导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 我和我的祖国电影台词英文翻译


发布时间:2024-09-06 06:47:36

❶ 我和我的祖国英文版歌词谐音


❷ 我和我的祖国英文歌词

Me and my country can not be separated even for a moment
No matter where I go all out of a hymn
I sing, I sing every one mountain every river
Smoke curl a small village on the road crossings
啦... ...啦... ...
That you use your mother's pulse and I tell
My country and I like the sea, and spray a
Wave is the sea of the newborn baby sea wave that rely on
Whenever the sea I was laughing at the vortex of a smile
I shared with the sea of sadness about it to share the joy of the sea
啦... ...啦... ...
Never mind I Persil Shiba song
Me and my country can not be separated even for a moment
No matter where I go all out of a hymn
I sing, I sing every one mountain every river
Smoke curl a small village on the road crossings
啦... ...啦... ...
Never mind I Persil Shiba song
啦... ...啦... ...
Never mind I Persil Shiba song


若是前者,应该是My motherland and I…;
若是后者,取决于更强调的是“我”还是“我的祖国”分别用me and my motherland和my motherland and me.



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