导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 看外国电影英文怎么说


发布时间:2024-10-19 17:06:19

『壹』 鐪嬬數褰辩敤鑻辫鐨勮存硶 鐪嬬數褰辫嫳璇鎬庝箞璇


1銆佺湅鐢靛奖锛歴ee a movie銆

2銆佽瘝缁勮В鏋愩傜湅鐢靛奖鍦ㄨ嫳鏂囦腑琚缈昏瘧涓簊ee a movie锛屼负甯歌佺殑鍥哄畾鎼閰嶃傚叾涓璼ee涓哄姩璇嶈瘝鎬э紝琛ㄧず鐪嬨傚叾浠栫殑鍚涔夋湁鈥 鐪嬭侊紱鏄庣櫧锛涗簡瑙o紱缁忓巻锛涜炬兂鈥濄俶ovie 涓哄悕璇嶈瘝鎬э紝鎰忔濇槸鐢靛奖锛屼负鍙鏁板悕璇嶏紝鎵浠ュ墠闈㈠姞鏁拌瘝鈥渁鈥濄

3銆佷緥鍙ワ細I want to see a movie. 鎴戞兂鍘荤湅涓閮ㄧ數褰便侱o you like to see a movie with me锛 浣犳兂鍜屾垜鍘荤湅鐢靛奖鍚楋紵

『贰』 多看看英语电影你的英语会跟好

A large number of Chinese students consider that learning English is a boring and even painful process. However, there is an interesting and effective way of learning English – watching movies in English.
Nowadays, with the help of internet and advanced science and technology, receiving information has been easier than ever before. We can get a lot of English movies through internet and use advanced devices to play them, such as laptop and mobile phone, anywhere and anytime. Watching movies is not only a kind of entertainment, but also an effective way of learning English.
Why watching movies can help improve our English? First, by watching movies, we can understand better how the natives speak English and learn their pronunciation and grammar usage, and correct ours. Second, it is also a good way to realize the thinking pattern of English-speakers. Recognizing the differences between Chinese and foreigners’ thinking patterns can help us speak and write correct pure English. Thirdly, watching movies in English also practice our listening. Instead of reading English words, we listen to what the speakers say and the tone they use. After a period of time, we will find that our listening has improved. Finally, another benefit of watching movies in English is that we can know more and more customs and manners of foreigner countries, which are good for our communication with foreigners.
To sum up, watching English movies can help improve our English in various aspects.

『叁』 看电影的英文怎么写

watch+英国film or 美国video

『肆』 如果她不能正确读一些单词,那么她可以去看英文电影怎么翻译

If she can not pronounce(read) some words correctly, she can watch some English movies

『伍』 看电影用英文怎么说

『陆』 看电影 英文如何说、去看电影英文如何说

1.go to a movie
2.go to the movies.
3.go to the cinema.
4.go to see a film.
5.go to see a movie.

『柒』 英语翻译,“课外可以通过听英文歌,看外国电影学习英语”

We can learn English by watching movies and listening English songs out of class.



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