导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 我和我的爸爸去看电影的英文


发布时间:2024-09-03 10:20:23

『壹』 我早上跟朋友去画画,中午跟爸爸妈妈去看电影,下午我们全家去visit my gra,傍晚我在看

I went to painting with my friends in the morning, at noon with my father and mother to see the film, in the afternoon, our family went to visit my grandparents, in the evening I read books.

『贰』 今天我和爸爸去看电影,的英语怎样写

Today I am going to watch the film with my father.

『叁』 周未我要和爸爸妈妈起去电影院看电影。这句话用英语怎么翻绎

I will/am going to a/the cinema to see a movie/film with my parents at the weekend.

『肆』 爸爸又来带我看电影了。英文

Dad came to take me to see the movie again.

『伍』 今天晚上我要和爸爸妈妈去看电影的英语翻译

I am going to see a film with my parents this evening.

『陆』 周六我和爸爸一起去看电影(英语口语翻译)

I and my father are going to watch a movie on Saturday.

『柒』 英语作文 我的父亲和我

My father and I
My father and I are good friends.We often talk to each other when we are free.My father can always give me good advice." Like father like son".My father is generous and kind.I am very friendly to my classmates,too.So I can always get on well with others.My father and I have the same interests.We both like traveling and seeing movies.We have been to many places,such as,Shanghai,Hongkong,Beijing and so on.On weekends,we often go to the movies.My father loves me and I love my father,too.

『捌』 今天晚上我要和爸爸妈妈去看电影的英语翻译

My parents and I are going to watch movie tonight.
My parents and I will see a film tonoght.
My parents and I are going to cinema tonight.

『玖』 我周末常常和爸爸去看电影。英语翻译

I often go to see movie with my dad on weekends.



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