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发布时间:2024-10-22 07:43:35

1. 求一篇英文电影影评。小学—初中的写作水平

the adventures of huckieberry finn is set in the usa inthe mid 19th cemtury .it tells the story of ateenage

2. 5篇英语影评要自己写的每篇50词就行了

<the corpse pride>
this movie is so beautiful,the pride sang well,those ghosts were so cute,and the vows were so moving.I like it very much and I want to watch it again,it is like a farytale,if I were the pride,i will be happy.

people often say that life just like dream.the film express an attitude we live in the world.the sence is very grand ring the different dreams .it is very attractive for audience to appreciate the movie .at last we even dont know where we live .it's dream or reality.

<Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩)>
This movie tell us what are the most important things around world.They are life and cradit.Life is precious,in this movie the captain want to save Ryan's life.But the captain died at last.Before he died he told Ryan to be a good man.At the end of movie.Old Ryan walk to the captain's tombstone and ask his wife:"Am I a good man?"
We should protect our life keep it colorful.And we must be good men.We must be the honest!

<阿甘正传 Forrest Gump>
阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。影片中还有一位主要人物是丹中尉。他在越南战争中失去了双腿。他说他的命运就是战死。然而阿甘却救他,让他活了下来。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活,生活得很颓废,责怪阿甘当初救了他。然而当他调整心态,去和阿甘一起捕鱼生活,有了收获后,开始感觉到生活的美好。感谢阿甘当初就了他。影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的。乌云后有彩虹,绝境后有重生。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态,一个机会去改变不好的现状。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息:或许做好我们该做的每一件事,生活就会给我们一个好的回馈。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。
Mr. Gump has his own perseverance, keeping on running without any reason, JUST RUN. He said: “Man has to look forward, and never encumbers by foretime. I think that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to following others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. Gump does and becomes “GOD”. There is another character Lieutenant Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnam War. He said that his fate was death in war. However, Mr.Gump saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, complaining that Gump shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with Gump, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank Gump's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after clouds. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie also sends such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if there is perseverance.

Today I watched the movie 'Sherlock Holmes', perhaps the most well-known detective movie in the world. I love to watch the Holmes detecive series since childhood and I am familiar with every case he solved. The movie enthralls me bacause it shows the other side of Holmes. In the movie he was not only intelligent, but also romantic and mascular. The movie may altered the image of Holmes, yet I found it entertaining as it contains many interesting elements--fights, romance and adventure. I would like to see more alteration of this kind.

<Super Man>
Today I go to see a movie ,and the name is Super Man.In this movie the man have very big power and his dream is to protect everyone who is in trouble.That movie teaches us that the life is not as bad as most people feel and don't give up no matter what happens.There is always someone who can help you as if you insist.


3. 请问怎么样写英语电影影评就是影评的格式。


例如:《刺杀希特勒》(Valkyrie:历史) 2009 (115 min) 英文影评:
What becomes of a movie star when the career hits a hiccup and the lustre starts to fade? If the movie star is smart, they go back to basics, reconnecting with the fire of their formative years. What drove them back then? What first made them strive for greatness? "When I was a kid I always wanted to kill Hitler," Tom Cruise revealed recently. "I hated that guy and all he stood for."

Valkyrie, then, is not just the latest Tom Cruise action thriller. It is the fruition of a dream; a boyhood fantasy writ large; a Hollywood blockbuster that provides an opportunity that was denied him in life. Inevitably he bungles it.

Bryan Singer's picture casts Cruise as Claus von Stauffenberg, the Wehrmacht colonel who spearheaded the 20 July 1944 plot to save the fatherland. Wounded in battle and sporting a natty eye-patch, von Stauffenberg has grown sick of war. He wants to "show the world that not all Germans are like Hitler". He hates that guy and all he stands for.

The obvious sticking point here is that (spoiler!) von Stauffenberg did not actually kill Hitler. The plot failed and the conspirators were executed. Played as a tragedy, or a stark study of failed ambitions, this might not have been a problem. Except that Singer opts to frame Valkyrie as a high-concept wartime suspense thriller, inviting us to suspend our disbelief and go along for the ride.

The 1944 plot was at least fiendishly planned and generally well executed. Singer's, by contrast, seems flawed and foolhardy from the start.

But what of Singer's co-conspirator? Valkyrie paints von Stauffenberg as the archetypal "good German", a model of elegant disenchantment. And yet Cruise, for all his skills as a performer, does not do disenchantment. For all the anguished moments of doubt, the constant stares into the mirror, his von Stauffenberg is essentially Top Gun with an eye-patch.

The film's curious melange of dialects only underscores this quality. Von Stauffenberg's cohorts are played by British actors (Bill Nighy, Terence Stamp, Kenneth Branagh) who deliver their lines in English accents. The villainous Nazi is portrayed by German actor Thomas Kretschmann who speaks English in a German accent. And then - standing separate and apart - is Cruise himself, intoning his lines in pureblood American. He might as well have been dropped in from an Allied plane; a gung-ho Hollywood hero sent in to clean up a very European mess. He couldn't manage it as a kid, and he can't quite do it now. Hitler one; Tom Cruise nil.

什么成为一个电影明星,当职业生涯击呃逆和光泽开始褪色?如果是聪明的电影明星,他们回归本源,重新与消防的形成时期。是什么驱使他们回呢?第一次是什么使他们争取的伟大? “当我还是孩子的我一直想杀死希特勒, ”汤姆克鲁斯近日透露。 “我讨厌那个家伙和他主张。 ”


布莱恩辛格的图片蒙上克鲁斯的克劳斯冯施陶芬贝格,在国防军上校谁带头1944年7月20号阴谋拯救祖国。在战斗中受伤,并身穿整洁眼补丁,冯施陶芬贝格增加患病的战争。他希望“向世界表明,并不是所有的德国人喜欢希特勒” 。他讨厌那个家伙和他主张。

最明显的症结是, (扰流板! )冯施陶芬贝格实际上没有杀死希特勒。阴谋失败,阴谋被处决。打一场悲剧,或形成了鲜明的研究没有野心,这可能不是一个问题。但辛格选择框女神作为高概念战时悬疑惊悚片,邀请我们停止我们的怀疑和凑凑热闹。


但是歌手的同谋?女神油漆冯施陶芬贝格作为典型的“德国好人” ,一个优雅的模型觉醒。但克鲁斯,他的所有技能,作为一个演员,不会觉醒。所有的痛苦的时刻,毫无疑问,不断地凝视到镜子,他的冯施陶芬贝格基本上是壮志凌云的眼睛修补程序。

影片的好奇混杂的方言不仅强调了这一点质量。冯施陶芬贝格的同伙正在发挥英国演员(比尔奈伊,特伦邮票,肯尼斯布莱纳)谁提供的线在英语口音。纳粹的罪恶所描绘的是德国演员托马斯克莱彻曼谁讲英语的德国口音。然后-除了常设单独-是克鲁斯本人,他的线intoning美国在pureblood 。他可能也已下降盟军飞机从一个长庚浩好莱坞英雄发出清理非常欧洲一团糟。他无法管理它作为一个孩子,他不能做到现在。希特勒之一;汤姆克鲁斯为零。

4. 急求三篇英文的电影观后感大神们帮帮忙

英文影评:千与千寻(Spirited Away) Animated feature from Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki. A young girl finds herself trapped in a mystical realm, where she must find a way to save her parents - who have been turned into pigs There's something almost criminal about the way Spirited Away took over two years to reach Britain after its original Japanese release. In Japan, Hayao Miyazaki is both commercially successful (his films regularly beat box office records) and highly respected (Akira Kurosawa said: "I am somewhat disturbed when critics lump our works together. One cannot mimimise the importance of Miyazaki's work by comparing it to mine."). In Britain, however, his work has barely got more than a few cursory arts venue screenings. At least Spirited Away - which took the Berlin Golden Bear in 2002 and the Best Animated Film Oscar in 2003 - made it. Better late than never. After the stress of making his last film, 1997's Princess Mononoke, Miyazaki had a breakdown and retired. But he came out of retirement when an idea to create another, lighter film began to take shape. Princess Mononoke was an action-packed epic that ranged across 15th century Japan. For Spirited Away he returned to the quieter - but no less serious - themes that he addressed to a degree in 1988's My Neighbor Tortoro. Both films feature a family moving house, girls getting used to upheaval, and elements of 'Alice In Wonderland'. But where the 1988 film used a few specific motifs from Carroll's book (a plunge into a 'rabbit hole', a version of the Cheshire cat), Spirited Away casts its 10-year-old protagonist, Chihiro (Hragi; or Chase in the US b), fully into a Wonderland, a mystical otherworld populated by animal spirits and gods. Chihiro arrives in this realm by accident. Her parents, heading for their new home, take a road that leads into the woods. Arriving at a dead end, they walk down a corridor through a building and emerge in what dad takes to be "an abandoned theme park". It's something like a Japanese Portmeirion, but eerily deserted. While her parents greedily help themselves to food, Chihiro wanders off and meets Haku (Irino; or Marsden), a boy who warns her to leave before dark. She's too late though - a lake has appeared, blocking her route, ghostly forms have populated the town and her parents have turned into pigs. She's trapped. The only way to survive, Haku tells her, is to get work in the bath house that dominates the town. Here "eight million gods rest their weary bones", according to Yubaba (Natsuki; or Pleshette), the witch who runs the establishment. Chihiro makes her way to meet Yubaba with the help of Kamajii (Sugawara; Ogden Stiers), a multi-limbed codger who runs the boiler house, Lin (Tamai; Egan), a serving woman with a taste for "roasted newt", and even a 'Radish God', a giant sumo of a chap with tuber-like appendages. Yubaba is hardly forthcoming - her realm is "no place for humans" - but she's forced to give Chihiro work, thanks to an oath she swore. Chihiro gets work helping Lin. But the management give them the worst jobs - such as assisting a hideous oozing creature they take to be a "Stink God; an extra large stinker at that". It's an entity so foul its smell makes food rot instantaneously, while its suppurations fill the room with a noxious gloop. Chihiro - or Sen as she becomes when Yubaba takes her name as part of her contract - does get by in the bath house, but it's not without further incident. She may lose her identity, but she retains her decency. One act of kindness results in a dangerous spirit, No Face, getting into the bath house and wreaking havoc by playing on the greed of the other employees ("Gold springs from his palms!"). She even gets involved in an adventure that reveals her mysterious bond with Haku. But can she save her parents? It's often said that Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira (1988) is the greatest anime ever. That's as maybe, but every one of Miyazaki's films is a masterpiece, so it's hard to pick just one that stands out. It's also tricky to compare his works with the more traditionally received notion of anime (giant robots, demons with phallic tentacles, telekinetic fighting, atom bomb-style explosions etc). Although Miyazaki insists it's not his role to be didactic, all of his work (notably his second feature Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind and Princess Mononoke) has strong messages about ecology and the human relationship with the natural world. But he's also fascinated with coming-of-age stories, notably about how girls (many of his protagonists are young females) can not only face up to alt responsibility, but also how they can become strong, principled members of society. Here Chihiro is forced to grow up fast, but the process, while gruelling, is not without real benefits, as her understanding of the way society functions and experience of alt emotions develops exponentially. Some aspects of the film are likely to be too foreign for Westerners - we're ignorant of Japanese belief systems, with their hierarchies of entities - but Miyazaki's work has the power to transcend such culturally specific elements. While many of his earlier films drew on European stories (such as 1986's Castle In The Sky, from Swift), the folkloric features he reworks are often universal. But most of all, his team's animation - here utilising more digital techniques, while still being grounded in 2D traditions - is always beautiful and, in places, breathtaking. Locations are atmospheric, details are immaculate (you can identify the flower species in the gardens) and characters are diverse. Yubaba, for example, is a bizarre creation, a stocky woman with a huge head and even bigger hairdo; the bath house itself is stocked with all sorts of weird and wonderful creatures, from a Kermit-like assistant, to creatures reminiscent of his cuddly woodland deity from My Neighbor Tortoro, to troll-like beasts that look related to Maurice Sendak's 'Wild Things'). The only factor that could be seen as mildly misjudged is J Hisaishi's score, which is overbearing in places. It's no wonder the likes of Pixar's John Lasseter (who executive proced the US b) are so full of praise for Miyazaki. He's a true genius, an artist and great filmmaker who happens to work in animation - a medium often belittled as childish in the West. Spirited Away is wonderful. 蜜蜂总动员 Bee Movie review by Roger Ebert From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. -- Karl Marx Applied with strict rigor, that's how bee society works in Jerry Seinfeld's "Bee Movie" and apparently in real life. Doesn't seem like much fun. You are born, grow a little, attend school for three days, and then go to work for the rest of your life. "Are you going to work us to death?" a young bee asks ring a briefing. "We certainly hope so!" says the smiling lecturer, to appreciative chuckles all around. One bee, however, is not so thrilled with the system. His name is Barry B. Benson, and he is voiced by Seinfeld as a rebel who wants to experience the world before settling down to a lifetime job as, for example, a Crud Remover. He sneaks into a formation of ace pollinators, flies out of the hive, has a dizzying flight through Central Park, and ends up (never mind how) making a friend of a human named Vanessa (voice of Renee Zellweger). Then their relationship blossoms into something more, although not very much more, given the physical differences. Compared to them, a Chihuahua and a Great Dane would have it easy. This friendship is against all the rules. Bees are forbidden to speak to humans. And humans tend to swat bees (there's a good laugh when Barry explains how a friend was offed by a rolled-up of French Vogue). What Barry mostly discovers from human society is, gasp!, that humans rob the bees of all their honey and eat it. He and Adam, his best pal (Matthew Broderick), even visit a bee farm, which looks like forced labor of the worst sort. Their instant analysis of the human-bee economic relationship is pure Marxism, if only they knew it. Barry and Adam end up bringing a lawsuit against the human race for its exploitation of all bees everywhere, and this court case (with a judge voiced by Oprah Winfrey) is enlivened by the rotund, syrupy voiced Layton T. Montgomery (John Goodman), attorney for the human race, who talks like a cross between Fred Thompson and Foghorn Leghorn. If the bees win their case, Montgomery jokes, he'd have to negotiate with silkworms for the stuff that holds up his britches. All of this material, written by Seinfeld and writers associated with his television series, tries hard, but never really takes off. We learn at the outset of the movie that bees theoretically cannot fly. Unfortunately, in the movie, that applies only to the screenplay. It is really, really, really hard to care much about a platonic romantic relationship between Renee Zellweger and a bee, although if anyone could pull if off, she could. Barry and Adam come across as earnest, articulate young bees who pursue logic into the realm of the bizarre, as sometimes happened on the "Seinfeld" show. Most of the humor is verbal, and tends toward the gently ironic rather than the hilarious. Chris Rock scores best, as a mosquito named Mooseblood, but his biggest laugh comes from a recycled lawyer joke. In the tradition of many recent animated films, several famous people turn up playing themselves, including Sting (how did he earn that name?) and Ray Liotta, who is called as a witness because his brand of Ray Liotta Honey profiteers from the labors of bees. Liotta's character and voice work are actually kind of inspired, leaving me to regret the absence of B.B. King, Burt's Bees, Johnny B. Goode, and the evil Canadian bee slavemaster Norman Jewison, who -- oh, I forgot, he exploits maple trees.

5. 英文电影影评100字


Avatar is directed by James Cameron.The two main characters are Jake Sully,played by Sam Worthington,and Neytiri,played by Zoe Saldana.

Clones named Avatars are sent to Pandora Planet to persuade people there to leave the planet so that human beings can exploit a rare mineral.Jake is sent there to control his Avatar.

However,he comes across Neytiri and they fall in love with each other.Jake begins to see that nature and the planet should be protected.At last he and the people there work together to defeat human beings and send them back to the earth.

3D technology and the beautiful natural scenery are the two highlights of the film.The message of the film is simple—human beings should protect nature and live in harmony with it.






6. 电影影评英文范文



Guardians of the Galaxy

The film adapted from the Marvel comic, as the way it once was, there is no doubt that the movie talks about some hero saving people. But in this movie, the hero saved the Galaxy. In the beginning, a little boy was listening music outside the ward, his mother was dying, but the boy can’t acceptit. He run out, at this time,a space ship came out and took him away. Then the scene changed, an interstellar robberfound a mysterious energy ball,but he didn’t expectit would bring complete change in his life.Yes, he was the lost boy from earth many years ago. In order to protect the energy ball, he got some other hero. And this team is not only powerful but also very funny and full of love. Anyway, it’s a film worth seeing


The pianist

This is a movie though the Jewish pianist’seyes of the Germans ring World WarⅡ and exposed to the cruel massacre of the Jews. Before the Nazi came to power, the family of the pianist was living well. With the Nazi persecution of the Jews deepened, the family lived more and more hard. They were forced to move to a cluster with other Jews, and then one day they had to leave for another unknown place. What impressed me so much is the old father bought a small milk sugar and then cut it to pieces for other families. But soon they were separated, the families were taken to concentration camp, only the pianist saved by a Jew assistant police. After that, the pianist started the long road to escape.



This is a story recalled by protagonist in his childhoodabout 4 boys went to search a dead body. And all of these boys are not happy because of the disharmony home environment, the protagonist’s parents are not fond of him, they believe he was not good as his dead brother.The leader is a boy who looks like a thug, but he is the best friend of protagonist, and in fact, he is a smart and kind person.Their journey was arous with many challenges along the way. In the end, they found the dead body, and the protagonist found himself.



On Christmas Eve, the boy received a teddy bear. The boy had no friend, so he wished teddy bear can be alive and talk with him. The next morning, his dream came true, teddy bear talked! And all of countries are shocked. Ted grew up with the boy to alt, and his mind grew too, but they are still best friend. But the man’s girlfriend thought Ted is spare part in their life, so she wanted Ted to leave. The man thought highly of Ted, so he would rather break with his girlfriend. For his best friend, Ted decided to leave. At this time, a Ted’s crazy fan kidnapped Ted. The man and his girlfriend found it and saved Ted out. This movie was rated 12A because of some alt dialogue and scenes, but I think is a good film that tell us the choice between the friendship and love is very important.



This is a very good film, which is about the World WarⅡ. At the end of the war, the United States joined the fight to Germany. The movie talked about a tank named“FURY” fight to Nazi.The soldiers in it thought the tank as their home, and the leader was a hero who saved others many times. In the beginning, they have some other comrades-in-arms, five tanks were destroyed one by one. At last, the “FURY” was the last one who still can fight. And at this time, they got a mission to slow the enemy at a crossroads. But in fact, they knew it’s impossible to finish it alive. They tried their best but at last they failed because of outnumbered.

7. 《怦然心动》简短的影评英文版怎么写


"Heart beating" is a small, special film, it will put you in a warm, interesting, and full of humanistic atmosphere, until finally give you a look is not so unreliable beautiful story.


It's a family movie with great motivation. It has lessons about the details of first love and life, which is much better than putting some talented characters in the center of the movie.





8. 急求英文电影影评100字左右

上豆瓣找好了 但注意right 最好和作者打个招呼 拿到授权再引用



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