导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 上星期六你看电影了吗英文


发布时间:2024-09-07 18:42:23

A. 我在星期六看了一部电影怎么用英语说

I saw a film on Saturday./I went to cinema on Saturday.
美语:I watched a movie this Saturday.

B. 我想在星期六晚上看电影。用英语怎么说

I want see the film on Saturday night .

C. 为了展示我的诚意,我邀请你周末去看电影英语

Hi, Linda:
Thank you for your kind invitation. I would like to go to the cinema with you on Saturday. However I have got Saturday fully booked. I plan to play football with friends on that morning and going out with friends by bike in the afternoon. I plan to do home work in the evening. Sorry for not being able to join you for the cinema. I wish you a nice time though.

D. 这个星期六你已经安排去看电影,但你的叔叔阿姨要来过周末,因此你父母说你必须在家里,以此写一篇英语

I open to go to a movie ,but ,my uncle and aunt come to my home on weekend ,so,I must stay at home .It's too bad•••••初二学历望采纳

E. 我星期六晚上去看电影,+I'm+going+to什么next什么的格式怎么写

咨询记录 · 回答于2021-10-26

F. 你可以和我在星期六一起去看电影吗英文


can You go to the movies with me on Saturday?



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