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发布时间:2024-09-11 13:50:45

① 阿甘正传英文读后感 150字左右

The lines touching me most in the book is ‘My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get.’
Yes, life is full of uncertainty & puzzle. For someone, they wish to have the power to forecast future. Because they can be well prepare for the opportunities and challenges and even know the lucky numbers of lottery beforehand. But for me, I don’t want to have such ‘ability’ at all. Life is a mystery and everyone has his own way. I enjoy the surprise of receiving gift from my classmates on my birthday and running into an old friend on the street in another city, etc. There are so many amazing incidents in my life which can’t be happen if I have the power to forecast the future.
To Forrest Gump, who was born with intellectual disturbance and muscle problem in his leg, he never imagined that he could become a famous American football player, a war hero and even a millionaire. Forrest won dignity and respect though his strive and perseverance.
I believe I can make a better life for those I love though my own effort. Have a little faith for your life. Let’s enjoy our life everyday with dignity, honesty, braveness and love just like Forrest Gump!
整部电影最让我感触最深的一句话就是“生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出乎你的意料。” 是的,生活充满了不确定性和难题。对一些人来说,他们希望自己拥有预测未来的能力。因为他们可以为迎接机遇和挑战做足充分准备,甚至可以提前知道彩票的幸运数字。 但对于我来说,我实在不希望拥有这样的“能力”。生活本就神秘莫测,每个人都有他自己的道路。生日时收到同学送来的礼物或是在另外一个城市遇到老朋友时的惊喜都让我十分地享受。在我的生活中有许多令人惊喜的小插曲,假如我有预测未来的能力,它们就都不会发生了。 对阿甘来说,他出生时有智力障碍和腿部的肌肉问题,他从没想到过自己竟然能够成为橄榄球运动员、战争英雄和百万富翁。他通过自己的努力奋斗和不屈不挠赢得了尊严和别人的尊重。

② 《阿甘正传》英文观后感什么



Life is like a box of chocolates

——The review of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a famous film which won a high reputation , it’s tell us a story of a low IQ boy’s unexpected and legendary life. In the film, Forrest’s IQ only had 75 lower than normal people, but he graated from the university,participated in the Vietnam War, took part in Table Tennis Competition in China as diplomatic envoy, became a millionaire...

“If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs. “ God is so fair. Forrest met lots of accidents and every accident fortunately achieve him. I think nothing is predestined except death. Just like Gump's mother did not know that she will be his mother,just like Forrest did not know that God gave him only 75 IQ,just like Lt. Dan Taylor did not know he had to enre the pain of losing legs...

Tom Hanks who played Forrest Gump said “our destiny is only defined by how we deal with the chance element to our life.” When we face our life,maybe we should have this preparation---“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.”






扮演阿甘正传的汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)说:“我们的命运仅取决于我们如何处理生活中的机会因素。”当我们面对自己的生活时,也许我们应该做好准备-“生活就像一盒巧克力。您永远都不知道会得到什么。”

③ 美国电影《阿甘正传》的英语观后感不可以超过1000字急

When I first saw this movie I didn't appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didn’t get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again.
What an amazing and moving story. That movie teaches you so much about life and the meaning of it. That life isn't as bad as most people feel. Forrest Gump, the innocent man can impact so many lives with his innocence. The meaning of the movie to me is that everyone needs to have a better outlook on life. That we need to appreciate more of the little things and not let the big things hold us back. Although life may throw us trials and tribulations like a box of chocolates, we just have to bite into it and get through it even if we don't like it.
I just love this movie. And anyone who hasn't seen it or who thinks that don't like it I seriously suggest seeing it or seeing it again. It truly is amazing...

④ 《阿甘正传》的英文版观后感

鄙人只是借鉴众人满意的回答来发给楼主 希望是楼主满意
Review On Forrest Gump

I've never met anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before, and for that matter I've never seen a movie quite like "Forrest Gump." Any attempt to describe him will risk making the movie seem more conventional than it is, but let me try. It's a comedy, I guess. Or maybe a drama. Or a dream.

The screenplay by Eric Roth has the complexity of modern fiction, not the formulas of modern movies. Its hero, played by Tom Hanks, is a thoroughly decent man with an IQ of 75, who manages between the 1950s and the 1980s to become involved in every major event in American history. And he survives them all with only honesty and niceness as his shields.

And yet this is not a heartwarming story about a mentally retarded man. That cubbyhole is much too small and limiting for Forrest Gump. The movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are. Watch him carefully and you will understand why some people are criticized for being "too clever by half." Forrest is clever by just exactly enough.

Tom Hanks may be the only actor who could have played the role.

I can't think of anyone else as Gump, after seeing how Hanks makes him into a person so dignified, so straight-ahead. The per formance is a breathtaking balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths.

Forrest is born to an Alabama boardinghouse owner (Sally Field) who tries to correct his posture by making him wear braces, but who never criticizes his mind. When Forrest is called "stupid," his mother tells him, "Stupid is as stupid does," and Forrest turns out to be incapable of doing anything less than profound. Also, when the braces finally fall from his legs, it turns out he can run like the wind.

That's how he gets a college football scholarship, in a life story that eventually becomes a running gag about his good luck. Gump the football hero becomes Gump the Medal of Honor winner in Vietnam, and then Gump the Ping-Pong champion, Gump the shrimp boat captain, Gump the millionaire stockholder (he gets shares in a new "fruit company" named Apple Computer), and Gump the man who runs across America and then retraces his steps.

It could be argued that with his IQ of 75 Forrest does not quite understand everything that happens to him. Not so. He understands everything he needs to know, and the rest, the movie suggests, is just surplus. He even understands everything that's important about love, although Jenny, the girl he falls in love with in grade school and never falls out of love with, tells him, "Forrest, you don't know what love is." She is a stripper by that time.

The movie is ingenious in taking Forrest on his tour of recent American history. The director, Robert Zemeckis, is experienced with the magic that special effects can do (his credits include the "Back to the Future" movies and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"), and here he uses computerized visual legerdemain to place Gump in historic situations with actual people.

Forrest stands next to the schoolhouse door with George Wallace, he teaches Elvis how to swivel his hips, he visits the White House three times, he's on the Dick Cavett show with John Lennon, and in a sequence that will have you rubbing your eyes with its realism, he addresses a Vietnam-era peace rally on the Mall in Washington. Special effects are also used in creating the character of Forrest's Vietnam friend Lt. Dan (Gary Sinise), a Ron Kovic type who quite convincingly loses his legs.

Using carefully selected TV clips and bbed voices, Zemeckis is able to create some hilarious moments, as when LBJ examines the wound in what Forrest describes as "my butt-ox." And the biggest laugh in the movie comes after Nixon inquires where Forrest is staying in Washington, and then recommends the Watergate. (That's not the laugh, just the setup.) As Forrest's life becomes a guided tour of straight-arrow America, Jenny (played by Robin Wright) goes on a parallel tour of the counterculture. She goes to California, of course, and drops out, tunes in, and turns on. She's into psychedelics and flower power, antiwar rallies and love-ins, drugs and needles. Eventually it becomes clear that between them Forrest and Jenny have covered all of the landmarks of our recent cultural history, and the accommodation they arrive at in the end is like a dream of reconciliation for our society. What a magical movie.


⑤ 求一篇阿甘正传的300词左右的英文观后感要求有中文解释


To be honest, this is the first time I ever write a review of a movie. And this beginning is a tough one—with an Oscar winner as its subject, surrounding which there is considerably controversy over the values it has questioned, the thoughts it tried to implicitly convey, and the art of the movie itself.
Forrest Gump mould incarnation of virtue is honest keeping one’s word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to motioning among film. In the film, Forrest Gump is a very pure image, but Jenny has become the degenerate symbol . And write the great discrepancy originally in this. To all that narrated, since beginning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having even joined poesy composition, this makes the film seem soft and have no injury. The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment. Make film apt to accept by people, director superb lay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too. Success with commercial for film content of the film has given security, and the treatment on director’s art makes the film more excellent, this is reason that the film succeeds. It was the box-office hits the most in that year to become U.S.A. in < Forrest Gump>.

阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人,通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!


⑥ 阿甘正传 的影评。英文100词左右

The film shows kindness, warmth, touched the best things in the hearts of the audience.

The show is honest, trustworthy, serious, brave, heavy feelings and other beautiful emotions.

Forrest Gump in the film is molded into the incarnation of virtue, honest, trustworthy, serious, brave and pay attention to feelings.

He only knows how to pay people without asking for return, and never mind others' rejection. He is just open-minded and magnanimous in facing life.

He concentrated what little wisdom, faith, and courage he had, and he ran along the road with no regard for anything but instinct.












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