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发布时间:2024-09-21 09:32:13

❶ 用英文介绍一部英文电影,急!!!!!!!!

比如说用功夫熊猫这部电影。hello,everyone.i will introce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.

❷ 美国电影《弱点》的英文影评和梗概

Watching The Blind Side, you could be forgiven for thinking you'd fallen into an alternative universe where the Republicans are still in charge in America. Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne Touhy, a larger than life Momzilla, and blonde sub-species of the genus Sarah palinus. She's almost as funny as Tina Fey doing her dead on impression of the former Governor of Alaska, with lines like "I'm in a prayer group with the D.A., I'm a member of the NRA and I'm always packing," delivered absolutely straight. Until you realise we're meant to be rooting for her. Leigh Anne is an interior decorator with a penchant for sentimental gold tat and a heart to match. When she sees that a po' black kid at her children's school is effectively homeless, she takes him in and in her no-nonsense fashion shapes him into a professional-calibre American football player. This is a true story - the real Michael Oher currently plays for the Baltimore Ravens, having been legally adopted by the Touhys (don't expect to hear much from Leigh Anne's hubby, by the way, he's the strong silent type) at high-school age.

❸ 电影《音乐之声》的英文介绍(150字内)

This film is a triumph in all departments. Every aspect, from the cinematography to the acting, the sets to the costumes, the music, choreography, script, is top notch. While the film is family friendly and has a sweet story, it is constantly amazing the way people attack it as saccharine and sugary. This can certainly be said of the stage show, but the movie version has been carefully proced to provide a more well-rounded vision. Ernest Lehman worked wonders with the underdeveloped and unremarkable dialogue of the play. He inserted so many moments of wit, humor, romance and poignancy that are nowhere in sight in the original. the art directors purposefully chose muted settings and colors. Each of the actors bent over backwards to provide a brilliant performance. Andrews is already down in history for the performance of a lifetime (and a voice to match), but Plummer is not to be forgotten. Not only is he regal and handsome, but his decision to play the Captain as a complex, sophisticated man with a sly dose of sarcasm was wonderful. His steely, stern persona is eventually melted down by the irrepressible Andrews to great effect. Every supporting performance is also delivered with the right amount of appeal, humor or menace as called for in the script. However, the one that takes the cake....that amazes each time, is the slinky, catty, toweringly glamorous Parker as Baroness Schraeder. Wisely, her songs were cut, further separating her from all the glee around her, so that she could whip out such zingers as "Why didn't you tell me....to bring along my harmonica?" or when she's told that Andrews may not make a great nun, "If you need anything, I'd be happy to help you." The character is given a much more polished and integral position in the film versus the stage and virtually every line of her dialogue (unlike in the play) is a howler. Though Wood was lovely in her role as the Mother Abbess, it was Parker who should have gotten an Oscar nod....and WON! Every expression, every syllable, every glance belies the decades of experience Parker gained as a leading lady ring the 40's and 50's. Her clothes by Dorothy Jeakins are awe-inspiring. This type of film-making is GONE. The location photography, the simplicity of story and design, the sheer good-spiritedness of it all...they just can't do this anymore. Thankfully, there's this flawless gem to turn to when one just want to feel good. But saccharine? No..... Compare this to other beloved musicals with their garish colors and sugary story lines ("Seven Brides...", "Singin' in the Rain", "...Molly Brown", "The Music Man", to name just a few...) They are all highly enjoyable, but are hardly less sweet than this! Just one word.....Nazis!! Though virtually everyone knows the outcome, there is still genuine suspense at the climax of "The Sound of Music". The film has it all.

❹ 美国电影《弱点》的英文影评和梗概


The film tells of a homeless African American boy, Michael och, who was an orphan since childhood and met the kind Mrs. Taoxi. With the help of the latter, he finally became the first selected player of the American National Football League.



This is a typical American theme film. Although it has its hypocritical side, it really moves people's hearts. It uses an ordinary person's personalized road of success to interpret the level of social development and national feelings.







❺ 请介绍十部英文电影

乱世佳人》 《罗马假日》 《角斗士》 《爱国者》 《魂断蓝桥》 《指环王》(任意一部) 《黑客帝国》(任意一部)《珍珠港》 《哈里波特》

1.燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall 1994
关于成长,亲情和爱情的故事 是一幅波澜壮阔的美国西部画卷,一部经典的唯美派电影,一个恍如隔世的成人童话。
主演:Brad Pitt
Anthony Hopkins(安东尼· 霍普金斯,英国演员,主演过出演过《教父》三部曲。获得2006年第63届金球奖终身成就奖( Award),绝对的好莱坞老牌巨星)

2.肖申克的救赎(The Shawshank Redemption,1994)
主演:Morgan Freeman( 摩根 弗里曼)
Tim Robbins (蒂姆 罗宾斯)

3.变脸 (Face Off,又译夺面双雄,1997)
主演:Nicolas Cage(尼古拉斯·凯奇)
John Travolta(约翰·特拉沃尔塔)

4. 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump(1994 )
经典台词:“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”(生活就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道你会得到什么。)
主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯

又译《逍遥法外》Catch Me if You Can (2002)
主演:Tom Hanks
Leonardo Dicaprio6.泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)
Kate Winslet 凯特·温斯莱特 7. A Beautiful Mind 美丽心灵 (2001)
主演:Russell Crowe 罗素·克罗
8. 这个杀手不太冷 Léon (1994)
主演: 让·雷诺 Jean Reno
娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman

❻ 美国电影血族第一季的英文介绍

A Boeing 767-300ER arrives at JFK and is taxiing its way across the tarmac when it suddenly stops. All window shades are closed except one, the lights are out, and communication channels have gone silent. An alert is sent to the CDC. Dr. Ephraim "Eph" Goodweather, head of the CDC Canary project, a rapid-response team that handles biological threats, is assigned and sent to investigate. Goodweather and Dr. Nora Martinez board the plane, finding everyone except four people dead. In a pawnshop in Spanish Harlem, former history professor and Holocaust survivor Abraham Setrakian knows something terrible has happened and that an unnatural war is brewing. So begins a battle of mammoth proportions as the vampiric virus that has infected the passengers begins spilling out onto New York City's streets. Dr. Goodweather, who is joined by Setrakian and a small band of fighters, desperately tries to stop the contagion to save the city, and also his wife and son.
(from wikipedia)

❼ 急求《阿甘正传》英文简介

Forrest Gump is a film directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright. It was released in the United States on July 6, 1994。


The film is adapted from the 1986 novel of the same name by American writer Winston Groom.


Described the congenital mentally handicapped small town boy Forrest Gan unremitting self-improvement, and finally "stupid people have silly blessing" to get God's blessing, in a number of fields to create miracles of the inspirational story。


After the film was released, in 1995, it won the Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director and other 6 awards。




阿甘说,他的名字是妈妈根据美国内战英雄Nathan Bedford Forrest将军起的。1866年,美国一些内战退伍老兵组建了一个暴力仇恨团体Klu Klux Klan,也就是俗称的三K党。1867年,三K党召开全国大会,这位Nathan Bedford Forrest将军被推举为他们的全国领导人。



这个年轻人就是Elvis Presley,又被称为“猫王”。在五、六十年代的美国,猫王是当之无愧的流行音乐之王。电影里的年轻人弹唱的那首《Hound Dog》也正是猫王的代表作。而阿甘“传授”给他的扭胯舞,也是猫王最标志性的舞步。






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