⑴ SEATS是什么意思
SEATS是一个英文词汇,主要与座位相关。当飞机准备起飞时,乘务员会提醒你"Please fasten your seat belt",即系好安全带,确保舒适和安全。在剧院或电影院,"The usher handed the patron to a reserved seat"表示引座员会引领你到预先订好的座位上,而个人偏好可能包括"Window seat is my preference",即偏爱靠窗的位置。
SEATS也用于描述问题的根源,如"The causes of the trouble are seated deep"意味着问题的深层次原因。在社交场合,"She rose from her seat to protest"表明某人起身表达反对或意见。如果你想安排旅行,"I'd like to reserve a seat on the 9:30 train to Warsaw"是预定火车座位的常用表达。最后,"John was seated on her left"描述的是某人坐在另一个人的左侧。
⑵ 这家电影院有最差的服务,但是他们有最舒服的座位,用英语怎么说
This film is the worst service ,but they have best seat
⑶ 那个电影院有最舒坦的座位。英语翻译要最高级
There are the most comfortable seats in that cinema.
⑷ 哪个电影院有最舒适的座位的英语
movie theater
⑸ 我想问几句关于电影院的英文
what time is the latest ticket for XXX.
Do you have any ticket forXXX.
is there any ticket left for XXX.
⑹ 这家电影院里的座位是所有当中最舒适的用英语怎莫说
The seats in this cinema are most comfortable of all.
Of all movie theatres , the seats in this one are coziest.
⑺ 这家电影院里的座位是所有当中最舒服的用英语怎么写
The house in the cinema is the most comfortable search.
⑻ 电影院英文。 近的英文 座位英文
⑼ 这里最好的电影院是哪个 呃……电影世界。那里的座位是使人舒服的。翻译成英语,谢谢。
What 's the best cinema here?
Um,the Movie World.The seats there are comfortable.