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1. 急求电影教父的英文评论500单词左右


The best way to describe The Godfather is flawless in every way that a movie can be flawed. It exceeds expectations of what should be put into a movie from everyone involved.

Coppola directs The Godfather with obsessive precision. Every shot is shown in its own way for a reason, and if something is put into place, it has a purpose. The cinematography for such a small-scale story is breathtaking. The shots of small, old-style Sicily villages and rain-soaked, film noir-ish New York streets are immensely innovative for the budget that Coppola was provided.

Mario Puzo, the author of the novel that this is based on, assisted Coppola in the writing of the remarkably original screenplay. The movie opens with an Italian man, quivering with rage, telling the always brilliant Marlon Brando how his daughter was recently beaten within an inch of her life and the attacker got away with barely any punishment.

"I want justice," he says fiercely. We know immediately that what will be dished out will be far from justice. We know that Brando (his character is named Don Vito) is heading some sort of crime organization before any mention of it is given. The term Mafia is never used once in the film, because the theme is so clear without it.

Marlon Brando's sons and daughters are shown in the introction at his daughter's wedding, and their personalities and intentions are as different as can be. His son Sonny (played by James Caan) has a fiery temper and spits at a group of private detectives after smashing their cameras to bits.

His son Michael (in a career-making performance by Al Pacino) tells his girlfriend (Diane Keaton) a story. In the story, his father (Brando) gave a man "an offer he couldn't refuse" (a term that has now become a part of American culture). This means that a gun was put to a man's head, and it was assured that either his brains or his signature would be on a contract that his father wanted signed. Michael's girlfriend looks at him with shock and horror when she hears the story, and Michael firmly says "That's my family…it's not me." What follows is a nasty run-in with the illegal narcotics gang in which Don Vito is shot and nearly killed. In one of the most powerful scenes in the history of cinema, Michael turns on his word to his love and murders a police officer and a gang member in cold blood.

The Godfather is like a Shakespearean tragedy. We see a man who is pure of heart and has good intentions plummet deep into a dark and senseless life.

The theme of the movie isn't carried forward with gunfights, car chases and constant action. It is a well-paced drama with sudden bursts of shocking violence to keep the audience's attention. And to hold it all together so beautifully, there is Nino Rota's haunting musical score.

This is the first and most powerful installment in arguably the best trilogy in the history of film. This movie alone has paved the way for epics and single-handedly created new standards for film-making excellence.

This is not only the Best Picture of 1972, as its well-earned Oscar states. I feel that this is the Best Picture of all time.


2. 用英语表达为什么喜欢电影《教父》

What a shocking movie! Most incredible achievement movie ever that directed by famous Francis Ford Coppola. The greatest 3-part gangster movie made him won 47th Academy Award in Directing 1974. He is from a superb and legendary movie family. His nephew is the superstar Nicolas Cage, his daughter is also a famous director, Sofia Coppola. The casting of Godfather serial saga is unprecendented: Marlon Brando, Rober De Niro, Al Pacino, Robert Duval, Diane Keaton, all these superstars are Academy winners too.The Movie were so close to describe what really happened in 1950 American gangster story. even it said some part of underground hero style which challenge the sociaty value that moment. The great saga was going through almost 2 decades. the amazing one was Part to Part 3 it took over 16 years long. length of 3 movies was over 520 minutes, it means almost 9 hours, an epic movies truly. Though it took such a long time. it still captured the heart and focus from all fans.I have been seen twice of each part and why? Such a greatest saga woulc never showup up in our history again. superb story, director, actors and actress, film, editing, it could never had such a combination again. countless words for me to describe the greatest epic movies.

3. 用英语写出电影教父的主要内容几句话就可以

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding with his wife Carmela. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family.

4. 你对著名电影→教父,(共3部)是怎么评价的


听说,斯坦利·库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)看《教父》看到第十遍的时候承认,这可能是历史上最伟大的电影。这样的天才看了十遍就下了这样的定论,而我这样的庸才只看了一遍就完全被震撼了。不过我又看了将近五十遍,包括后边的两个续集,细算一下等于我花了五百个小时去看同一部电影,我没觉得疯狂和奢侈。即便看了很多遍,每次我都一样的投入,总是告诉自己:只看半小时,只看这一段,但不知不觉又看到了结尾。经常看到有评论说,《教父》第三集和前两集不相配,水平欠缺。我不喜欢看那些影评人的评论,他们只是把电影当做职业,我难以相信一个为了赶稿而看片的人能真正的读懂一部电影。所以对于我来说,《教父》就是我的最爱,我给三集都打十分。现在,我把我最喜欢的教父说来和你分享。

1. 开场的书房一段戏被称为影史最伟大的十个开场之一,但我倒觉得这一组镜头在近十个小时的电影里,只是一般稍好的水平。不过从这里我开始喜欢上汤姆TomHagen ,他可是我在这部史诗里最欣赏的一个角色,因为我认为他身上具有一个普通男人最有 价值的两种素质:冷静和忠诚。这和天赋无关,和地位无关,任何一个男人都应有这样的素质,他比任何人做的都好。说到书房的这场戏,我最印象深刻的是马龙·白兰度(MarlonBrando)起身的时候,他放下那只举世闻名的猫,以一个很cool的姿势站了起来,打算告诉殡仪馆的老板什么是友谊,也就是说屋子里的四个人有三个都站了起来,此时我往往会注意汤姆,他非常优雅的放下酒杯,standing,walking slowly,步伐迷人。好象类似的场合我可没有这么识趣,会傻乎乎的坐在那里。


3. 和索龙多的谈判中桑尼插了半句话,当然是因为教父打断了他,可遗憾的是索龙多已经明白了他的意思。我一直认为是他这句话,他这半句话为教父招来了杀身之祸。如果科里昂家族里没有人支持贩毒,恐怕杀了教父也没用,何况他还说大家井水不犯河水。但就凭桑尼的这半句话,索龙多听到了桑尼的合作倾向,于是他决定干掉教父,那样将由长子桑尼接管家族生意,他们就有可能合作了。后来教父教训了儿子:Never tell anybody outside the family what you are thinking again。相似的是在第三集里迈克用类似的话教训了文森特:Never let anyone know what you are thinking。

4. 阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)接受金球奖终身成就奖的时候,有一个让我很激动的场面,颁奖嘉宾凯文·斯派西(Kevin Spacey)带领全体观众一起高喊阿尔的名字,然后在众人“AlPacino!”的欢呼声中,凯文又和大家重温了阿尔的很多精彩表演,但得到最高评价的是两个经典场景,第一个是《闻香识女人》里那段探戈,第二个就是迈克在刺杀索龙多和警察局长前那三十秒的表演,据说试镜的时候他就是靠这一段征服了派拉蒙的老板。而那三十秒也让我很着迷,看了很多遍也学不来的。

5.桑尼死后,教父把他的尸体带到了殡仪馆,让老板来为之整理遗容。似乎教父的地位不容许他在别人的面前显露出一丝的软弱,在这场戏之前还不太容易看到教父对于失去儿子的真正反应。他在殡仪馆哭了,马龙·白兰度在这里的表演体现了他演技之神的价值,我能感受到一个父亲对于儿子最真挚最深沉的爱,那爱打动了我。我想那一刻对于一个父亲来说,即便是一位高高在上的big shot,也实在是太痛苦,太难承受了。


7. 在弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)的所有作品中,我最喜欢三部:《教父》、《吸血僵尸惊情四百年》、《现代启示录》。而他最招牌的剪切也都出现在这几部电影中,我还是更偏爱迈克处理五大家族首领的这一部分,暗杀和洗礼的穿插进行。“Michael,do you believe in God?”,“I do.”你觉得他是不是另一种意义上的上帝?我看是,至少那天他的手下们会这样认为。辛德勒告诉德国军官:当你能够杀人时候却放他一条生路,这才能证明你的权力。但在这里迈克证明自己绝对权力的手段是:杀掉别人认为你无法杀掉的人。

8. 卡洛出卖了自己的朋友,也是自己妻子的哥哥,所以迈克是不会放过他的。在卡洛的家里他用自己那逼人的威慑很轻松的让卡洛招了供。记得他怎么说的吗?“卡洛,别告诉我你是无辜的,因为那会是对我智力的一种侮辱,我会很生气。”我想如果牛津词典找不到对cool的合适解释,可以考虑把这一段加上。

9. 其实凯伊看了报纸之后已经怀疑迈克的所作所为了,但她还是希望从丈夫的 嘴里得到确认,因为她相信他不会骗她。而迈克本不想说,可伊逼得太紧,所以他决定撒一个慌。坦白的说,我第一次看到这里的时候也在心里暗自祈祷,希望迈克骗一次自己心爱的女人,这并不会影响他在我心目中的地位。随后凯伊相信了他,打算去为他倒杯茶,这时迈克开始接受手下的致敬,艾尔很有意味的关上了门。请留意黛安·基顿的表情,你说她在想什么?

10. 在看《教父续集》的时候,我一直很惊叹罗伯特·德·尼罗(Robert De Niro )对马龙·白兰度的模仿,很多姿势都是相当惟妙惟肖的。而这一集里阿尔·帕西诺就更令人兴奋了。他那冷冷的眼神使你很难把注意力从他身上挪开。我很为他不平的是,演了三集《教父》却没能得一座奥斯卡奖,哪怕是第一集的配角。估计看的太多,评委们把阿尔当成了本色演出。

11. 迈克在经历了袭击之后,决定把家族的管理全都交给汤姆,独自去调查谁是内线。他告诉汤姆:我们的兄弟其实都是生意人,他们的忠诚都是建立在钱的基础上的。换句话说就是不能轻易相信任何人,这也是他们为什么这么重视家族这个概念的原因,因为这是他们最能感到安全感的一个人群。可迈克做梦也没有想到是自己的亲哥哥把敌人带进了他的宅院。

12. 记得佛雷多是怎么说漏嘴的吧?他一到交际场合就会忘乎所以,很快让迈克知道了他和海门罗斯的关系。当时,迈克就站在他的身后,面无表情的看着他,只等他的话证实自己的怀疑。此后他在舞会上找到了自己的哥哥,狠狠的吻在他的嘴上(你还见过这样的cool的吻吗?),他还能怎么表达自己无奈又失望的感情呢,“我知道是你了,我知道是你了,你伤透了我的心!”

13. 在讨论如何处理海门罗斯的时候,汤姆反对冒险,而迈克却决定立刻解决敌人,不给他以喘息的机会。“If anything in this life is certain, if history has taug ht us anything,it’s that you can kill anyone.”这句话的确是一个黑帮老大才有权力说的话,够蛮横,够气魄。而他的决断成功的除掉了一个劲敌,但也牺牲了三大心腹中的一个,洛可。

14. Frankie本是迈克的人,由于海门罗斯的挑拨才公开反对迈克的,所以当他明白真相后放弃了对迈克的指证。可惜行有行规的,事情不会这样结束,汤姆和弗兰基进行了一段谈话来解决问题,那真是一次默契的对话: Tom: 如果反对罗马国王的长老失败了,他还有一次活命机会,… Frankie: 那是有钱人,小人物可不行,小人物会被清除干净,除非他自行了断 ,才可 保全家族的财富,使家人得到妥善的安排。 Tom: 那真是一个好机会,好交易。 Frankie: 然后他回到家里,坐在热水里,切开手腕,流血至死。 Tom: 你会没事的,Frankie,一切都会没事的。 Frankie: 谢谢,Tom,谢谢。 随后,弗兰基像他自己说的,用最悲壮的方式表达自己的忠诚,保住自己的家族 。

15. 第二集的结尾是我最喜欢的一个家族场面,四个儿子和一个女儿等着父亲回来切蛋糕,共庆生日。那温暖的家庭氛围让我羡慕不已:桑尼在迈克头上的一吻,佛雷多对弟弟简单的祝贺,还有桑尼和汤姆的嬉闹,只是没有看到父亲的出场。据说,科波拉打算让白兰度来客串一个镜头的,可该死的制片方由于和白兰度有矛盾拒绝了这个请求。他们不知道他们可能错过了一个最伟大的结尾,由于白兰度的缺席,这个结尾好像还是少了点什么。

16. 科波拉起用自己的女儿索非亚(Sophia Coppola)出演迈克的女儿一角被认为是他最大的败笔。可我看来倒也不至于太差,毕竟和她演对手戏的人都是影帝影后级别的大腕,能有这样的表演已经很不错了。她和安迪·加西亚(Andi Garcia)之间还是能擦出火花的,尽管加西亚的演出超出了他不少。

17. 迈克接受教会的嘉奖,在照完全家福之后还切了蛋糕,很漂亮很气派的大蛋糕。记得是谁送的吗?恩佐。就是那个在第一集里要被美国政府遣送回意大利,却和老板的女儿相爱的那个意大利小伙子。为了把他留在美国和女儿完婚,他的岳父只得去求教父帮忙,第一集后来没有交代,到了这里我们才又有了他的消息。

18. Fonda家族也算是好莱坞的演艺世家了,布里吉特.方达(Bridget Fonda)在第三集里也惊艳了一小把,被文森特骗上了床。由于家庭背景,她的气质确实与众不同,加上傲人的身材,成为第三集里的一个小小的亮点。我认为,即便在这种史诗中演一个小角色也比在《龙之吻》这种烂片中演个主角强百倍。

19. 乔伊·萨沙对委员们的大屠杀是我很钟爱的一场戏,我个人把这次的直升机袭击和迈克·曼《盗火线》里的银行大战、吴宇森《喋血双雄》中的教堂决战并列为三场最伟大的枪战(或许我看的太少了,不过这三种风格的确普及得很广)。

20. 迈克因为下令处决自己的哥哥佛雷多而产生的自责和内疚在他的老年变的更加剧烈,那本就是一个很难下定的决心,他最后一次拥抱哥哥时对手下使的那个眼色深深的印在我的脑海里。看到他中风时大喊“Fredo”,我几乎哭了出来,那是一声撕心裂肺的惨叫,还带着绝望般的忏悔。电影的后一半他真的有机会在上帝面前告解,他在神父的善导下反思自己,当他哭着说他杀了自己母亲的儿子时,连神父都停顿了一下。的确,这实在是太深重了,这样的罪责已经压了迈克几近一生。

21. 艾尔(Al Neri)是迈克的贴身保镖,他在三集《教父》中都露了面,这可是一个难得的荣耀。由于我对忠诚的迷恋,使我对艾尔的好感由来已久。第一集里他露面很晚,但他完成了迈克的大清洗计划中最重要的一击,是他结果了巴奇尼。年轻的他身手敏捷,枪法如神。到了第二集里,他已经是迈克不可缺少的得力助手,可惜才两年他就胖了不少,肚子明显大了一圈,想来不是导演的安排。最后一集里他派人帮助文森特除掉了乔伊· 萨沙,结尾又在罗马教堂亲自出手。让我高兴的是,他减肥很成功,简直比第一集里还要苗条。

5. 求一篇关于电影<教父>的英语文章

楼上的人是抄wikipedia 的内容


During a backyard wedding reception for his daughter, Connie, and his new son-in-law, Carlo Rizzi, Don Vito Corleone, a Mafia boss known as the Godfather, concts business in his office. With him are his oldest son, Sonny, and his adopted son and family lawyer, Tom Hagen. Several people come to Vito's office to make requests, including Bonasera, an undertaker seeking revenge for a crime against his daughter, and Johnny Fontane, a Frank Sinatra-like singer and actor who wants Vito to help land him a part in a movie. As the wedding reception draws to a close, Vito dispatches Tom to Los Angeles to talk to Jack Woltz, the studio owner. Despite Tom's prodding, Woltz refuses to give Fontane the part, so the Corleones make Woltz “an offer he can't refuse.” The day after the meeting with Tom, Woltz wakes up in a blood-stained bed to discover the severed head of his prized horse under the covers at his feet.

Back in New York, a gangster named Sollozzo wants to involve the Corleone family in his narcotics smuggling operation. Two other crime families, the Barzinis and Tattaglias, are already in on the scheme, but Sollozzo wants Vito's protection and financing too. Vito arranges a meeting with Sollozzo. Sonny and Tom support the idea of expanding the family business, but Vito cannot overcome his initial skepticism about the scheme and his distaste for drug trafficking. Vito rejects the offer and orders his bodyguard, Luca Brasi, to investigate Sollozzo. Luca is murdered, and shortly afterward a hit man attempts to assassinate Vito while he shops at a fruit market. Vito survives the shooting but is badly hurt, and Sonny temporarily takes control of the family business.

Vito's youngest son, Michael, a World War II hero, is in town for his sister's wedding, accompanied by his WASP girlfriend from New England, Kay Adams. Unlike Sonny and Tom, Michael is a “civilian” who has vowed never to get involved in the family business. While visiting his father in the hospital, however, Michael discovers that the guards who were supposed to be protecting Vito have disappeared, leaving Vito vulnerable to another assassination attempt. Michael hides his father and pretends to be a gangster holding a gun to scare off the assassins. He grills a crooked cop named Captain McCluskey about whereabouts of the men who should be guarding Vito, and McCluskey punches him. Michael is knocked unconscious. Days later, after receiving advice and a gun from members of the family, Michael arranges to meet at a quiet Italian restaurant with Sollozzo and McCluskey to negotiate a peace. At the meeting, Michael kills both men. He then flees to Sicily, where Vito was born.

Newspaper headlines announce the slew of Mafia killings that follow. Vito Corleone returns home from the hospital and is disappointed to learn that Michael has participated in a Mafia killing. While Vito recovers from his gunshot wounds, hot-headed Sonny and cautious Tom debate whether to escalate the war with the Tattaglias, Sollozzo's sponsors.

When Sonny sees Connie with a black eye, he learns that Carlo has been beating Connie, and he attacks Carlo brutally, hitting him with a trash can. After she suffers another beating, Connie calls Sonny, crying. He loses his temper and in a fit of rage drives off to beat, if not kill, Carlo. Unaccompanied by bodyguards, Sonny is an easy target for the Corleones' enemies. When he stops his car at a tollbooth, the car in front of him stops and gunmen hiding in the tollbooth open fire. Sonny staggers out of the car, riddled with bullets, and falls dead.

Meanwhile, in picturesque Sicily, Michael falls in love at first sight with Apollonia, a young Sicilian beauty. He courts her, and they marry, but the marriage is cut short when Apollonia is killed by a car bomb intended for Michael.

Back in New York, Vito assembles a meeting of the five main Mafia families. He announces that he will forgo vengeance for Sonny's murder on the condition that Michael is allowed to return to New York unharmed.

A year after his return, Michael visits his old flame, Kay Adams, whom he hasn't seen in over two years. He tells her he works for his father now, but in the course of their discussion, he promises that the Corleone family will soon become legitimate. He proposes, and Kay agrees to marry him.

Since Sonny is dead, Michael becomes head of the family. He begins planning to move the Corleone family to Las Vegas to enter the casino business. He demotes his adopted brother Tom from the position of consigliere, the primary advisor to the don. Vito serves as Michael's advisor, but old age starts to take its toll on him and he eventually drops dead while playing with Michael's young son, Anthony, among the tomato plants in his backyard.

Connie and Carlo have asked Michael to be the godfather to their son. As the baptism is performed, the heads of the other New York Mafia families are killed by Corleone hit men on Michael's orders. When Michael exits the church, he gets word that the killings have been successful. He has become the undisputed Mafia boss of the city.

The Corleones are set to move to Las Vegas, but Michael stays behind to finish up some business. This business consists of taking revenge on two traitors to the family. First, he arranges for the killing of Tessio, his father's old associate who has been dealing in secret with the Barzini family. Second, Michael kills his brother-in-law, Carlo, who tipped off the other families, allowing them to kill Sonny.

A few days later, a hysterical Connie accuses Michael of killing her husband, a charge he denies to Kay with a forceful, if not entirely convincing, “No.” Then he retreats to his office, closing his door on his wife, to conct further business.

6. 急求电影教父1的英语介绍。字数要尽量少。 谢谢。

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family



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