导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 他们正在讨论最喜欢的电影的英文


发布时间:2024-09-06 13:01:43

A. 他们正在讨论这部电影,用英语怎么说

they're talking about this movie.

B. 定语从句翻译 1.他们正在讨论他们昨天参观的那所学校和老师们 2.这是唯一一只回来的鸽子

1.They are diucussing the school and the teachers in it which they visited yesterday,
2.It is the only pigeon which comes back.
3.Anything he knows is helpful to you.
4.This is the most wonderful film that I have watched this year.
5.You are the second one who knows the secret.
6. We will never the first lesson the teacher gave us.
7.Something he did is useless to himself.
8.Every news he provides is important to our research.
9.All stories he told is the fact.
10.The only thing you can do is to tell us the secret.
11.That wall is part of that red apartment which belongs to Lily.
12.That old man whose hair is white has already been 90 years old.
13. The work which is popular among children is from German.

C. 1.他们正在讨论他们最喜欢的电影 翻译成英文

They are talking about their favorite movies.
They are talking about their favorite movies.



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