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发布时间:2024-09-25 20:48:16

Ⅰ 苔丝的英文简介

Hardy (1840-1928) is an outstanding English realistic novelist and poet. Born in a small village adjacent to the Waste Land of Dorset. As an apprentice in his youth, he taught himself Latin, Greek and theological works.

He studied French at London University and began to write literature at the same time.

Tess is the representative work of Thomas Hardy, an outstanding British critical realist writer at the end of the 19th century. This novel establishes his position as the most outstanding British critical realist writer at the end of the 19th century.

Hardy wrote 14 novels in his lifetime, including Return of the Native, Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. He also wrote four short stories, eight lyrics and the epic The Kings.

Hardy's novels mostly reflect the changes of social economy, politics, morality, customs and the tragic fate of the people caused by the invasion of capitalist forces into English rural towns, expose the hypocrisy of the suffocating bourgeois moral and legal concepts, and eulogize the instrious, simple, honest and kind of the working people.

Tess, a beautiful and kind-hearted rural girl, was ravaged by the bourgeois young master, Ariel D'Urberville. From then on, she began to fall into the abyss of pain. Later she met Claire and they really loved each other.

On her wedding night, Tess told Claire about her tragic past in order to be loyal to her husband. In return, she left relentlessly. Forced by a difficult life, Tess fell into the hands of Are again. At this time, the return of Claire made Tess feel extremely desperate.

In order to live with her loved ones, she killed Ale, who brought endless pain to herself. A few days later, Tess was arrested and sentenced to death for murder. Clare followed Tess's instructions and started a new life with her sister.

In fact, Tess's tragedy is the result of many factors. First of all, Tess herself was a kind, innocent and rambling girl who had the courage to take responsibility.

When the family was in a bad state and had to turn to the so-called "Debo" family for help, Tess went to Tranland alone to take care of her family's livelihood.

After being insulted, she decided to leave again; she loved her family and children.

Tess was willing to continue to wronged herself for her parents, brothers and sisters, and to baptize her children after being insulted. Although she occasionally felt painful for herself as a "mother of a nameless child", she still "treated everything with peace of mind".

At the same time, Tess is also a brave pursuit of self-love. Although she was born in the countryside, she was different from those who lived in the countryside. In this land, most women think of marrying a rich family or clinging to a prestigious aristocrat.

Tess was different. She did not like Ariel and refused to be his mistress. Even though she was insulted and her reputation was damaged, she still firmly believed in herself.

Her love for Claire was unflinching. Although she had repeated her experience as a milkman in the dairy farm, when Claire found her again, she decided to leave with him.

However, from another point of view, Tess has her own hesitation and procrastination. Her deferral is different from the collapse of Hamlet's humanistic beliefs, but comes from the restraint of patriarchal ideas.

Tess's pursuit of love often wavered between the female independence under the humanistic belief and the fetters of patriarchal women.

The hardship of her family requires her to shoulder the responsibility of raising her family, which prevents her further pursuit of self-happiness. Humanistic beliefs also tell her that self-happiness is equally important.

Her love for Claire was influenced by her social attitudes, and her humanistic beliefs made her realize that she did not need to worry about the concept of family status.

Social morality is that she once considered herself a "sinner" and couldn't get the love she deserved. Then she cowered in Claire's repeated pursuits and consciously betrayed him.
















Ⅱ 急求欧美电影《新娘靠边站》的英文观后感

Going against the grain of all those stereotypical sex object or saintly roles that actresses usually get stuck with in movies, Katherine Heigl is definitely into trying out what's new and different, and we're not just talking dresses. And whether or not those characters signify any improvement, Heigl doesn't mind at all doing unattractive, so the heck with vanity. Moving on from her cranky nag in Knocked Up (one of two first-date Fertile Myrtles on the screen last year, along with Ellen Page in Juno), Heigl conversely gets immersed in the role of your typical self-effacing female doormat for Anne Fletcher's 27 Dresses.

Heigl is oddly, far-from-it plain Jane, a lonelyhearts Manhattan office drudge who's got a heavy ty longtime secret crush on her handsome boss George (Edward Burns). She goes so far to prove it with devoted rituals like fetching his favorite burrito every morning, but the only emotion she sparks in the clueless honcho is appreciation. Jane deals with her frustrated romantic longings by living vicariously through other women's lives. Specifically, by sorting out all the wedding details of twenty-seven girlfriends so far, and signing up for bridesmaid ty at each ceremony. And she's got a closetful of over two dozen of among the most outlandish of those bridesmaid gowns to prove it. Fashion police be forewarned.

Jane is so entirely self-effacing and focused on the needs of others in the extreme, that she'll even lift up the gown of an intended bride so she can pee properly into the toilet before taking those vows, you can't find a better pal than that. But Jane's mostly dreary, quick-fixed fantasy wedding revelry rounds are rudely shaken up when her globe-trotting man magnet sister Tess (Malin Akerman) arrives in town, and makes moves on George.

Quicker than you can say 27 Dresses, Tess has got the boss prepped for walking down the aisle with her, though the covert swinger has got to do a quickie personality makeover to convince him that she's marriage material. And Jane, who's been doing the supremely servile underling routine for so long, finds herself suddenly pushed out of the picture like a starter wife who's just been tossed aside for a more sective model.

There's also an annoying newspaper wedding column writer Kevin (James Marsden) who starts snooping around, after getting wind of Jane's unhealthy wedding obsessions, and he's sensing a big breakout story there for his career. But much like her character in Knocked Up, Heigl just can't seem to keep her distance from guy trouble or her libido in check, every time she hits the booze at a convenient bar in the vicinity. Akerman too drags a bit of her persona from her last movie into yet another messy triangle touching on wedding blues, with her repugnant hottie in The Heartbreak Kid.

27 Dresses lacks the kind of bracing satire we'd expect from the screenwriter, The Devil Wears Prada's Aline Brosh McKenna. Here, the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge. A couple of well-aimed jabs at the ostentatious consumerism of the wedding instry might have made a big difference. On the plus side, are the bizarre array of those 27 dresses in question that, who knows, could add some festive spark as recycled ornate rags for a future Mardi Gras or other down the line.
面对粮食所有这些定型性对象或圣洁的角色,女演员通常会停留在电影,凯瑟琳海格尔肯定是到尝试什么新的不同的,我们不只是谈论衣服。而不论这些特点意味着任何改善,琳海格并不介意在所有做吸引力,因此,赫克与虚荣心。谈到她的怪僻的唠叨在拆装最多(其中两个第一日期肥沃Myrtles在屏幕上,去年海伦一起在朱诺页) ,海格尔反过来沉浸在获得中的作用典型的自我谦逊的女性门垫安妮弗莱彻的27服饰。

海格尔是奇怪的是,远离它素雅,一个lonelyhearts曼哈顿的办公室做苦工谁是获得重型长期秘密爱恋她漂亮的老板乔治(爱德华伯恩斯) 。她竟然以证明它用于宗教仪式想取他最喜欢的burrito每天早上,但她只有情感的火花在本町是一无所知的赞赏。简涉及她沮丧的浪漫憧憬的生活间接通过其他妇女的生活。具体来说,通过清理所有婚礼的细节07年的女友,到目前为止,并签署了伴娘工作地点在每个仪式。而她的closetful了超过24个的最古怪的伴娘礼服证明这一点。时装警察警告。


速度比你可以说27服饰,苔丝得到老板准备向走在走道她,但暗中赶时髦得到做quickie人格改变说服他,她的婚姻材料。和Jane ,谁做的超级奴役下属例行这么长时间,突然发现自己挤出图片像一个入门的妻子谁是刚刚被抛弃一个更诱人的模式。



Ⅲ 英文赏析《简爱》《苔丝》主要情节和评论。

plot:Jane's parents sojourn in uncle's early death, aunt, uncle fell-ill and take her to the orphanage and came to SangEn reinfeldt's hero, when Mr Rochester, McMaster home tutor, and Mr Rochester temper outlandish, after several contact, Jane fell in love with him. In their wedding, mason the intruder pointed out the castle hovels of attic mad woman is Mr Rochester, McMaster wife, Jane reluctant as mistress, left SangEn reinfeldt's. Came to a remote place in the minister's help find a village teacher occupation. The priest put forward to Jane when he got married, she thought Mr Rochester, McMaster. When SangEn reinfeldt's back when the castle is in ruins. Jane to Mr Rochester, McMaster live Finn, cubed Mr Rochester, McMaster rush toward the arms of...
Young country girl Tess Durbyfield goes to work for her aristocratic relatives, the D'Urbervilles, in an attempt at helping her family to raise some money. Her cousin Alec falls in love with her and seces/rapes her. Written by Anonymous
This made-for-T.V. movie is based very closely on Thomas Hardy's novel. The film stars Teresa "Tess" Derbeyfield, the sinister Alec D'Urbervilles, and the handsome Angel Clair, with the bleak background of rural Victorian England. Follow Tess through her life, starting as a young and naive sixteen-year-old who knows nothing of the world outside her own home. Follow her as she meets people in her search for job that will change her life forever. When she goes to work for a distant relative, Alec, he falls in love with her and seces her. When she flees to work as a farmhand, she thought she would escape her troubles and have a chance at happiness. There she falls in love with Angel, and he with her. Watch as a dark love story unfolds between an unlikely couple and how poor Tess deals with the tragic events of her life, trying desperately to deal with fragility of her happiness.

Ⅳ 德伯家的苔丝英文

德伯家的苔丝英文是Blowing in the Wind

上周读完《苔丝》,一直想说点儿什么,后来竟失语了。《苔丝》这样的书,以前从来没有卒读,现在想来是那时看不懂。现在也没有读懂多少,但是也足以让人失语。若说现在有什么渴望,就是渴望自己的笔,能像哈代一样一点不差地勾勒出苦难,就用哈代那样单纯的笔触。 最大的苦难不是当事人觉知的苦难,是当事人根本不能觉知的苦难。


可是哈代绝不,似乎他也怜惜笔下的人,长夜未央,先让这个苦难的精灵快乐一会儿吧。苔丝和Alec 的交集埋下了她一生苦难的种子。这一段落结束的部分最精彩,就是苔丝决定回自己家,她告诉Alec,有两句话实在太精彩,一是说,如果我曾经爱你,那么我现在就不会如此痛恨自己。











安吉尔抛下苔丝远走巴西,实质是什么?苔丝被实实在在地遗弃了,被自己的丈夫,被自己愿意用生命挚爱的人。可能有人可以指责Alec 是个坏人,可是很难指责阿吉尔也是坏人。安吉尔是那样的驯良又自然,完全是神仙眷属中的男主角。可是,就苔丝的一生来讲,最悲剧的部分甚至不是遇到Alec,而是遇到安吉尔。到此,已经有些伤心得写不下去了。


他不保护,不承担,不提供任何支持。可是,苔丝还是爱安吉尔,用生命去等待,去忍耐,等待他回心转意。最高潮的部分是苔丝在和Alec 重逢,被Alec纠缠不休后第一次给安吉尔写信,这是在孩子夭折后苔丝这样一个逆来顺受的弱者的第二次呼喊:你快回来吧,来保护我。这也是她最后一次的呼求。

这本书最精彩的在于,似乎作者从来不在意情节的展开和铺排,笔触愿意在哪儿停留就在哪儿停留。到这里,故事的高潮似乎还没有到来,但是文章的篇幅已经几乎用尽了。接下来的情节是苔丝因为家里情况所迫,父死,全家被赶出原有的房子,在不得已的情况下接受了一直追求她的Alec 的资助,和自己最不喜欢的Alec 在一起。

然后,这时候,收到了信的安吉尔回来找她了。两个人的会面是在苔丝和Alec 的住所,对于苔丝来讲,最不可能发生的事情发生了。她是在对安吉尔彻底绝望之后才在新的现实中找到了自己的位置,可安吉尔是她此生的理想。





如果不遇到Alec 和安吉尔,她的命运是否有被改写的机会?可是什么都没有发生。胡适说:“善恶皆不朽。”这句话我引用过很多次。因为它可以时刻提醒自己对社会和他人可能产生的影响。


Ⅳ 苔丝英文剧情简介

Young country girl Tess Durbyfield goes to work for her aristocratic relatives, the D'Urbervilles, in an attempt at helping her family to raise some money. Her cousin Alec falls in love with her and seces/rapes her. Written by Anonymous
This made-for-T.V. movie is based very closely on Thomas Hardy's novel. The film stars Teresa "Tess" Derbeyfield, the sinister Alec D'Urbervilles, and the handsome Angel Clair, with the bleak background of rural Victorian England. Follow Tess through her life, starting as a young and naive sixteen-year-old who knows nothing of the world outside her own home. Follow her as she meets people in her search for job that will change her life forever. When she goes to work for a distant relative, Alec, he falls in love with her and seces her. When she flees to work as a farmhand, she thought she would escape her troubles and have a chance at happiness. There she falls in love with Angel, and he with her. Watch as a dark love story unfolds between an unlikely couple and how poor Tess deals with the tragic events of her life, trying desperately to deal with fragility of her happiness. Written by Jess



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