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发布时间:2024-11-14 02:45:35

1. 高分求尼古拉斯·凯奇全部影片




同年,尼古拉斯·凯奇在美国前卫导演大卫·林奇执导的影片《我心狂野》中饰演了主角。凯奇在片中的角色是以摇滚乐传奇人物猫王为蓝图的。该片有着诡异强烈的影像风格。同时更有着超现实的气氛。片尾凯奇身着蛇皮夹克站在滚滚车流之上演唱猫王名曲《Love Me Tender》一段更成了电影史上的一个经典场面。不过在《我心狂野》之后,凯奇并没有重复这种叛逆青年的路子,因为他的外形并不适合这类的角色。他继续在小制作影片中尝试着各种角色。1992年他在影片《今夜你寂寞吗》中饰演了一位将未婚妻输给赌场大享之后想尽办法赢回美人芳心的侦探。在1993年凯奇又主演了《西部红石镇》、《黑白追缉令》和《超级赌徒》等影片,也都是小制作的叫好不叫座的作品。

凯奇在1994年拍摄的几部影片却引起了不俗的反响,在《第一夫人的保镖》中他饰演一位保护前总统夫人的特工。在《倾城佳话》中,他饰演了一位信守诺言的诚实警察,将中彩票得来的奖金分了一半送给一个女招待作小费。 在《天堂有难》中, 他又饰演了一位被小镇居民感化而弃恶从善的劫匪。凯奇在片中的表现也都相当地出色。不过他却似乎厌倦了演这种善良的小人物,于是在1995年,他的形象有了极大的变化。在影片《死亡之吻》中,凯奇扮演了一位冷血杀手。为了演好这个凶狠强壮的杀手角色,他还特别加强了身体锻炼以获得外形上的效果。之后他又接下了影片《离开拉斯维加斯》。《离开拉斯维加斯》是一部小制作的影片,影片的成本仅有三百五十万美元。事实上,在演过影片《今夜你寂寞吗》之后,凯奇曾经说过“我要一个好的角色,我可以将我的灵魂投资下去!”而在《离开拉斯维加斯》一片中,凯奇投入的不只是他的灵魂。除了全心投入之外,他更只是收取了微薄的片酬。在这部片中凯奇获得的片酬只有他平常的十分之一!不过他那深入灵魂的表演却使他赢得了一尊闪闪发光的奥斯卡金像,这是金钱所难以估量的。在功成名就之后,凯奇改变了他的戏路。


演员 - 尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage恶灵骑士 Ghost Rider (2007) ..... Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider
恶灵战警 / 幽灵骑士

刑房 Grindhouse (2007) ..... Fu Manchu
Grind House
Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof
Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terro

Grind House (2006) ..... Fu Manchu
异教徒 The Wicker Man (2006) ..... Sheriff

世贸中心 World Trade Center (2006) ..... John McLoughlin
Untitled Oliver Stone/September 11 Project

别惹蚂蚁 The Ant Bully (2006) ..... Zoc (voice)
蚂蚁欺负者 / 蚂蚁恶少 / 流氓蚂蚁 / 联合缩小兵 / 小蚁霸

天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005) ..... David Spritz

战争之王 Lord of War (2005) ..... Yuri Orlov

Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005) ..... Himself
国家宝藏 National Treasure (2004) ..... Ben Gates
惊天夺宝 / 国家财宝 / 国家财富


101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004) ..... #28 Francis Ford Coppola casts Sofia in Godfather 3 (archive footage)
第76届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) ..... Himself - Presenter: 'Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World' Film Clip
The Code Talkers: A Secret Code of Honor (2003) ..... Himself
火柴人 Matchstick Men (2003) ..... Roy Waller
火柴男人 / 种计

风语者 Windtalkers (2002) ..... Sergeant Joe Enders
追风战士 / 风语战士 / 烈血追风

Wind Talkers

索尼 Sonny (2002) ..... Acid Yellow

Pony Rides

兰花盗 Adaptation (2002) ..... Charlie Kaufman/Donald Kaufman
兰花贼 / 改编剧本 / 何必偏偏玩谢我 / 改写情缘

The Orchid Thief

Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001) ..... Jacob Marley (voice)
Weihnachtsm?rchen, Ein
Weihnachtsmärchen, Ein

柯莱利上尉的曼陀林 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) ..... Captain Antonio Corelli

Capitaine Corelli

第73届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001) ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Actress in a Supporting Role (uncredited)
2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000) ..... Himself
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000) ..... Himself
极速60秒 Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) ..... Randall 'Memphis' Raines

Gone in Sixty Seconds

居家男人 The Family Man (2000) ..... Jack Campbell
扭转奇迹 / 加料感情线 / 住家男人 / 缘分交叉点

穿梭阴阳界 Bringing Out the Dead (1999) ..... Frank Pierce

第71届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) ..... Himself - Presenter: Irving G. Thalberg Award to Norman Jewison
8毫米 8MM (1999) ..... Tom Welles
八毫米 / 八厘米 / 8厘米感官谋杀案

8 Millimeter
8mm - Acht Millimeter
Eight Millimeter
Sexy World

天使之城 City of Angels (1998) ..... Seth
X情人 / 天使多情

Stadt der Engel

蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998) ..... Rick Santoro

The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997) ..... Himself - Presenter: Best Actress
空中监狱 Con Air (1997) ..... Cameron Poe

变脸 Face/Off (1997) ..... Castor Troy/Sean Archer

Face Off

The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) ..... Himself - Winner: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-Presenter: Documentary Awards
勇闯夺命岛 The Rock (1996) ..... Dr. Stanley Goodspeed
石破天惊 / 绝地任务

远离赌城 Leaving Las Vegas (1995) ..... Ben Sanderson
两颗绝望的心 / 离开拉斯维加斯

Leaving Las Vegas

死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995) ..... Little Junior Brown

第一夫人的保镖 Guarding Tess (1994) ..... Doug Chesnic
斗气保镖 / 保护泰丝

倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) ..... Charlie Lang
爱在纽约 / 你也可能碰上的事

Cop Gives Waitress $2 Million Tip!

第66届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) ..... Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Sound
天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise (1994) ..... Bill Firpo

超级赌徒 Deadfall (1993) ..... Eddie

黑白追击令 Amos & Andrew (1993) ..... Amos Odell

西部红石镇 Red Rock West (1992) ..... Michael Williams
乌龙杀手 / 红岩西区

维加斯的蜜月 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992) ..... Jack Singer

情挑野玫瑰 Zandalee (1991) ..... Johnny

我心狂野 Wild at Heart (1990) ..... Sailor

David Lynch's Wild at Heart

杀戮时刻 Tempo di uccidere (1990) ..... Enrico Silvestri
The Short Cut
Time to Kill
Raccourci, Le

火鸟出击 Fire Birds (1990) ..... Jake Preston
Wings of the Apache

吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989) ..... Peter Loew
衰鬼爱人 / 吸血热吻

The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) ..... Himself -Co-Presenter: Best Actor in a Supporting Role
抚养亚历桑纳 Raising Arizona (1987) ..... H.I. McDunnough
抚养亚利桑那 / 宝贝梦惊魂

月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987) ..... Ronny Cammareri

The Bride and the Wolf

第59届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 59th Annual Academy Awards (1987) ..... Charlie Bodell (archive footage) (uncredited)
忧郁男孩 The Boy in Blue (1986) ..... Ned Hanlan
佩吉·休出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Marrdied (1986) ..... Charlie Bodell
时光倒流未嫁时 / 佩姬苏要出嫁

Peggy Sue Got Married

棉花俱乐部 The Cotton Club (1984) ..... Vincent Dwyer
鸟人 Birdy (1984) ..... Sergeant Al Columbato

爱的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984) ..... Nicky/Bud

山谷女郎 Valley Girl (1983) ..... Randy

Bad Boyz
Rebel Dreams

斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983) ..... Smokey

开放的美国学府 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) ..... Brad's Bud (as Nicolas Coppola)
油脂妹 / 雷奇蒙德中学的时光

A&E Biography: John Travolta (未知) ..... Himself

制作人 - 尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage异教徒 The Wicker Man (2006) ..... procer

战争之王 Lord of War (2005) ..... procer

大卫·戈尔的一生 The Life of David Gale (2003) ..... procer
铁案悬谜 / 命悬一线

Leben des David Gale, Das

索尼 Sonny (2002) ..... procer

Pony Rides

吸血惊情 Shadow of the Vampire (2000) ..... procer

Burned to Light


导演 - 尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage索尼 Sonny (2002)

Pony Rides

2. <斗鱼>的英文名为什么叫The Outsides


3. 请向我推荐几部尼古拉斯凯奇比较经典的影片

恶灵骑士 Ghost Rider (2006-8-4)
异教徒 The Wicker Man (2006-1-1)
天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005-4-1)
战争之王 Lord of War (2005-1-1)
*惊天夺宝/国家宝藏 National Treasure (2004-11-19)
命运之土 Land of Destiny (2004-6-3)
*火柴男歼旁人 Matchstick Men (2003-8-8)
*改编剧本 Adaptation (2002-12-6)
*追风战士/风语者友戚 Windtalkers (2002-6-14)
柯莱利上尉的曼陀林/战地情人 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001-8-17)
住家男人/加料感情线 The.Family.Man (2000-12-22)
极速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000-6-5)
替代情人 Bringing.Out.the.Dead (1999-10-22)
八毫米 8MM (1999-2-19)
*蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998-8-7)
*天使之城 City of Angels (1998-4-10)
*空中监狱 Con Air (1997-6-5)
*夺面双雄/变脸 Face Off (1997-3-31)
*勇闯夺命岛 The Rock (1996-6-7)
两颗绝望的心 Leaving Las Vegas (1995-9-15)
*死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995-4-21)
致命布局 Mansion Murder (1995-4-21)
*离开拉斯维加斯/远离赌城 Leaving Lasvegas (1995-1-1)
天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise (1994-12-2)
倾城佳话 It Could Happen To You (1994-7-29)
超级赌徒@连环计中计 Deadfall (1994-7-15)
第一夫人的保镖 Guarding Tess (1994-3-11)
世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994-1-1)
西部红石镇 Red Rock West (1993-6-16)
拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992-8-28)
火鸟出击 Fire Birds (1990-5-25)
全面攻击 Tempo di uccidere (1990-1-1)
*我心狂野 Wild At Heart (1990-1-1)
吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989-6-2)
*月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987-12-18)
抚养亚历桑那 Raising Arizona (1987-3-6)
忧郁男孩》(《The Boy in Blue》1986)
佩姬苏要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986-10-10)
《棉花俱乐部》(《The Cotton Club》1984)

鸟好改陵人 Birdy (1984-12-14)
爱的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984-8-23)
*斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983-10-21)
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983-4-8)
《开放的美国学府》(《Fast Time at Ridgement High》1982)


4. 尼古拉斯凯奇电影英文名称 年代及评价

Nicolas Cage
Date of Birth:(生日)
7 January 1964, Long Beach, California, USA

Birth Name (出生时姓名)
Nicholas Kim Coppola

Nickname (昵称)

Height (身高)
6' (1.83 m)

Mini Biography: (生平简介)
The son of comparative literature professor August Coppola (a brother of director Francis Ford Coppola) and dancer/choreographer Joy Vogelsang, Cage changed his name early in his career to make his own reputation, succeeding brilliantly with a host of classic, quirky roles by the late 1980s.

Initially studying theatre at Beverly Hills High (though he dropped out at 17), he secured a bit part in Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) -- most of which was cut, dashing his hopes and leading to a job selling popcorn at the Fairfax Theater, thinking that would be the only route to a movie career. But a job reading lines with auditioners for uncle Francis' Rumble Fish (1983) landed him a role in that film, followed by the punk-rocker in Valley Girl (1983), which was released first and truly launched his career.

His one-time passion for method acting reached a personal limit when he smashed a street-vendor's remote-control car to achieve the sense of rage needed for his gangster character in The Cotton Club (1984).

In his early 20s, he dated Jenny Wright for two years and later linked to Uma Thurman. After a relationship of several years with Christina Fulton, a model, they split amicably and share custody of a son, Weston Coppola Cage (b.1992).

Won Oscar in 1996(Best Actor in a Leading Role
for: Leaving Las Vegas (1995)). Another 30 wins & 26 nominations...

Alternate Names: (别名)
Nicholas Cage / Nicolas Coppola

Spouse (婚姻状况)
Alice Kim (30 July 2004 - present) 1 child
Lisa Marie Presley (10 August 2002 - 16 May 2004) (divorced)
Patricia Arquette (8 April 1995 - 18 May 2001) (divorced)

Personal Quotes (名言)
"To be a good actor you have to be something like a criminal, to be willing to break the rules to strive for something new."

"There's a fine line between the Method actor and the schizophrenic."

"I am not a demon. I am a lizard, a shark, a heat-seeking panther. I want to be Bob Denver on acid playing the accordion."

"I'm sad about this, but we shouldn't have been married in the first place." - about his marriage to Lisa Marie Presley.

"Hollywood didn't know if I was an actor or a nut or if I was this crazy character I was playing. I had developed an image of being a little bit unusual, different and wild."

"I'm at the point now where I know I'm doing something right when a movie gets mixed reviews, because then I'm not in the box. I don't want to make it too easy for people and I don't want to make it too easy for myself. I want to try something unusual. I feel good about the bad reviews because I feel like I've affected them on some level. They may not know what I was trying to do but they felt something"

"I want to make all kinds of movies. I do want to make big movies that are a lot of fun to go to, but I also want to make movies that are going to stimulate some thought and maybe raise some awareness. And so please don't think you're gonna go on a roller-coaster ride with those movies."

"It's very risky for an actor who's a bankable star to make pictures like The Weather Man (2005) or Lord of War (2005) [also in current release], because they inevitably promote them like big studio releases. And they're not big studio movies, they're more edgy, thought-provoking, independent-spirited films. What happens is, it goes into the computer, and everyone says they can't open the movie because they thought it was X when it actually was Y".

"I needed to change my name just to liberate myself and find out I could do it without walking into a Hollywood casting office with the name Coppola."

"Picasso said art is a lie that tells the truth. What if you just want to tell the truth and not lie about it?"

Actor in Film (曾出演和即将出演的电影)
1. Electric God (2009) (announced)
2. Time Share (2008) (announced)
3. The Dance (2008) (announced) .... Billy 'The Kid' Roth
4. Amarillo Slim (2008) (pre-proction)
5. National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) (post-proction) .... Ben Gates
6. Bangkok Dangerous (2008) (completed)

7. Next (2007) .... Cris
8. Grindhouse (2007) .... Fu Manchu (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS")
... aka Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof (USA: poster title)
... aka Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror (USA: poster title)
9. Ghost Rider (2007) .... Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider
... aka Spirited Racer (Philippines: English title: review title)
10. The Wicker Man (2006) .... Edward Malus
11. World Trade Center (2006) .... John McLoughlin
12. The Ant Bully (2006) (voice) .... Zoc
13. The Weather Man (2005) .... David Spritz
14. Lord of War (2005) .... Yuri Orlov
15. National Treasure (2004) .... Ben Gates
... aka Sonomo (Philippines: English title: review title)
16. Matchstick Men (2003) .... Roy Waller
17. Adaptation. (2002) .... Charlie Kaufman/Donald Kaufman
18. Sonny (2002) .... Acid Yellow
19. Windtalkers (2002) .... Sergeant Joe Enders
20. Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001) (voice) .... Jacob Marley
... aka Weihnachtsmärchen, Ein (Germany)
21. Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001) .... Captain Antonio Corelli
... aka Capitaine Corelli (France)
22. "Nyhetsmorgon" .... Himseld / ... (1 episode, 2001)
- Filmen 'En andra chans (The Family Man)' (2001) TV Episode .... Himseld/Jack Campbell
23. The Family Man (2000) .... Jack Campbell
24. Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) .... Randall 'Memphis' Raines

25. Bringing Out the Dead (1999) .... Frank Pierce
26. 8MM (1999) .... Tom Welles
... aka 8mm - Acht Millimeter (Germany)
27. Snake Eyes (1998) .... Rick Santoro
28. City of Angels (1998) .... Seth
... aka Stadt der Engel (Germany)
29. Face/Off (1997) .... Castor Troy/Sean Archer
... aka Face Off
30. Con Air (1997) .... Cameron Poe
31. The Rock (1996) .... Dr. Stanley Goodspeed
32. Leaving Las Vegas (1995) .... Ben Sanderson
... aka Leaving Las Vegas (France)
33. Kiss of Death (1995/I) .... Little Junior Brown
34. Trapped in Paradise (1994) .... Bill Firpo
35. It Could Happen to You (1994) .... Charlie Lang
36. Guarding Tess (1994) .... Doug Chesnic
37. Amos & Andrew (1993) .... Amos Odell
38. Deadfall (1993) .... Eddie
39. "Saturday Night Live" .... Host (1 episode, 1992)
... aka NBC's Saturday Night (USA: first season title)
... aka SNL (USA: informal title)
... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title)
... aka Saturday Night (USA: second season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live '80 (USA: sixth season title)
- Nicolas Cage/Bobby Brown (1992) TV Episode .... Host
40. Honeymoon in Vegas (1992) .... Jack Singer
41. Red Rock West (1992) .... Michael Williams
42. Tempo di uccidere (1991) .... Enrico Silvestri
... aka Raccourci, Le (France)
... aka The Short Cut
... aka Time to Kill
43. Zandalee (1991) .... Johnny Collins
44. Wild at Heart (1990) .... Sailor Ripley
... aka David Lynch's Wild at Heart (USA)
45. Fire Birds (1990) .... Jake Preston
... aka Wings of the Apache
46. Instrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted (1990) (TV) .... Heartbreaker

47. Vampire's Kiss (1989) .... Peter Loew
48. Never on Tuesday (1988) (uncredited) .... Man in Red Sports Car
49. Moonstruck (1987) .... Ronny Cammareri
50. Raising Arizona (1987) .... H.I. McDunnough
51. Peggy Sue Got Married (1986) .... Charlie Bodell
52. The Boy in Blue (1986) .... Ned Hanlan
... aka Race des champions, La (Canada: French title)
53. Birdy (1984) .... Sergeant Al Columbato
54. The Cotton Club (1984) .... Vincent Dwyer
55. Racing with the Moon (1984) .... Nicky/Bud
56. Rumble Fish (1983) .... Smokey
57. Valley Girl (1983) .... Randy
... aka Bad Boyz
... aka College Lovers (Philippines: English title)
... aka Rebel Dreams (video title)
58. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) (as Nicolas Coppola) .... Brad's Bud
... aka Fast Times at Ridgemont High (UK: video title)
59. Best of Times (1981) (TV)

很多人并不知道,Cage是科波拉家族的成员,我想喜欢美国电影的人对科波拉这个姓氏不会陌生,教父系列的导演弗朗西斯·科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)是Cage的叔叔,以迷失东京一片摘得奥斯卡的女导演索非亚科波拉是Cage的堂妹,此外他们家族出了不少演员等名人。但Cage不想利用他的姓氏也不愿意背负家族的压力,所以改姓Cage从影。
他凭借逃离拉斯维加斯一片里面的精湛演技摘得1996奥斯卡影帝,从此星路平坦。他曾演过不少硬汉形象,像代表作空中监狱(Con Air),勇闯夺命岛(The Rock),变脸(Face/Off)等等,也演过一些很温柔的形象,像和Meg Ryan演的天使之城等等;应该算是戏路很宽的演技派演员。近几年,他的国家宝藏,战争之王,天气预报员都是很卖座的影片。

5. 尼古拉斯凯奇的电影有哪些

[2005]Lord of War 战争之王
[2005]Weather Man, The 天气预报员
[2004]National treasure 国家财宝
[2003]Matchstick Men 火柴人
[2002]Adaptation 改编剧本 [2002]Windtalkers 风语者
[2001]Captain Corelli's Mandolin 柯莱利上尉的曼陀林
[2000]Family Man, The 居家男人[2000]Gone in 60 Seconds 极速60秒
[1999]Bringing Out The Dead 穿梭阴阳界
[1999]8mm 八厘米 [1998]Snake Eyes 蛇眼
[1999]Vampires Kiss 吸血鬼之吻
[1997]Con Air 空中监狱
[1997]Face Off 变脸
[1998]City Of Angels 天使之城
[1996]The Rock 石破天惊
[1995]Kiss of death 死亡之吻
[1995]Leaving Las Vegas 离开拉斯维加斯 [1994]Trapped in Paradise 天堂有难
[1994]It Could Happen to You 倾城佳话
[1994]Guarding Tess 第一夫人的保镖
[1990]Wild At Heart 我心狂野
[1987]Raising Arizona 宝贝梦惊魂
[1987]Moonstruck 月色撩人 [1986]Peggy Sue Got Married 佩姬苏要出嫁
[1984]Racing with the Moon 爱的召集令
[1984]Birdy 鸟人
[1983]Rumble Fish 斗鱼
好莱坞巨星 【尼古拉斯.凯奇】 电影作品展

异教徒 The Wicker Man (2006)
世贸中心 World Trade Center (2006)
别惹蚂蚁/蚂蚁欺负者 The Ant Bully (2006)
The Dresden Files (2006)
Time Share (2006)
天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005)
战争之王 Lord of War (2005)
Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope (2005)
国家财宝/惊天夺宝 National Treasure (2004)
命运之土 Land of Destiny (2004)
第76届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004)
John Travolta: The Inside Story (2004)
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
Tricks of the Trade: Making 'Matchstick Men' (2004)
火柴男人 Matchstick Men (2003)
大卫·戈尔的一生/命悬一线 The Life of David Gale (2003)
第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 75th Annual Academy Awards (2003)
Intimate Portrait: Vanessa Marcil (2003)
Lisa Marie Presley: The E! True Hollywood Story (2003)
A&E Biography: John Travolta (2003)
The Code Talkers: A Secret Code of Honor (2003)
End of the Century (2003)
桑尼/宝贝 Sonny (2002)
改编剧本/兰花窃贼 Adaptation. (2002)
追风战士 Windtalkers (2002)
2002 MTV Movie Awards (2002)
Hollywood Salutes Nicolas Cage: An American Cinematheque Tribute (2002)
柯莱利上尉的曼陀林 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)
Italian Soldiers (2001)
2001 ABC World Stunt Awards (2001)
Christmas Carol: The Movie (2001)
第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001)
吸血惊情/我和僵尸有份合约 Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
居家男人/住家男人 The Family Man (2000)
急速60秒/惊天动地60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
Welcome to Hollywood (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)
2000年MTV电影颁奖典礼 2000 MTV Movie Awards (2000)
替代情人/穿梭鬼门关/穿梭阴阳界/午夜速杀 Bringing Out the Dead (1999)
八厘米 8MM (1999)
第71届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999)
Intimate Portrait: Laura Dern (1999)
蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998)
天使之城 City of Angels (1998)
Junket Whore (1998)
变脸/夺面双雄 Face/Off (1997)
空中监狱/惊天动地/罪犯的空中之旅/空中囚犯 Con Air (1997)
第69届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 69th Annual Academy Awards, The (1997)
勇闯夺命岛/绝地任务/石破天惊 Rock, The (1996)
American Film Institute Salute to Clint Eastwood, The (1996)
死亡之吻/致命布局 Kiss of Death (1995)
远离赌城/两颗绝望的心/离开拉斯维加斯 Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994)
第一夫人的保镖/斗气保镖/保护泰丝 Guarding Tess (1994)
倾城佳话/爱在纽约/你也可能碰上的事 It Could Happen to You (1994)
天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise (1994)
黑白追缉令 Amos & Andrew (1993)
超级赌徒/连环计中计 Deadfall (1993)
拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行/今夜你寂寞吗?/拉斯韦加斯蜜月 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)
西部红石镇/乌龙杀手/红岩西区 Red Rock West (1992)
情挑野玫瑰/禁忌情缘 Zandalee (1991)
Tempo di uccidere (1990)
我心狂野 Wild at Heart (1990)
火鸟出击 Fire Birds (1990)
Instrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Broken Hearted (1990)
吸血鬼之吻/衰鬼爱人/吸血热吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989)
Never on Tuesday (1988)
月色撩人/发晕 Moonstruck (1987)
抚养亚历桑那/宝贝梦惊魂 Raising Arizona (1987)
Boy in Blue, The (1986)
佩姬苏要出嫁/时光倒流未嫁时/帕姬·苏结婚了 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
鸟人 Birdy (1984)
棉花俱乐部 Cotton Club, The (1984)
爱的召集令/情场新丁 Racing with the Moon (1984)
斗鱼/雷鸣小子 Rumble Fish (1983)
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983)
开放的美国学府/雷吉蒙特高中的夏令时/油脂妹 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)


1992年以影片《野性难驯》(《Wild at Heart》1990)获第43届戛纳电影节金棕榈大奖。

1996年以影片《逃离拉斯维加斯》(《Leaving LasVegas》1999)获第六十八届奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。

[1983]Valley Girl 山谷女孩
[1982]Fast Times at Ridgemont High 开放的美国学府

英文名:Nicolas cage
性 别:男
出生地: 加利佛尼亚,长海滩
生 日:1964年1月7日(星期二)
星 座:摩羯座
身 高:183 厘米

想演的角色:教父中的吉米坎Jimmy Caan、吸血鬼德古拉Dracula

偶像:劳勃狄尼诺(Robert DeNiro)
马龙白兰度(Marlon Brando)
克林伊斯威特(Clint Eastwood)

家人:父亲 August Coppola 旧金山大学比较文学教授
母亲 Joy Vogelsang 舞蹈家
叔父 Francis Ford Coppola 《教父》导演
祖父 Camine Coppola NBC首席吹笛手

恶灵骑士 Ghost Rider (2006-8-4)
异教徒 The Wicker Man (2006-1-1)
天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005-4-1)
战争之王 Lord of War (2005-1-1)
惊天夺宝/国家宝藏 National Treasure (2004-11-19)
命运之土 Land of Destiny (2004-6-3)
火柴男人 Matchstick Men (2003-8-8)
改编剧本 Adaptation (2002-12-6)
追风战士/风语者 Windtalkers (2002-6-14)
柯莱利上尉的曼陀林/战地情人 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001-8-17)
住家男人/加料感情线 The.Family.Man (2000-12-22)
极速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000-6-5)
替代情人 Bringing.Out.the.Dead (1999-10-22)
八毫米 8MM (1999-2-19)
蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998-8-7)
天使之城 City of Angels (1998-4-10)
空中监狱 Con Air (1997-6-5)
夺面双雄/变脸 Face Off (1997-3-31)
勇闯夺命岛 The Rock (1996-6-7)
两颗绝望的心 Leaving Las Vegas (1995-9-15)
死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995-4-21)
致命布局 Mansion Murder (1995-4-21)
离开拉斯维加斯/远离赌城 Leaving Lasvegas (1995-1-1)
天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise (1994-12-2)
倾城佳话 It Could Happen To You (1994-7-29)
超级赌徒@连环计中计 Deadfall (1994-7-15)
第一夫人的保镖 Guarding Tess (1994-3-11)
世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994-1-1)
西部红石镇 Red Rock West (1993-6-16)
拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992-8-28)
火鸟出击 Fire Birds (1990-5-25)
全面攻击 Tempo di uccidere (1990-1-1)
我心狂野 Wild At Heart (1990-1-1)
吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989-6-2)
月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987-12-18)
抚养亚历桑那 Raising Arizona (1987-3-6)
忧郁男孩》(《The Boy in Blue》1986)
佩姬苏要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986-10-10)
《棉花俱乐部》(《The Cotton Club》1984)
鸟人 Birdy (1984-12-14)
爱的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984-8-23)
斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983-10-21)
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983-4-8)
《开放的美国学府》(《Fast Time at Ridgement High》1982)
恶灵骑士 Ghost Rider (2006-8-4)
异教徒 The Wicker Man (2006-1-1)
天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005-4-1)
战争之王 Lord of War (2005-1-1)
惊天夺宝/国家宝藏 National Treasure (2004-11-19)
命运之土 Land of Destiny (2004-6-3)
火柴男人 Matchstick Men (2003-8-8)
改编剧本 Adaptation (2002-12-6)
追风战士/风语者 Windtalkers (2002-6-14)
柯莱利上尉的曼陀林/战地情人 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001-8-17)
住家男人/加料感情线 The.Family.Man (2000-12-22)
极速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000-6-5)
替代情人 Bringing.Out.the.Dead (1999-10-22)
八毫米 8MM (1999-2-19)
蛇眼 Snake Eyes (1998-8-7)
天使之城 City of Angels (1998-4-10)
空中监狱 Con Air (1997-6-5)
夺面双雄/变脸 Face Off (1997-3-31)
勇闯夺命岛 The Rock (1996-6-7)
两颗绝望的心 Leaving Las Vegas (1995-9-15)
死亡之吻 Kiss of Death (1995-4-21)
致命布局 Mansion Murder (1995-4-21)
离开拉斯维加斯/远离赌城 Leaving Lasvegas (1995-1-1)
天堂有难 Trapped in Paradise (1994-12-2)
倾城佳话 It Could Happen To You (1994-7-29)
超级赌徒@连环计中计 Deadfall (1994-7-15)
第一夫人的保镖 Guarding Tess (1994-3-11)
世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994-1-1)
西部红石镇 Red Rock West (1993-6-16)
拉斯维加斯的蜜月旅行 Honeymoon in Vegas (1992-8-28)
火鸟出击 Fire Birds (1990-5-25)
全面攻击 Tempo di uccidere (1990-1-1)
我心狂野 Wild At Heart (1990-1-1)
吸血鬼之吻 Vampire's Kiss (1989-6-2)
月色撩人 Moonstruck (1987-12-18)
抚养亚历桑那 Raising Arizona (1987-3-6)
忧郁男孩》(《The Boy in Blue》1986)
佩姬苏要出嫁 Peggy Sue Got Married (1986-10-10)
《棉花俱乐部》(《The Cotton Club》1984)
鸟人 Birdy (1984-12-14)
爱的召集令 Racing with the Moon (1984-8-23)
斗鱼 Rumble Fish (1983-10-21)
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983-4-8)
《开放的美国学府》(《Fast Time at Ridgement High》1982)



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