导航:首页 > 国外大片 > 电影插曲听着就困的英文歌


发布时间:2024-09-03 06:50:15

① 是一首英文歌,是一部很老电影的插曲,女生唱的,很经典的,歌名好像有have,高潮部分歌词有but the sky

我想到一首《There you'll be》,珍珠港主题曲

In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am there you'll be

② 电影里的好听的英文歌。 插曲,主题曲之类。

1.make you feel my love- adele
1.spell-marie digby

1.some one like you-adele
1.the last kiss-Taylor Swift
4.we don't eat-james vincent mcmorrow
5.up in flames-coldplay
6.tonight-lykke li
7.there is a light that never goes out-sara lov
8.the weepies-living in twilight
9.gotta havae you-the weepies
10.the new diana-black box recorder
11.the day i died-just jack
12.take your time-cary brothers


③ 求这部电影中放的英文歌插曲~~~~~~~~~~

"Under the Knife"
Performed by Rise Against

Wake me up inside
Tell me theres a reason
To take another step
To get up off my knees and,
Follow this path of most resistance
And wherever it takes us,
Whatever it faces and wherever it leads,

So wake me when its through
I don't want to feel, the things that you do (The things that you do)
Don't worry I'll be fine
I just don't want this dream, wake me up inside

Something for the pain, just to kill this feeling
Though we look awake, Inside we're all still sleeping
And I've spent my time here alive, but barely there.
Do you believe we will ever make it?
Do you think we'll ever really see?

So wake me when its through
I don't want to feel, the things that you do (The things that you do)
Don't worry I'll be fine
I just don't want this dream, wake me up inside

Wake me up inside
these dreams all die if we let them
wake me up inside
today wont start if we just give in

Just wake me when its through
I don't want to feel, the things that you do (The things that you do)
Don't worry I'll be fine
I just don't want this dream, wake me up inside

"Above and Below"
Performed by The Bravery

Sometimes I feel
Like I wanna leave this place for good
Under the ground
I'll live down there without a sound
And never hear
These hissing voices all the same
I'll disappear
Causing living makes me feel ashamed


I must believe
There's more above us and below
I must believe
Stranded with this bitch called hope
It keeps me here
When all I wanna do is go
It keeps me here
When all I wanna do is disappear

If this is it
When all we have and ever will
If this is it
Time is running out and standing still
I'll leave today
Cause there's nothing left to keep me here
I'll fade away
I'll turn my back and disappear

The city moves
Lunges up right from the ground
The seething Earth
It opens up and spits us out
This vicious child
Nature never wanted us
This vicious child
A cancer burning black into it's heart

If this is it
When all we have and ever will
If this is it
Time is running out and standing still
I'll leave today
Cause there's nothing left to keep me here
I'll fade away
I'll turn my back and disappear

Sometimes I feel
Like I wanna leave this place for good
Under the ground
I'll live down there without a sound
And never hear
These hissing voices all the same
I'll disappear
Causing living makes me feel ashamed

If this is it
When all we have and ever will
If this is it
Time is running out and standing still
I'll leave today
Cause there's nothing left to keep me here
I'll fade away
I'll turn my back and disappear
I'll turn my back and disappear

④ 适合开车听的英文歌 曲子也行 要节奏快点的 就像电影头文字D的插曲一样 听起来有驾驶欲

my only star DBS(听了超high睡不著)
It's OK
supermassive black hole-muse
don't push_me
booty music
epik high - one
Ke$ha-my first kiss
Love The Way You Lie



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