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发布时间:2024-09-23 16:44:28

㈠ 书店与电影院相邻吗中泽英语

Is the bookstore next to the cinema?

㈡ 你现在在电影院和书店的旁边,然后你直走到了十字路口你就会看见邮局在你的左边。你再往左转直走你就会看

You are now at the cinema and next to the bookstore, then you go straight to the crossroads and you will see the post office on your left. You then turn left and you will see the school on your left

You are now at the cinema and next to the bookstore, then you go straight to the crossroads and you will see the post office on your left. You then turn left and you will see the school on your right.

㈢ 打扰一下,书店在医院前面,电影院在邮局后面,用英语怎么表示

excuse,me bookstore is in front of the hospital. cinema is behind the post office

㈣ 电影院在书店前面。用英语怎么说。

The theater is in front of the bookshop.

㈤ 书店在电影院前面。英语句子怎么拼

The bookstore is in front of the cinema

㈥ 书店在电影院的旁边的英文

—— 英文:The bookstore is next to the cinema。

㈦ 而书店的隔壁就是电影院的英文

And the next door to the bookstore is the cinema.

㈧ 英语的写作假如你是李涛,你明天上午准备去书店买一本词典,书店在电影院的旁边

If you are Li Tao, you are going to buy a dictionary in the bookstore tomorrow morning.

㈨ 想知道电影院是否在书店前面,用英语应问

I wonder whether the cinema is in front of the bookstore.



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