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发布时间:2024-12-13 23:05:33

❶ 用英文介绍一部英文电影,急!!!!!!!!

比如说用功夫熊猫这部电影。hello,everyone.i will introce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.

❷ 历届奥斯卡获奖电影

最佳影片:翼 Wings

最佳影片:百老汇的旋律/红伶秘史 The Broadway Melody

最佳影片:西线无战事 All Quiet on the Western Front

最佳影片:壮志千秋 Cimarron

最佳影片:大饭店 Grand Hotel

最佳影片:乱世春秋 Cavalcade

最佳影片:一夜风流 It Happened One Night

最佳影片:叛舰喋血记 Mutiny on the Bounty

最佳影片:歌舞大王齐格飞 The Great Ziegfeld

最佳影片:左拉传 The Life of Emile Zola

最佳影片:浮生若梦 You Can't Take It with You

最佳影片:乱世佳人 Gone with the Wind

最佳影片:蝴蝶梦 Rebecca

最佳影片:翡翠谷 How Green Was My Valley

最佳影片:忠勇之家 Mrs. Miniver

最佳影片:卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca

最佳影片:与我同行 Going My Way

最佳影片:失去的周未 The Lost Weekend

最佳影片:黄金时代 The Best Years of Our Lives

最佳影片:君子协定 Gentleman's Agreement

最佳影片:哈姆雷特 Hamlet

最佳影片:国王的弄臣 All the King's Men

最佳影片:彗星美人 All About Eve

最佳影片:一个美国人在巴黎 American in Paris, An

最佳影片:戏王之王 The Greatest Show on Eart

最佳影片:乱世忠魂 From Here to Eternity

最佳影片:码头风云 On the Waterfront

最佳影片:马蒂 Marty

最佳影片:环游地球八十天 Around the World in Eighty Days

最佳影片:桂河大桥 The Bridge on the River Kwai

最佳影片:金粉世界 Gigi

最佳影片:宾虚 Ben-Hur

最佳影片:桃色公寓 The Apartment

最佳影片:西区故事 West Side Story

最佳影片:阿拉伯的劳伦斯 Lawrence of Arabia

最佳影片:汤姆 琼斯 Tom Jones

最佳影片:窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady

最佳影片:音乐之声 The Sound of Music

最佳影片:四季之人 A Man for All Seasons

最佳影片:炎热的夜晚 In the Heat of the Night

最佳影片:雾都孤儿 Oliver!

最佳影片:午夜牛郎 Midnight Cowboy

最佳影片:巴顿将军 Patton

最佳影片:法国贩毒网 The French Connection

最佳影片:教父 The Godfather

最佳影片:骗中骗 The Sting

最佳影片:教父 2 The Godfather: Part II

最佳影片:飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

最佳影片:洛奇 Rocky

最佳影片:安妮·霍尔 Annie Hall

最佳影片:猎鹿人 The Deer Hunter

最佳影片:克莱默夫妇 Kramer vs. Kramer

最佳影片:普通人 Ordinary People

最佳影片:火的战车 Chariots of Fire

最佳影片:甘地传 Gandhi

最佳影片:母女情深 Terms of Endearment

最佳影片:莫扎特 Amadeus

最佳影片:走出非洲 Out of Africa

最佳影片:野战排 Platoon

最佳影片:末代皇帝 The Last Emperor

最佳影片:雨人 Rain Man

最佳影片:为戴茜小姐开车 Driving Miss Daisy

最佳影片:与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves

最佳影片:沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs

最佳影片:不可饶恕 Unforgiven

最佳影片:辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List

最佳影片:阿甘正传 Forrest Gump

最佳影片:勇敢的心 Braveheart

最佳影片:英国病人 The English Patient

最佳影片:泰坦尼克号 Titanic

最佳影片:莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love

最佳影片:美国丽人 American Beauty

最佳影片:角斗士 Gladiator

最佳影片:美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind

最佳影片:芝加哥 Chicago

最佳影片:指环王3 王者归来The Load of the Rings: the Return of the King

最佳影片:百万美元宝贝 Million dollar baby

最佳影片:撞车 Crash


❸ 奥斯卡历届获奖电影(最佳影片)


2007 无间行者 (the departed)
2006 撞车 (crash)
2005 百万宝贝 (million dollar baby)
2004 指环王3(The lord of the rings:the return of the king)
2003 芝加哥(Chicago)
2002 美丽心灵(Beautiful Mind, A) Beautiful Mind, A
2001 角斗士(Gladiator) (73) Gladiator (2000)
2000 美国丽人(American Beauty) American Beauty (1999)
1999 莎翁情史(Shakespeare in Love) Saving Private Ryan (1998)
1998 泰坦尼克(Titanic) (70) Titanic (1997)
1997 英国病人(English Patient) English Patient, The (1996)
1996 勇敢的心(Braveheart) Sense and Sensibility (1995)
1995 阿甘正传(Forrest Gump) Forrest Gump (1994)
1994 辛德勒的名单(Schindler[*]s List) Schindler[*]s List (1993)
1993 不可饶恕(Unforgiven) Scent of a Woman (1992)
1992 沉默的羔羊(Silence of Lambs) Bugsy (1991)
1991 与狼共舞(Dances with Wolves) Dances with Wolves (1990)
1990 为戴茜小姐开车(Driving Miss Daisy) Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
1989 雨人(Rain Man) Rain Man (1988)
1988 末代皇帝(Last Emperor)(60) Last Emperor, The (1987)
1987 野战排(Platoon) Platoon (1986)
1986 走出非洲(Out of Africa) Out of Africa (1985)
1985 莫扎特(Amadeus) Amadeus (1984)
1984 母女情深(Terms of Endearment) Terms of Endearment (1983)
1983 甘地传(Gandhi) E.T the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
1982 烈火战车(Chariots of Fire) On Golden Pond (1981)
1981 普通人(Ordinary People) Ordinary People (1980)
1980 克莱默夫妇(Kramer vs Kramer) Kramer vs Kramer (1979)
1979 猎鹿人(Deer Hunter) Midnight Express (1978)
1978 安妮-霍尔(Annie Hall)(50) Turning Point, The (1977)
1977 洛奇(Rocky) Rocky (1976)
1976 飞越疯人院(One Flew over the Cuckoo[*]s Nest) One Flew Over the Cuckoo[*]s Nest
1975 教父2(Godfather: Part II) Chinatown (1974)
1974 骗中骗(Sting) Exorcist, The (1973)
1973 教父(Godfather) Godfather, The (1972)
1972 法国贩毒网(French Connection) French Connection, The (1971)
1971 巴顿将军(Patton) Love Story (1970)
1970 午夜牛郎(Midnight Cowboy) Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
1969 奥利佛! (Oliver!) Lion in Winter, The (1968)
1968 炎热的夜晚(In The Heat Of The Night)(40) In the Heat of the Night (1967)
1967 四季之人(A Man For All Seasons) Man for All Seasons, A (1966)
1966 音乐之声(The Sound Of Music) Doctor Zhivago (1965)
1965 窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady) Becket (1964)

1964 汤姆-琼斯(Tom Jones) Cardinal, The (1963)
1963 阿拉伯的劳伦斯(Lawrence Of Arabia) Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
1962 西区故事(West Side Story) Guns of Navarone, The (1961)
1961 桃色公寓(The Apartment) Spartacus (1960)
1960 宾虚(Ben-Hur) Ben-Hur (1959)
1959 金粉世界(GiGi) Defiant Ones, The (1958)
1958 桂河大桥(Bridge On The River Kwai) Bridge on the River Kwai, The
1957 环游地球八十天(Around The World In 80 Days) Around the World in Eighty Days
1956 马蒂(Marty) East of Eden (1955)
1955 码头风云(On The Waterfront) On the Waterfront (1954)
1954 乱世忠魂(From Here To Enternity) Robe, The (1953)
1953 戏中之王(The Greatest Show On Earth) Greatest Show on Earth, The
1952 花都艳舞(American In Paris) Place in the Sun, A (1951)
1951 彗星美人(All About Eve) Sunset Blvd (1950)

1950 当代奸雄( All The King[*]s Men) All the King[*]s Men (1949)
1949 王子复仇记(Hamlet) Johnny Belinda (1948)Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The
1948 君子协定(Gentlemen[*]s Agreement)(20) Gentleman[*]s Agreement (1947)
1947 黄金时代(The Best Years Of Our Lives) Best Years of Our Lives, The (1946)
1946 失去的周末(Lost Week End) Lost Weekend, The (1945)
1945 与我同行(Going My Way) Going My Way (1944)
1944 北非谍影(Casablanca) Song of Bernadette, The (1943)
1943 忠勇之家(Mrs Miniver)
1942 翡翠谷(How Green Was My Valley)
1941 蝴蝶梦(Rebecca)
1940 乱世佳人(Gone With The Wind)
1939 浮生若梦(You Can[*]t Take It With You)
1938 左拉传(Life Of Emile Zola)(10)
1937 歌舞大王齐格菲(Great Ziegfeld)
1936 叛舰喋血记(Mutiny On The Bounty)
1935 一夜风流(It Happened One Night)
1934 乱世春秋(Cavalcade)
1932 大饭店(Grand Hotel)
1931 壮志千秋(Cimarron)
1930 西线无战事(All Quiet On The West Front)
1930 红伶秘史(Broadway Melody)
1929 翼(Wings)

❹ 用英文介绍下《斗士》这部电影,就是今年奥斯卡获奖的那部~~

The Fighter is a 2010 biographical sports drama film directed by David O. Russell, and starring Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, and Amy Adams. The film centers on the life of professional boxer "Irish" Micky Ward (Wahlberg) and his older half-brother Dicky Eklund (Bale). The film also stars Amy Adams as Micky's love interest, and Melissa Leo as Micky's and Dicky's mother. The Fighter is Russell and Wahlberg's third film collaboration, following Three Kings and I Heart Huckabees.

The film was released in select North American theaters on December 17, 2010 and was released in the United Kingdom on February 4, 2011.It was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, winning the awards for Best Supporting Actor (Bale) and Best Supporting Actress (Melissa Leo). The Fighter also became the first film to win both Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress at the Academy Awards, since Hannah and Her Sisters in 1986.


Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) is an Irish-American welterweight boxer from a working class family in Lowell, Massachusetts. Managed by his mother, Alice Ward (Leo), and trained by his older half-brother, Dicky Eklund (Bale), Micky has not had a particularly successful career: He's become a "stepping stone" for other boxers to defeat on their way up. Complicating matters, Dicky, a former boxer whose peak of success was knocking Sugar Ray Leonard down in an HBO televised match, has fallen apart since his early success, becoming addicted to crack cocaine.
On the night of an undercard fight in Atlantic City, Micky's scheled opponent is ill, and a substitute is found who is 18 pounds heavier than Micky. Despite Micky's reservations, his mother and brother agree to the terms so that they can all get the purse. Micky is soundly defeated by the much heavier fighter in an obvious mismatch. Frustrated with his career and embarrassed by his defeat, Micky tries to retreat from the world and forms a relationship with Charlene Fleming (Amy Adams), a former college athlete who dropped out and became a bartender.
After several weeks, Alice arranges another fight for Micky, who, concerned it will turn out the same as before, shows serious hesitation. His mother and seven sisters blame Charlene for his lack of motivation. Micky mentions that he's received an offer to be paid to train in Las Vegas, but Dicky says he will match the offer so he can keep training and working with his family. Dicky then tries to get money by posing his girlfriend as a prostitute and then, once she picks up a client, impersonating a police officer to steal the client's car. This is quickly foiled by the actual police and Dicky is arrested after a chase and a fight with them. Micky intervenes to try to stop the police from beating his brother, but he is also beaten and a police officer breaks his hand before arresting him. At trial, Micky is released but Dicky is sent to jail. Micky denounces Dicky for the trouble he caused.
On the night of the HBO documentary, Dicky's family, and Dicky himself in prison, are horrified to see it is High on Crack Street: Lost Lives in Lowell, a documentary about how crack addiction ruined Dicky's career and life. Devastated, Dicky begins training and trying to get his life together in prison. Micky is lured back into boxing by his father, who like many believes Alice and his stepson Dicky are bad influences. Gathering the other members of his training team and finding a new manager, Sal LoNano, they convince Micky to return to boxing with the explicit understanding that his mother and brother will no longer be involved. They place Micky in minor fights to help him regain his confidence. He is then offered another major fight against an undefeated up-and-coming boxer. During a prison visit, Dicky advises Micky on how best to work his opponent, but Micky feels his brother is being selfish and trying to restart his own failed career. During the actual match, Micky is nearly overwhelmed at the beginning but, remembering his brother's advice, alters his strategy and is eventually triumphant; he earns the title shot for which his opponent was being groomed.
Upon his release from prison, Dicky and his mother go to see Micky train. Assuming things are as they were, Dicky prepares to spar with his brother, but Micky informs him that he's no longer allowed per Micky's agreement with his current team. In the ensuing argument, in which Micky chastises both factions of his family, Charlene and his trainer leave in disgust. Dicky storms off, presumably to get high again, and Micky's mother chides Micky, only to be sobered when he tells her she's never been as good to him as she was to Dicky. Dicky returns to his crack house, where he says goodbye to his friends and heads to Charlene's apartment. He tells Charlene that Micky needs both of them and they need to work together. After bringing back everyone, the group goes to London for the title fight. Micky scores another upset victory and the welterweight title. The film jumps a few years ahead, with Dicky, as talkative as ever, crediting his brother as being the creator of his own success rather than taking co-credit as he had in his younger years.



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