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发布时间:2024-10-26 21:18:13

A. 帮忙翻译本杰明巴顿奇事电影的影评,翻译成英语

Have you ever thought about a person from birth is already 80 years of age? Have you thought about life from the age of 80 to 1
year old
forward? Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel "Benjamin Barton"
is about such a


Violate the nature growth regularity of Benjamin to the image of the elderly born
alive, live more and more young, finally become a baby to die in infancy. The film with Benjamin back in time like life,
make people more
profound understanding of life.


That year, with a cane at the age of 12 young man met his life the most important man in the --6 year old girl Daisy,
the two
the life track
of opposite
let this
love is like a fate tragedy began.
Kind and gracious
Daisy, gave Benjamin a lot of warm, they grew closer, have experienced a lot of
things in
life, they get back together. They had a happy and sweet life
together, Mayuzumi Nishi said "we meet" in the life of the point,
Benjamin said
"it is met".
Everyone is
another person's
love life, we expect to fall in love with the right person
at the right time, but most of the time the other side be inopportune or
you old
age he
young, you still young he is old; you have been married,
he also did not
marry, called Xiaoqian female still find love in the world the ultimate, Ning has the love for his wife. We're meant to lose the people we love, otherwise we will not know how important they are to us.


But Benjamin realized that he would become a child, Daisy can't feed them two children at the same time, determined to leave Daisy and her daughter. The thought of Benjamin and Daisy's story is the time of the jealousy,
so beautiful
tears, the thought of
Daisy, her lover unexpectedly into the embrace of dead babies, she hugged Benjamin is like hugging a snowman melting body, but in fact I can feel sadness and more. As Benjamin's father had put him as a monster like discarded, people live in does not stop because of various normal standard principles to make a choice, we chose a correct life,
however this kind
of life is very
correct, very lonely. When Benjamin finally to a lovely baby looks dead in the grey-haired Daisy arms, this is not so warm ending a film Punchline, let a person feel even the greatest love will come to end in death, according to the director said, "the greatest love is always in the shadow of death to measure" death makes life more cruel and true. Life is a process, sadly, it can not again, good news is that it does
not need
to do......

B. 《返老还童》英语简介

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher. The screenplay by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord is loosely based on the 1921 short story of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film stars Brad Pitt as a man who ages in reverse and Cate Blanchett as the love interest throughout his life. The film was released in the United States on December 25, 2008.

The film received thirteen Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for Pitt, and Best Supporting Actress for Taraji P. Henson. It won Oscars for Art Direction, Makeup, and Visual Effects.

C. 电影"返老还童"的英语介绍.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American drama film, inspired by the 1921 short story of the same name written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film was directed by David Fincher, written by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord, and stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. The film was released in the United States on December 25, 2008.

The film received thirteen Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor for Pitt, and Best Supporting Actress for Taraji P. Henson. It won three Oscars for Art Direction, Makeup, and Visual Effects, and has tied the record for the most nominated film not to win the Academy Award for Best Picture with The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

The elderly Daisy (Cate Blanchett) is on her deathbed with her daughter Caroline (Julia Ormond) in a New Orleans hospital as Hurricane Katrina approaches in August 2005. Daisy tells the story of a blind clockmaker named Gateau (Elias Koteas), who was commissioned to create a clock to hang in the New Orleans train station. After receiving news of his son's death in World War I, he continued work on his clock, but intentionally designed it to run backward, in the hope that it would bring back those who died in the war. After her cryptic story, Daisy asks Caroline to read aloud from a diary containing photographs and postcards written by Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt). Caroline begins to read as the story transitions to Benjamin's narration.

On November 11, 1918, just as the people of New Orleans are celebrating the end of World War I, a baby boy is born with the appearance and physical maladies of an elderly man. The mother of the baby dies shortly after giving birth, and the father, Thomas Button (Jason Flemyng), takes the baby and abandons him on the porch of a nursing home. Queenie (Taraji P. Henson) and Tizzy (Mahershalalhashbaz Ali), a couple who work at the nursing home, find the baby. Queenie, who is unable to conceive, decides to take the baby in as her own, against Tizzy's wishes. She names the baby Benjamin.

Over the course of the story, Benjamin begins to biologically grow younger. In 1930, while still appearing to be in his seventies, he meets a young girl named Daisy (Elle Fanning), whose grandmother lives in the nursing home. The children play together and listen to Daisy's grandmother read from a storybook.

A few years later, Benjamin goes to work on a tugboat on the docks of New Orleans for Captain Mike (Jared Harris). In their free time, the captain takes him to brothels and bars. For the first time, Benjamin meets Thomas Button, who does not reveal that he is Benjamin's father. Later, Benjamin leaves New Orleans with the tugboat crew for a long-term work engagement; Daisy asks him to send her postcards from his travels, which Benjamin does.

During a stay in Russia, Benjamin meets a British woman named Elizabeth Abbott (Tilda Swinton) and falls in love with her; Daisy is visibly hurt to receive this news via postcard. Elizabeth is already married, but she has an affair with Benjamin. The fling ends the day after the Pearl Harbor attack, when Elizabeth abruptly departs.

Benjamin gets caught up in World War II when Captain Mike's boat and crew are enlisted by the United States Navy. After engaging a German U-boat in battle, Captain Mike and most of the sailors perish. After this, Benjamin, after seeing a hummingbird, sees death in a different way, as opposed to the retirement home where death seemed more natural.

Benjamin again meets Thomas Button, who is dying. Thomas reveals to Benjamin that he is his father and bequeaths all of his assets to Benjamin, including the house and the family button-making business. Benjamin eventually makes peace with his father before the elder Button dies.

In 1945, Benjamin returns to New Orleans, and learns that Daisy has become a successful dancer in New York City. When he travels there to meet Daisy at a performance, he finds Daisy has fallen in love with a fellow dancer, and tries to accept that their lives have separated.

Daisy's dance career is ended by a car accident in Paris. When Benjamin goes to see her, Daisy is amazed at his youthful appearance, but frustrated at her own injuries, she turns him away by telling Benjamin to stay out of her life.

In 1962, Daisy returns to New Orleans and meets Benjamin again. Now the same physical age, they fall in love and move in together. They experience the 1960s together, in large part blissfully but increasingly aware of Benjamin growing younger while Daisy grows older.

Daisy gives birth to a girl, Caroline. Benjamin, believing he cannot be a father to his daughter e to his reverse aging, and not wanting to burden Daisy with having to raise two children, sells his belongings, and leaves the proceeds to Daisy and Caroline. He leaves them both and travels the world.

Reading this account in the hospital room of 2005, Caroline learns that Benjamin is her father. She is upset that Daisy took such a long time to inform her of this, but finds that Benjamin sent her a postcard from everywhere for each of her birthdays expressing his love for his daughter.

In 1980, Benjamin, now looking like a young man, returns to meet Daisy in her dance studio. The aging Daisy is now married to Robert Williams, a kind man who supports her well, to Benjamin's relief. Daisy introces Benjamin to Robert and the 12-year-old Caroline as a long-time family friend. Daisy and Benjamin then meet privately in Benjamin's hotel where they share their passion for each other, but they mutually realize that Daisy has become too old for Benjamin.

Benjamin departs again and continues to grow younger. One day Daisy receives a phone call from social workers. They inform her that they found Benjamin - now a young pre-teen just hitting puberty - living in a condemned building, and that they called her because they saw her name all over his diary. The social workers believe that he has dementia as he sometimes forgets that he had just eaten and cannot remember Daisy or much of his past. Daisy moves into the nursing home where Benjamin grew up and takes care of him as he becomes a confused 5-year-old boy with a growing temper.

In 2002, Mr. Gateau's old clock is removed from the train station. Shortly afterward, in the spring of 2003, the now-physically infant, 85-year-old Benjamin dies in Daisy's arms. At the moment before Benjamin dies, Daisy claims to have seen in his eyes that he still remembered her.

In the 2005 hospital room, the hurricane raging outside downs the electrical system. As Caroline briefly leaves the room, Daisy passes away, her wish of seeing Benjamin again seemingly answered by a hummingbird hovering outside the storm-drenched windows. Against the sounds of the city's emergency sirens and reports of breached levees, the backwards clock is shown in a basement, still working, as floodwaters envelope the storage room where it is kept.

D. 电影返老还童详细剧情

1918年,一战进入尾声。欧洲战胜的那天,新奥尔良一个姓巴顿的家里,一个男婴呱呱坠地。小巴顿甫一出生,便似乎与众不同:母亲难产而死,接生的医生吓得魂不守舍,而父亲更狠心把这个初生婴儿丢弃到了老人院门口!当老人院的黑人大婶发现小巴顿时,她同样吓得不轻--眼前这个幼小的婴孩居然一生下来就是个满头白发、一脸皱纹的古稀老头!然而,善良的大婶并没有嫌弃这个弃婴。她收留了本杰明,并悉心照顾。 在偏僻的老人院,貌若八十岁老头的本杰明并不显突兀。于是,年复一年,他快乐地长大了。说来也怪,本杰明的生物钟似乎是倒退着走的--别人越活越老,他却越活越年轻。直到有一天,这个十二岁的小老头遇上了前来探望祖母的六岁小女孩黛西(艾利·范宁饰)。当本杰明在老人院里遇到了彻底改变他一生的第二个女人时,她的可爱和纯真彻底征服了“老男人”巴顿的心。而巴顿同样真诚、清澈的心也感动了小黛茜,两人之间的爱慕之意开始萌芽…… 十几年后,第二次世界大战的战火更加猛烈地燃烧着整个世界。动乱局势中,本杰明·巴顿和许多美国人一样,乘坐船从美国来到英国为反法西斯战争做出贡献。这期间,他遇见了各种各样的人物,目睹到了真正人生的悲剧,也体验到人性最伟大的光辉。这当中,他遇见了伊丽莎白·阿伯特(蒂尔达·斯温顿饰),拥有了一段短暂的恋情,而对方却已婚,不久就离去了。 二战争结束后,本杰明重返美国。此时的他已然摆脱了儿时老态的模样,渐渐长成中年人。
《返老还童》电影剧照(8张)并且,命中注定般地在纽约与儿时的梦中情人黛茜(凯特·布兰切特饰)重逢。而此时黛茜也出落成一位风姿可人、事业成功的漂亮舞者了。然而这时黛西却已另有爱人,本杰明只得黯然离去。 两人再一次的相遇,源于黛西的受伤,她再不能够舞蹈,黛西不愿让本杰明看到病床上的自己而让他离开。又过了几年,他们再次在老人院相遇。两人经过成熟的交往之后,终于在年龄和外表都完全匹配的情况下一同度过了幸福美好的几年时光。就在所有人都苦于岁月带给他们的衰老之时,本杰明·巴顿却犹如返老还童一般逆行而上。他们有了女儿,可是本杰明注定要年轻下去,最终变成孩童,他觉得自己无法陪伴孩子成长,选择离开。 几年后本杰明从印度回来,发现黛西与一位鳏夫结了婚,见他们相处融洽,本杰明放心的同时又有些悲伤。他的年纪越来越大,身体却越来越小,患上了“儿童老年痴呆症”。孤儿院工作者通过他的日记找到了黛西。此时本杰明已经忘了一切,而且越来越像个孩子。黛西每天都看望他,陪伴他走过了生命的最后时光。

E. 一部电影结局是一对深爱的人,最后他们死时,女孩老了,男孩成了婴儿


F. 两部英语原版电影介绍。

二战争结束后,本杰明重返美国。此时的他已然摆脱了儿时老态的模样,渐渐成长为帅气且魅力十足的中年人。并且,命中注定般地在纽约与儿时的梦中情人黛茜重逢。而此时黛茜也出落成一位风姿可人、事业成功的漂亮舞者了。两人经过成熟的交往之后,终于在年龄和外表都完全匹配的情况下一同度过了幸福美好的几年时光。但是,随着时间的继续,本杰明继续年轻,英俊阳光的他也吸引来另一位迷人姑娘伊丽莎白·阿伯特(蒂尔达·斯温顿饰)的闯入。就在所有人都苦于岁月带给他们的衰老之时,本杰明·巴顿却犹如返老还童一般逆行而上。就像这个经历了两次世界大战洗礼过的世界一样,愈发地显现出青春活力。与此同时,巴顿与爱人们的关系也遭遇了种种难以逾越的障碍…… 《盗梦空间》道姆·柯布(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)与同事阿瑟(约瑟夫·戈登-莱维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 饰)和纳什(卢卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas 饰)在一次针对日本能源大亨齐藤(渡边谦 饰)的盗梦行动中失败,反被齐藤利用。齐藤威逼利诱因遭通缉而流亡海外的柯布帮他拆分他竞争对手的公司,采取极端措施在其唯一继承人罗伯特·费希尔(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰)的深层潜意识中种下放弃家族公司、自立门户的想法。为了重返美国,柯布偷偷求助于岳父迈尔斯(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰),吸收了年轻的梦境设计师艾里阿德妮(艾伦·佩吉 Ellen Page 饰)、梦境演员艾姆斯(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)和药剂师约瑟夫(迪利普·劳 Dileep Rao 饰)加入行动。在一层层递进的梦境中,柯布不仅要对付费希尔潜意识的本能反抗,还必须直面已逝妻子梅尔(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)的处处破坏,实际情况远比预想危险得多……



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