mrs. Baker
Bill Hoag ...... Roy the Lodge Member
Michael Monks ...... Deputy Hopkins
Mel Rodriguez ...... Security Officer
Juliette Goglia ...... Little Girl
Ben Kronen ...... Older Man
Fabio Serafini ...... Red Cap
Jerry Hauck ...... Cop
Jerry Giles ...... Conctor
Evan Helmuth ...... Steward
Annalea Rawicz ...... Information Agent
Danny Gil ...... Engineer #1
Leyna Nguyen ...... News Reporter
Frank Payne ...... Engineer #2
Joe Ochman ...... Engineer #3
Joe Bays ...... Raccoon Lodge Member
Danna Hansen ...... Older Woman
Joseph Edward Taylor ...... Frank
John F. Schaffer ...... Larry
Ariel Joseph Towne ...... Technician (as Ariel Jose
Joseph Hale ...... Little Girl's Dad
尼克·卡农 Nick Cannon ...... Louis (voice)
艾伦·卡明 Alan Cumming ...... Persnikitty (voice)
大卫·艾森伯格 David Eigenberg ...... Nermal (voice)
布拉德·加瑞特 Brad Garrett ...... Luca (voice)
Jimmy Kimmel ...... Spanky (voice)
戴博拉·梅西 Debra Messing ...... Arlene (voice)
理查德·凯德 Richard Kind ...... Dad Rat (voice)
Debra Jo Rupp ...... Mom Rat (voice)
Jordan Kaiser ...... Kid Rat (voice)
Wyatt Smith ...... Kid Rat (voice)
阿利森·斯通 Alyson Stoner ...... Kid Rat (voice)
Jim Davis ...... Drunken Conventioner (unc
Jim Davis
乔尔·科恩 Joel Cohen
阿莱克·索科洛 Alec Sokolow
John Davis
Michele Imperato
John Kilkenny
Neil A. Machlis
Brian Manis
Christophe Beck
Tim Boland
Dean Cundey
Michael A. Stevenson
Brennan Dufresne
丽莎·布赖莫·加西亚Risa Bramon Gar
Alec Hammond
Suttirat Anne Larlarb
Gary Fettis
Marie France
Bonita DeHaven
Vicky Ogden
Emjay Olson
Ron Scott
Craig Cannold
Michele Imperato
Basil Grillo
Rusty Mahmood
Michele Panelli-Venetis
Matt Rebenkoff
Mark Trapenberg
Mark Vargo
Ronald S. Baratie
Ellis J. Barbacoff
Kelly Berry
Tony Bonaventura
Drew Boughton
Mark W. Brown
Heather Elwell
Zachary Fannin
Matthew Ferreira
Bryan Hill
Mark Hurtado
Robert M. Kalafut
Kimberly Leonard
Eric Luling
Tom Mazzocco
Bryan McBrien
Frank McEldowney
Joe Pfaltzgraf
Steve Rice
Leo Rijn
Nicholas Rymond
Greg Sanger
Tom Sito
Patrick M. Sullivan Jr.
Benton E. Tedlie
Walter Zieska
David Burk
Ted Caplan
Johnny Caruso
Krissopher Chevannes
Colin Cooper
Colette Dahanne
Matt Dubin
Gary Gegan
Brad Haehnel
Peter Hansen
Tanya Noel Hill
Matthew Iadarola
Jason Lloyd
David Lucarelli
David MacMillan
Michael Magill
Larry Mah
Harrison D. Marsh
Michael A. Morongell
John Murray
Charleen Richards
John Rodd
Tom Steel
Casey Stone
Donald Sylvester
Bill Talbott
Terry Wilson
Jen Monnar
Terry Chapman
Zac Chowdhury
Scott Conner
Dan Crawley
Albert Delgado
James Fredburg
Alan E. Lorimer
Valek Sykes



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