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发布时间:2024-09-20 16:09:35

A. 求电影《女王》的完整英文字幕


B. 女王电影 英文观后感 在线等

This rates as high as it does for me because of the cinematography. It is dazzling and Blanchett can't be denied, but "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" is like a chick-flick with explosions plus costumes, super hair, and loud, intrusive music. The result is faux epic.

My wife summed it up well as we left the theater: "I feel like I've just flipped through a coffee table picture book for two hours and somebody turned up the stereo." History wrote this plot but Nicholson and Hirst thought they could do better. They couldn't, or certainly didn't. Freshmen composition classes come up with better stuff. Trite, forced, predictable. Did they even run this by an expert in English history? You gotta wonder. The script is oozing with 21st century mores and clichés. It made me think (ring the movie, mind you) of the way Dutch painters depicted Homer and Aristotle in the garb of 17th century Holland. Are we that mb? Sir Walter Raleigh is a caricature and Sir Francis Drake, never properly introced, was a throwaway. Geoffrey Rush is wasted as Walsingham. Come to think of it, nearly everybody is wasted. Every single character is underdeveloped, with the possible exception of the title character—possible exception.

"Golden Age" set the target high and then turned and fired in the opposite direction. Realizing the script had missed, Director tried to make up for it with window dressing. Substance would have served this queen better. With the colon in the title, I almost expected to see Bruce Willis saving the day.

You can see why "Golden Age" came out in October because it's not going to compete for Oscars in categories that anybody cares about. With all the budget they had for this movie, you'd Universal could have found better writers.

C. 求中英文字幕的电影《女王》海伦米伦演的

女王 The Queen

导演: 斯蒂芬·弗雷斯

编剧: 皮特·摩根
主演: 海伦·米伦 / 麦克·辛 / 詹姆斯·克伦威尔 / 阿历克斯·杰宁斯 / 安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞
类型: 剧情 / 传记
制片国家/地区: 英国 / 法国 / 意大利
语言: 英语 / 法语 / 德语
上映日期: 2006-09-15(英国)
片长: 103 分钟
又名: 英女皇(港) / 黛妃与女皇(台)

D. 女王电影 英文观后感 如题请不要瞎写

Let's start by saying that the film itself is a perfect reflection of the days we live in.A deep human drama with a tabloid sensibility.A tradition that's lasted over a thousand years shaken by a world who demands public spectacle.Humbleness or humiliation?Asks Queen Elizabeth to her Prime Minister.Talk Show audiences wouldn't know the difference and we are all,one way or another,talk show audiences.From Jerry Springer to Oprah Winfrey.How did it really feel like?We all want to know,we all want to see the sorrow,the confession or the denial on the catch of the day's face.Michael Sheen is a adorable,yes I think adorable is the right word,as Tony Blair,the labor link between the people and the monarchy.Helen McCrory as Mrs Blair is another standout.Just look at her walking backwards trying to to be true to royal protocol.I had to adjust to the fact that the Queen Mother was played by Sylvia Syms.Sylvia Syms!Queen Mom,a wonderful old battleship who's seen it all and fought her entire life for things to change so they could stay the same.It is however Helen Mirren,in a performance that could only be described as miraculous,that takes us body and soul through the painful ordeal of those seven days surrounding the death of Princess Diana,the "people's princess" a natural master in a world of tabloids and self humiliation disguised as humbleness.Helen Mirren gives us more than a glimpse into the hermetic heart of a living queen.Not a single false note,not a single cheap shot.A performance that is as poignant as it is entertaining.I was as besotted with Helen's Queen as her Labor Prime Minister was.I can't wait to meet her again.
Was the above ment useful to you?,4,This rates as high as it does for me because of the cinematography. It is dazzling and Blanchett can't be denied, but "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" is like a chick-flick with explosions plus costumes, s...,0,

E. 求电影《女王》的一段英文台词

Well at least the old bat has finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin.
这个老混蛋,终于答应参加黛安娜送殡When you get it wrong,you really get it wrong...你误会了,你真的误会了
that woman has given her whole life in service to her people. 那个女人,全心全意为她的人民
50 years doing the job,she never wanted...工作了50年,做一个她永远都不愿做的工作a job she watched kill her father...她目睹自己父亲死于这个工作she's executed it with honour, dignity,
and as far as I could tell...
without a single blemish, and now we're all baying for her blood.
All because she's struggling
to lead the world in mourning
for someone who threw everything
she offered back in her face.
and who for the last few years
seemed commited 24/7
to destroying everything
she holds most dear.

F. 电影“女王”里的经典台词


布莱尔:这不是关键 她所做的是很了不起的










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