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发布时间:2024-12-28 15:10:09

㈠ 求一篇关于电影的论文,2000字左右。


《Hilary and Jackie》观后感
《Hilary and Jackie》。中文译名:《她比烟花寂寞》。

当初老师给她“大卫杜夫”的时候说:“It will give you the world.”——她永远记得。
但她忘了后面一句:“but you must give it yourself.”




㈡ “看电影”英语议论文 要列出好处坏处 初三水平 高手赐教 谢谢谢谢🙏ԅ

好处:Watching movie is a activity that make us relax.Like comedy movie ,it can make us happy.Like science movie,we can learn more knowledge that cant learn from books.
坏处:If we keep watching movie all the time,it's not good for our eye and forget the reality in your life.
我是初二生但在澳门就读 所以希望可以帮到你😊

㈢ 电影字幕翻译参考论文





电影自诞生之日起,就以它独具魅力的艺术表现力赢得了广大观众的青睐。在信息全球化发展的今天,影视作品更是以直观与便捷的优势成为了解异域 文化 与学习外语的重要途径之一。影视翻译因此也得到了空前的发展。字幕翻译(subtitling)较之译制(bbing),以其制作成本低、周期短的特点成为影视翻译最为常用的 方法 之一。

然而,正如Birgit Nedergaard-Larsen所言,字幕翻译是一种特殊的语言转换,并非单一地从源语言到目 标语 言的转换过程,期间涉及诸多文本以外因素的处理,如声音、图像、画面的融合等因素[1]。由于受到时间和空间的限制,电影字幕翻译通常采用浓缩、删减、添加等方法来尽可能保持画面、声音与字幕的统一,超额与欠额翻译在所难免。同时,超额与欠额翻译一直以来是翻译学术界讨论的 热点 错误类型。因此,如何看待字幕翻译中的超额、欠额翻译便迫在眉睫且具有现实意义。


彼得·纽马克在《翻译问题探讨》(Approaches to Translation)提出了交际翻译(communicative translation)和语义翻译(semantic translation)的概念。交际翻译倾向于流畅、简单、清晰、直接的翻译方法,遵守某一特定的语域,是一种“欠额翻译”;语义翻译则倾向于细致、繁复、晦涩难懂的翻译方法,较之译者的意图,翻译更侧重思维过程的再现,因而是一种“超额翻译”[2]。超额翻译是对所译材料进行补充加工,进行超出翻译范围的改造,而欠额翻译则是在某些方面不符合翻译规范的语言中介类型,是缩写或节译。简言之,超额翻译是指译语文本承载了比源语文本更多的信息量,表述方式相对具体;而欠额翻译是指译语文本承载的信息量小于源语文本,译语文本更加概括[3]。超额与欠额翻译都是在翻译过程中的信息增减,因此可以统称为差额翻译。


Georg-Michael Luyken在Overcoming Language Barriers in Television:Dubbing and Subtitling for the European Audience一书中提出,区别于文学翻译与口译,影视制作的特点使字幕翻译受到来自时间和空间的限制:字幕所占用的屏幕空间;字幕显示时间;字幕间切换的时间及字幕的显示与形式。同时,受文化因素的制约,文化缺省(cultural vacancy)也经常是翻译过程中的拦路虎。译者为了避免以上限制而进行的浓缩、删减和添加等翻译方法,将不可避免地引起差额翻译。请看以下三则示例:

例1.I supervised 5 officers.That’s 5 personalities,5 sets of problems.You could be number 6 if you act right.But I ain’t holding no hand,you understand?I ain’t babysitting you.


例2.Mail has come today and a friend writes this to me:...


在以上示例中,原文 句子 较长,如果逐字翻译,势必会影响画面、声音与字幕的融合。因此,译者对整句进行了改译,删减了斜体部分。

例3.What about your staying longer?


例4.Terrified.Mortified,petrified,stupefied...by you.








例5.Teacher:ahhhh Mike.Can you explain for us the significance of the sea,in Moby Dick?

Mike:Ah,sure,sure.It’s the letter between the I and the K.

这段对话的幽默之处在于“sea”和“c”这对同音异义的双关语,但是中文中没有与之对应的双关语,因此译者必须使用变通的差额译法,保证“列车”的顺利“运行”。以下为可行的中文译本: 老师:啊……迈克,你能否给我们解释一下,《白鲸》这本书里的大海有什么意义。


译者将原文中的双关语转换成中 文的头韵实属无奈之举,但原文的幽默感却保留了下来。如果要忠实地将原文译出,注释和加注必不可少,非但幽默尽失,字幕的空间和时间因素也不容许。相对于注释和加注,同类属性之间,如修辞手法的转换可能更为有效地降低“抖动”和“摇摆”的度。

例5的译本对所译材料进行补充加工,进行超出翻译范围的改造,属于超额翻译。但正是这样的处理达到了源语影片的预期目的,因此,此处的超额翻译是可以接受且行之有效的处理方式。例1中由于受到时间和空间的限制不得不进行缩译,源语文本所传达的信息量减少在所难免。但如果将例1的信息完整译出,势必会影响字幕的可读性与连贯性。所以,由于受到 文学因素和非文学因素的影响时而进行的适度的超额与欠额翻译是可以接受的。

2.字幕翻译中度的掌握应以电影类型为依据。电影类型不同,目的观众不同,预期效果也不同。便于本文的分析,我将电影分为严肃型和娱乐型两种。严肃型电影包括纪录片、科教片等用于提供和传达专业知识信息的电影;娱乐型电影供观众娱乐消遣,陶冶情操,诸如喜剧片、惊悚片、动作片、文艺片等。针对不同电影类型而进行的字幕翻译,所采取的翻译方法也不同。比如上述例5中,《成长的烦恼》是一部喜剧,它的目的就是使观众发笑,双关语就是笑料之一,如果采取直译的方法,观众反倒不知其所然,喜剧效果大打折扣。又如惊悚片和恐怖片,观众会将重点放在画面、声音和剧情的 发展上,如果采取意译的方法,将台词翻译的颇具文采,那么观众也会因为与剧情的格格不入而哭笑不得。



综上所述,字幕翻译是一项繁复的 工作,受到来自文学因素与技术因素两方面的限制,超额与欠额翻译不可避免。翻译学术界一直将超额与欠额翻译认定为典型的错误类型而争论不休。我认为,在与时间、空间等技术因素相冲突的情况下,适度的超额或是欠额翻译不失为一种折中的处理方法。针对不同的电影类型而采取的适度超额或欠额翻译不仅摆脱了来自技术层面的限制,而且达到了影片的预期目的。


㈣ 一篇关于英语原版电影的论文

L:Are you hiding from me?
T:No.I just... I...No. No. I was just, um...I didn't want to scare you.
L:If you don't mind my asking...what are you?
T:Well, I'm a... [sighs]Well, I'm a faun. And what about you? You must be some kind of beardless dwarf?
L:I'm not a dwarf! I'm a girl! And, actually, I'm tallest in my class.
T:You mean to say that you're a Daughter of Eve?
L:Well, my mum's name is Helen.
T:Yes, but you are in fact human.
L:Yes, of course.
T:What are you doing here?
L:Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in the spare room, and...
T:Spare room? Is that in Narnia?
L:Narnia? What's that?
T:[chuckling] Well, dear girl, you're in it. every stick and stone you see. Please allow me to introce myself.My name is Tumnus.
L:Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tumnus. I'm Lucy Pevensie.
T:- Oh, you shake it.- Uh... Why?
L:I... I don't know. People do it when they meet each other.
T:Well, then, Lucy Pevensie from the shining city of War Drobe. How would it be if you came and had tea with me?
L:Well, thank you very much, but I probably should be getting back.
T:It's only just around the corner.And there'll be a glorious fire

㈤ 求用英文写一篇 美国电影电影《野孩子》的观后感

A youth inspirational film, the hero is a vibrant beautiful girl, she has a rebellious character, in the film she graally grow and improve the ability to judge things, in friendship, family's help, she was from a "arouses tired "wild child grow into a good girl, so that rebellious is not terrible, terrible is whether there is the correct attitude towards the film has a strong ecational value for children ecation. Youth is a passion, is unassuming, in the good times, enjoy setting off firecrackers youth, it rendered the sky; youth is Kapok, is quietly coming spring, so you eye back then, it has Whispering results; youth everyone has, but not always, so let it enjoy the bloom of youth now.

㈥ 关于电影的影响,英语演讲稿,3分钟,谢谢


In the last fifty years, film has become not only a serious art form but a field of study by itself. Continuous advancement in film technology and high level of conceptualization of the film take viewer to the world outside his day-to-day world providing entertainment, which has made cinema a popular medium of masses.

I will approach the influence of films from 2 perspectives: its pros and its cons.

Firstly, its pros.

Though there is no data available on the systematic use of the documentary and the feature film in social ecation programmes in many countries, but experiences in Canada, USA, and USSR indicate that documentaries and films have contributed to bringing about a better social order and in building up a national community having common thinking about the nation.
Also, many foreign films are being shown in theatres as well as on television. Many feel that these films pose a threat to our cultural identity but in reality, these films help people to know the culture, values, and people of the world. As a result, they are able to select their value system with more wisdom and maturity, because cultural openness also contributes to the development of mind.

On top of that, many movies portray historical events. These movies are like history lessons to the audience since they show something we were not able to witness or take part in. Consider war movies such as "The Tuskegee Airmen" and "Memphis Belle". Though not one hundred percent accurate, both depict actual events of historical wars. They are examples of how movies can teach the newer generations about what their distant relatives did for their country.
Another type of informative movies describes the cultures and societies around the world. "City of God is a prime example". These movies show the hardships that people in other countries face in their day-to-day lives. Again, these are just two simple examples of how movies can be learning tools for a mass audience. Of course, the opposite can and often does happen as well. I am referring to the so-called ‘informative’ movies that present skewed information. When people accept the presented information as absolute truth, they form baseless opinions.

However, there are its negative influences as well.

Many movies often incude scenes of violence and horror. Many a times, children viewing the movies will be negatively influenced by such scenes, instilling fear and horror in them at a young age, and this is highly unbeneficial to their future developments. Also, some may argue that there are movies catering to every age group, but looking in retrospect, little children may watch animated movies on their favorite superhero, which does supernatural things, or on some other character they admire, like Mickey Mouse, who does all sorts of things that are not possible in real life. These movies can lead children into thinking that they too can do all these things.

People may argue that these children have a mind that makes them want to do crazy stuff, but there is another perfect example of films having a negative influence, are teenagers. If this age group watches movies about a certain topic, they are greatly influenced by it.

Other young people may watch action movies, and the violence in these movies also has an effect on their minds. It makes them think more about violence and extremism, and may lead them into committing crimes and other acts that can hurt others. These young people may watch their favorite actors do other things that are disliked in society. Their favorite actors and characters may take drugs, like smoking cigarettes in their shows and movies, which negatively influences the young audience and they may begin smoking too, or they may think that it is “cool” or it will raise their social status.

In summary, movies have the capacity to influence society, both locally and globally. Cinema has truly played a major role in changing our society. Patriotic movies make us remember to love our nation.Good comedic movies have treated many patients through laugh therapy. Adventure movies have given us a sense of adventure to explore new possibilities. But the society, its trends, and people’s reactions to those trends influence the movies. In each case, the influence can be positive or negative.

㈦ 需要关于电影【爱很复杂】的英语影评论文,字数在400字。写的好加分。 谢谢~

Love is when you have that he (she)?

Your hand, old age together, you can handle and how many couples really love each other? May even have saved the hand! Or in the departure, only to find the hand of the valuable, it feels, to find! - Dedicated to "Love is complicated"
Video is a wedding anniversary party by the opening, the blue and white sandy beach ... ... the old friend Ariel to meet on a pair of party, who also opened like this anniversary party of the old 15,20 couples, two of the old friend said a bunch of blessings and admire it, the current trend for the young wife of her husband, waving to the rear, Meryl Streep plays the "wife" lightly to leave ... ... I saw her and his eyes flash of something, That is wonderful, I think so, I did not experience such a moment, but always think that divorce has years of love will have that feeling there ... ... maybe! Then the film is confirmed and discussed this topic! This couple actually started having an affair once, appointments, have to say that children of these two great characters add much color, Meryl Streep to an apartment for too long, lonely woman's inner fears and struggles that figure out the great! Nothing should be said that she played great! And Alec - Baldwin express love in the drama section of that period when the lines should be written down as a classic quotation pen, and then life in the future in mind, the screening about a man say such things! These words beautiful, sweet, but the result is all a farce. Subsequently develop, change is still a woman for men, while men will not, even for love. Sometimes I look at the small entanglement: Is a woman is to get a few words that sweet? Self-pay? Oh I am not a feminist or Jour, Definitely Not so ... ... perhaps this is what we should explore the nature of men and women the topic! The director just let us talk about love life of men and women of the Road!

㈧ 电影赏析论文2000字左右,最好是自己写的!谢谢,高分求助!

《GONE WITH THE WIND》在中国的翻译有两个版本:《乱世佳人》和《飘》。我比较喜欢后者,正如电影开始时打出了一行字幕:A civilization has gone with the wind.一个文明是随风而飘的,最终是要飘散的;一个人的命运是随风而飘的,最终也会飘散。其实又岂只是一个文明的飘散,随着文明飘散的是,无数个生命个体,一代人,一代人的梦想,一代人的生活方式。就像是面对一个终极的目标——死亡——一样,你是选择清醒而悲观空虚地活下去,还是抛开这终极的目标盲目地积极活下去;在一个文明消逝之后,你是选择在缅怀中活下去,还是抛弃过去,从新开始。在电影中,给出了几种选择。

阿希礼在战争的残酷现实的逼迫下,渐渐明白他所处的文明已经没有生存下去的可能了 :它没有可以抵御他人进攻的现代化设施,却满怀为国牺牲的雄心与对现实情况的无知与狂妄;只既希望于与欧洲的棉花贸易帮助自己取得胜利,却不知道世界正被一场新的革命所改变着。战争不是最可怕的,它只是消磨你的生命,个体的意志;战争之后的价值观的侵略才却是对过去的整个文明的颠覆。阿希礼有明确的历史观,能够看清历史发展的脉络,却没有勇气去正视历史的前进的规律。他不够资格代表一个灿烂过的文明,却完完全全把自己交给了那个文明。一旦此文明飘散,他的精神也随之崩塌,靠道德维持的生命只是一具没有生气的躯壳。

斯佳丽(Scarlet)本意就是热烈的猩红色,但是却让她配上了象征希望的绿色。这本就不矛盾,只是色彩太鲜明,轮廓太清晰。她这根粗红的线条注定要在历史中留下她明显而深刻的一笔。她就是电影的主角,她就是被歌颂的对象,她就是电影给予我们关于选择的答案:抛弃过去,不顾一切的为了生存,就算是一个外表柔弱、从小娇惯的女人,因为除了自己没有人是真正的庇护;勇敢地担起你应担起的责任,因为责任只会降临在能担起它的人身上。她就是内战后美国所宣扬与崇拜的女性形象——独立、自由。塔拉(或者说那片红色而肥沃的土地)就是“生存”的象征,而斯佳丽对塔拉的热爱与占有就是对 “求生”的欲望。玫兰妮的死亡与瑞特的离去就象征着她没有了依靠,以后的路将由她独自地走下去。现在的世界上,还有好多并没有达到没有美国如此经济发达的程度的国家中的女性也正在走着这条路,崇尚个人主义、自由主义、拜金主义。“生存”是人类在世上最重要也是最基本的任务,只有满足了这个要求,人类才有精力把生活弄得更有意义。到电影结束,斯佳丽应该算是确保了生存,并且过得很好。可是,人生就是为了有钱,有房子,不受饿受冻这些物资条件的?盲从于生计的奔波,貌似充实的人生真的就是如此有意义,如此值得我们去效仿?
但是,有一个问题:可以就这样努力地生存下去,过一辈子吗?既然原来的文明会消散,就不能保证取代它的现行的文明不会消散。即便我们无法预料到它的终结时间,终结的命运却是不可避免的。一旦“生存”这个欲望满足了,一旦被“生存”主宰的这个文明消散了,斯佳丽的选择无疑就是一种低级的选择,而这种选择将被新的文明所取代。我想,新的文明也许是一种要求人文,要求伦理道德规范,要求精神满足的文明。但是,以后呢?以后将是什么文明呢?无从知道,只是就如“A civilization has gone with the wind”中的“A”随时可以换成一个“The”。以后将有更加先进的文明取代它。历史的进程就是由一个个文明推向前的。


㈨ 英语毕业论文--写一篇有关电影评论的文章

The Analysis of the Professional Leon(此文是这个杀手不太冷的影评) The Meaning of Life—Hope The Professional Leon which is directed by Luc Besson is an attractive and affecting movie. It is a story about a professional killer and a 14-year-old girl. In my opinion, this film reflects the influence of hope in people’s lives. Life is a magic thing. It is like a thick forest and when we walk through it, we need hope to lead us. Hope can change one’s mind. Hope can change one’s life.The first reason is the change between the settings from the beginning to the end. The film began with the oppressive cityscapes: roads, streets, alleys and then the screen turned dark. They are the characteristics of Film Noir. Besides, the protagonist Leon appeared from a black shot which is a special close-up. In addition, the following shot are fighting in some rooms. The whole beginning leads to a mood of cold and oppression. However, at the end of the film is a scene of orphanage. The sunshine illuminated the trees and the grass. The scene is bright and warm. Then the shot got far and far. This showed that life was going on and the sunshine brought us hope to live. The world turned peace again, and the mood turned soft and cozy. Therefore, the change of the beginning and the end showed the dark had gone and everyone got their hope. In this film, there is a symbol of hope-Leon’s evergreen. It ran through the whole film. The protagonist Leon, at fist, was a typical killer who was skillful and cold. The evergreen for him is the hope of life. It meant Leon’s valuable memory-the girl he loved. Everyday he cleaned the leaves of the evergreen carefully. He thought the evergreen was quiet and happy, so he took care of it as his most valuable thing. Actually, he lived in his memory and what he must protect is the hope-evergreen. For Leon, there was no meaning of the reality until he met the girl –Mathilda. When the girl implored Leon to open the door, he hesitated. Yes, of course. It was because everything would change since he opened the door. Actually, Leon was a simple, kind and attentive man who was not good at express himself. We can know that from watching old movie and ironing clothes. After accepting the girl, Leon chose the responsibility in his heart. His life changed because his hope changed. His living purpose was to protect the girl and revenge on Stan. Furthermore, his good-side was stimulated by the girl’s love. They were interdependent as a special relationship. I fact, Leon was not a killer any more since he met Mathilda. He was a real man. Another hope is reflected by Mathilda’s attitude of life. Mathilda’s family was inharmonious. She couldn’t feel love in this family, so she became unyielding and mature at an early age. She hated her relatives except her little brother. If she didn’t met Leon, her life would be out of imagination. When Leon opened the door, a light shone on Mathilda. This light of life is a symbol of change. Since she lived with Leon, she felt care from Leon, and she fell in love with him. She wanted to be with him forever. The hope of her life is Leon. She took care of their“home”and took care of him. When Leon ordered her go, she was in agony. She knew that she wouldn’t see him again. She was afraid that the hope of life would disappear. At last, she planted the evergreen near the orphanage, and the evergreen became her hope. She got a new view of this world, and she would cherish the memory of Leon who saved her life and soul. This story is a fairy tale of killer. The killer managed to protect his hope as the expanse of his life, whereas he died in comfort. Maybe, there is another dark world concealed near us. However, it is because the shine of hope has not illuminated it. And the meaning of life is the process of seeking hope.



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