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发布时间:2024-09-07 17:31:22

A. 求美剧或英文电影中应聘的剧情,幽默短小精悍的那种


B. 有没有适合配音的英语电影片段,幽默搞笑一点的


C. 有没有谁可以推荐一部短,英文视频,就是比较幽默搞笑的,一定要是3个人的对话。 有人可以帮我在,电影


D. 用英文叙述汤姆和杰瑞这部电影的主要内容

Tom and Jerry

Tom of Tom and Jerry fame must be one of the all time favorite cartoon cats.
This cat and mouse cartoon series kicked of on February 20, 1940 with the short "Puss Gets the Boot". Distributed by MGM, directed by Bill Hanna and Joe Barbera and proced by Rudolf Ising, this Academy Award nominee ran for just over 9 mins. Apart from the cat being referred to as "Jasper" and not Tom, and the mouse not having a name, this first adventure pretty much established the Tom and Jerry format.
Cat views mouse as a tasty snack. Cat chases mouse but is usually outwitted. Plenty of violence, mayhem and destruction. Lots of visual gags, little dialogue. This basically is the formula for every successful cat and mouse animated cartoon, and no other feline and rodent pair were better performers of the formula than Tom and Jerry.
The first series of Tom and Jerry pictures, directed by Hanna and Barbera for MGM, 1940 -1957, were absolute masterpieces of animation. Beautifully drawn, very fast paced action all the way and lovable, likable characters.
Tom nearly always came off the worst in any encounter with cute little Jerry mouse. The cat would often be gullible enough to accept a lighted stick of dynamite from the rodent, stand there admiring it until it exploded, leaving him nothing but a black smudge with a pair of blinking, disbelieving eyes.
Hilariously impossible things happened in these early T&J shorts, the o would hit each other with anything they could lay their hands on, push each other of off buildings, shoot each other and commit every conceivable (and inconceivable) act of violence to their opponent. All this with never a drop of blood, or long term harm!
Wonderful supporting characters appeared in the early Tom and Jerry cartoons. Spike the
Bulldog was a formidable adversary to Tom, who would often beat up on the cat egged on by the crafty little mouse.
The black housekeeper, often referred to as "Mammy Two Shoes", ruled the roost in the household. Mammy was only ever shown from the waist down, she gave a raucous cry of
"Tomassss" whenever she discovered Tom's wrong doings. In today's world, of course, Mammy Two Shoes is considered to be a racist character and so her voice has been bbed over and, in some reissue prints, she has incredibly been replaced by a white maid.
Hanna and Barbera said goodbye to MGM in 1957 when they left to open their own studio. There was no more Tom and Jerry cartoons proced by MGM until 1961 when the studio
commissioned a short series from Czechoslovakia. Unfortunately, this run of animated shorts lacked the finesse, humor and magic of the original series and was never as popular.
n 1975 a new series of Tom and Jerry was made by the Hanna Barbera Studio, who had been able to buy their cat and mouse characters from MGM. This was a made for television run of cartoons and therefor was proced on a very low budget, and it showed. Far too little action, way too much dialogue and a shortage of 'violence' meant that these 48 TV cartoons bore little resemblance to the early series made for theatrical release.
The original T&J cartoons have been criticized by some for their barbarous content and the effect that they may have had on children. It is doubtful whether many kids got the impression that it was OK to act in the way the characters did in these cat and mouse chase adventures.
Tom and Jerry lived in their own world, separate from reality. These animated shorts were made to entertain, and entertain they did.
除了那只猫被称为“水晶”,而不是汤姆,和老鼠没有名字,这个第一个冒险几乎建立了汤姆和杰瑞格式。 猫的观点作为一个美味的小吃。老鼠 猫追老鼠但通常是赢。
大量的暴力、伤害和破坏。 许多视觉笑料,小对话。
这主要是每一个成功的公式《猫与鼠》动画片,没有其它的猫和啮鼠动物对更好的表演者的配方比汤姆和杰瑞。 第一个系列的汤姆和杰瑞图片,导演汉娜和可能为米高梅、1940,是绝对的杰出的动画。 制定优美,非常快节奏行动一路和可爱,可爱的人物。
汤姆几乎总是在任何掉了最坏的遭遇可爱的小杰里的老鼠。 那只猫经常会足以接受易受骗的一根点燃的炸药从贴啮齿动物、站在那里欣赏它直到它爆炸时,留给他的只有一个黑色的污点用一双闪亮,觉得眼睛。
Hilariously不可能的事情发生在这些早期的T&J短裤,二人将打击对方任何他们能下手拿住,相互推动了建筑物、相互残杀,犯下的每一个可能的(和不可思议的)他们的对手的暴力行动。 这一切从来没有一滴血,或长期的伤害!
穗位难缠的对手的牛头犬是汤姆,他经常击败了猫的怂恿下狡猾的小老鼠。 黑色的管家,常常被称为“奶妈两只鞋子”,在househol统治的巢穴

E. 求英语配音片段,两个角色,3分钟以上。电影,动画,美剧片段都可。

《功夫熊猫1》中乌龟和师傅的对话42:35-45:40,刚好三分钟,我觉得那段特别的经典,但是也不乏幽默感~很有哲理~ 或者是po和他爸爸的对话1:07:27-1:09:50,也很不错~
两个人的角色相对较多,很好找的~ 我一般比较喜欢动画,语速相对慢些~

F. 四个人 要模仿英语电影经典片段 求推荐


《海底总动员》Finding Nemo 原片的配音是威尔·史密斯,卡梅隆·迪亚兹等配音的,非常幽默!



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