导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 在周末看电影怎么说英语怎么说


发布时间:2024-11-17 11:36:00

㈠ 我们经常在周末去看电影(翻译)

We often go to cinema on weekends .

㈡ 我周末可以去看电影”用英语怎么说

I can go to the cinema on the weekend.

㈢ 你们通常在周末看电影吗(翻译为英语)

Do you usually go to the movies at weekends?

㈣ 我们经常在周末去看电影、用英语怎么说

We usually go to movies on the weekends.

㈤ 多久一次,在周末,去看电影的英语

Go movie
How often
talk about
watch TV
twice a week
in the weekend
different weekend activity

㈥ 我们这周末要去看电影改为英语的will和won't的用法

We're going to the movies this weekend=We will go to the movies this weekend
否定,We won't go to the movies this weekend

㈦ 保罗经常在周末去看电影英语

可翻译为: Paul often goes to the cinema at weekends.

㈧ “在周末看电影”,用英语怎么说

watch moive in the weekend.



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