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发布时间:2024-09-28 15:05:48

① 求一篇电影特种部队的英语介绍ppt

英语 介绍很难的。建议你去英语论坛找老师帮你写一篇。


② 求一个关于电影《孤儿怨》或者《人骨拼图》的电影赏析PPT,要全英文的,中英对照也可以。

Kate and John Coleman are rebuilding their troubled marriage. Kate had a drinking problem, but is in therapy and is doing well. She has been sober for one year. The couple decide to adopt a child. When they meet the nine-year-old Russian girl, Esther, at the St. Marina Orphanage, they immediately fall in love with the well-ecated orphan. Their young son, Daniel, is hostile to his new sister; but their deaf daughter, little Max, is enchanted with her - at first. Eventually, Kate begins to feel that Esther is manipulative and possibly even psychologically disturbed. John refuses to listen to his wife's misgivings, and the wounds in their marriage reopen. Kate calls Sister Abigail at the orphanage, and the nun informs her that Esther has a troubled and mysterious history. Kate delves further into Esther's past and discovers she is not all she pretends to be.

Quadripeligic ex-cop Lincoln Rhyme was looking forward to his assisted suicide when he got the news: some sicko was abcting people in a taxi and leaving them to die in particularly sadistic ways. With time counting down between each abction and possible death, Rhyme recruits rather-unwilling Amelia Donaghy, haunted by her cop father's suicide and thinking she's next, into working the crime scenes to track down the killer.

③ 美国的电影《触不到的恋人》英语介绍PPT

The Lake House (2006) - DVD-Rip - English

An independent-minded doctor (Sandra Bullock) who once occupied an unusual lakeside home begins exchanging love letters with its newest resident, a frustrated architect (Keanu Reeves). When they discover that they're actually living two years apart, they must try to unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary romance before it's too late.

Genres: Drama, Romance and Remake

Running Time: 1 hr. 38 min.

Release Date: June 16th, 2006 (wide)

MPAA Rating: PG for some language and a disturbing image.

Distributors: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

U.S. Box Office: $51,919,822

Starring: Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Dylan Walsh, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Christopher Plummer
Directed by: Alejandro Agresti
Proced by: Mary McLaglen, Erwin Stoff, Bruce Berman

④ 求助!求大师给个英文经典电影的PPT赏析 比如战争之王。魔戒。霍比特人等类型的 ~ 急求~~~


⑤ 跪求一部用英文介绍电影的PPT,在线坐等,急切!


⑥ 急需用英语介绍电影《无间道》的PPT,谢谢~~

Buddhist Departed eight among the most painful hell. The film "Infernal Affairs" as the title, apparently pregnant with meaning. Two identities should not have to belong to their own people, they live in almost a similar seamless hell environmental dream afraid that people expose their own identity. In this world, in the end what is the truth of life, the truth in life, the role of loss is the choreographer on the issue discussed. Enter the seamless hell no reincarnation, only to suffer forever but the two main characters in the film, but in seeking the reincarnation. 1991, 18-year-old member of triad society Liu Jianming (Andy Lau) to obey Brother Protagonist (Eric Tsang) indicates to enter the Police Academy to learn to become police undercover. While another student in the police academy Yeung-Jen Chen (Tony Leung), by the police arrangement is ostensibly its forced to drop out, in fact, is to let him into the triad when undercover. Liu Jianming, after graating from the police academy smoothly into the police station, and posts rise higher and higher, and has become one of the A-team of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau, to take advantage of opportunities ring this period, he Protagonist provide a lot of intelligence. Yeung-Jen Chen in recent years has been the Protagonist's initial trust, but As the Protagonist cases do not always break, he only ever stay in the gang, only yellow police inspector (Anthony Wong) and his one-way communication. One night in 2002, according to Yeung-Jen Chen undercover intelligence informed a group of drugs is about trading, while trading one of Protagonist, but Liu Jianming timely message to the Protagonist it managed to escape, but both sides found their own internal club "the ghost", began a fierce arena began for. In the final outcome, the two sides, "the ghost" recognize their own identity, but Liu Jianming one step ahead of Yeung-Jen Chen, already in police files deleted, but retained before deleting a backup, password girlfriend Mary birthday. After pondering, Liu Jianming decided to be a good person, and give him a chance request Yeung-Jen Chen, Yeung-Jen Chen letter, on Liu Jianming. Last Yeung-Jen Chen died in a the Protagonist another police undercover gun under Liu Jianming killed that shot undercover. Yeung-Jen Chen sacrifice identity replies, everyone respects him.

⑦ 英文电影介绍PPT

Bladerunner Screenshot Analysis PPT

⑧ 英语课要用ppt介绍一部电影,要怎么做















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